Ep 13: Revenge

In the police department, it's seen Hayato was leaving that place.

Hayato: How much money I had to pay to be free.

There are some men in black suits at his limousine, waiting for him.

Hayato: (Angry) Let's get out of here!

The limousine was riding as Hayato was upset.

Hayato: That White-haired guy! He's going to pay! (Suddenly the limo stopped) Hey! What's going on?

Then other guys get on the limo, they were gangs. Also the black suits guys are also members of gangs too. Hayato was nervous to recognize them, especially one of them.

Kurogane: Well, well. You paid a good lawyer to free you from your guilty against Himekawa family.

Hayato: Kurogane! Listen, I failed to defeat that boy, but…

Kurogane: (With dreadful eyes) But what?

Hayato: I found out he has a weakness; my Akari-chan is his weakness. Also three girls from his school.

Kurogane: Really? One of them is the glasses girl?

Hayato: Yeah, also she seems a very smart girl who ruined my plan. I think her name is Natsukawa.

Kurogane: (Imagining a long black hair girl) He! So she's here. Maybe it can be the destiny we meet after years. My dear Jun was here yet.

Hayato: So with that, are we in debt?

Kurogane: Yeah, some of my men including Satoshi were sent to prison. My gang now has less members. (Then the gang members tied Hayato and covered his mouth) I don't think we accorded that.

Hayato: (Scared and difficulty speaking) Wait! He had a deal, information of your enemy!

Kurogane: Oh really?

Hayato: Yeah! We had a deal! A deal!

Kurogane: (Smiling evilly) Well, learn this in you next life. Never trust a delinquent, no matter from which side. Have a good trip.

Then the gang put Hayato to the limo and turned on. The limo was driving itself. Hayato was screaming in horror but he couldn't untie. The limo was running until it crashed to a wall and exploded.

At next day at school, Kazuki was walking but he saw many student reunited as watching in a tv store some news.

News reporter: As you can see, this morning the police found a crashed limo at that road. There was a young man inside of that vehicle, his death was instantaneous. (The students were worried of those news) The victim was identified as Hayato Nakamura, the son of Nakamura family. His parents are devastated of his death, even when they discovered their son had connection with bad people like gangs. The authorities are investigating if his death was provoked or was considered a suicidal.

Kazuki realized those news.

Kazuki: Hayato is dead?

Then, when he entered to his classroom, some students keep talking about that incident.

Student 1: The guy who was engaged with Himekawa-sama is dead?

Student 2: How horrible!

Later, Hinata came to him.

Hinata: Kazuki, is it true about Hayato?

Kazuki: Yeah but I can't believe it was suicidal. It must be someone dangerous. He made deals with bad guys.

Hinata: But with who?

Kazuki: Maybe…

Then Nagisa came too.

Nagisa: Is it true about those news with Hayato?

Kazuki: Yeah, but I could now who would be.

Nagisa: Really?

Kazuki: I'm not sure. It's just a hunch.

At break time, Kazuki was heading to the gym storage. Then someone appeared, it was the masked student.

Masked student: (With distorsioned voice) You came. White Devil.

Kazuki: So you are a student of here! Well, I'll need answers about what happened.

Masked student: About Hayato's tragic accident?

Kazuki: I don't care him. But the guys who were involved!

Masked student: Well, let's say my boss hate people who failed his orders.

Kazuki: So, he will kill you if you fail too?

Masked student: Yeah, but it's the price for his loyalty.

Kazuki: He's insane!

Masked student: He does anything to win! Like your old friend Ren.

Kazuki: Then your boss is Kurogane, right?

Masked student: But also you risked your life to save your girlfriend from that engagement.

Kazuki: Leave Himekawa out of this. And tell me where is Kurogane?!

Masked student: Too late, also your girlfriend is inside and you want to know the big surprise there. This is a message from Kurogane.

Kazuki: From Kurogane?

Kazuki saw Akari was checking the gym storage.

Akari: Why a teacher wants me to take some items from here?

Kazuki: Himekawa?

Masked student: First test, save her and maybe I'll tell you where's my boss. Now go!

The masked student had a rope, which was united to some heavy boxes to the ceiling. He pulled the rope and the boxes fell.

Kazuki: Shit!

Kazuki run so fast and pushed away Akari. Kazuki was crushed by the heavy boxes.

Akari: (Worried) Shirogane-kun!

Later at school infirmary, Kazuki was little wounded.

Kazuki: (Remembering something) Kurogane? Could he be…?

Then, Jun arrived to the infirmary.

Kazuki: Natsukawa? I thought Himekawa will come to see me.

Jun: In this moment Himekawa-senpai is explaining about the accident of the gym storage. Some students are saying you set that to blame her.

Kazuki: That's stupid!

Jun: Maybe, but many don't believe what you say.

Kazuki: Well, I should start to seek the mastermind of this.

Jun: Are you serious? How do you feel?

Kazuki: It was nothing. I think I can walk.

Jun: You should not leave. The nurse didn't tell you if you can.

Kazuki: I hate being in bed. See you.

Kazuki walked in the school as thinking.

Kazuki: (Thinking) "That bastard mentioned a guy called Kurogane, also that Yozora girl said about Kurogane. Then he must be the one who ordered those attacks!"

Then, Akari and her group appeared in his way.

Akari: Shirogane-kun! I need to talk with you.

Kazuki: (Ignoring her) I don't have time right now!

Akari: (Going to his way like stopping him) No! We need to talk, about that!

Kazuki: Move away!

Akari: No!

School boy: Akari-sama!

School girl: Don't do it! He's dangerous!

Other students were seeing that discussion of Kazuki and Akari.

Kazuki: You're a pain in the ass!

Akari: Insult me all you want but I won't move until we talk! Let's put clear this situation!

Kazuki: (Thinking) "Shit! Kurogane could know the people in my around! This problem can't be known by them, or else…"

Akari: Shirogane-kun! Please! I need you to say everyone that accident wasn't planned by you!

Kazuki was approaching to Akari little serious.

Kazuki: Himekawa, sorry for this.

Akari: For what?

Suddenly he grabbed her boobs with his both hands.

Kazuki: (Smiling a little) Your boobs are careless!

Akari was embarrassed and screamed. Then she slapped him to a wall.

Akari: (Embarrassed) What did you do, pervert?!

Kazuki noticed some students saw his action; they began to chat little upset.

Kazuki: (Getting up) That's right! I'm the White Devil! And I do whatever I want!

Then Kazuki was walking away.

The students were amazed to see that scene.

Akari: Shirogane-kun! Wait! Shirogane-kun!

In different parts of school, many students were talking about before.

Student 1: That Shirogane is a rebellious guy!

Student 2: I can't believe that White Devil dared to touch Himekawa-sama!

Student 3: So he was faking when he saved the school festival?

Student 4: The principal is being betrayed by him!

Student 5: He should have set that accident in the gym storage!

Later at Literature club, Kazuki was with Jun.

Kazuki: (Looking at her) Natsukawa.

Jun: (Covering her chest with her arms) What? You want to grab my boobs like you did with Himekawa-senpai?

Kazuki: No! It's other stuff! Do you think she's gonna hate me to do that to her?

Jun: You just didn't want her to involve another problem, right?

Kazuki: Yeah, I have business with a dangerous guy.

Jun: Which guy?

Kazuki: Someone I met years ago, his name is Kurogane.

Suddenly he heard a book fell to the floor, then he noticed Jun was trembling with fear.

Kazuki: Natsukawa?

Jun: (In her state) Did you say, Kurogane?

Kazuki: Do you know him?

Jun: I didn't want to hear his name again.

Kazuki: Hey, four eyes! Do you know something about him?

Jun: (Worried) Yeah…

Kazuki: Then you must know I can't involve Himekawa and the others.

Jun: We can't. Also I can say this only to you, so…

Suddenly, Akari, along with Hinata and Nagisa; arrived to the Literature club.

Nagisa: Kazuki! Is it true you groped Himekawa-senpai?!

Hinata: You like big boobs too much?!

Akari: I won't forgive you for that!

Kazuki: You can imagine whatever you want but we won't be able to see each other.

Akari: What do you mean?

Jun: Shirogane-kun has personal business, we can't get into that.

Akari: Another fight? Your hand is not full healed! (Pointing his bandaged hand) Also you had an accident!

Kazuki: This is pain is nothing! I have to face someone! He could be the biggest challenge I had.

Jun: If you say that, then we can't do anything to stop you.

Hinata: Jun!

Nagisa: How could you be agreed with that?

Akari: Shirogane-kun! You can't!

Kazuki: Shut up! Because this time this is going to be my fight!

Akari: No. Shirogane-kun…

Kazuki: (Funny upset) Don't say it's our fight! I hate that reference!

Girls: (Confused) Eh?

Kazuki leaves very serious. The girls were worried by that, especially Akari.

After school, Kazuki was heading to the restaurant. He was taking a black glove, which was hidden in a furniture.

Kazuki: (Wearing the glove in his injured hand) I waited to use this in a real fight.

Then his aunt arrived too.

Kaori: Kazuki, that belongs to your grandfather!

Kazuki: Aunt Kaori. Sorry I have to do something.

Kaori: (Sighs) So you plan to do a dangerous fight?

Kazuki: It doesn't matter as no one of my acquaintances is hurt, only me.

Kaori: Kazuki, you always faced any dangerous fights that I can't help you. Also you helped those girls you care. (Then she puts her hand on his cheek with worried smile) Kazuki, you don't have to suffer to prove you care them.

Kazuki: (Moving away) That's not a problem with me, I got used to live with that.

Kaori: That's right, what my brother and his wife made to you, those bullies who hurt you since your childhood. But you have to know there are people who are hurt when you are hurt. Those girls changed your life. (Putting her hands on his shoulders from his back) I won't stop you, but remember these words.

Then Kaori just leaves, Kazuki was thinking deeply.

Kazuki: (Little sad) Thanks.

Then Kazuki was walking but in his way he met the masked student.

Kazuki: (Angry) You! You will tell me about Kurogane!

Masked student: Follow me.

Then they were in an abandoned building.

Kazuki: Where are we? Is Kurogane living here?

Masked student: Ha! Are you stupid? Did you think I'll take you with Kurogane?

Kazuki: Good point.

Masked student: You survived your first test. Now let's do this other test.

Kazuki: (Angry) Enough of bullshit!

Masked student: Yeah sure, but I'll tell you about my boss.

Kazuki: Good! I'm impatient for this!

Masked student: And so stupid! Because this is the place, where you die!

Kazuki: Well, let's stop your perform as a mysterious character.

Masked student: What do you mean? You don't even know who I am as you're listening my modified voice.

Kazuki: Well, let's see… who will send info about me and the girls; who will join with bad guys; who will work for a vengeance; and who will hate me a lot for trying to kill me. Kurogane would be the answers, but what about the guy who trusted my friendship? Don't you think, Ren!

The masked student was surprised about his deduction. Then he removed the clothes from his face. It's revealed he was Ren Nagayama, the boy who blamed Kazuki before.

Ren: (Removing a voice device) Very smart for a savage guy.

Kazuki: That explains why you were so absent. So you joined with that Kurogane for vengeance?

Ren: That's right!

Kazuki: You are so stupid to pass to an evil side, which doesn't benefit you.

Ren: So what? I lost Akari and some of my fans started to hate me because of what you did!

Kazuki: It's your fault for toying Hinata and Nagisa! Remember? They didn't deserve to suffer in our problem!

Ren: Well, it doesn't matter! If I can't have Akari, then no one of us will! (Taking a device) Look at your around! I have to give thanks to Satoshi for lending me some explosives.

Kazuki saw there were many explosives in each corner of the building.

Ren: (In insane state) Kurogane give you a good bye!

Kazuki: No! Ren! Don't be asshole! You will die too!

Ren: (In his state) You can face my boss, only if you survive this!

Kazuki: Ren!

Ren: Let's go to hell! Hahahaha!

Ren was insane and then he pressed the device. The explosives activated and the building was exploding. Kazuki realized and run away as fast as he can. Some explosions reached him but then he jumped out from a window.

Kazuki: (Yelling) REEEEEN!

It's seen Ren's body was still inside of the destroyed building which still on fire.

Kazuki: Kurogane, you'll pay for what you did!

Later, Kazuki was walking little injured, but then he meets Jun.

Jun: (Worried) Shirogane-san! Are you okey?

Kazuki: Ren is gone. Kurogane will receive a strong hit!

Jun: So you're going after him?

Kazuki: Tell me, you know Kurogane?

Jun: But first, let's heal your injuries.

Kazuki: Now you're a nurse? You are really scaring me.

Jun: (As cleaning his injuries with a towel) Shut up! Let me tell you, I know Kurogane because I was his ex-girlfriend.

Kazuki: (Surprised) You what? With that appearance…

Jun: You already knew my other side, when we were at the pool. (As removing her glasses) It was some months ago.

It's imagining Jun with school uniform, but she wasn't using her glasses, also her hair was longer.

Jun's voice: During a semester, I didn't have friends but then a guy from another school introduced himself as Gin Kurogane. He seemed a handsome boy. We started dating, also shared our minds. (Imagining what she said)

Kazuki's voice: So you know him.

Jun's voice: Yeah, but one day he introduced me his gang. He said about dominating the streets by ruling other gangs. But he was anger because one guy defeated him. He said he was angry because he let his father died in jail. I was afraid by his mood, so I decided to break up with him, but he continued stalking me, so I decided to change my image as a nerd girl. (Imagining what she said)

Kazuki: I always thought you looked like nerd from your childhood.

Jun: He only know me because I changed my image once, he liked it so I kept it for a while until he showed his true nature.

Kazuki: Too bad, you also had bad moments like me.

Jun: He must know my other image. I could be his target too.

Kazuki: Don't worry, because I'll make sure he won't hurt anyone else.

Jun: I'm sorry for giving you this problem.

Kazuki: Don't tell this to Nagisa and Hinata.

Jun: Okey but what about Himekawa-senpai?

Kazuki: She would be into this, so I prefer not telling her.

Jun: I know Kurogane's place. I'll tell you how to get there.

Kazuki: Well, how.

Jun: You must take the train from this station until last station which is at south side. If you go now, you will get until dawn.

Kazuki: So this is going to be a long road.

Jun: Be careful, Shirogane-san.

Kazuki: Yeah, and thanks for the healing.

Later at night; Kazuki was heading to a train station, still in school uniform.

Kazuki: Alright, Natsukawa said I have to take a train.

But then he saw someone in his way. It was Akari who seems worried.

Akari: Kazuki-kun, where are you going?

Kazuki: Himekawa?

Akari: We are alone, we can call by our names.

Kazuki: Yeah, Akari.

Akari: (Worried) Are you going to fight? With a dangerous guy?

Kazuki: How did you know?

Akari: I heard your conversation with Natsukawa. Do you really want to do it?

Kazuki: Ren and that rich guy died because of him and mine.

Akari: (Worried) What? Nagayama too?

Kazuki: Natsukawa told me about him. He could be the mastermind of those attacks. He wants revenge because of me.

Akari: But your life would be in danger if his actions are like those. Hayato and Nagayama were victims!

Kazuki: He won't stop his attacks unless I beat him.

Akari: (Worried) Don't do it! He could have many bad guys in his gang. You won't be able to defeat those! Also you could lose your life!

Kazuki: That's why I don't want you come with me this time. Aunt Kaori also know the danger I'm going to face.

At other place, in a hideout; Kurogane was with his gang. Then Yozora came to him.

Kurogane: What do you have to report?

Yozora: It's look like Ren choose suicide with that white-haired guy, but he failed. He died alone.

Kurogane: Tch! He was a good for nothing! But my revenge is more than his.

Yozora: So we are going to attack him?

Kurogane: It's not necessary. Because I order Ren to tell him about myself. He will come if he survives in his trap.

Yozora: You will face him?

Kurogane: (Smiling evilly) Finally I'll kill him!

At other side, Kazuki and Akari continued talking.

Akari: Can't I convince you to not going to that place?

Kazuki: Forget it! It's my fight!

Akari: Don't act as a brave character, you can't win!

Kazuki: Don't lose my time! I'm going!

Kazuki was walking but Akari lift her arm to stop him.

Akari: Why can't you understand? If you die, how your classmates will be? Specially me?

Kazuki: If these are your last words, then these should be.

Akari was in shock, Kazuki just passed to her side. Akari is almost cry but suddenly she leaned on his back as stopping him.

Akari: (Tearfully) Kazuki-kun! Don't leave me! Be at my side!

Kazuki: You are a pain in the ass. Quit already!

Akari: I don't want to lose you! You are the only boy acted different than others.

Kazuki: I'm different than others, because I'm the White Devil!

Akari: Not only for that! Don't you get it?

Kazuki: What?

Akari: (Tearfully) I LOVE YOU!

Kazuki was in shock and worried to hear her words.

Akari: (Tearfully) These are my feelings! So don't go!

Kazuki: (Turning to her front) Are you serious? You won't regret?

Akari: No! Natsukawa saw to your heart, so did I. You are the kid who saved me years ago. So please, be here, with me.

Kazuki walked to stay at her back. He put his hand on her shoulder.

Akari: Kazuki-kun?

Kazuki: (Smiling) Thanks, Akari for your love. Farewell.

Suddenly, Kazuki knocked Akari on her neck. She was unconscious.

Then, Kazuki was walking as calling in his cellphone.

Kazuki: Nagisa, listen, Himekawa is unconscious in the park. Take her to her home. Me? I have an important business. I request you and Hinata.

Kazuki was arriving to the train station. There was Jun.

Jun: Are you ready?

Kazuki: Why are you here?

Jun: If you are going to face your destiny, then me too.

Kazuki: But don't ask me to take care of you.

Jun: As if we have time for that.

Kazuki: Then let's go. Jun.

Jun: Okey, Kazuki-san.

At the hideout, Kurogane's gang were excited by his reunion.

Kurogane: Listen guys, the White Devil would the terminated. Then my gang will rules all the streets! We will be the most dangerous gang that will rule in any city!

Yozora: That's right boss!

Kurogane: Now, come to me, White Devil! Kazuki Shirogane!

At other side, the train was heading to the south. Kazuki and Jun were thinking as heading to their destination.

Jun: (Thinking) "I must face Kurogane again! But I won't be alone this time"

Kazuki: (Thinking) "Nagisa, Hinata, Kin, aunt Kaori, Grandpa; I'll face my destiny. If this is going to be my final challenge. I wish all of you will be okey, specially you Akari. Good bye"

At the park, on a bench, Akari was there unconscious. She still had tears in her close eyes.