Chapter 11 - The Ring

Chapter 11 - The Ring

It was early afternoon on Feb 6th. Jungkook's cell phone had been turned off for hours so that no one could trace his location. He didn't want to be interrupted with phone calls either. He paced up and down the floor of the jewelry story trying to find the perfect one. He had been there for over two hours mulling over the selection.

"No, that one's too big. His hands are really small." Said Jungkook, "NO, that one's the wrong color."

"Sir", the jeweler interrupted as he smiled politely, "we've looked at over 25 rings and you haven't found any to your satisfaction. May I suggest we try something different?"

Jungkook looked up hopefully and replied, "Sure, I'm willing to try anything to find the perfect ring for my Jiminie."

The jeweler took Jungkook to a special glass case towards the back of the store.

"Now I will be honest with you, these rings may cost a bit more than the first selection I showed you." The jeweler explained.

"I don't mind. He's worth it." Said Jungkook.

"He?" The Jeweler looked at Jungkook as if he had made a grammatical error.

"Yes, HE." Jungkook said, purposely obtuse to the Jeweler's inflection.

Jungkook's face lit up as he walked around the new display of rings that the Jeweler was showing him. Jungkook was much more impressed with this new selection. They were hip, edgy, less traditional and definitely more Jimin's style. Why didn't he bring him to these rings in the first place? Jungkook thought to himself. Jungkook also noticed that all of the rings were sold in sets.

"Couple's rings?" Jungkook asked inquisitively.

"Yes, all of them." The Jeweler replied.

He instantly loved the idea. What better way to show his commitment to Jimin than to present him with couple's rings. He walked around the small glass case viewing his options when suddenly a stunning platinum set caught his eye.

Without hesitation Jungkook shouted, "That's it!"

"Nice choice. Would you like to see it?" replied the Jeweler.

Jungkook lowered his face until his chin was only inches from the glass, "I want it. Do you engrave?"

"We do." The Jeweler said boastfully.

"I'm not going to engrave it yet, because I want to do that together – with him – once we know what we want to say to each other. But I'll come back to do it."

The Jeweler removed the ring from the display and handed it to Jungkook to examine. It was heavy and solid which was a good thing, because his precious Jimin was rather clumsy and he needed something that could hold up to a few accidents. The ring was a beautiful platinum infinity band with a diamond heart in the middle.

Hearts had a special meaning for he and Jimin. When their relationship was still a secret, they would often send heart hand signals to each other on stage or whenever they were in a large group of people. It was their secret little way of saying "I Love you" in front of everyone without anyone knowing. They would make finger hearts on camara and point them in each other's direction. Keeping their secret was difficult, but it was always their display of hearts that gave them just a little bit of sanity.

Jungkook smiled as he looked down at the diamond heart in the center of the ring.

"What size Sir?" The Jeweler inquired of Jungkook.

"Ohh, match it to this." Jungkook handed him one of Jimin's favorite rings that he had stolen from his jewelry box.

Jungkook happily paid for his purchase and set out for the apartment. This was finally going to happen, he thought to himself. He had been calling Jimin his boyfriend for over a year now, but this ring was going to finally make it official. Tonight was the night.

Jungkook always promised Jimin that as soon as he graduated and became of age, they could officially be together.

Getting through school and completing his education was important to Jungkook. He admired Jimin greatly for his intelligence and studious nature. Jimin motivated him to be a better student. Jungkook wanted very much to be an intelligent boyfriend that Jimin could be proud of. He worked hard to learn and educate himself.

Education was also very important to Jungkook's family. His father worked tirelessly to pay for Jungkook to receive an education from a school with a stellar reputation. His family sacrificed to make sure that Jungkook only received the best. Jungkook felt a strong sense of gratitude towards his dad, but also a large burden of responsibility. He felt that as long as his dad was still paying for his education, he was under his influence and not free to be his own man. It didn't matter that Jungkook had already begun to amass a fortune of his own. His father was committed to paying for Jungkook to finish school and no amount of money that Jungkook earned could change that. Needless to say, getting through the last few months of school was critically important to Jungkook on many different levels. Graduation was finally here.

Jungkook's Graduation ceremony was scheduled for 10:00am KST on the following morning. OT7 had a full schedule on the day of Jungkook's graduation. Jungkook knew that if he didn't take time to be with Jimin tonight, he may have to wait up until a full week to finally have time to give Jimin his ring. Jungkook was boiling over with excitement and happiness; there was no way he would survive waiting a week to surprise Jimin. So Jungkook decided to make his move tonight. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He practiced the words he planned to say to Jimin over and over in his head.

Hosoek, Jimin's roommate, was spending the night in the HB studio to work on his mix tape. This meant that Jungkook and Jimin would have the apartment alone to themselves. Jungkook would have invited Jimin to his place, but it was too small and the mood just wasn't right. Everything had to be perfect, and this meant using Jimin's place. Jungkook was a deeply romantic man. His plans for the evening were modest, but loving and sentimental. He knew that Jimin would consider this a very big deal.

Jungkook was relieved to know that the other members knew about he and Jimin's relationship. They gave the two of them great support, even advice. Jimin and Jungkook always thought they did a good job hiding their relationship. But to their surprise, the other members had known for months what was going on between them. It was Hosoek who finally revealed the truth to Jimin and Jungkook after getting particularly frustrated with their sneaking around. Jungkook smiled as he reflected on Hosoek's words that day,

"We all know. Did you fuck anywhere near my Gucci bag?" yelled Hosoek.

Jungkook laughed out loud as he thought about it. Jungkook loved his Hyungs. He was lucky to have them. He and Jimin's circumstance was unusual indeed. Only a very select few individuals would have been comfortable enough to lovingly support their relationship. He and Jimin were lucky that five of those individuals were their bandmates. Namjoon had even gone so far as to help each of them compose songs about the other. Songs that were gender agnostic, which was a huge message to the LGBTQ community and the KPop Industry at large.

It was getting late. The members had plans for a quick dinner and then an early night. They all needed to get up early the following morning to attend the graduation ceremony. Jungkook had spent so much time in the jewelry store that he didn't realize how late it was. As soon as he walked into the lobby of his apartment complex, he saw Jiminie standing there waiting for him with his arms rigidly collapsed at his side and his left hand slightly balled into a fist. SHIT! Jungkook thought to himself. The last thing he meant to do on this day of all days, was to make Jimin angry. One thing that Jungkook still feared slightly was an angry Jimin.

As soon as he touched foot inside the building, Jimin was in his face.

"Jeon Jungkook! Where have you been? I've been calling you and texting you for the last three hours. Tae has been calling. Even Yoongi called you. What the fuck?" Jimin demanded

Jungkook looked at Jimin hoping to see even the slightest sign of tenderness in his expression. Was he really that angry? Jungkook was slow to answer. Jimin took two steps closer and poked Jungkook hard in the chest with his finger.

"OUCH!" Jungkook called out.

So yeah, thought Jungkook, he's pretty mad. This is for real. This is not a drill. As he was about to respond to Jimin's question, the closeness of Jimin's proximity began to overwhelm him. He felt a bulge start to grow slightly in his pants. He stared into his eyes; they were like dark pools of water that he just wanted to jump into and immerse himself within. His moist plump lips were moving fast and saying a lot of words. Jungkook knew that he really should be listening, but that radiant glow across Jimin's pale skin captivated him. As Jimin spat admonishments, Jungkook watched his fluffy bleach blond hair bounce around his forehead. How could any one person be so beautiful?

"HEY! Why the fuck is wrong with you? Are you even listening?" Jimin poked Jungkook hard in the chest again. Jimin was a nut when he was angry. Jungkook couldn't help but smile though. He immediately snapped out of his daydream and began again trying to come up with an explanation for why he had been gone so long and why he hadn't answered his phone.

Just as Jimin was about to take another poke at Jungkook's chest, Tae stepped off the elevator. He saw the tense exchange between the two and headed towards them. Jungkook saw Tae and gave him a quick pleading look of SAVE ME as Tae rushed over.

"Hey Jungkook, where have you been? You missed our staff meeting and the card tournament," explained Taehyung.

Jungkook looked relieved. He moved slightly to the left in Tae's direction to avoid another chest poke from Jimin. He quickly composed a response for Tae, "I had some important errands to run to prepare for tomorrow. I mean I had to buy a few things," he said, impressed with his quick thinking lie.

A look of understanding came across Tae's face. "OH yeah, I almost forgot. Tomorrow is the big day!" Beamed Tae. He wrapped his arm around Jungkook's neck and patted him roughly on the top of the head. Jimin's expression lightened a little but Jungkook could tell that he was still upset, "What did you buy? You don't have any bags so clearly you didn't buy much in three hours," said Jimin using his interrogative Father voice, "And why didn't you answer your phone?"

UGH! Jungkook thought to himself. He didn't have any bags. This was a major flaw in his lie. He had safely stored the rings in his coat pocket, but he purposely left the bag in the jewelry store because he didn't want to draw attention to it, "I'm sorry babe, my phone battery is dead. I forgot to charge it," Jungkook lied again.

"Let me see it," Jimin demanded without hesitation.

Tae knew Jungkook was lying. He jumped between them and placed Jungkook in a headlock, "Jimin-hyung, give him a break, he graduates tomorrow, besides it's time to go and eat. The cars are here."

Tae grabbed Jungkook by the arm and pulled him on to the elevator. Jimin, still not fully satisfied with Jungkook's answers, followed them reluctantly. When Jimin turned his back, Jungkook silently mouthed the words "THANK YOU" to Tae. Tae laughed quietly and punched Jungkook lightly in his shoulder.

By the time the members all reached the restaurant, Jimin had calmed down and was his usual perfect self. Jungkook kept the rings in his pocket throughout dinner. Every few minutes, he would run his fingers over the box to make sure it was still there. Every time he did so, his heart would begin to pound hard within his chest. The thought of making Jimin his boyfriend officially was one of the happiest thoughts of his life. He unconsciously began to stare at Jimin from across the table.

Jimin and Namjoon were engrossed in a deep conversation. Jungkook felt a little burn in the center of his body while watching the two of them interact. It felt like a dragon was awake in his chest where his heart was supposed to be. He didn't like Namooon being so close to his Jiminie. He ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek and continued to stare. Jimin was smiling and laughing at something Namjoon said. It couldn't have been that damn funny, Jungkook thought to himself. Jimin doubled over in laughter at Namjoon's joke and his head swept against Namjoon's shoulder. Jungkook's stare became much more intense. And then suddenly, almost as if Jimin could feel Jungkook's eyes burning a hole in his skin, he turned around and met his stare. Jimin smiled playfully at Jungkook and gave him a heart with his two fingers. He then turned back around and pulled his chair back about three feet to increase the distance between him and Namjoon. Jimin's thoughtful loving action was just enough to subdue the burning dragon in his chest. Once again, he ran his fingers across the rings that were in his coat pocket.

The group finished dinner and headed back to the apartment building. Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon headed to the recording studio. Soekjin exited, leaving Jimin, Jungkook and Tae as the only three remaining on the elevator. When Tae reached his floor, he turned around and gave Jungkook a suspicious nod before exiting. Jungkook nodded back.

Jimin smiled suspiciously at Jungkook, "What was that about?"

"Nothing," said Jungkook casually as he continued to look straight ahead.

Jimin and Jungkook's rooms were a floor away, but it had become routine for Jungkook to always accompany Jimin back to his place. Jimin stepped forward to exit the elevator but Jungkook did not follow.

"Are you coming baby?" Jimin said politely.

"I'll be there in a minute. I forgot to tell Tae something," Jungkook waived good-bye and quickly pressed the elevator door shut.

"OK, hurry!" Jimin yelled as the elevator door slammed in his face. The last thing Jungkook saw before the elevator doors shut was Jimin leaning awkwardly to his left flashing his brilliant smile at his boyfriend. The smile made Jungkook's heart pound heavy in his chest again.

Jungkook hurried back to his apartment. He placed the ring box on top of his dresser and rushed to take a shower. He washed his hair with Jimin's favorite shampoo and then after he got out of the shower, he sprayed his naked body with Jimin's favorite cologne and threw on a clean white t-shirt and Jimin's favorite pair of jeans. " Jiminie always loves to see me wear these, he says they make my butt look good," he giggled to himself. He brushed his wet hair and contemplated if he should style it and dry it. He decided against it because even though wet hair wasn't ideal, Jimin would understand. He grabbed his phone, quickly sent a text that said, "Five minutes". He hit send and put the phone in his pocket. In one fell swoop, he grabbed the rings, took a deep breath and headed back to Jimin's room.

He bounced nervously before knocking on Jimin's door. Jimin greeted him wearing nothing but a thin white robe. He was freshly showered and he was soaking wet. His wet bleach blonde hair was scattered in a mess across his forehead and his damp robe was beginning to stick to his wet body in all the right places. Jungkook felt himself start to grow hard as he examined the silhouette of Jimin's strong muscular frame beneath his robe. As he stepped into Jimin's room, he adjusted himself to calm his growing erection, "Control JK, must maintain control."

"My little graduate!" Jimin teased as he grabbed both of Jungkook's cheeks with his small hands and began kissing him on every part of his face. His last kiss landed squarely on Jungkook's lips. None of this did anything to help subside Jungkook's erection. The two embraced in an awkward hug and Jimin could feel Jungkook's hardness poking him in the leg. He pretended not to notice but flashed a brilliant white smile.

"Fortnight?" Jimin asked.

"Um no,��� Jungkook replied "Umm, I …can we do…I mean…," Jungkook struggled. Jeez, he thought to himself, I can't even get my words together. "Why does Jimin have his effect on me?" He thought, disappointed in himself.

Jimin flashed another smile and laughed hard, "What the heck is wrong with you? You've been acting weird all day," Jimin said as he grabbed his side and continued to laugh.

Jungkook smiled back and opened his mouth to utter a curse word when he was suddenly halted by a knock at the door. Jimin stepped toward the door to open it but Jungkook jumped in front of him, "I'll get that," Jungkook said authoritatively. He walked to the door and opened it. It was Tae standing there with a large duffle bag. Jungkook gave him a not and reached out to grab the bag, but Tae stepped past him and invited himself into Jimin's apartment.

"What's up boys?" Tae said cheerfully.

"Why are you bringing luggage into my room?" Jimin questioned Tae as he watched him wrestle the large bag.

"Just some junk Kookie asked me to bring." He pushed the bag hard into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook grabbed the bag while glaring angrily at Tae.

"So, we doing Fortnight?" asked Tae.

"SURE," said soaking wet Jimin, "but it's just us, because Jeon Jungkookie doesn't want to play."

Jungkook started to grow irritated. His best friend and his boyfriend were trolling him. Both of them knew that Jungkook wanted to be alone with Jimin but they continued to play this game just to irritate him. He put the duffle bag down gently. With one powerful hand, he grabbed Tae by the back of his collar and escorted him to the door. Jimin stood on his spot laughing and pointing at poor Tae. Jungkook and his super strength opened the door and physically threw Tae out.

"HEY!!!!! Is that any way to treat your best friend who came here to help you?" Laughed Tae.

Jungkook erupted into a smile and said, "Thank you Tae-Tae, I owe you one."

"Congratulations Kookie," said Tae as he muffled the top of Jungkook's wet hair. He laughed and turned to jump back onto the elevator.

Jungkook closed the door and turned his attention back to Jimin who had fallen on the bed backwards still laughing with his entire body. He could see the outline of Jimin's thighs through the robe and his entire lower body began to tremble with lust causing. He followed the outline of Jimin's entire body with his eyes, "I have a surprise for you Jiminie," Jungkook said to him.

Jimin looked too excited, "A surprise for me? You're the one graduating tomorrow. I should be giving you surprises. What did I do to deserve a surprise Jeon Jungkookie?"

"Love me, that's what you did," Jungkook answered.

Jimin was touched by his response and stared lovingly at him.

Jungkook walked over to his duffle bag and began unpacking it. First he took out an exquisite bottle of champagne and two glasses. This was Jimin's favorite brand. Next he pulled out candles, strawberries, cupcakes, massage oil, lubricating gel and his blue tooth speaker. He slipped the ring box into the duffle bag to keep the rings hidden until he was ready to present them.

Jimin looked around at all of Jungkook's gifts, "What's all this?"

Just a little celebration before the celebration," he` smiled. He turned off all of the lights and lit the candles. Jimin opened the bottle of champagne and poured it for both of them. Jungkook started his play list.

"Baby? Are – are these all of my favorite songs?" Jimin stared at Jungkook with his heart full of affection.

"Yes, a little Usher, Chris Brown, Khilani, Kalid...all of your favorites my love." Jungkook gently swiped the side of Jimin's cheek.

"I can't believe you, what? What's going on?" Jimin grew more insistent upon knowing what Jungkook had up his sleeve.

"Relax. Enjoy me. I'm awesome to hang out with." That was the only information that Jungkook was willing to release.

For the next few hours, the duo spent their time laughing, talking, singing, drinking and reminiscing about old times. They also talked a lot about Jimin and his dad and the rift that had developed between them since Jimin admitted to being in love with Jungkook. It was a moment of sadness for Jimin, but the strength and bravery with which he handled it had Jungkook awestruck.

"Baby," Jungkook approached his question very cautiously, "when did you know – you – you liked men?"

"Definitely from the womb." Jimin laughed at himself and laughed even harder at how delicately Jungkook asked the question. "You can ask me anything Jungkookie, you don't have to be shy. You know me better than anyone in the whole world. And what you don't know, I'll happily tell you. You know that things haven't always been clear for me either though. Before Taemin, I actually dated a girl. I was trying to conform to the expectations that had been placed on me. I even lied to my dad about the true nature of me and Taemin's relationship. I was so young, I was too afraid to fight for myself. The confidence you see now took a long time to develop."

"Do you ever get scared? I mean, our society isn't exactly kind to people like us. And then when you think about who we are, where we are, what we do…we're under a lot of pressure to keep this contained and keep it secret and sometimes…" Jungkook trailed off.

"Sometimes what baby? You don't regret our decisions do you?" Jimin was growing concerned with Jungkook's unease.

"No, just the opposite. I'm so happy. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, yet, I have to keep you a secret. I have to keep us a secret. I want the world to see you as I see you. I want the world to know that I love you. It rips my heart out to not be able to share our love with the world. Sometimes, I get tired and I just…I don't want to hide us. I want to make a statement so that everyone knows…" Jungkook purged a cataclysm of feelings that had been locked up within him for months.

Jimin chose not to indulge Jungkook in his spiral of frustration. Instead he touched his lips to Jungkook's and then sang, "You are the cause of my Euphoria." Jungkook countered with, "When I'm with you, I'm in Utopia."

"We're dorks." Jimin laughed.

They two continued to feed each other strawberries and lick cupcake icing off of each other's faces. It was nearly 2am before Jungkook finally got the courage to do it, "Jiminie?" Jungkook said slowly.

"Yeah?" Jimin responded.

"You know how much I love you right?" Jungkook rubbed the top of Jimin's hand as he spoke.

"I think I do, yes," Jimin smiled.

"You also know that this…us…hasn't been easy for me," Jungkook spoke softly.

"I do. It hasn't been easy for either of us, but especially you," Jimin said with a soft understanding tone.

"I've had so many mixed feelings, and at times, I've been confused. I've tried to deny my feelings. I've tried pushing you away. I've had a hard time finding my way. But now that I have found my way back to you, I know that you're my destiny and I don't want to live without you. I'm not good at this." Jungkook stopped talking.

"What's wrong Kookie?" Jimin asked with his voice full of concern.

"Nothing is wrong. I told you, everything is…right. I made a promise to you a long time ago. Tonight, I plan to keep that promise." Jungkook got up from the bed and went over to the duffle bag. He pulled out the box with the beautiful couple's rings and walked back over and crawled up to the top of the bed where Jimin was laying on his side.

"I graduate tomorrow, which means I will officially be an adult. I was already of age, but finishing school was important for me to feel free to live my life as I desire. My desire is you. Remember when I read a poem to you telling you that I'd be your future boyfriend? Well I meant it. It's time we make this boyfriend thing official. Jungkook opened the box while watching Jimin's face closely to measure his expression. Jimin flashed the most beautiful smile that Jungkook had ever seen.

The rings were identical but the smaller one belonged to Jimin. Jungkook took the smaller ring and placed it on Jimin's left ring finger. He admired it for a few moments and then lifted Jimin's hand to kiss Jimin's finger after he put the ring on it. Jungkook blushed a little before looking into his eyes and saying, "I love you Park Jimin." For no apparent reason, Jimin punched Jungkook in the shoulder with his right hand as he admired the ring on his left, "I love it Kookie, and I love you." Jimin was overjoyed with this special moment. He couldn't stop smiling. They looked at each other simultaneously and put their hands over their mouths and giggled.

Jimin looked down in the box and noticed the other ring, "Jungkook-ah, there are two rings? These are…couple's rings?"

"Yes!" answered Jungkook.

"Oh Kookie, you can't wear this. I mean…not right now. I mean…are you really ready to come forward with this right now? Are you ready to tell everyone…ARMY, HB..everyone? Are you really ready to expose this much of our private lives?" Jimin said tenderly.

Jungkook hadn't really thought about it. He was so focused on his love for Jimin, that he hadn't thought about what wearing matching rings would reveal. The only people who knew anything about he and Jimin were the other members of OT7 and a select few members of management.

"You're right." Jungkook said sadly as he looked down in his lap.

Jimin met Jungkook's eyes. As was his standard practice whenever Jungkook dropped his head, he took his palm and placed it under Jungkook's chin to raise it back up, "I am very proud of you and I'll gladly tell the entire world about us, if that's what you want. But we have plenty of time. We don't have to rush into anything right now. As long as we know, that's all that matters," Jimin said resolutely, still beaming with his smile.

Jungkook smiled hard and said, "I have an idea."

"What's your idea my brilliant graduate boyfriend," said Jimin.

"What if we take turns wearing our rings. You know, we never wear them on the same day or to the same event. Some days, I'll wear it, other days you'll wear it. But we will still always be connected."

"Brilliant idea! I love it. But you do know that ARMY will eventually figure it out?"

"Probably." Jungkook smirked.

"Thank you so much Jungkookie," whispered Jimin. He leaned in to kiss Jungkook. Something about his kiss felt different. Jungkook kissed him back deeply and again the kiss grew more passionate the longer they touched. Jungkook pushed his tongue deeper into Jimin's mouth. His touch was light but he knew how to give just enough to make Jimin long for more.

Jimin could feel the ridges along Jungkook's tongue. His official boyfriend was a very good kisser. He turned his head just slightly to position himself to drive his tongue even deeper in Jungkook's mouth.

Jungkook pulled back just slightly and began sucking the tip of Jimin's tongue, a move that he knew would send shivers down Jimin's spine. His motive was clear and simple; tonight, there would be no holding back. It was time to move to the next level and it was time to be with Jimin in a way that they both yearned for. Tonight, he was going to give Jimin his all. Jimin had never complained about their sex life. Their sexual interactions never went much beyond oral sex or mutual masturbation. But Jungkook knew that Jimin needed more to really be fulfilled and he wanted to give Jimin everything because it was what he deserved.

Almost daily Jimin would tease Jungkook about how desperately he wanted to know how it felt to be "inside of him". He told him fantastic erotic tales about making love when you're in love. Jungkook wanted to experience that level of intimacy with someone he truly loved and finally this was his chance. He untied Jimin's robe exposing his hard, muscular toned body and then laid back on the bed and pulled Jimin on top of him. They continued kissing until Jimin broke away from Jungkook's mouth and planted his lips on Jungkook's Adam's apple. He sucked it gently leaving the lightest red mark. He forced himself away from Jungkook's neck and attacked his mouth again, biting Jungkook's bottom lip. Jimin whispered, "I have to be gentle with you, I can't send you to your graduation looking liked you've been beaten up."

"Or fucked," Junkgook moaned. Jimin was immediately ravenous. He had never been able to control himself when Jungkook talked dirty. He dove back into his neck and began biting again, this time much harder.

"I want you baby," Jungkook said in a low sultry voice.

"I want you too," Jimin responded.

"No baby, I mean I WANT you to have me. All of me," whispered Jungkook.

"OH JUNGKOOKIE!" Jimin froze. "That's a big step." His eyes widened a bit as full understanding washed over him. "Are you sure? I mean…this is…it's going to be different…and it may not be your.." Jimin tried to explain.

"I'm ready," said Jungkook.

Jimin tried in vain to reason with Jungkook, "You've never been with anyone Kookie and this is…"

"SHUT UP, please shut up." Jungkook thrust his tongue back into Jimin's mouth to force him to stop speaking. Jimin grabbed at Jungkook's shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Jungkook kept repeating the words "shut up" and each time he said it, he would kiss Jimin's mouth. "Shut up, shut up, shut...up...and fuck me." He could feel Jimin sink his teeth into his neck once again. He was deliciously delirious with every seductive touch. He heard his pants unzip and saw Jimin's head traveling down the center of his body. With one hand, Jimin pulled off Jungkook's jeans and underwear. He could feel Jimin stroking him as he started to groan under the movement of Jimin's hands.

Jimin moved back up to Jungkook's face alternating kissing his neck and lips. He couldn't decide which he wanted more. With a few swift movements, Jimin slipped completely out of his robe and lay naked on top of naked Jungkook. He slid down again to where Jungkook's dick was standing at attention. He took Jungkook into his mouth. Of everything that Jimin had exposed him to since they began dating, getting a blow job was the absolute pinnacle of ecstasy for Jungkook. He watched as Jimin's head slowly bobbed up and down displacing the skin around his tight shaft. He almost couldn't contain himself. He spread his legs wide apart and pushed himself further into Jimin's mouth. He arched his back and gritted his teeth. He wanted to release it all right there, but he knew better. Jimin had spent months training him to control his body. He spent hour after hour enduring what could only be considered torture, with Jimin bringing Junkgook to the point of orgasm then teasing him to make him control it. By now he knew that if he began to climax too soon, Jimin would stop and deny him his release.

Yet, he couldn't help himself; the sight of Jimin's ring on his hand, and the bounce of his blond hair moving up and down over his cock, and the thought that Jimin was finally, officially his, was all too much. His breathing became fast and heavy and he grunted in a slow rhythm. Each grunt growing louder and louder. The grunts transitioned into loud moans. Jimin reached up with his ringed hand and pinched Jungkook's nipple. Jungkook let go. He released so violently into Jimin's mouth that he forced Jimin's head back as his mouth fought to contain him. This time instead of swallowing, Jimin allowed the warm fluid to flow down to Jungkook's ass, leaving a slick shiny trail as it traveled.

"Fuck, Fuck Fuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk," Jungkook yelled too loudly. By now, Jimin was convinced that his neighbors had grown used to it.

"OH, MY GOD, how do you do that?" Jungkook laughed. He was breathing hard like he just finished jogging.

Jimin came up for air and Jungkook pulled him hard to his lips and kissed him deeply.

"Your turn, let's get it," he said.

"Uh, Let's get it?" Jimin repeated with judgement. "Are you really sure about this Kookie?" Said Jimin, "We really don't have to…. I mean I can wait."

"Yes, Yes, Yes," Jungkook interrupted, "I am very sure and I am very ready. I've done research, and watched some movies. I know how to handle this." The sweet innocent soul, Jungkook, was so sure of himself.

Jimin gave Jungkook one last kiss before rolling him over on his stomach.

"I think it'll be easier this way," explained Jimin gingerly.

That was a lie. The truth is that Jimin had always fantasized about taking his beautiful Jungkook from the back. He smiled sinfully to himself as he thought about his true intentions. Jimin's eyes poured over the back of Jungkook's beautiful body. His perfectly defined shoulder muscles. His firm tight butt. The back of his neck and his perfectly sculptured arms. MY GOD, thought Jimin, this man is perfect and I love him. Jimin hovered over Jungkook's back and whispered in his ear, "Your body is amazing, and you're amazing." He Jimin ran his tongue down the back of Jungkook's neck between his shoulder blades, all the way to his ass. He paused his tongue over the top of Jungkook's entrance and pushed it delicately into his hole. This was going to be so good, he thought to himself. He could feel Jungkook flinch ever so slightly. The lubricating gel was still sitting on the nightstand when Jimin grabbed it and began lubricating Jungkook's entrance. He had to keep reminding himself that Jungkook had a big day tomorrow, lots of cameras. He knew he couldn't wreck him too badly. Jimin's instincts told him to over-lubricate Jungkook just a little to make sure that he could still walk the next day. He simultaneously leaned forward and locked onto Jungkook's mouth while plunging his fingers into his young boyfriend's tightness. Jungkook let out a small moan into Jimin's mouth. His eyes were closed tight.

For all of his talk about control, Jimin wasn't doing a very good job of maintaining it. If Jungkook let out one more moan, he was going to burst all over his ass before he ever got a chance to fuck him. Jimin held his body in a push up position as he hovered over Jungkook's back. His hard dick was resting between Jungkook's butt cheeks. He lowered himself again to kiss the side of Kookie's mouth before adding one more finger and tenderly massaging his Kookie in and out. He needed to get that tender virgin ass ready. He removed his fingers and inserted his dick and firmly as he could. Lube oozed out and dribbled down Jungkook's ass cheek.

Jungkook buried his head into the pillow. The sensation was a bit more intense than he anticipated. He flinched again and then a third time. Jimin felt him flinching, but there was no way he was going to stop. What he was doing to Jungkook, at this moment, was the culmination of every fantasy he had ever had. He began to slowly pump Jungkook's ass while being mindful not to go to deep. He didn't want to hurt his precious Kookie. He whispered in Jungkook's ear, "I'm fucking you. I'm fucking you so good." He said with a low raspy voice.

Jungkook still had his face buried in the pillow. He let out a few small moans of pain or possibly pleasure, he wasn't sure which. Jimin leaned forward and tried to whisper in Jungkook's ear again, but this time he couldn't. The pleasure was so great that he couldn't talk. He was pumping Jungkook much harder than he intended but he couldn't stop himself. He was about to explode. He felt his dick pulse violently and he screamed out, "Bunny, I'm cummin'." Jimin let out one final convulsion and collapsed on top of Jungkook's back.

He knew Jungkook had enough, so he pulled out quickly with warm cum still dripping from his cock. Jimin found the side of Jungkook's mouth again and laid a deep passionate kiss on him. Jungkook was so quiet that Jimin was worried that he may have hurt him. He rolled Jungkook back on to his back so he could straddle him. He was relieved to see Jungkook smiling broadly when he rolled over. Jimin had never been more in love in his life, "Baby are you…ok?" He asked, concerned.

"I've never been better. Glad there's no dance practice tomorrow though. Not sure imma' be able to walk." Jungkook winked at Jimin and rubbed his hands up his stomach.

"I love you," Jimin said as he leaned over and gave Jungkook another long passionate kiss.

"I love you too," Jungkook said as his lips met Jimin's.

"You need to get some rest my little graduate. You have a big day tomorrow," Jimin said in an authoritative voice.

As Jimin spoke, he noticed that Jungkook's dick was standing at attention again.

"Kookie what the fuck?" Jimin said as he dropped his head in exhaustion.

Jungkook smiled hard at him, "One more time Jiminie, please?"

Jimin was tired. It had been a long day. His powerful orgasm had taken all of his energy. But how could he ever say no to his Bunny? "Anything for you," Jimin replied.

"Wait." Jungkook whispered.

He leaned over to the nightstand and picked up the ring box that contained his matching ring. He took out the ring and slipped it on his left ring finger.

"But…I thought we agreed that..." Jimin began.

"Relax. It's just for tonight. I'll take it off tomorrow. For right now, I want to feel even closer to you," Jungkook said seriously.

The two interlocked their fingers of their left hands so that their rings could touch. They smiled at the faint clanking noise that the two rings made as they knocked against each other.


Jungkook stirred in a cloudy haze. His sleep had been sound and void of any dreams or anxiety. He could feel soft lips caressing his cheeks and forehead. His heart spoke before his mind was fully awake. He instinctively moved toward the direction of the soft kisses. He heard the voice of his Angel. "Jungkook-aah," Jimin whispered with each kiss, "graduation day my love, time to wake up."

Jungkook didn't move nor did he open his eyes. He wanted the gentle kisses to continue forever. He wanted to hear Jimin's soft whisper forever. Jimin's voice turned from a whisper to a stern tone.

"Look you brat, I know you can hear me. Hosoek will be home any minute and I don't think he would be too happy to walk in on this." Jimin said with a smile in his voice.

Jungkook's eyes flew open. The memories of the last night had come flooding back to him. It was the "first time" that he and Jimin had been together. The first time having sex. The thought made the butterflies in Jungkook's stomach flutter angrily as if trying to escape. He recounted the feeling of having Jimin deep inside of him. He remembered the feelings of fullness and completion. He never knew that he could feel so close to another person. He never knew it was even possible. There were so many emotions that he needed to unpack, but now was not the time. For now, he needed to get back to his room before Hosoek returned.

Jungkook looked up at Jimin who was still hovering over the top of his face prodding him to get up. Both Jimin and Jungkook were completely naked. Half burned candles were littered throughout the room. Empty champagne glasses lay strewn at the bottom of the bed. The new tube of lubricant that Jungkook had purchased for the occasion lay almost empty on the floor next to the bed. And the ring box that once held their couple's rings, sat quietly but knowingly on the night stand.

Jungkook lifted his hand and looked at his ring. He smiled slightly, then grabbed Jimin's hand and kissed the matching ring that was on his finger.

"Mine." Jungkook said quietly as he continued to keep his lips pressed against Jimin's ringed hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was so much fulfillment in this moment, he didn't want to let it go. Jimin's urgent insistence that Jungkook get out, seemed to dissipate temporarily. They both paused to let their love wash over them.

Jungkook was bolted back to earth by a loud noise coming from the street below. He sprang forward in the bed with the intention of leaping out. But in the midst of his motions, he felt a dull ache come from his lower regions. The pain stopped him dead in his tracks. He crashed back down letting his head fall freely onto the pile of pillows. His body was screaming with aches and soreness. Every inch of him seemed swollen and fatigued.

"Careful baby. I didn't exactly take it easy on you last night." Jimin was up and out of the bed strolling around casually naked. He worked his way around the room cleaning up and removing all of the evidence of their romantic trist. He also seemed very unbothered by his very loud erection. He looked back and Jungkook again, "You really should get up now."

Jungkook fought through his soreness and got out of bed. It took him a moment to stand up fully. Before he knew it, naked Jimin was upon him helping him to stand.

"Are you ok? Take a hot bath when you get back to your room. I promise it will help. I'll meet you later to work out the rest." Jimin's voice was low and sexy.

Jungkook didn't answer Jimin's question. Jungkook fought back those butterflies again that seemed to have taken up residence in his stomach. They only seemed to appear when Jimin was close.

Jimin began again,

"Let me see." Jimin said as he lifted Jungkook's hand and took off his ring.

"Hey, please don't take it, I promise I won't wear it at the same time as you…" The way Jungkook was pleading reminded Jimin of a child who was begging not to have his toy taken away.

"Shhh, calm down baby. I would never, ever, ever do that." Jimin said as he removed a chain from his own neck.

"I have an idea." Jimin put Jungkook's ring on the chain and then placed it over Jungkook's head. The ring hung perfectly in the center of Jungkook's chest – near to his heart. "This way, I'm always with you but it's still our perfect secret. No one will know you have it on under your clothes except for me and you."

"Thank you." Jungkook rushed to find his pants and underwear. He got dressed in a few seconds. By the time he collected his duffle bag, Jimin had already hustled into the bathroom to shower. He was singing a lower octave of Serendipity and Jungkook could hear the happiness in his voice. Jungkook opened the shower door and gave Jimin one last kiss. He smiled and headed to the front door of Jimin's apartment. He swung open the front door and jumped back startled. Hosoek was standing there about to put his key in the lock. Hosoek jumped as well.

"You scared me! What are you doing in my apartment?" Hosoek charged past Jungkook holding the center of his chest.

Jungkook searched up and down the aisles of his brain looking for a valid answer to Hosoek's very valid question. While his conscious mind prepared to lie, his heart and mouth conspired to speak the truth, "I spent the night here last night." Jungkook smirked at the thought of his own boldness. Without another word, he headed down the hallway back towards his room.

Hosoek had been up most of the night working on his mixtape. He was too tired to acknowledge the voices in his head that were telling him to complain about the possibility that Jungkook and Jimin and fucked on his bed. He made a mental note to bitch about it later. Jimin emerged from the shower still singing Serendipity. His glow was undeniable. He had wrapped himself in a towel from the waist down but was wearing one of Jungkook's t-shirts on top. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and danced across the room to his dresser.

"You're in a good mood this morning." Hosoek's eyes were fixed on Jimin's left finger.

"Our Maknae is graduating today, it's a happy day," Jimin tried to explain his perfect mood.

"Yeah, so he's graduating, but YOU seem to be the one who's sporting new jewelry?" Hosoek was smiling at Jimin.

"ohh this?" Jimin looked like a swollen canary who couldn't' wait to sing. He abandoned all pretense of acting coy and went straight into his big news.

"Kookie gave it to me," Jimin spilled.

"Congratulations Jimin. He makes you happy. You make each other happy. We can all see it. So, this makes it official, I guess?" Hosoek's words didn't seem to match his facial expression. Although supportive, Hosoek had never been shy about letting everyone know he thought that dating within the group was a very bad idea. He thought that 'coming out' publicly was also a very bad idea.

"We're not making anything 'public' ok Hobie," Jimin used his short fingers to make finger quotes, ���if that's what you're worried about."

"You're wearing his ring Jimin. That's pretty damn public." Hosoek spoke stearnly.

"Yes, but he's not wearing his, at least not at the same time." Jimin justified his explanation.

"ARMY will still figure it out." Hosoek said as he took off his pants and crawled into his bed.

"OK, yep, you have a point, but we always have plausible deniability," Jimin laughed at his own words.

"I want both of you to be happy Jimin. Look, I have to get some rest. Tell Jungkook that we'll be late to his graduation. Late, but we will be there." Hosoek settled himself within his bed.

"We?" Jimin inquired.

"Yeah, Joon and Yoongi were in the studio with me working all night. We're all pretty spent. They'll be late too. BUT we will be there." With that statement, Hosoek shut his eyes.

Jimin walked over to Hosoek and pulled the covers up over him. He kissed the tips of his fingers and then rubbed them over Hosoek's forehead. He had truly been blessed with the most loving and supportive members in the world. He did not take them for granted.

Jungkook surveyed himself in the mirror. He was all dressed in his freshly pressed gold uniform jacket. He wore fitted black pants to complement his customized jacket. His Noona's from the OT7 glam squad had dropped by to pitch in with styling his hair by running some gold streaks through the front and giving him a blondish hue. He liked the way he looked and he knew that Jimin would be pleased too.

There was an absolutely obnoxious knock at the door. Jungkook rolled his eyes. He yelled through the front door, "Tae-Tae, you're going to wake the entire floor, stop it." Jungkook walked over to the door and opened it.

As a surprise to NO ONE, Tae bolted into Jungkook's room uninvited, "Do you even KNOW HOW TO ANSWER A TEXT?" Taehyung threw his hands up into the air as if talking to a petulant child.

"Sorry dude, I haven't even looked at my phone since last night. I've been busy, getting ready for the graduation. I have to be at the school in half an hour." Jungkook blurted out random excuses while he searched the room for his shoes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. WELL?" Tae pressed.

"Well what?" Jungkook looked puzzled.

"You know damn well, well what," Tae countered.

"I..wait, what?" Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his intentional effort to frustrate Tae.

"You're an ass, you know that?" Tae was beyond irritated.

Jungkook gave up the charade and began telling Tae about his evening, "Everything was perfect. I owe you, Tae for all of your help - especially with the champagne." Jungkook patted Tae on the back as he spoke.

"Ok, show me, where's the ring?" Tae quizzically glanced at both of Jungkook's hands looking for the matching pair to the ring that had been given to Jimin.

"He's wearing it. I'm not." Jungkook felt sadness with this admission. Jungkook took warm comfort in knowing that he didn't have to explain anything to Tae. Besides Jimin and Jungkook themselves, Tae was the only other person who truly understood what Jimin and Jungkook were going through. Tae had witnessed the entire journey with all of the joy, sadness, fear and complexity that the relationship had to offer.

Tae picked up the conversation with, "There's no rush. As long as you two know, that is all that's important." Tae was trying to be reassuring. He watched Jungkook's expression as he searched seemingly aimlessly for his shoes.

"Yeah." Jungkook said in a low voice. Until this very moment, Jungkook hadn't realized how impactful it was that he and Jimin couldn't wear their rings at the same time. Jungkook could feel the cold metal lying against his chest where Jimin had hung the ring around his neck to hide it from the world. It was a little thing, but somehow it seemed to be robbing Jungkook of some of his joy.

Tae sensed the change in Jungkook's mood. He countered with his own mood shifting conversation, "Top or bottom?" Tae gave his best purvey face.

"You should leave now," Jungkook said very smoothly, doing his best to contain his smile.

Tae's little mood lifting joke seemed to hit the spot. Jungkook was smiling widely now. He also managed to locate his shoes. Tae watched as he leaned down gingerly to pick them up.

"WHOAAAAAAAAA, bottom!!" Tae screamed as he let out a HUGE laugh. "Good luck with that buddy, Jimin doesn't seem like the type to ever hold back," Tae was now laughing so hard that he was holding his sides.

Jungkook was silently in agreement with Tae but he would never, ever admit it.

Jimin suddenly appeared behind Tae. "What's funny?" Jimin glared directly at Tae.

"How'd you….?" Tae started.

"I have a key, what's so funny?" Jimin didn't allow Tae to finish. "You both seem very amused."

It was true, Jimin did have a key. Jimin often used the key to let himself into Jungkook's room without notice. Jimin surveyed the room looking back and forth between Jungkook and Tae. He was about to ask his question again when his eyes redirected from Tae to Jungkook. His eye sparkled when he noticed Jungkook's new look. He walked over to him. Jimin seemed to have completely lost his thoughts.

"You look so fucking hot," was all that Jimin could manage to say to Jungkook. Jimin's eyes widened just slightly. He stared at Jungkook as if he had never seen such beauty before. He and Jungkook locked visage.

"Yuck, that's my cue to leave. We only have ten minutes before the car arrives, so get down there quickly. We only have ten minutes. TEN minutes," Tae repeated himself as he walked to the door. "Ten minutes. Did I mention there are only TEN MINUTES until the car arrives to take us to the school? Ten minutes." Tae yelled one last time before exiting. He was pretty sure that he was talking to himself because Jimin and Kookie couldn't hear a word he said.

For a brief moment, a very brief but powerful moment, Jungkook considered pushing Jimin down on the bed, ripping off his clothes and spending the entire day making love with his boyfriend – thereby skipping his graduation all together. Of course, he knew he couldn't do that but the urge was strong none the less.

Jungkook wasn't the only one who looked irresistible. Jimin was stunning. He was wearing a dark green turtle neck sweater, black slacks, a sharp black peacoat and his usual black thick rimmed glasses. His beautiful blond hair was framing his face accentuating the contrast between his pale skin and his stark clothing.

Jimin pulled Jungkook close. They opened their mouths and engaged in a deep penetrating kiss. They made each other quiver with desire. Jungkook walked forward pushing Jimin into the wall.

"Ten minutes," Jimin reminded.
