Lucifer and Lily (R-18)

After the 7th date.

Leaning on me while walking and stumbling was a stunning figure wrapped in a tight one piece dress, fitting in all the right curves, and a fair face tinged red, showing she was a bit drunk.

"You really let loose at dinner, shouldn't have had the last glass of wine." I say to Lily.

"I wassh having fuuun. You were the besht, you know that." Lily replies, slurring her words occasionally.

'This is not good' I thought. 'Emily can't see her like this.'. While thinking so, I release an invisible cloud of mist around me which would help her sober up a bit after breathing it in.

A few minutes later, as we arrive at the doorstep to her apartment, she sobered up quite a bit and turns to look at me. Passion filling our eyes as I lean in for a kiss.

My lips pressed together, while pushing my tongue into her mouth and playing with hers.

We shared a deep kiss for a long time, only separating when she ran out of breath.

"Wanna come in?" she asked in a low voice, to which I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into my embrace and nod my head.

Entering, we find the babysitter playing on her phone, while Emily fast asleep in her bedroom.

Driving away the babysitter as if the plague, we make our way to the bedroom, tearing apart each other's clothes and making a trail all the way from the living room to the bed.

Taking her in my embrace, we share another passionate kiss as we explore each other's naked bodies with agitated hands.

Moving my hands over her soft mounds and playing with the hard nipple, flicking, and pinching it, elicits a soft moan for her.

Pushing her on to the bed, I straddle her and lean over to kiss her neck, running my lips and tongue all over her body. Starting from a hickey on her neck, moving over to play with her plentiful breasts, while my hand moving downwards towards her wet pink slit.

Playing with the folds and the clit, I move my fingers down and find the entrance to her warm moist pussy.

Inserting a finger at first and thrusting it in and out slowly makes her moan from the sensations.

Letting her get a feel for it, I insert another two fingers in and start moving them back and forth, rubbing on to her soft spots. This makes her moan from pleasure as she starts to raise her hips and clenching hard on my fingers.

A burst of warm liquid gushes out.

Moving my lips over from her breasts and looking into her eyes filled with excitement and pleasure, I move down and close my lips over her warm folds, licking up all her love juice.

Inserting my tongue inside, I hear her gasp out in surprise, but continue the exploration of her cave with my tongue.

Playing with her till she came again, I stand up on the side of the bed and position my now erect 8 inch penis over her stomach.

"It won't fit!!" she exclaimed, while I lean over her and press my lips over hers.

Positioning my penis at the entrance of her hole, I push hard.

A warm feeling envelopes me instantly as I hear her scream into my mouth.

I slowly start moving it out a bit, and push it all the way back in. The tip of my dick pressing against the entrance to her womb.

"Ah. Ah. Ahhhhh" screams of pleasure escaping her mouth as I continue thrusting harder and harder until eventually, I go over the edge and release a hot load all inside her womb.

"Unh, im coming, comingggg..." cumming from the hot gush entering her.

Pulling out a moment later, white strings of fluid stick to my penis, while she gets up on her knees, and kisses the tip gently.

Light kisses at the tip changed into her taking half of my dick into her mouth, until it hit the back of her throat.

Choking and sucking sounds filled the room as she cleaned off my dick, while making me release another load all the way down her throat.

"cough, cough" choking on the unexpected load, she looks up at me with her face and hair covered in white spots.

Looking down at my still hard penis, she asked, "again?".

Continuing making love for the next 4 hours until she couldn't handle my energy and fell asleep, I removed the sound barrier I made earlier to stop any unexpected intrusions.

Lying with Lily's soft and warm body in my arms, I look into her beautiful face and drift off to sleep.



The Next Morning.

Waking up, I saw Lily missing from the bed. Looking around, I find the shower running in the bathroom.

I get up and look at the messy room around me. Clothes thrown around, the blue bedsheet stained with white and red, the books on the working desk in the corner swept over to the side, …

Wait, I think I just saw something amiss. Stains of red of the bedsheet!!??

Picking at the stained spots, I confirm that its blood. "Great sage, whose blood is that?"

{Seems to be hers. She bled when you broke her hymen last night.} came her reply, stunning me to my core. But doesn't she have a daughter. Don't tell me it isn't hers.

Pacing around the room, the door to the bathroom opens up, revealing a figure wrapped in a towel.

She tries to walk steadily, but her wobbly legs makes her look like a newborn deer.

Helping her to the bed, I look into her eyes, and ask the question that has been bothering me, "Was that your first time?"

Her eyes widen a bit, before she shyly nods looking away.

"How, didn't you have Emily?" I ask, still perplexed.

"She's my sister's. She died along with my parents when Emily was just a year old." She replies softly, instantly killing the atmosphere from yesterday while tears threatened to spill out of her eyes.

I take her into a tight hug, and apologise for asking, while the warm embrace just makes her loose control of her emotions and cry a river of tears and snot on my loosely worn shirt.

I didn't know what to do in this situation, mind you, I too was a virgin till last night, not only in this life, but also the last, nor had I been in any relationships before.

Letting her empty her feelings out, I continue embracing her, while trying to calm her down, which she did after 15-20 minutes.

"Sorry. It brought back all the unpleasant memories back. Sorry." She apologized.

"Don't be, if you want someone to talk about it, I'm all ears. Just whenever you're ready." I reply while tightening my hug around her.

"Yeah. You know, you are the first person that I have truly dated for more than a month. The others just ran away the moment they saw Emily. That was in college. Then when I started working as a nurse, I was in the emergency ward, so a lot of late nights and I didn't have time for anyone other that Emily, that to limited. She doesn't usually connect with many people, always shy's away from strangers, but for some reason she doesn't when she's with you. Actually, she's already considered you her own. Me too really" She says in a soft voice, the last bit almost as quiet as a mosquito.

"Don't worry, I'm not like those jerks from your college, I won't run away. I asked you out 'cause I liked you, all of you. I don't care if Emily's your daughter or niece, I still love you." I reply in a loving tone, making her red eyes moist again, threatening to spill tears again.

"Thank -sob. -sob, you." She replied trying to stop her tears from spilling.

Looking into her eyes, a moment passes before I lean into her for a kiss.

*Bang, bang,* " mommy, mommy, wake up."

Just before I could kiss her, Emily bangs on the door, interrupting our little moment.

"You can handle this every single day when you spend your night here in the future?" She asked, suppressing a chuckle seeing my helpless face.

"Anything for you" I say before placing my lips on hers and getting up to use the shower.