Chapter 1 - Truth Untold

Chapter 1 - Truth Untold

Namjoon was the first to walk into the practice room. As the leader, he was always the first to show up for the weekly meetings. Hoseok and Taehyung were right behind him. The three gathered on the floor waiting for the other members to arrive. They horsed around casually making small talk about their upcoming schedules. Soekjin was away visiting his family. Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin were the only three members missing.

Yoongi sauntered into the practice room looking tired as usual

"Long Night Yoon?" inquired Taehyung.

"Just went to bed about two hours ago," Yoongi responded as a huge yawn escaped his chest.

"Rough," Taehyung sympathized, "writing?"

"Yeah, but it's really good stuff and I am really proud of it." Yoongi continued

" When do we get to hear it?" Hoseok chimed in.

"Soon, when it's ready. I have to run it by PD first," Yoongi sat in the corner and pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head, "Am I the last one here?"

"No, you're not. In fact, where are those two?" Hoseok was visibly irritated.

"Guys, it's just now 3:00 o'clock, they technically aren't even late," Taehyung reminded them, "give them a couple of minutes."

Yoongi laughed from under his hood, "Oh so Jikook hasn't arrived yet? Well I can guarantee you that wherever they are, they're together."

"It's becoming a "thing" isn't it?" Namjoon offered.

"What the fuck do you mean BECOMING a thing, it's been a thing!" Yoongi interrupted. "We all know it."

"What thing?" What are you talking about?" Tae looked confused as he turned toward Namjoon, "They're never late. This is the first time ever, I'm sure they have a valid reason." Tae continued

"We're not talking about them being late Tae-Tae," Namjoon reassured Tae by patting him on the back.

"Then what are we talking about?" Tae said, still slightly confused.

"I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who noticed it. I even talked to Hoseok about it," Namjoon finished.

"Noticed what?" Tae said a little louder. He was getting more agitated by the way the conversation was bouncing around him.

"Are you being obtuse on purpose? You really can't be that clueless right?" Hoseok was curt with Taehyung. "You're closer to them than any of us, if you can't see it, it's because you don't want to."

"See WHAT? Would someone please tell me what you are talking about?" Tae threw his hands in the air.

"We think they're dating Tae-Tae." Yoongi finally addressed Tae's growing frustration.

"NO they aren't! They're like brothers." Tae laughed uncomfortably.

"I wish I had a brother like that," Hoseok joked, "I 'd be married by now." Everyone laughed with Hoseok, except for Tae who's mouth had dropped open just slightly.

Tae was replaying the events of the last few months over in his head. He completely zoned out as the others continued the conversation.

"To be fair, they've been like this for years. Jimin has been all about Jungkook since the first day they met. He's been pretty open about it. You guys remember that mess with Taemin right before our debut." Hoseok spoke. As he stood back up, he looked at his watch, "NOW THEY ARE OFFICIALLY LATE, btw."

"Yeah, but it still always felt like brothers you know. This, whatever it is, that has been happening lately is something different. I'm seeing it play out everywhere; on stage, in practice, at fan meetings, interviews, literally everywhere." Namjoon recounted all of the recent incidents that had caused him great concern.

"I think the biggest change has been in Jungkook. I think he's seeing Jimin differently." Yoongi smirked and made a kissing motion with his lips as the other members laughed. Yoongi noticed Tae, still standing there apparently in shock. "Close your mouth Tae, it's ok."

Taehyung was still standing with his mouth open staring straight ahead. He was slowly processing what the others were trying to him. His mind was moving in slow motion and he replayed every single interaction between Jungkook and Jimin over the last few months. He held a blank expression on his face. Yoongi glanced up at Tae who stood there perfectly still. He started to address him but decided that he would allow Tae to marinate a little longer in his thoughts.

Yoongi continued speaking, "Jungook has never been interested before but he's growing up and I think things are becoming clear for him."

"We have to decide what to do about this. Members dating each other is problematic. Even though they are professionals, they are both still relatively young and very volatile. We've all seen first-hand how Jungkook turns into a crazy man when he's jealous. He's even jealous of us if we get too close to Jimin. When emotions get involved, things get complicated. Not to mention what management is going to say about this." Hoseok was getting a little worked up at his latest observation.

"I've actually spoken to management about this." Namjoon looked up at the ceiling and rubbed his temples as if chasing away a headache. "We knew this was a possibility and …I just thought it was a good time to say something. Close your mouth Tae, you're starting to freak us out, it's ok, really." Namjoon placed his hand on Tae's shoulder.

"You did?" Yoongi asked with great anticipation. "What did they say? Don't keep us in suspense." Yoongi glared at Namjoon waiting for an answer.

"They said, these things happen and as long as it didn't negatively affect the group, they were going to stay out of it and allow us as a team to address it." Namjoon looked around at the concerned faces gathered around him. He looked up again at Tae who had finally allowed this to all sink in. "It's ok Tae-Tae, it's new for all of us."

Hoseok started again, "This entire situation is sensitive. There is something very real and beautiful about what is happening between them and I respect that. But guys, can we sit by and allow this to happen? I mean should we stop it or…"

Yoongi interrupted Hoseok's thought before he could continue, "We have absolutely NO control over this. To try to control it would be silly because it's sure to backfire. Jimin is very focused and he's going to make his own decisions. Jungkook…well Jungkook is stubborn and doesn't give two fucks so he is going to do what makes him happy." Yoongi gave a supportive smile. He always respected Jungkook's strong will.

Hoseok kept going, "Raw emotion is all emcompassing. This could affect our performances, stage presence and everything. We're just now starting to chart well and stabilize ourselves. We can't allow distractions. Not to mention, the impact this is going to have on our fans? We still live in a pretty fucked up society. People aren't going to just accept this. What about their families? My GOD, this isn't something they need to hear through tabloids. How will this all play out. If this goes bad, what then? Can we survive it as a group?" Hoseok felt that he had made his point. He plopped back down on the floor to give the others a chance to speak.

Yoongi removed the hood from his head. "Do we talk to them about it? We don't REALLY know what's going on. How they are defining it, I mean."

Tae finally spoke, "I can't believe I didn't realize this. I can't believe they didn't trust me enough to talk to me about it. I'm supposed to be their best friend. The awkward stares, the magnetic touches, the self-imposed isolation, it all makes perfect sense now. Why didn't they trust me? " Tae exhaled.

"We don't know if they have even talked about it themselves, Tae. Jimin may have been more open about it but Jungkook? Can you imagine how confusing this is for him? It's probably too much to sort through with you right now Tae. We can't blame them for wanting to keep things quiet. Yoongi reassured Tae again.

"Namjoon, what do we do?" Hoseok asked again, chasing the answer to the question that he had already posed multiple times.

"We protect them. That's what we have to do. We give them time, space and love until they can figure this out." Jin spoke as he came into the room bringing with him a calm wisdom that only the eldest could provide. All four men jumped in surprise at his sudden appearance.

"Where the hell did you come from? You scared us to death!" Namjoon barked.

"I'm back early. I thought I could make the meeting. By the way, the four of you are extremely loud and I can hear your entire conversation down the hallway," Soekjin laughed. "Let's keep it down, shall we?" He continued configuring his advice, "I think we can all agree that those two are the hardest workers amongst us. They're very dedicated to this group and to our success. We need to trust them to be able to handle this." Soekjin was dropping all kinds of wizened advice on his bandmates. "We need to help them keep this secret until they���re ready to reveal themselves to us. Which could take some time. And if things don't work out between them, then we'll help them through that too. Having just been through a tough break up myself, I know that it is possible to handle these things civilly and still be friends." Soekjin leaned against the mirror as he finished speaking.

"When I signed up with HB entertainment, I didn't realize I was signing up to be a babysitter." Yoongi laughed at his own joke. "I'm willing to support this but the minute it starts to hurt the group, we need to say something. Like RIGHT NOW, why are they late?"

"They aren't late," Soekjin started to say, "didn't you get the group te…"

Soekjin was interrupted when Jungkook and Jimin came bursting into the practice room. It was thirty-five after and the meeting was supposed to have started at three on the hour. Both of them had flushed red faces and were sweating profusely. They were smiling brilliantly at each other.

Tae stepped forward with his voice raised, "Where the hell have you been? You're 35 minutes late. He looked at his phone. "You expect us to just wait around for you all day?" Tae was barely controlling his anger. "You're so selfish. There are more than just the two of you in this group you know?" His attitude was unnecessarily harsh.

Jungkook looked confused. He furrowed his brow and looked to Jimin for an explanation of Tae's behavior. He seemed very un-phased by Tae's outburst as he dipped his hand into his bag and pulled out a open box of cookies that he snatched open. Jimin walked over to Tae and swung his arm around his neck.

"Soooooo, I'm guessing you didn't get the updated schedule from Manager PD? Seriously guys, do any of you ever read your group texts?" Jimin smiled.

"I read it," Soekjin said as he looked down at his phone carelessly, "the meeting was moved to 4pm."

"Ohhhh, sorry," Said Hoseok, "we almost killed you for nothing. I guess the meeting is at 4." All of them were looking down at their phones.

There's new choreo for me and Jungkook to learn for our solo on the comeback stage. The meeting got pushed so we could practice. We've been at practice. HELLO, hence us being sweaty and tired. And since it's only about 3:35, we are technically early. Jimin giggled and Jungkook laughed heartily after him as he shoveled cookies into his mouth.

Tae removed himself from Jimin's grip and left the room in a huff. He was visibly upset with the entire situation.

"What just happened?" Jungkook said through a mouth full of cookie crumbles. He was now stuffing cookies into his mouth two at a time.

"I'll talk to him," Soekjin said as he left the room following Taehyung.

"All of this because he thinks we're late?" Jungkook remarked cluelessly.

Soekjin walked out into the hallway and found Tae sitting at the end of the corridor on the cool tile. His head was dipped down and he was staring into his lap. Soekjin took up residence next to him on the floor.

"Look," Soekjin began, "this is weird for all of us okay? They're like brothers to us. We've been through a lot together and this is going to be different. But this won't divide us, unless we let it. They need us Tae. The enormity of this situation cannot be overstated. They need our unconditional love and support. If this is what we think it is, it's going to be tough for them. You love them. I know you do. They love you and that will never change. But for right now, we must protect them and keep this secret." As Soekjin finished his sentence, he reached up and put an arm around Tae.

"I know. I know. I want to protect them too. I will. It's just, they are my best friends and they never told me. It's painful to know that they didn't trust me with this information or at least tell me how they were feeling and what was happening. Even worse, I feel like a fool. I've seen this escalating for years but I think I just ignored it. How am I supposed to react to this? How am I supposed to feel? Plus. Now, I'm always going to feel like a third wheel." Tae remarked sadly.

"THIRD WHEEL? What's this madness you speak?" Jimin had stepped into the hallway just in time to hear Tae's "third wheel" remark. "Look. I don't know what this is about or what has you so upset, but you'll never be anyone's third wheel. I'm sorry if something I said in there upset you. I never meant any harm." Apologized Jimin.

Jungkook suddenly popped his head out of the doorway of the practice room. His dark hair bounced lightly in sync with his movement. He watched them with great interest as he continued to stuff cookies into his mouth.

"I'd share my cookies," he mumbled, "but I don't want to." Just as quickly as he popped out of the doorway, he popped back in and disappeared. Jimin, Tae and Soekjin all broke out into laughter. Leave it to Jungkook to inadvertently lighten the mood.

It was nearly 4pm and time for their meeting to begin. Jimin reached down to grab Tae's hand and help him to his feet. Soekjin held up his hand waiting for them to help him to his feet, but the two youngest ignored him.

"HEY!" he scolded. "I'm older than you, show me some respect." Soekjin laughed. He knew Tae and Jimin were just teasing him. Both Jimin and Tae grabbed Soekjin's hand and pulled him up.

The group reconvened in the practiced room. They continued their meeting and laid out their schedules for the next four weeks. It was going to be a busy month ahead.

Jimin and Jungkook never discovered what had transpired between the other members before they arrived. Everything seemed back to normal so they gave it no further thought. After the meeting, the rest of the members left the practice room, leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone. Jimin went to the mirror to run through his part of the solo stage choreo. His eyes met Jungkook's eyes through the reflection in the mirror. Jungkook sat in the distance behind him…watching.