Love is a Sweet Poison


Luca turned, he sat on the chair of his office in the Main Pack House. "Speak." 

"Lady Scientist requests your presence," Isaac said.

Isaac was Luca's pack Beta, or you could say second in command. Short dark brown hair with golden bright eyes. He stood as tall as Luca, packed with huge muscles. 

A Beta, they were thought of as less important than Alpha and Luna, but more important than the rest of the pack. 

He was usually the one leading and managing the pack while Alpha and Luna were away, which often happened with Luca as the Alpha. 

"The Devil? Did she find the antidote?" Luca asked hopefully. 

"I wouldn't say that for sure, but it's best if you go see for yourself, Alpha." 

"Thank you, Isaac. Is there anything else?"

"When will the pack have their Luna?" 

Luca choked on his saliva. "Why would you ask that, Isaac?"