Two Meetings (1)

Sikong Clan, Sparrow Tower

At the center of Sparrow School, there stood a nine-stories black tower called Sparrow Tower.

There seemed to always be a dark cloud hovering above Sparrow Tower, creating thunder and lightning within it from time to time.

This made the atmosphere within Sparrow School eternally cloudy and dark. Any outsider could feel a tinge of fright every time they entered the school.

Sparrow Tower's purpose was very much similar to Peacock Pavilion, where people went there to request help or report incidents to be dealt with by the clan.

The only difference was, at Sparrow Tower, people who came here would only be reporting things that directly related to Sikong Clan. Anyone that reported incidents that did not eventually benefit the Sikong would be punished severely just for wasting their time.

At the present moment, on the ninth floor of Sparrow Tower, there are more than fifty people standing in front of a throne.