That Was Refreshing (2)

Seeing that he had ignored their kind suggestion, some became displeased and did not wish to continue with this farce any longer: "Guys, ignore him!! It's already been more than ten minutes since the exam started. We have to hurry and find clones we can take down."

However, one of them interested to see what would happen and suggested to his party: "Hold on!! Let's observe this event for a bit. I want to see what GCS is trying to do. If it's like what we think would happen, then it will not take too long."

The party looked at each other.

"Okay. Let's see what will happen." They turned around and kept their eyes on the upcoming event.

On the other hand, Feng Luotian looked at Cai Long's group.

His purple eyes flashed, and a square of information appeared floating above each of them.

///// Five Fangs Armament Conjuring Robin

///// [Conjuration] : Create any weapon out of Theríon that can deal more damage than a normal attack.


///// Five Fangs Armament Conjuring Robin

///// [Conjuration] …


///// Five Fangs Armament Conjuring Robin

///// [Conjuration] …

When the trio noticed Feng Luotian was coming their way, they greeted him with sarcastic commentary.

"Oh? Welcome, God's Cripple Son!! How may I be of service today?" Cai Long completely copied his master words by words, the exact sentence when it was spoken by Mei Hongli one month ago.

Feng Luotian waved his hand: "Cai Long, stop with your sarcasm. Why would you do this? What benefit would you get by following a guy like Mei Hongli? Standing guard here will not make you pass the exam."

In the tumultuous realm of martial arts, it was a common occurrence for the weak to fall victim to the strong.

He knew this all too well, as he had been bullied by Mei Hongli and his cronies for years. Their names were etched into his mind like scars, but now, with his power level raised to new heights, there was no longer any need for him to fear them.

Cai Hu spoke with a sneer in place of his brother: "You know nothing, Feng Luotian. Young Master Hongli has promised to link his Theríon with us once he secures his top rank."

Cai Lang joined: "Then we'll pass the exam without even lifting a finger. Young Master Hongli is generous and strong, unlike you, you worthless trash."

Feng Luotian was unfazed by their insults. He replied calmly: "Is that so? Tell me then, when will Hongli achieve his top rank? Five minutes from now? Or five minutes before the exam ends?"

The three of them were at a loss for words. His questions penetrated their hearts and shook their loyalty to the core.

"Does he even have a number in mind for when he'll start sharing his points with you?" Feng Luotian continued.

A series of questions clearly quaked their minds. There was a possibility that their young master wouldn't be satisfied with the points he had, no matter how many clones he had defeated.

Cai Long was the first to regain his thoughts: "Don't try to mess with our loyalty towards Young Master Hongli. Even if we fail the exam, he'll compensate us with something worthwhile."

"That's right!" The rest echoed his sentiments, shouting in unison.

"You're all so blind." Feng Luotian remarked.

"Shut up! Another word from you, and I'll throw you out right now." Cai Lang threatened, agitated by his words.

Feng Luotian wasn't deterred by their threats: "There's no hope for idiotic dogs who blindly follow a smelly piece of shit who's all talk."

"You're dead!" Cai Lang snapped. The final line of insults had pushed them over the edge.

Cai Lang summoned his Theríon, materializing a pair of claw gauntlets on both of his hands. He leapt forward, drawing back his right claw, aiming for the head.

"Why do bad guys always like to use claw gauntlets? Is it because the weapons make them look more badass?" Feng Luotian chuckled before activating his Momentum Eyes. His purple eyes flashed with a brilliant blue light.

The projectile path of all parts of Cai Lang's body and the weapon was shown to his eyes in the slow-motion and ethereal form of blue light, from the start of the momentum all the way until it changed or ended.

Before the attack even came close to him, he unobtrusively moved his body to the left, out of the projectile path. He formed a fist and threw a punch at the path of Cai Lang's head, waiting for the event to transpire.

What happened one second later was completely out of everyone's expectations.

Swish! Bam! Boom!

Cai Lang's claw attack missed, and he got a hard punch right in the face before being smashed to the ground. His mind was fuzzy; his face was bloodied.

Cai Lang, who did not know what was going on, lay still, seeing only the sky. He turned his head to look to the left, and he saw his two brothers with their eyes wide open and their faces getting uglier by any second.

But when he turned to the right, he saw a foot heading to his face.


With another kick, Cai Lang's body disappeared from the scene.

"Damn!! That was refreshing!!" Feng Luotian exclaimed.

Although he had the mind of a reincarnator, he still had all of the memories from his former self. He remembered, as clearly as the day, the scene where they bullied him while he was weak.

Everyone on the scene was completely stunned by what was taking place right before their very eyes. Their mouth hung down widely open without a single word coming out.

"H … H … Ho … How?!" Cai Long was stuttering like a crazy man, while Cai Hu was stumbling backward and falling down to his butt.

Two simple attacks to send Cai Lang out, they had no chance of fighting this guy. But in reality, they did not think about fighting at all. The only question they thought right now was …

"Who the hell is he?"

At that very moment, Cai Long and Cai Hu stood in utter disbelief, their eyes fixed on him.

It had been a mere month since they last laid eyes on him at the Peacock Pavilion, where he was nothing more than a crippled young man. And yet, here he was now, his strength having increased exponentially to the point where he effortlessly defeated a Five Fangs Fighter in just two strikes.

What's more, neither of them could sense any Theríon ripple from him, indicating that he had not even used any of his Theríon in those attacks.

Feng Luotian defeated Cai Lang with his physique alone?!

One would have to be at least a Six Fangs Fighter to do that, meaning he rose from a commoner to Six Fangs in one month?!

That was unheard of.

The only explanation they had at this time was that the one standing right here and now was not Feng Luotian but another person entirely.

"Who are you?" Cai Long collected his wits and asked.

Feng Luotian spread his hands: "Who am I? I am Feng Luotian, the God's Cripple Son you know well."

"You're lying," Cai Long accused, his voice heavy with disbelief. "There's no way you're Feng Luotian. He was still a cripple just one month ago."

He simply smiled in response, his arms outstretched in a gesture of innocence.

Cai Long was not convinced, though. He knew that even if Feng Luotian had been hiding his true strength during their previous encounter, he would not have held back in the Wight Wolf incident, the life-and-death situation he had recently faced.

Yes, Mei Hongli got some news from his clan and told his men about it, including Cai Long and his brothers.

As the two men faced off, Cai Hu stood nervously by the sidelines, unsure of what to do.

Despite their fear, neither of them was willing to let him pass. They had sworn their loyalty to Mei Hongli, and they would not betray him now.

Feng Luotian, however, seemed unfazed by their unwavering loyalty. In fact, he almost seemed to admire it. "Loyalty that trumps fear, huh?"

A smile played at the corners of his mouth.

"How commendable. I would really like to befriend you guys if you do not follow the wrong person."

But even as he spoke these words, Cai Long and Cai Hu stood firm in their conviction. They would not be swayed by flattery or charm. They knew what they had to do.

And with that, Feng Luotian slowly approach them, his body surrounded by two crimson Evil Cyclones before his eyes flashed in ruthless light: "Excuse me, then."