Last Battle

"Forward men we will make sure to kill off every single one of these bastards"

Felix looked at his newly appointed centurion as if he was the stupidest man on the planet. He looked to his right and whispered to one of the newest members from his contubernium, that had replaced his fallen comrade, "Hey this is stupid those savages have already been defeated who in their right mind would chase after a broken down army in a forest. For all, we know this whole thing can be a setup."

His companion smirked and shook his head "This imbecile is new, bet he just recently stopped drinking milk from his mother's bosom yet here he is leading 80 of us. Since he's new all that is on his mind is to totally eradicate the enemy so that he can go ahead and gloat."

"Both of you idiots shut up can't you see that the one that is going to suffer the most from your stupid insults will be me since I'm your Decanus. Also, you can't say that about our centurion since you yourself are pretty new around here Cicero."

The two of them turned around to see their most experienced member and leader of their group of 8. "Hey, I'm just saying that if it wasn't for that Optio then I would start some sort of retreat. This is an obvious trap. Why isn't the Optio warning the Centurion?"

The Decanus looked at his members and laughed "The Centurion is up in front if this really is a trap and the Centurion dies then who will be taking all the credit?"

"The Optio at the back who would assume command" they all responded.

Felix sighed and looked at the sky "If only during our oath to the emperor they would have included the part where we die to make up the reputation of bastards like this I wouldn't have made it. All I cared about is that land and pension that I might have, if I stay alive for long enough".

The Decanous nodded and laughed "Yes that's how I started as well but now I fight for the safety of my family."

Cicero laughed "Don't worry old man if you do fall I'll notify them of your death and take care of your family haha"

"Shut up you idiot, mighty Mars don't listen to him. I am a faithful servant but it is not my time yet. Anyway, Felix do you have anyone that we should deliver any messages two in case you get carried away feet first? We have been together for a while yet I've never heard you mention anyone."

Felix shook his head and let out a heavy sigh "No, I used to but she didn't wait for me and instead started a family with a blacksmith."

Everyone that heard him gave him a sad look, the Decanous forced a smile "Don't worry pal you'll find someone special for now keep your guard we are entering the forest, and just like you said it might be a sort of trap."

They all nodded and entered the forest in formation, they marched as they tracked the men that had ran into the forest but after half an hour they found no one. Then there was yelling from behind they quickly got into a rectangle formation with a shield wall on all sides.

The warriors looked around trying to find anyone running towards them but nothing occurred. They could still hear the back screaming in pain, when they turned around to see what was going on they found a group of savages that was about 400 men strong.

Felix looked, sighed, and said loud enough for his whole contubernium to hear "looks like that Optio is regretting his choice of not trying to stop the Centurion haha"

They all laughed and nodded but their sense of humor died when they saw a group of about 300 men. Even if there were a lot of men it didn't scare them, what did was the big logs that they were carrying on their shoulders.

When the men began charging the Centurion yelled out "Hold the line, remain strong, and don't let them break through. If we have too many gaps in our formation it will be harder to regain it and we will be overrun."

Felix couldn't help but yell out "Easier said than done you imbecile, you couldn't have simply let them go, no you just had to chase them to freakin trap."

Everyone looked at him in silence but with a big smile, they all felt the same way but if they said such a thing then they would be punished severely.

A few seconds passed but they felt like hours as they watched the men getting closer and closer. They readied their Pilums and waited for the enemy to get in throwing range. When they were they fired the Pilums and prepared to throw their other one. As soon as the Pilums hit about 40 of the enemy's men were incapacitated but the others quickly took their place and continued the charge.

Felix smiled and cheered "Haha did you see that, mine dug into that big guy's throat."

"What are you talking about, get your eyes checked? That was my throw, yours only hit that other one's shield and he threw it away."

They all laughed and were about to throw again but suddenly they were hit by a rain of arrows. Felix looked around him and found that some had hit men's arms and feet. This caused several to let go of their shield, he was trying to find out what had happened but suddenly he heard the Centurion.

"Men Testudo formation now, there are archers on the trees above us."

The men that were capable of moving quickly did so but before they could completely get into formation the enemy's men with the logs hit them from 3 sides scattering everyone apart. Felix was disoriented from the impact and did his best to stab any of the enemies with the pilum that he had yet to throw but to no avail. When his pilum was yanked away from him he took out his Gladius and was ready to have a deadly exchange between steel but suddenly he felt a large impact on his left side and pain from his arm.

He looked at it and found that it was cut off, it seemed like he had dropped his shield during the impact. As he turned around he locked eyes with a large man who wore a bit of animal skin and had a large axe. He charged at the men but the man simply smirked and swung his axe cutting off his head.

Felix didn't even have time for anything, everything just turned dark and he was devoid of any pain.

Suddenly he felt his body begin to feel cold, the smell of something that seemed to have died a while ago entered his nostrils. His stomach seemed to be grumbling like crazy and in the background, he could hear what seemed to horse hooves.

Felix slowly opened his eyes and indeed he was in a cart that was moving. He was laying down on his back and couldn't help but sigh "Thank goodness it was all a nightmare"

As soon as Felix was about to stand up a blue floating rectangle appeared in the air with words that he didn't know how he understood since they were not in Latin. He might understand some of the words themselves but as to what it meant as a whole or what the in name of Jupiter was going on he had no clue.

[Army General System Installing 10%.....26%.....39…..46%..]