Hunting For Blood

[ Blood Lake Creeper ]

[ -> A Creeper like a plant that drains the blood to grow ]

[ -> Highly sensitive to external stimulus ]

[ -> Weakness: Water ]

Jay took a look at the info of the creepers again after diving and swimming when he reached them.

Well, he had to now think of a way to cut them and bring them back however that didn't mean that he would just take a sword or dagger and cit it.

The reason was quite simple, it was written that the creeper was quite sensitive to external stimulus, which meant that it could do something after feeling the touch of the dagger or the sword.

He was right, he had every right to be cautious of the plant.

If it would have been that easy, then Sebas would be able to bring it within seconds, but there was something wrong with it for sure.

He realized that he was thinking too much and thought about doing something to be sure if anything of everything that he thought was true.