Peak Talon (2)

Ming Zhuo readily acquiesced, understanding the weight of the favors he owed the young man. To him, this exchange paled in comparison to the debts he owed. Even in the latter scenario, he had no intention of burdening the young man further. With a nod, he gestured towards his attentive attendant, instructing them to fetch his personal savings.

In haste, Deng Mu dashed to his boss's room, returning with an aged spatial ring. Within it were neatly stored two dozen chests brimming with monster cores.

Notably, these cores ranged from at least late-stage Fang Cores to the more formidable Wing Cores, each holding a potent source of power.

"Boss Ming is even richer than our entire clan. As expected of a master forger!" Feng Luotian could not help but click his tongue.

While Ming Zhuo wasn't driven by a desire for wealth, he recognized the practical need for monster cores in his personal cultivation and forging endeavors.