Won Shik's death

"Fuck it."

There, Won Shik heard it. It was definitely Luo Yi. 

And he saw her. She had stood out of her hiding place. 

'Fuck,' For once, Won Shik cursed the good heart of Luo Yi, but remembering the USB drive in his hand, he wobbled towards Luo Yi. He reached his arms out, hoping it would bring him faster to her. 

Never once did he look back, if he did, he would have noticed how Lucifer had reached behind, under his lab coat, and pulled out a pointed wooden stake. 



[[Something just appeared behind Caleb and stabbed him through the heart. He was suddenly pushed forward, as blood blossomed on his chest. Glistening in dark fluids and torn tissue, a pointed stake sprouted.

I saw Caleb's eyes widen before blood burst its way out of his mouth. His breath was lost in shock as his life fled his horror-filled eyes. Without any warning, the stake was pulled out harshly, Caleb gave out a startled gasp as he was jerked backward at the motion before staggering forward and fell face-first on the ground. 

"Aw, that's fast."]]

Won Shik gave out a startled gasp as he tried to take in another breath. His eyes were filled with disbelief as if all of these were a dream. He was determined to reach Luo Yi as he staggered forward, however, his body was failing him. 

His knees buckled under him and Luo Yi wasted no time in moving to his side to catch him before he fell face first. 

"D— Destroy… Destroy it…" She felt Won Shik pushed something small in her hand, a small looking item. Luo Yi clenched her fist around it, feeling it. It had the structure of a USB. 

"Here… here, take it…!" Won Shik struggled to speak, he was whispering through gritted teeth. He kept pushing it onto her hand. Luo Yi stared at it, frowning. 

"I'm sorry… I am so sorry for everything!" He cried out, tears streamed down his face. "Please, Ae-Ri and U-Ju… save them…! Please forgive me…" 

He grasped Luo Yi's arms, trembling as he did so. Blood had dripped down his mouth, overflowing over his lips, and spilled onto his front shirt. Luo Yi herself was in a panic. She came here just for Won Shik, and now that he was going to die, how could she escape Lucifer the second time? She had just assigned herself to a death sentence!

"No… no, you can't die yet! Come on, we are getting out of here, Ae-Ri and U-Ju are waiting for you!" Luo Yi rushed, trying to carry Won Shik. She attempted to swing his arm over her shoulder, but Won Shik shook his head.

"This is the only way I can redeem myself, so get out of here…!" He cried out, coughing blood at the same time. "Forget about me, I am already dying!"

He pushed Luo Yi away, making both of them tumble down. "Don't forget to destroy it!" 

He kept on shoving Luo Yi away. Luo Yi could feel tears threatening to fall from her eye. Where was that selfish man who prioritized his life over everything? Somehow, she preferred to face that one instead of this. This man made her feel guilt all over herself. 

"Shut up, old man!" She hissed, she pushed herself up. 

"D-- Don't you understand?! This is more important than my life!" Won Shik gritted out and coughed. More blood tumbled past his lips. 

"Let me do something good for once!" He cried out and shoved Luo Yi away when she tried to grab him, she staggered back and fell onto her tailbone. 

"Oh! Oh no, I am shedding tears," a voice drawled out. 

Luo Yi snapped her head up and saw Lucifer pretending to dab his hands on his face as if trying to wipe the tears off. 

"That was entertaining to watch," He sighed, strolling over to them. "My Love, what do you think of sovereignty, hmm?"

Luo Yi gripped the sword in her hand tightly. 

"Together, with Pandora, we can proclaim immortality, we could rule them all, even the King!" He grinned evilly. "What do you say, Love? Are you interested?" 

Lucifer stopped himself when he felt a hold on his ankle. He glanced down only to see that Won Shik had grabbed onto him. 

"Luo Yi, don't listen to him…!" 

"Why, you—" Lucifer huffed out in frustration. "Why the hell are you not dead yet?" 

He raised his leg and stomped on Won Shik's arms, crushing and dislocating them. Luo Yi could hear the loud cracks resonating behind Won Shik's scream of agony. Lucifer brought his leg down several times until there was nothing left but a mess of flesh. 

"You know what? I don't particularly care if you reached the main branch or not. That dog fucking disgust me!" Lucifer snarled, channeling all his hatred to Won Shik. 

"S—Stop! Stop it!" Luo Yi cried out. She flew at Lucifer with her sword held high. 

Lucifer merely turned and sidestepped, completely avoiding her. He easily yanked her wrist and flung her across the wall. She crashed into it and the wall cracked under pressure. The back of her head had hit the wall hard and sent sparks of white behind her eye. 

Collapsing to the marble tile, the hardness of it only increased her pain. Her sword  and the USB drive clattered out of her palm, forgotten. She tried pushing herself up and her shoulder blade cracked in response. 

'Damn,' She thought to herself. She must have dislocated it. 

She squinted her eye to take a glimpse at Won Shik. With a stake on his heart, it didn't take long for Won Shik to breathe in his last shaky breath of life before he left the world. 

Lucifer jerked the pointed stake out of Won Shik's chest and turned towards her. The stake dripped with Won Shik's blood, creating a pool of blood on the marble tile. 

"You have made the wrong choice, Love," Lucifer drawled, he swung the stake back and forth. "You shouldn't have charge in like that." 

He shook his head like a teacher scolding her students. "Not to a vampire."

He stepped closer to Luo Yi, who was still on the ground. 

"Especially without a stake ready at hand."