Battle of New York, Start

Walking up to the edge of the balcony, I look down at the people bustling about.

"Time to go bye bye." saying so, I snap my fingers.

Immediately the magic circle set up in the sky comes crashing down, enveloping the whole city.

The circle passed through all the walls and obstacles, but as soon as it touched any living thing, it would disappear for a moment, immediately showing the same person in the same action again.

This continued happening in the blink of an eye, throughout the city, so fast that no one way able to tell something was wrong.


A few minutes passed and Tony flew in his damaged suit of armor, trying to 'threaten' Loki.

With my super sight, I was able to see their interaction clearly, until they both entered inside the building.

A minute passes before, with a loud crash, Tony is thrown out of the building, with mark VII in a capsule form rocketing behind him.

It seems my being in this universe did bring about a few changes. In the movies, he barely managed to avoid the people below, but in reality, the Mark VII wrapped him up in almost an instant.

Flying up, Tony blasts a beam at Loki. Right at that moment a huge burst of light and energy shoots into the sky and started opening a portal.

A moment later the Chitauri start pouring out like rain from the sky.

"Ugh. They're uglier than the movies. CGI could never capture this ugliness."

Tony flew up to the portal, trying to blast off as many of the Chitauri as he could before it got too much for him to handle on his own.

The overwhelming number of the Chitauri spread through out the city like the plague, destroying buildings and causing chaos all around.

One idiotic Chitauri rider did come near my building trying to attack me, considering me an easy target, before it was cut into pieces with a single wave of my arm.

Looking around, I saw Thor arrive trying to stop Loki and change his mind, while a jet containing Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye arrived, attacking the insect infestation.

Alright, almost everyone's here.

"Ah well, I guess that's my cue, I guess. Maximum Effort."

Saying so, from the edge of the balcony, with my arms crossed over my chest and back facing outside, I fall down. It looked like a trust fall, in all sense.

Feeling the wind blowing past my ears felt heavenly, but the moment was up as blue energy wrapped around me as I spread my arms and push them down, achieving a burst of energy as I propel myself up.

"Woooooohhhh" I howl in amusement as I approach a cluster of the ugly creatures.

Pulling out two 2-meter-long straight 1-inch-wide rapier style blades from my body, one in each hand, I approach the first Chitauri rider.

Slash, Boom

One slash at the rider craft and totally obliterating the pair.

All of this took less than a tenth of a second, before I turned towards another flying rider.




A streak of blue and white light could be seen cruising through the cluster, as explosions followed.

���Hey, don't you think these guys are kinda weak, I mean without their blasters, their just a bit more powerful than Nat and Burton, right?" I ask great sage.

{They are quite strong, its just that you are a lot stronger than them, even with just 50% of your strength.} replied great sage, with what I could only assume a shake of her head.

"Right. I thought I could maybe have some fun.



Wait a minute, I can have some fun.

You remember the new VR game I told you about for future direction of our company, why don't we play that game.

Alright, it's decided, Great Sage, make the preparation." I order

As soon as the order goes, a change happens to the Sage Towers.

Huge boxes, around two meters square emerge from the top floor of the building, surrounding all four corners of the building.

While that happens, I stand still while a strange white ball of mist condenses between my palms, as if preparing for a Kamehameha.

The ball keeps on growing and growing until finally with a pop, it explodes and the mist travels throughout the city.

"That should do the trick"

Flying higher in the sky, I wait for the mist to take effect while producing an eye scanner like Vegeta's from DBZ and connect great sage to it.

"Display the score and the beats on the scanner." Saying so, I place the scanner on my ear and let out a smile.

"Great Sage, drop the needle"


Boom, Boom, Tsish

Boom, Boom, Tsish

Boom, Boom, Tsish

Boom, Boom, Tsish

"Here we go", I say as all the Chitauri in a radius of a few hundred metres come zooming towards me.

Launching myself into the crowd, following the beats, my blades hit the vitals of the Chitauri, making them explode right with the beat.

Boom, Boom, Tsish

Boom, Boom, Tsish

Boom, Boom, Tsish

Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise

Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday

You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the place, singin'


"We will, we will rock you

We will, we will rock you" singing along to the song over the speakers out loud I crash through the army slaying Chitauri left and right.



Meanwhile on the ground.

"Um, guys, who's the psycho singing and dancing in the sky." Asks a lady in the tightest leather suit, sticking dangerously close to all the curves of the body, giving a whole new name to the term, "a dangerous beauty"

"Hey Stark, is that one of your guys." Asks a grown man, running around in blue spandex.

"Not with me, but whatever the hell that is, its doing a great job attracting the Chitauri. Maybe Thor knows who that is." Answered Tony through his comms.

"Well, now that the others are busy, wanna help out with the big one, seeing as Banner isn't here yet." Asks tony to the team.




"Phew, almost a warmup. Hey, show me my score."

Beep Beep

"It's over 9000"

Just Kidding. Always wanted to do that.

"Huh, why is it just 93%?" I ask in confusion over my score.

{You missed the first three 'Boom, Boom, Tsish' and messed up a bit during the end of the song.}

"Ah. Well, there's still quite a few left. Play the next song."



Looking at the count down appearing on my scanner, I slowly release my telekinetic grip over the Chitauri, struggling to get close. "Man, that poison worked a lot better than I thought." (It was a spur of the moment creation.)



"Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide

No escape from reality

Open your eyes

Look up to the skies and see

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because I'm easy come, easy go

A little high, little low

Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me"


Gently swaying to the music, I change the grip on my blades so that when I slash, the sharp end slices through the target, unlike when the flat end caused them to explode.

Pointing my toes downwards, standing tall, with my arms and blades raised by my side in the sky, I start a simple, ballet and modern fusion inspired dance, waving the blades, slowly slashing at the hyper-aggressive Chitauri coming at me.


Arm swing,

Kick jump,



Slash, slash

Arm swing.



Following the rhythm of the music, the spectacular scene of one man floating in the air, his white hair, his white clothes, unstained, fluttering in the wind as he swayed and spun and danced around, seemed heavenly.

Except, of course, the screams and blood and gore escaping from the victims of the Chitauri army, dropping from the sky, staining the ground in blackish blood and goo.


Boom. Gong

Soon, the music came to an end, as I, at the last bang of a gong from the music, spun around like a top, and released a wave of blue energy, slicing my enemies all around me.


"Hey, how'd I do this time."

{quite well, 99% completion , still needs a bit of practise but that'll have to wait. Loki's been staring daggers at you, and he just ordered for more of those giant worm thingies.}

"Ooohhh, already, but I wanted to have a bit more fun." I start acting like a little kid, who just got told that playtime was over.

"Ah, well, guess I'll go down and help out the others."

Saying so, I fly over the assembled Avengers, and hover over and look down.

*Ahhhh, superhero landing, he's going to do a superhero landing. Wait for it.*

Somehow, somewhere, some guy in a red costume appears in the corner of the city and exclaims like a little kid.

Booom. Crack