As the two detectives walked towards the prison gates they noticed the Paranormal Police Department was there too, this can't be good. "Damn it all the P.P.D is here but why?" Junior asked. "Some how they got word of Àloe's attack but that's impossible, the two police departments hate each other and foremost if they're working togetherb it's to gang up on you." Takashi said as they stopped and gawked at the gate it's self, the gate had wards and seal protections at the center of it. "This is beyond bad those seals and wards are for demons and demonic presences, someone struck a deal and this prison might be the source of the deal." Junior said has the gates opened and they were met by two P.P.D agents both detectives disliked the P.P.D, they look down on both humans and paranormal beings, countless of times innocents had died in the results of they're carelessness. The agents wore grey suits, black shoes and a red tie one was human and the other was... "A damn vampire!" Han yelled as the vampire agent bared his fangs at the detectives. "Vampires work for the P.P.D now?" Junior asked as he and Takashi braced for a fight but for all they knew, the vampires could have took over and turned all prisoners into vamps. But where is the warden?