Clean Up after the War.

Time passed as I reviewed the designs of the various alien tech. Breaking it down, understanding its components, and learning how it basically worked.

Without the great sage helping me out, it would have taken me more than a few months to figure everything out, but that process was cut down to no more than a few hours.

"Lucifer, everyone's awake, and they are looking for you." Great sage's voice interrupted my study session as I snapped out of my meditative trance.

"What time is it? How long was I out?" I ask.

"Its around 9 in the morning. You spent the last 14 hours studying the new tech." Great sage explained.

"Damn, that was a bit too long. Anyway, lets see what these guys want."

"Hey Lucifer. I have to say, this med-bay thing that you have going on, I only have praise for it.

I feel like I just woke up from the best spa day ever." Tony said as he stretched his body, cracking and popping sounds coming from his joints.

"Same, it's like I woke up from the ice once again." Captain commented as he checked his body, opening and closing his fists.

"Hey Lucifer, was it your power that removed my scars or was it the machine?" Nat asked.

"A bit of both. I removed most of the superficial scars using my own powers. The smaller and deeper scars were removed by the machine. Afterall, I just gave you first aid when you went down." Lucifer answered with a smile.

"That's so wonderful. I feel like I can lift 1000 pounds and still kick ass." Nat said excitedly as she jumped around, kicking and punching, testing out her healed body.

"Yeah. But take it easy. Ease into training once more. Your body just went through some serious trauma. Just because you physically healed those wounds doesn't mean you are back to 100% yet.

If you want, I can help you with your training downstairs." Lucifer suggested, calming the assassin.

"Sure. I'll meet you downstairs after some breakfast. I'm starving."

"Yeah, me too. What's for breakfast? I'm really craving some donuts." Tony added, with Captain nodding.

"Sure. I'll whip something up." With that, the whole team went to the dining area, gorging themselves with the food that I made, as I answered more questions that the team had.

"Hey lucifer. When would the people of new York come back? And would they remember what happened?" Banner asked nervously.

"Oh, they have started to come back already. My androids have almost finished cleaning the whole city. They still have to fix a lot of stuff, like buildings and houses.

The people that were sent to the alternate dimension were let in on what was happening in their stasis. They had like a very lucid dream of what went down. It was as if they were really there.

Some need more time to accept the situation, for which they are receiving counseling in their dreams. Its not at all brainwashing. Some may need a while longer, but I'm sure all of them will be back in a few more hours." I explain.

"Back up, I think I just heard something scary in there." Banner added.

"What? Perfect timing. Look who's here." Chuckling lightly, I look around, and see a figure in dark clothing walking up the stairs towards the dining area.

A menacing aura around him, as he marched towards the team.

"Oh hey captain. How are you?" I asked casually.

"Drop the act Lucifer. Why did you let Loki go with Thor? You even let him take the Sceptre and the Tesseract." Fury demanded furiously.

"Well, hello to you to. And to answer your question, I let Thor take Loki back was because you don't have the ability to properly hold Loki here and judge him for his crimes. Asgard does. And he broke their laws first, then ours, so if you think about it, we have to get in line if we want to extradite him here and charge him for his crimes.

Also, I think Banner gave him a good beating fit for his crimes." I say as I point towards the embarrassed scientist.

"Sigh. What can I do about you? Anyways, what are you having for breakfast, I'm starving. Havent had a chance to eat anything for the past 12 hours." Sighing in defeat, Fury let the anger leave his body as he took a seat at the table, before piling food onto his plate, causing everyone at the table to look at him awkwardly.

It's not every day that your 'boss' comes and has breakfast with you.

"So, the world council giving you trouble. Or is it that pierce guy." I ask.

"Both, they wont shut up about you. They keep on asking why I never told them about you and your powers.

What can I tell them? I didn't even know about your powers. I thought only your sister had them." Fury just slumped as he stuffed a spoonful of lucky charms into his mouth before chewing.

"Well, this may come as a surprise, but my powers are much stronger than my sisters. Compared to me, she's maybe 70% at most. I just didn't feel like showing off my powers before. But now that so much interesting things are happening, I feel like it's time I show off a bit."

"Wait, you have a sister?" Captain and banner asked at the same time.

"Oh, yeah. You guys don't know. She's like an assassin for hire. But she has a very strong moral code. Only kills bad guys for money, of course. Tony and Nat know what I'm talking about." I say as I point to a fearful tony and a smirking Nat.

"Why do you look so scared Tony, what, did she try to kill you?" Banner asked jokingly, seeing Tony going stiff.

"Oh yeah. He hit on her a year before his abduction, almost ended up dead if he wasn't my acquaintance at that time." I reply, getting a chuckle from Nat and Fury.

"An assassin. Really?" Cap asked in a really disappointed tone, pointedly looking towards Fury and me.

"Oh grow up soldier boy, even the US government has used her many times in recent years. She's kinda like you, just hotter and female and no super serum." I explain, which makes him clench his spoon, bending it, as he remembered all the vile stuff that all the governments around the world do.

Time passed by quickly, as more and more people started to come back to New York, the streets were cleaner than ever, but the unique smell of new York, sewage and urine, still lingered around.


