Fixing the problem

"So, what's the issue? Is there something wrong with me?" Emily asked with tears in her eyes.

This was something that she was wishing for with all her might. And now that there is a huge issue that seems to be her problem, she was crushed.

"Em. Don't cry. It's not you. It's just that the realms kinda have an issue going on. It's just that you are special. That's why they can't give you their powers.

But there is a way that you can use magic. But that's going to take a lot of effort from not only you but also me.

Do you still want to use magic?"

"YES. YES. I'll try even harder to use magic. I'll do anything!!!!!" Hearing me say it wasn't her fault, and that she can still access magic, Emily jumped on me like a crackhead looking for a fix.

'Man, I really should have her checked for drug use. If she isn't using it yet, I better keep it away from her. I feel like she might get addicted easily.' With this thought being filed away for later, I sat down crossed legged and had Emily stand back a little while I concentrated.

"Hey, the great sage. What do you think the possibility of this plan working is?" I ask in my head.

"It will be tough. That's all I can say." The great sage replied back curtly.

"That's not ominous at all. Where's your usual bubbly self."

"Focus on the task. It's going to be very difficult. We don't have time to joke around." That was all she said before I too focused intently on the task at hand.

"Emily. Whatever happens, don't be afraid. And what you see now will be a secret." I say to her. Seeing her agree with a nod, I look ahead, my eyes glowing brightly.

"Here we go." With that, a flurry of arms moved around me, drawing runes upon runes in the air. Some in blue, some in gold.

The celestial energy that was in my body rushed into my hands, while the energy that I had previously absorbed from the current universe gave me a boost.

A surge of energy moved around in my body as my human form melted away, revealing the small silvery, blue slime ball with dense runes floating around.

"Lucifer!!!!" Emily screamed, panicking after seeing her father melt into gooey slime.

Ignoring the scream, I keep going. The runes spread as more and more energy was used.

"Great Sage. NOW!!" a few minutes after the ritual started, I ordered great sage.

As soon as I shouted, dense streams of the surrounding energies were sucked into my body, my Predator skill working overtime.



More and more sounds rang in my head, almost driving me insane before I found that they helped me keep focused on the task at hand.

Inhaling the surge of different dimensional energies, I used my own energy to condense them all together, carefully balancing the various aspects together.

Slowly, but surely, the energies started to harmonize, with both me and great sage working at 110% of our capacity.

As if a puzzle was coming together, all the different energies from all the different dimensions and realms coalesced together, until all that was left was a small black orb of darkness floating in my inner universe.

In my inner world, where the energies of the infinity stones revolved along with my own core, a new aspect was added.

"Phew. That was tough. Never doing that again." I say with a chuckle, as fatigue takes over and the shine from my slime form fades.

"Hey Em. Remember that artifact I had you keep with you at all times. Now is the time to use it. Hold me tight and crush the ring in your mouth. And whatever happens, don't tell your mother about anything that happened." Was all that I could get out before I collapsed into a deep sleep.



"Where am I?" I groggily wake up and look around.

Wooden roofs, slated windows, fresh and cool air, snowy mountains in the distance, a Baldy in a yellow robe, and ancient furniture. WAIT.

A Baldy in a yellow robe!!!!!

"The Ancient One," I scream as I recognize the woman in front of me, as I shoot out of my bed and look at her carefully.

"Well, it seems you are finally awake. Your daughter had been worried sick about you." She smiles and says before floating a cup of tea in front of me.

"Here. It will help."

"Thanks." I say as I try to grab the teacup, only to realize, 'I'm in Slime form.'

"Give me a minute." Looking awkwardly, I concentrate for a second, as my body morphs from silver-blue slime to a handsome young man of 6 feet, raven black hair, red eyes with a ring of black, and a rocking body that will make even the strictest monk to have a nosebleed.

"Here we go. Ah. Nice tea." Taking a sip, I enjoy the taste on my tongue, before looking at the ancient one.

"By the way. Where is Emily?"

"I sent her home a while back. She had school and also told her that you weren't in any trouble. It took a lot to convince her though." The ancient one replied.

"How long was I out for?"

"2 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours." A voice in my head replies.

"About 3 weeks." As does the ancient one.

"Wow, so long. Emily must be super worried. So will Lily. It's not like me to leave without telling them. I gotta go. Thanks for the tea ancient one. I'll send you some of my own tea leaves later." Saying so, I get up to leave, but not before she stops me.

"Lucifer. What you did was very dangerous. I know you are powerful. And you seem to have gotten even more powerful ever since you did the ritual a few weeks back. But be careful. Don't let that power corrupt you." With that, she stood up and began to walk away.

"Before you leave. Put on some clothes. Don't let your bits hang around."

"What the hell. Now you tell me!!!" Panicking, I hurriedly cover up myself, and create a bunch of clothes with my Spider silk, now with color, before turning around and teleporting away.

"How much stronger will you become. I just hope that the peaceful future I saw stays that way." The ancient one sighed.


