Chapter 9 – The Closet

Chapter 9 – The Closet

After their three-week hiatus, OT7 were back together again to begin practicing for their comeback and promotional tour. Although they spoke frequently, Jimin and Jungkook had not physically been in the same room together for weeks. 20 days, 17 hours, 32 minutes and 44 seconds to be exact, according to Jungkook's calculations. The two had a tough time being apart. They sent secret messages to each other through twitter, they talked on the phone often and of course they sent naughty texts and skypes almost daily. Despite Jungkook's insistence that he was literally dying without Jimin's touch, the two remained strong and kept their distance from each other for the entire break.

For the most part, Jimin and Jungkook had been completely open with their families about what was going on between them. Their vacation allowed time for plenty open and honest discussions about what it would mean for everyone if the news of their relationship ever came to light. It was an uncomfortable topic of conversation, but one that needed to be had.

Gaining the support of their families was not without challenges. Jungkook's family immediately accepted Jimin and welcomed him with open arms. Jimin, however, was not so lucky. Jimin's dad was a challenge. He was the one person who refused to give Jimin his blessing. He bucked loudly against the idea of his son being gay. In fact, at times there was so much friction between him and Jimin, that they had to be separated by Jimin's brother Alex. Jimin had kept his entire relationship with Taemin a secret from his father. But he felt that Jungkook- Jungkook deserved more. He had to be honest with his dad about how he felt. One bright spot was that before Jimin left to return to Seoul, he and his father settled things by deciding to just "agree to disagree". Even though they had their tense moments, Jimin knew in his heart, that his father would eventually come around once he had time to process because all he ever wanted was for his son to be happy.

When it came to the professional lives of Jimin and Jungkook, they chose to keep their relationship a closely guarded secret although, Jimin had a much higher level of concern with keeping the secret than Jungkook. In fact, once Jungkook had finally settled things within himself, he seemed to give zero fucks about what anyone else thought. He didn't care who knew, he was completely indifferent. He maintained the secret because it's what Jimin wanted. As long as he could be with Jimin, nothing else mattered. Jimin, however, understood what could happen if HB agency ever discovered that two of it's main stars were in a homosexual relationship. This was a very serious matter that could have dire consequences.

It was extremely painful for Jimin and Jungkook not to be able to share such a happy part of their lives with their brothers. Deep down, the two wanted to confess everything but there was concern about how accepting they would be once they were faced with the reality. There was so much at stake. Both Jungkook and Jimin felt badly about not confiding in the other members, especially Tae, who was very close to both of them. But this was what needed to be done. This was their sweet beautiful secret and their's alone.

Tae, Soekjin, Yoongi and Namjoon all arrived at the HB practice studio at the same time. Hosoek and Jungkook arrived about five minutes later. Jimin had not yet arrived. The six members who were there all joked and laughed. They truly enjoyed being back together again. Tae told them all about the filming of his new docu-series. Soekjin recounted the perils of opening his first restaurant in downtown Seoul. Yoongi told them about some of the collaborations he did with American rap artists from New York. Namjoon spoke of his vacation with his parents on the beaches of Fiji. Hosoek told them about his real estate buying spree on the west side of Seoul. But when it came time for Jungkook to share what he had done over the last twenty one days, he simply stated, "I texted Jiminie-hyung everyday."

"Sooooo, that's all you did for twenty-one days is text Jimin?" Yoongi said annoyed.

"You guys know what I did, I texted you too. It's not like I didn't talk to at least one of you every day. OK, fine, I'll give more detail. I enjoyed America. They're loud, the food was good. It was cold. Happy?" Jungkook covered well.

With every little sound, Jungkook glanced up toward the door, hoping to see Jimin's beautiful face walk through. He turned to continue talking to Tae. He concentrated on Tae as carefully as possible. He watched random words float from Tae's lips; his eyes flickering rapidly between Tae's face and the door.

And then finally, the heavens opened up - Jimin arrived. Jungkook literally gasped when he saw Jimin walk into the room. He tried to cover it up with a cough and hoped that Tae didn't notice his reaction. All of the members ran to hug Jimin. and he in turn, greeted each one warmly. Jungkook hung back because he wanted to be the last to welcome him home. He needed time to sit back and just drink in the beauty that was Park Jimin. He examined him from head to toe from every angle, slowly taking in every inch of his slender toned body. He didn't know how it was possible but it seemed like Jimin looked more fit, more muscular, more perfect than ever.

"Mooooochi!" Namjoon exclaimed when it was his turn to greet Jimin, "You look tough man, what you been up to?"

"Boxing!" Jimin gleamed, "My dad and my brother Alex got me heavy into boxing while we were in Italy. It's great cardio and helps a lot with my shoulder pain. I put on about 5 pounds of muscle in about three weeks."

Jungkook swallowed and bit his bottom lip. Jungkook's thoughts raced, "Boxing huh? We'll see how well you can defend yourself tonight." Just as he released his lip, he looked up to see Jimin peering at him over Hosoek's shoulder as the two hugged. Jimin smirked because he could tell even from a distance that Jungkook was already turned on. Hoseok cleared the way and turned toward Jungkook. He motioned to Jungkook with an outstretched hand pointed towards Jimin and said, "Your turn."

It was finally Jungkook's turn to greet Jimin. Keep it cool, keep it brief, don't give anything away, don't act suspicious. Jungkook gave himself a pep talk before stepping forward to engage. Jimin flashed a big toothy smile as Jungkook approached. Jungkook thought his heart might stop. My God, he thought, how can one person be this beautiful, this perfect, this fucking sexy?

He reached out to give Jimin a platonic high five as he pulled him in for a casual side hug and light pat on the back. But before he released and stepped back, he whispered in Jimin's ear, "I got rock hard as soon as you walked into the room."

Jimin exploded in laughter and threw his entire body into Jungkook. He grabbed Jungkook's neck and whispered back, "I missed you too baby."

The two quickly separated and jumped into work mode to begin practice. Jungkook was telling the truth. From the moment that Jimin stepped through those doors looking like an Angelic Prince, blood began rushing to his cock. He had a steady erection that he just couldn't get down. For the first hour, Jungkook really struggled because his boner was persistent and causing discomfort throughout the entire center of his body. Every time he would experience some relief, Jimin would graze him or hug him or do something during the breaks that caused him to grow hard again.

Practice was important; especially this practice because they had a performance the following day. Jungkook was growing frustrated with himself because he just couldn't seem to get himself together and focused. His timing was off, he was missing his moves. He was totally distracted because of a stupid erection he couldn't control. This was the type of thing that happened to kids, not grown men. During the next break, Jimin came bopping over to him as usual to make contact. Jungkook leaned over and snapped at him.

"You have got to stay away from me. I am so turned on by you right now that I can't get my dick to go down. I've been hard for almost two hours."

Jimin laughed loudly. Jungkook looked around and shhhshed him. "Ohh you think this is funny, Jimin?" He was seriously irritated.

"Ok baby, that's a problem," Jimin giggled, "I'll try my best to stay away from you. Just focus. You really are fucking up all of the choreo. We won't ever get through practice if you don't get it together."

"Give me a break," said Jungkook, "YOU try making it through an entire practice with a rock hard dick and tell me how well you do." Jimin laughed even louder this time and was about to fall into Jungkook when he caught himself and spun the other way at the last minute.

Practice continued and Jungkook was still unable to focus. He looked to his left and saw Jimin grinding in the mirror with every thrust projected in Jungkook's direction. A few songs later, Jimin sauntered past Jungkook and casually put his index finger in his own mouth, he sucked on it loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

"I hate you so much right now." Jungkook said in a hushed tone. Of course, Jimin giggled. The poor belabored Maknae got even more frustrated as practice continued. His failure to concentrate was starting to affect the entire team because he couldn't hit his choreography. He made errors in every set, requiring them to do it over and over until he could get it right. Jimin realized that the issue was serious. If he didn't get Jungkook back on track, practice could go on for hours.

They finally made it to a scheduled break. Yoongi and Namjoon had an interview so they left the room early. Hoseok walked over to Jungkook and laid into him about his lack of concentration. Just as Jungkook was about to apologize, Jimin walked over and stepped between the two of them facing Hoseok.

"Don't worry Hobi, I'll take care of this," Said Jimin angrily.

Jungkook looked down at Jimin with a bewildered expression. What did he mean by saying, he would take care of this? How?

"Jungkook, come with me, let's talk," Jimin said very sternly.

"What? Why Hyung?" said a confused Jungkook.

Jimin was very serious, with no trace of laughter in his face, "Come. With. Me." Jimin repeated with more anger in his voice. Jungkook moved quickly. One thing he knew for sure, Jimin was to be taken seriously when he was angry.

As they left the practice room, Jungkook followed closely behind him apologizing with every step, "Look Jiminie, I'm sorry. I don't know what it is about you today but every time I look at you, I feel like I'm going to lose control. I just missed you so much and I can't control my…Uhh baby, where are we going?"

Jimin didn't answer. Jungkook asked again, more respectfully, "Jiminie-Hyung, where are we going?" he asked cautiously. "We only have about 20 minutes before we need to get back to practice…."

"Shut up!" replied Jimin with a small smirk on his face.

Jungkook stared transfixed at Jimin's perfect mouth as he uttered the words, "shut-up". Jimin led Jungkook through a maze of corridors. They ended up in a back-hall way about five minutes away from the main practice room. Jimin stopped at what appeared to be a small closet. He looked around to make sure no one was there and he quickly opened the door and pulled Jungkook in.

"What are weeeeee…" Jungkook protested. "What if someone catches us…?"

"SHUT UP!!," Jimin replied in the sexiest raspiest voice Jungkook had ever heard.

Once they were both inside the tight closet, Jungkook looked around curiously. He realized it was very dark with the exception of a small dull light at the top of the ceiling. He could barely make out Jimin's features, but even in this light, Jimin was stunningly handsome. The most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life.

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for small tight spaces baby," Jungkook said as he settled in a few inches closer to Jimin.

Jimin began speaking in that same low sultry voice, "I asked you very nicely to shut up."

Jungkook felt his cock throbbing.

Jimin continued speaking almost in a complete whisper, "Since you can't seem to shake this pesky erection, I thought I would get rid of it for you."

"Oh my God," Jungkook groaned at the thought of what Jimin was about to do to him.

Jimin began rubbing Jungkook's hard cock while he kissed him softly. He placed his small hand around Jungkook's massive throat and pushed him further into the wall. His other hand began unbuckling Jungkook's pants before finally dropping them to the ground. The fitted boxers that curved his thick thighs were invaded by Jimin's lingering fingers. He tugged at the band around the waist and pushed them down to join the pants that he had already discarded. Jungkook's freed cock sprang outwards and hit Jimin in the leg.

"Do you want me to make you cum Bunny?" Jimin smiled and whispered in Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook nodded aggressively without saying a word. This was becoming a very good day, Jungkook thought to himself.

"You have to be quiet, can you do that for me bunny?" Jimin whispered.

"No." Jungkook whispered back. His eyes were wide and his left leg had started bouncing in anticipation.

Jimin dropped to his knees and took Jungkook's entire dick into his mouth. He pushed it all the way to the back of his throat and began sucking. He played with Jungkook's balls and massaged them in his hand. Sucking noises could be heard reverberating down the entire hallway. Jimin's mouth was wet and warm. Jungkook tried to maintain control. He knew that Jimin didn't like him to cum too fast. He tried using all of the tricks that Jimin had taught him to help control his orgasm. Puppies, hamburgers…yeah, think of puppies, fortnight, hospitals, ice cream, rainbows, funerals, grandma, surgery, throw up!!! Jungkook closed his eyes tight trying to hold on. He needed something – anything that could help him control himself. He took deep breaths. Nothing was working. Nothing could temper the explosion that was about to happen in Jimin's mouth. He could feel it starting to happen. Jimin was stroking him with his mouth and with each stroke, he pushed Jungook's cock deeper into his throat. Jungkook grabbed the back of Jimin's head and tangled his fingers in his hair. He caught the rhythm of Jimin's stroke and began gently pushing the back of Jimin's head in syncopation.

The pre-orgasmic moaning began loudly. He lost all inhibitions as he started thrusting his hips into Jimin's mouth. His breathing sped up and he became slightly discombobulated as he threw his head back in pure ecstasy. The greedy little monster between his legs began to pulse rapidly. In response, Jimin sucked him even harder. Jungkook closed his eyes tight and panted with each of Jimin's movements. His heart raced, "Oh FUCK! OH GOD OH GOD, UUHH, UHHHH, UHHHH, SSSS, UHHHH!!!" he yelled, the excited desperation of his voice could be heard clear down the hallway. Within seconds, he projected his massive load down Jimin's throat and into his stomach. The supply of semen had been building for three hours and the supply of fluid squirting from his body seemed never ending. Jimin took it all and swallowed.

Jungkook calmed down and stopped pulsating but the intensity of the moment caused him to bore his fingertips into the narrow walls around him. Jimin kissed his softening dick. As he lifted himself up from his knees, before pulling Jungkook's pants and underwear back into place.

Jungkook stared, panting, in disbelief, "What was that? Can we keep doing that? I want to keep doing that…Please, let's keep doing that." Jungkook was so giddy that he was almost bouncing with happiness. Jimin laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Jungkook asked.

"You are so cute, when you lose control," Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and gave him several kisses on the lips. He then turned serious. He looked at Jungkook sternly and said, "Now you have no excuse not to focus. Let's get through this practice. I want no more mistakes from you, understand? Be a good boy and I'll give you more of this later."

Jungkook nodded happily in agreement, "You won't have any further problems from me Hyung. I will be completely focused, I promise. As long as you promise that you will do that to me again tonight."

"We'll see," Jimin said teasingly.

Jungkook continued quizzically, "How do we go back to practice after that? Aren't people going to be suspicious about where we've been?"

"No one will know anything. Besides, I swallowed all of the evidence," Jimin said seductively as he smiled at Jungkook.

"We need to get back now though. I'll go first. You make sure the coast is clear and then you come later. Got it?" Like a flash, Jimin exited the closet and headed down the corridor back to the practice room.

Jungkook buckled his pants and reflected on how good it felt when Jimin was sucking him. He thought about how lucky he was to have such a perfect man in his life. And just as quickly as Jimin exited, Jungkook was also out of the closet and headed back to the practice room.

When Jungkook arrived, Jimin was over talking to Namjoon casually as if nothing had ever happened. Jimin had a bottle of water that he was gulping. Jungkook snickered. Trying to wash me down huh baby? He thought to himself as he broke into a small laugh.

As soon as Jungkook walked in, Hosoek called the practice back into session.

"Jungkook, where have you been? It's time to get back to work." Said Hosoek

Jungkook responded, "I'm ready and I'm focused, let's get it."

The next few hours of practice went well. Jungkook was back to his normal self. He hit every mark and had a flawless practice. In fact, practice went so well, that the members were able to wrap up early. Hoseok was very pleased. He congratulated Jungkook on doing a good job getting his focus back.

As the other members were leaving, Hoseok walked over to thank Jimin for helping to get Jungkook back on track.

"What did you say to him to get him to concentrate?" inquired Hoseok.

Jungkook saw the two talking and walked over to pick up his bag. He overheard Jimin and Hoseok's conversation and was very curious about what Jimin was going to say. He pretended to not pay attention as he slowly grabbed his bag and began eavesdropping.

Jimin began to answer, "Well uhhhh, I uum, told him it was for ARMY and…."

As Jimin was talking, Hosoek's gaze began to travel between Jimin and Jungkook's faces. He was looking back and forth at each of them. Both Jimin and Jungkook tried to look as innocent as possible to not give away the secret of what had happened in the closet. Suddenly Hosoek's face turned into a sour expression.

"Oh GOD, you two didn't fuck did you?" Hosoek exclaimed.

"NO!!!" Jimin and Jungkook screamed in unison, both looking extremely guilty.

"Ohh yes you did, I can see it on your faces. You're both terrible liars. I hope you did it some place far far from here...away from my Gucci bag. Jeez you two." Hoseok said

Both men began to panic. They stared at each other with stunned gazes. Jungkook's entire life flashed before his eyes. Had they accidentally given away a career ending secret? What were they going to do? NOBODY could find out about them. What would the other band members say if they knew they were dating? Would they be kicked out? This was catastrophic. They were going to have to do damage control.

Jimin was the first to try to redirect Hobi's revelation. He stumbled mightily, "Look, I don't know what kind of people do you think we are? We are just friends and we don't do that sort of thing. I'm're thinking but...nothing like that happened. We aren't like that. I simply told him err, uhh, uum, that…."

Jungkook joined in quickly with the denial, "That's ridiculous, I am sure I like girls or something...and not with this guy..." He sounded just as overly defensive and ridiculous as Jimin.

Hosoek laughed again and patted Jimin on the back, "Oh STOP IT YOU FOOLS. We all know," Hoseok blurted.

Jungkook looked incredulous, "Know what? We….."

Hosoek interrupted becoming agitated again. "You two are pretty obvious, you idiots. We never said anything because we wanted you to tell us when you were ready. But if you're fucking during practice breaks, clearly you're not trying too hard to keep it secret anymore!"

Tae also overheard the conversation and decided to be his usual troll. He took a great deal of satisfaction in being part of busting up their half-assed attempts at hiding their relationship. He walked over and chimed in with, "Great, so no more pretending like we don't know their dating? Thank God, that was the stupidest charade in KPOP history," Tae laughed mercilessly. "And one more thing while we're at it, no more fucking in my shower. Next time do that shit in Jungkook's room." Tae pointed at the two as they stood speechless.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other again still in shock. Their brothers knew? They knew! Of course, they knew.

Jungkook looked at Tae, "You mean all this time, you knew about us and you never said anything?"

Tae shrugged, "Yes. You are very dumb. You are both very dumb."

Jimin spoke, "And you knew that day that he was in the shower with me?"

Tae shrugged, "Yes, gross, we have to share that shower, bro. But I guess you're Hoseok's problem now since he's your new roommate," Tae laughed.

Hoseok, "Oh, no, don't bring that shit into my room. I'll kill you."

Jimin spoke again, "So does everyone know?"

Hosoek smiled, "Well, all of us do. Your brothers who care. Namjoon even spoke with management about it. It's pretty well known in our circle guys. We we're just waiting for you. I don't love this. I'm not going to lie, but there is nothing I can do about it and I will support you where I can."

Jimin and Jungkook had no words. They both looked again at Tae, "I'm sorry that we didn't tell you about this Tae. You must feel so betrayed. But understand that this…" Jimin tried. Tae stopped him.

"No need to say it Jimin. I was pissed at you at first. It did feel like betrayal. It felt like you guys didn't trust me. But as I sat back and watched all of the struggles that you two went through just to get here, I realized that nothing about this was easy. Hell you two didn't even know what you were doing, how were you going to explain it to me?" Tae said kindly.

"We still don't!" Jungkook added. Jimin punched him in the arm. Tae gave them both brief hugs before throwing his bag over his shoulder and leaving the room.

Jimin and Jungkook stared at each other, still slightly in shock. There was such a sense of relief. Yet, they felt awkward knowing that their secret was no longer a secret. Only time would tell how this would affect the group. But for right now, they were just happy to know that they had the support of their brothers.

Hosoek broke into the middle of their reflection and yelled, "Listen, you two didn't go anywhere near my Gucci bag right or my shoes? Did you touch any of my stuff during your interlude? I swear to God if you fucked any where near my new Gucci bag...."

"No," Jimin and Jungkook said in unison as they smiled and held hands.

"Besides," Jungkook said as he stared dreamily at Jimin, "we already told you, we didn't fuck..."

It was technically...the truth.
