If any of you are reading this I would very much like to hear what you think of my book so far. Every little bit of feed back helps. A warning this is a little boring I recommend you read only a little of book zero and come back when ever you need clarification. I will also be going into more detail and tying the magic grades into the story more soon I'm brainstorming ideas right now so it should be up soon.
Mana arts: considered a basic magic by any race who has left their planet. This is the use of life force produced by life on a single planet to project the casters will upon the world. Most planetary level gods use this as a basic magic for their races at the start of their world because it isn't as destructive as the other kinds of magic so races aren't as likely to wipe themselves out. Has many different elements. A casters element depends on their experience as a child and their knowledge of the elements by the time they mature. Most people are limited to one element if they're able to awaken at all
Ki: same as above but it is a version used by warriors inside their body to strengthen it Instead of being projected outward.
Aether: the next level above mana arts it is directly interfering With the laws of the world. It manifests as a purple mist around a mages or warriors body. It can wipe out whole armies if the caster know the right spells and their aether pool is deep enough.
Void magic: normally only species who have managed to leave their planet and spread among the stars are able to use this. It is directly interfering with the void of space and required the person or object to be physically touching the void. Since most species can't survive in the void without space suits it is most commonly used by warships.
Ion magic: it is a magic designed to sap the strength/mana pool/ shields/energy of the enemy troops and warships most lesser species can't use it in their own bodies so it's limited to warships and higher ranked species
Nuclear grade magic: also called adom manipulation magic is a incredibly dangerous magic that severs adoms and uses them to create powerful beams or AOE attacks.
Solar grade magic: uses the power of a sun to fire small but devastating beams of light. Most common ship to ship weapon other then missiles found aboard warships
Dimensional grade magic: a magic that allows the user to sever reality it's self wether it be in a attack faster then light itself or the ability to teleport at will.
There are several more but we probably won't get to those for awhile. Hopefully you all haven't died from boredom yet!