Don't Leave Me

By the time Luca reached the top tower and saw Luo Yi being staked with Lucifer on top of her, he saw red. 

He sprung at Lucifer with his teeth bared and a growl breaking from his throat. He bit down on Lucifer's forearm, sharp fangs breaking through the cloth, piercing his muscle. 

Luca clamped down on his arm until he felt bone on his teeth. 

Lucifer gave a surprise and pained shout before he snarled and bared his fangs at Luca. He used his free arm and elbowed Luca, smacking the base of his skull that made his vision swim. 

Luca released his bite on Lucifer's arm and skittered back a meter or two, shaking his head to wave off the darkness clouding his vision. 

Lucifer held his bleeding arm, clutching it tightly and glared at Luca before realization flashed in his eyes. 

"Stupid beast. No wonder you looked familiar," he sneered. "I almost couldn't recognize you at first."