Witch Covenant

Agnes looked at the possessed Hilda whose youth has been restored, her dark hair moved on its on accord and her eyes was orange with power. "Who are you demon and why do you possess my fellow witch!?" Agnes asked with rage but Hilda laughed. "Agnes Sweetie calm down now we have plenty to discuss but, this demon only answers to me nothing but its stubborn." Hilda replied as she sat next to Agnes who looked shocked no ever sits next to the head witch. "Hilda you dare disrespect me-" Hilda raised one hand. "Stop right there Agnes babe you see I'm not longer your dog of service, you always treated me unruly despite his loyal was I was. I've stop warlocks from beheading you, traitors from poisoning you, when we was at war with the traitors you sent me to deliver a message." Hilda eyes burned bright orange with rage and the building vibrated, Agnes listened has she dared not interrupt. She's never dealt with this kind of hybrid. "I went and they beat me within an inch of my life those witches told me something, something that you knew Agnes darling but used me instead." Agnes heart thumped against her chest as she knew where the story was going. Agnes grabbed Hilda by this wrist and electricity generated Electrocuting her painfully, Hilda screamed and passed out. "Foolish peasant you might be possessed but I taught you about demons and possession, surely you must forgot."Agnes gloated as she summoned a dagger in her hand. "Foul wretched witch!" Hilda yelled as she levitated her eyes were black which means the demon has came out of its hibernation.

Junior, Alfred and Takashi walked through the forest it was originally Junior and Alfred but Takashi asked to tag along. "So this forest is more dangerous at night but what about the day?" Takashi asked Alfred who replied. "That is a false statement for in the day time anti fairies hunt anyone and anything." Àine spoke up out of curiosity. "What are anti fairies sir?" "Nasty little bastards completely opposite of the original fairy, they cause nothing but bad luck, mischief and other devious acts-." They all stopped and looked at Àine. "Tori come on." Junior slightly yelled and his little sister appeared from behind a tree. "I tired to stop her." Tori said and their father spoke. "No need to explain I knew you two were following us so come along, anti fairies are powerful and can possess a lot of power but they do deal with witches. Well first off the first anti fairy was named Claude he betrayed the fairy society." Àine felt as if she heard of that name before. "The queen of fairies was his lover." Alfred continued as they ventured deeper into the forest. "The queen rejected his love and her name was Queen Àine."