Chapter 13 – The Search for Min Yoongi

Chapter 13 – The Search for Min Yoongi

The next morning the members had an early photo shoot. With Yoongi MIA, the others had to get through the shoot without him. The photographer held out hope that Yoongi would eventually show but it was a hope that was never fulfilled. Yoongi was already on a flight back to Korea. The mood was somber. No one really knew what to expect or how to handle this. Yoongi was under contract, so they all knew he would have to return eventually. But would the group be the same? Would there be too much pain and hurt to overcome? Would he ever forgive Namjoon? How would Yoongi becoming a father, affect the group? It was a sad day, but business had to continue. The members cut their trip short and headed back to Korea the following Sunday.

Five weeks had passed since Yoongi left. Management, Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon made multiple attempts to reach him every day. Tae and Seokjin knew some of Yoongi's old high school buddies. They reached out to them desperate for information on where Yoongi may be hiding. Each lead turned up a dead end.

No stone went unturned in search of Yoongi. The members called all of the hospitals and funeral homes wondering if he may be there. The mood amongst the members was becoming bleak. They were terrified that Yoongi may be injured or worse. Their imaginations took them to the deepest darkest places. Yoongi took work very seriously. It was not like him to skip out on his obligations. Where could he possibly be?

One morning, Hoseok had an idea. He decided to go and see Yoongi's parents. If anyone would know where he was, it was them. Everyone was reluctant to bring them into this, but if Yoongi really was in trouble, they needed to know. Hoseok drove out to Yoongi's family's restaurant to try to find him. The only think that Yoongi's parents would confirm was that Yoongi was ok, in good health and didn't want to be bothered. They refused to provide any additional information beyond that. If the boys were going to find Yoongi they had to do it on their own.

"Well at least we know he's safe," Namjoon said as Hoseok recounted the news he'd received from Yoongi's parents. "But that still doesn't excuse his decision to just leave."

Jimin was sitting on the floor next to Namjoon. Jungkook was sitting behind Jimin massaging a knot that had developed in Jimin's back. Jimin's head was tilted to the side and his eyes were shut tight in pain as Jungkook did his best to relieve the tension in his back.

"We have to find him. I won't stop until we find him." Jimin said, fighting back tears.

"He doesn't want to be found Jiminie." Jungkook tried to rationalize with his boyfriend.

Jimin turned completely around to look in Jungkook's eyes, "We will find him."

The group consisting of, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Tae along with management and a few staff members, sat around brainstorming about possible places to look for Yoongi.

It was Manager PD who thought of it first. There was one last person that the members hadn't reached out to. Soujin. Manager PD asked Jungkook if he would go and visit her to get her to tell him where Yoongi was. He figured since Jackson and Jungkook were such good friends that Soujin would open up to him more easily than the other members.

Manager PD looked at Jungkook, "Will you go?"

Jimin answered on Jungkook's behalf, "Yes, WE will go. I'll travel with him, so he isn't alone."

"Thanks Jimin, when can you guys leave?" Manager PD asked.

"Immediately," Jungkook answered.

Jungkook thought this had to be the worst punishment that anyone could inflict upon a person. Not only did he have to see Soujin again, he had to do it with Jimin by his side. Jungkook shuddered at the notion of how emotionally draining and difficult this was going to be for Jimin. Traces of guilt began to rise again. He had apologized to Jimin 100 times over the Soujin debacle, but it never felt like Jimin actually forgave him.

"Why don't you stay, I can go." Jungkook said lightly. He was trying to find a way out of this predicament.

"I'm going. She may know where Yoongi is. If we find him, I need to be there to talk some sense into him," Jimin was not interested in debating the issue.

Jimin and Jungkook took the earliest train available to Busan. The best way to describe Jimin's mood on the ride out to Busan was, stoic. He appeared fine on the outside. He lauged at all of Jungkook's jokes. He smiled in all the right places, spoke at all the right times, but there was hallowness that Jungkook could feel.

"Do you want to talk?" Jungkook rested his hand over the top of Jimin's.

"No. I just want to get this over with, find Yoongi and go home," Jimin shut down Jungkook's attempt at consoling him.

Jungkook didn't give up.

"You know there was never anything between us right? I was confused back then. I didn't want to admit to being gay. I didn't want to admit to having feelings for you. I was stupid. I was a mess. You know that Jiminie." Jungkook looked in Jimin's eyes, hoping that he was getting through.

Jimin turned his head sassily and said, "I know you never liked her. She's not even your type. She's actually more my type." Jimin smirked at the knowledge that he was making Jungkook uncomfortable. "It was never about being jealous of her." Jimin paused for a moment. He couldn't believe that he and Jungkook had never fully discussed this. "I was upset because you used her to intentionally hurt me." Jimin had a sadness in his voice that literally stabbed at the strings of Jungkook's heart. He could literally feel physical pain as he thought of his baby's suffering.

Jungkook grabbed both of Jimin's hands and encased them within his, "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I am so so sorry." He closed his eyes and lifted the cluster of hands to his lips and kissed them.

The two rode in silence for the remainder of the trip. When they reached Soujin's house, they paused for a moment at the mailbox in the front yard. Jungkook asked Jimin if he would be more comfortable staying behind.

"Let me talk to her. I've known her since we were kids. I can handle this - If it's too uncomfortable for you," Jungkook said.

"You're bat shit crazy if you think I'm letting this crazy thirsty bitch spend any time alone with you." Jimin remarked rather visciously.

"But I thought you said you weren't jealous," Ohh how Jungkook wanted to laugh, but he held it.

"I'm not. But I'm not stupid either." Jimin was done with the conversation. He headed straight up the sidewalk to Soujin's front door.

"Ok then, let's go," Jungkook was talking to himself because Jimin was already at the front door ringing the doorbell repeatedly. He rushed to stand next to Jimin.

The front door brought back pleasant memories. Jungkook had stood on that door step many times before during his youth. It was a warm memory that Jungkook cherished.

Jackson's younger brother, Anderson answered. His face lit up when he saw Jungkook.

"Jungkook-hyung!" The famous Maknae from OT7, what are you doing here?" Anderson seemed geniuinely happy to see him. "JIMIN-hyung!!!!" he recognized Jimin and smiled even more brightly, "I want to dance like you when I grow up."

Jimin looked down at the boy and smiled his brightest smile, "Thank you, that is a great compliment. Jungkook never told me that you danced, maybe we can practice together sometime." Jimin seemed, for a moment, to forget the purpose of their visit. Jungkook intervened.

"Hello Anderson, it's good to see you. Is Soujin here? Or Jackson?"

Jungkook said this last name with great trepidation.

It had been a year since Jungkook had last uttered Jackson's name. Jackson was Jungkook's ex-best friend. Jackson, Soujin's brother, and Jungkook hadn't spoken since Jackson found out about Jungkook and Jimin dating. Jungkook reflected on his last words with Jackson:

"Please Jungkook, tell me it isn't true. This is just a silly rumor right. Soujin was mistaken. Please, please Jungkook, please. Tell me it isn't true." Jackson pleaded with Jungkook for his denial.

"I can't deny it Jackson. It's true." Jungkook said softly.

"NO, no, I won't accept. I've known you since we were kids. I'd know if you were gay. You're not gay. You're not dating that freak Jimin. He's a –a- a," Jackson settled on a word but decided not to say it as Jungkook stepped up to him. Jungkook was tall and all muscle. The last thing Jackson wanted to do was tangle with him. But still he was so outraged, that it was hard for him to control himself.

"He's a what? Beautiful, intelligent person that I'm in love with? Ya." Jungkook shut Jackson down before his words got him into trouble.

"You're the worst type of sinner. You're a monster. I hope you and that freak burn in hell. Don't ever speak to me again. Enjoy getting fucked up the ass by your freak of a boyfriend." Jackson whirled around and walked away. It was the last time he and Jungkook ever spoke.

Jackson was never able to accept Jungkook being gay. He stopped communicating with Jungkook, eventually cutting him off completely. Loosing Jackson was the worst pain that Jungkook experienced in his young adult life. Jackson had been his best friend in the world. He was closer to Jackson than he was with all of the OT7 members. But in the end, Jackson never accepted Jimin, so Jungkook had no choice but to let him go. It was surreal to now be standing in Jackson's house under such odd circumstances.

"We need to see Soujin, it's urgent. Is she here sweetheart?" Jimin repeated Jungkook's question, this time with greater urgency.

"My sister and brother are both here. I'll go get them." Anderson left the room. After waiting for what seemed like a lifetime, Anderson returned.

"My sister is on her way. She'll be here in a minute." Anderson looked down at his feet and shifted nervously. He continued, "my brother, I'm sorry Jungkook but he says he doesn't want to see you. I'm really sorry. He's being an ass."

"There's no need to apologize Anderson. I pretty much know where I stand with him," Jungkook said confidently. He lifted Jimin's hand and held it tightly, allowing both their clenched hands to rest in his lap.

Soujin sauntered into the room. She was a strange girl. Her extremely long hair was now dyed dark teal with red tips. She wore teal blue contacts over her pupils that were an exact match to her hair. Her large cleavage was heavily exposed. Her flat pale stomach was fully visable from beneath her "Nirvana" crop top. Her skirt was short and her long thin legs stretched out from beneath it.

Jimin leaned over to Jungkook and whispered, "Is this how pregnant women dress now-a -days?" Jungkook shrugged.

Jimin and Soujin engaged in a strategic game of visual chess. Each was surveying the other in great detail while attempting to remain casual. Jimin��s eyes followed Soujin from the moment she entered the room until she walked over to them. He invited her to sit down as if she was a visitor in her own home.

Soujin looked at Jimin as if he were some type of art piece on a wall. She spoke to Jungkook even though she never took her eyes off of Jimin.

"Damn Kookie, that's what's up. He's as stunning in person as he is on television," She laughed and continued speaking, "glad you finally figured it out." She spoke directly to Jimin this time, "So you're the ONE? He's loved you for a long time Mama." She turned her attention back to Jungkook and smiled, "So what's up daddy? Why am I being graced by the presence of two of the hottest members of OT7?"

It was confirmed. Jimin hated her. He didn't take to kindly to be called "Mama" either. Jungkook never got a chance to answer Soujin's question. Jimin had leaned forward to start his own inquisition,

"Where's Yoongi?" Jimin cut directly to the point.

"How the hell should I know? Is that why your're here?" Soujin responded with a great deal of irritation.

"We just thought, you know - because of the baby, that he might be in touch." Jimin said this as gently as he could, considering his level of irritation.

"Baby! What baby?" Soujin seemed authentically confused.

Jimin's temper was rising. He was not impressed with her flagrant obtuse attitude.

Jungkook decided to take over the questioning. "Your baby, the baby that you and Yoongi are expecting. He told us that you're pregnant."

"I don't have any fucking baby…who told you I was pregnant? I am so confused right now…" Soujin stopped mid-sentence as if a wave of understanding had washed over her. "Ohh GOD, Ohhh God. You guys have to understand, I was drunk. I was just kidding around. It was a joke. He was talking to some other girl and I wanted him to stick around so I made that shit up. You don't mean that he really believed me? What a fucking idiot. I'm not pregnant. Never have been, never will be. I hate kids."

Jimin uncrossed his legs and stood up, "What do you mean you're not pregnant?"

"Just what I said, it was a joke. He should have known better," Soujin started to look a little regretful.

Jimin was standing over Soujin as she sat. The look that he gave her was frightening. Soujin could sense Jimin's anger. Anderson, whom everyone had forgotten was even in the room, walked over to his sister and stood beside her in an act of gurdianship. Even Jungkook was uncomfortable. No one was comfortable with the tension in the room.

Yoongi and Jimin were very close. Screwing over Yoongi was akin to screwing over Jimin. Jimin's outburst was a result of pure raw emotion.

"This is a fucking joke to you? You think this is funny to screw with someone's life like this?" Jimin was about to pop.

Jungkook jumped in front of him, "So you haven't seen Yoongi?"

"No," Soujin said, "So what happened? Did he just take off? Because he thought I was pregnant? That makes no sense at all."

"He took off because of a fight with Namjoon over your slutty ass!" Jimin said, voice raised.

"Jimin!" Jungkook was firm. Jimin backed away and allowed Jungkook to handle the rest of the conversation.

Poor Anderson who was hearing an ear full, stood solidly by his sister, even stepping in front of her slightly to protect her from Jimin's threatening demeanor.

"OH Ya' Namjoon was a good time. Yoongi was way better though. Honestly, I don't care about either of them. OT7 is so last year, I've moved on to Block B." Soujin smiled to herself.

Jimin was unhinged. It was time to get him out. Jungkook pulled Jimin toward the front door while politely thanking Soujin for her time. Soujin stood up behind them and followed them to the door.

"Thank you, we appreciate your honesty. If you do hear from him, please let me know." Jungkook said quickly.

Jungkook was successful at getting Jimin to the door, but just as they were about to cross the threshold to outside, Jimin pulled his arm lose and turned back toward Soujin. He walked directly up to her. Jungkook recognized Jimin's posture, he was tapping down his anger but it was still boiling just below the surface.

Jimin licked his lips and surveyed her from head to toe. He was standing so close to her that her heaving chest was touching Jimin slightly as she breathed. He lowered his voice and spoke in Satoori accent,

"You think you're cute don't you? I hope you're proud of yourself. You may have ruined multiple lives and destroyed life long friendships all because of your silly slut games. I swear to God, if anything happens to Yoongi because of your bullshit, I will hold you responsible and you will pay." Jimin openly threatened Soujin. There was an air of seduction in how he addressed her. Jungkook could feel sexual tension between the two. It was a peculiar moment full of extremes.

Jimin turned and began to walk away. He stopped again suddenly and turned to look back at her over his shoulder, "And by the way," he added, "I'm daddy."

Jungkook turned his head to make sure that Jimin couldn't see his face. He flashed a broad smile to himself. His boyfriend was indeed savage and so fucking sexy. There was something about Jimin's command over Soujin that was driving Jungkook into a horny frenzy. Although Jimin was very gay, Jungkook could easily picture him being a wonderful lover to a woman. It seemed like Soujin felt the tension as well. She was still watching Jimin from the open doorway as he and Jungkook walked away.

Jimin was very angry. He was cursing under his breath at Soujin even though they had left her over ten minutes ago. Jungkook knew it fruitless to try to calm him down. He also knew that the only thing that could ease Jimin's anger was time…or sex.

Jimin and Jungkook boarded the train back to Seoul. It was late. Very few people were on the train this time of night. Jungkook and Jimin had a car completely to themselves. Jungkook looked around and noticed they were alone. Jimin was staring out the window, no doubt worried about how Yoongi would react once he found out that Soujin was lying about the pregnancy.

"It's been five weeks, I can't believe that he never even spoke to her in all this time." Jimin said.

"I guess he needed time to process all of this Jimin. He probably couldn't talk to her right away." Jungkook replied.

"Well if he had just TALKED to her, maybe this whole mess could have ended weeks ago." Jimin said through more anger.

Jungkook was about to take Jimin's hand when his phone buzzed. Jimin heard it and looked anxiously at Jungkook to see who was texting. It was Seokjin sending a text

Seokjin to Jungkook: Yoongi's back, you guys went all the way to Busan for nothing

Jungkook to Seokjin: That's great, what a relief

Seokjin to Jungkook: Don't get too excited, he's only back because PD Bank went to his parents and told them he would sue Yoongi if he didn't return. Still tense between him and Joon

Jungkook to Seokjin: Not good

Seokjin to Jungkook: They have to fix it, nothing we can do

Jungkook to Seokjin: We found out some interesting news of our own, will tell you later. We're on the train on our way back

Seokjin to Jungkook: See ya'

Jungkook put his phone away and gave Jimin the news. Jimin was incredibly relieved. His mood change was almost immediate. Yoongi's absence had taken a toll on Jimin. He had been sleeping even less than usual and he didn't seem to be eating at all. The relief in his face when he heard the news about Yoongi, seemed to heal him right away.

Jungkook was feeling great too. This thing with Yoongi was rough on everyone but it seemed like it might finally be over. This allowed Jungkook's attention to turn elsewhere. He looked around the car again. They were still all alone.

"Jiminie?" he called out softly

"Yes, Jungkook-ah, I know." Jimin seemed to know what Jungkook was thinking without him saying a word. Jungkook ran his hand up Jimin's thigh until he reached the tip of his Jimin's dick resting under his jeans.

"Why are you so excited about us being alone Jungkook-ah?"

Jungkook answered simply and honestly, "Because no one will see us have sex."

"You're insatiable these days, Kookie. I mean we've literally done it every day, sometimes twice a day, for the last 2 months. Don't you think we need a rest?" Jimin laughed and smiled at his Kookie.

I let your rest yesterday. Jungkook moved closer to Jimin and began kissing his earlobe.

"We can't very well have sex right here in the open," Jimin tried to explain to a very riled up Jungkook. He was moving closer to Jimin and starting to unbutton Jimin's shirt.

"Why not?, It's very exciting. I've never fucked on a train before," Jungkook was whispering in JImin's ear. His hand was under Jimin's shirt circling his nipples with his index finger.

"Yes, it's very exciting until we get caught, then it's a scandal." Jimin was scanning Jungkook's face. He loved everything about his handsome boyfriend. He locked on Jungkook's lips and focused there as he watched Jungkook speak.

"I have a great idea, follow me." Jungkook sprung up from his seat and then disappeared through a door behind them at the rear of the train.

"My God, I love you," Jimin spoke the words aloud to himself as he thought of Jungkook waiting for him.

Jimin got up slowly. He was cautious to do one more check to make sure they were still alone. The car was still empty. Jimin walked, quickly and dissapeared behind the same door that swallowed Jungkook a few moments earlier. Jungkook was waiting with anticipation. He greedily pulled Jimin into the tight space and began attacking his lips and neck with bites and kisses. He reached down and tugged at the zipper on Jimin's ripped jeans. With no hesitation, Jungkook pulled Jimin's cock out. He dropped to his knees and took Jimin into his mouth. Jimin looked down at the top of Jungkook's head as he serviced him. Jungkook was sucking feverishly as if his life depended on it. Jimin couldn't remember when Jungkook had been this turned on. Jungkook stopped and looked up at Jimin, "I want you to fuck me from the back."

"Jeon Jungkook! You've been reading too many naughty fan fics," Jimin smiled down at his bunny. In a surprising turn of events, Jimin did as HE was told.

Jimin pulled down Jungkook's pants and turned him around, leaning him over the toilet. Jungkook held on to the top of the toilet to stabilize himself while Jimin prepared to ravish him. Jimin's dick was still covered in Jungkook's spit. It was the only lubrication they had.

Jimin stuck two fingers inside of Jungkook in order to ready him for his entry. Jungkook was so over stimulated that he began to moan sensually as if already fighting off his orgasm.

Jimin promised that he would be gentle. Jungkook still had to dance the next day and he didn't want him sore and achy. Jimin removed his fingers, licked them and reinserted them into Jungkook again. Jungkook stood up slightly to kiss Jimin over his shoulder. Jimin pushed himself inside of Jungkook. Both men moaned in unison as their senses overloaded with the pleasure of engulfing each other. Jungkook continued to stroke his own dick as Jimin pushed gently into him. Jimin didn't like Jungkook to touch himself while he was inside of him, so he grabbed both of Jungkook's hands and held them behind his back.

"Stop it." Jimin whispered as he held Jungkook's hands tightly.

Jungkook liked being restricted like this, it was just enough to push him further towards climax. Jimin was continuing to push deeper into Jungkook with every pump. Jungkook seemed to be driven to ectasy. He was moaning loudly now and asking Jimin to give him more. Jimin continued to push his hard dick into Jungkook, gently at first. Jimin was struggling to hold on, to keep himself contained. No matter how many times he and Jungkook had sex, he was still turned on like it was the first time. Jimin watched him moan, watched his dick as it slid in and out of Jungkook's ass, watched him squirm while Jimin held his hands…it was taking over and Jimin felt himself start to climax. Jimin tried to focus. He tried to keep his pace slow and steady as not to hurt Jungkook. Before he knew it, he was pounding Jungkook's ass hard. Jungkook was moaning loudly now with a combination of pleasure and pain. They counter rocked against each other as the sound of Jimin's nuts and thighs slapping against Jungkook echoed through the bathroom. Jimin pumped even harder. He had already broken his promise to be gentle.

Jungkook was the first to go. He was moaning so sensually during his orgasm that Jimin could barely hang on. Jungkook began to quiver and push back hard against Jimin.

"Oh fuck yes, baby, that's …that's, oh God."

Jungkook released a fire hose of cum against the toilet seat and all over the wall in front of them. At the same time, Jimin felt his own quivering. He had to lean on Jungkook for support. As his climax grew, he could feel the intense pressure from his groin push out through his dick. He let Jungkook's arms go and grabbed him around the waist in a tight back hug. He buried his head into Jungkook's back as he screamed,

"Oh shit, It's so good, you like me fucking you bunny? Oh, my bunny, I'm fucking my bunny. Ahhhhhh-ssss."

The sounds of their passionate love making reverberated beyond their small space and made it's way through the entire passenger car.

Jimin pulled out, but immediately began apologizing, "You ok? Sorry, I was too rough again. I just can't help it."

"In case you haven't noticed, I handle rough pretty well," Jungkook pulled up his pants and turned around to face Jimin. Jimin smiled.

"Kookie, this is the best sex I've had in my fucking life." Jimin continue to smile.

"You're not so bad youself," Jungkook added.

They washed up and pulled themselves together quickly before heading back to their seats. Since the train was empty when they left, they had no reason to believe that anyone would be there now. They held hands and walked down the aisle towards their seats. As they got closer, they noticed a group of about 20 elderly women sitting in the seats surrounding theirs. The youngest had to be at least 70 years old and the oldest had to be 100. Jungkook and Jimin noticed that the ladies were all staring at them. They seem to be holding in giggles. Jimin and Jungkook both bowed as they passed each of the women.

"I'm surprised you boys can walk after that show you put on in there." The oldest one, who looked to be every bit of 100, heckled them from her seat near the window.

The other women burst into laughter. Jimin and Jungkook reached their seats. They stared straight ahead looking at the seat backs in front of them.

Jimin began chanting, "oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…" His eyes were trained on Jungkook, "you don't think they…heard us…do you?"

Two of the women whistled at Jungkook. He smiled politely, quite flattered at being whistled at.

"I like them," he said innocently. "and I'm going to go with YES, they heard."

Jimin was visibly uncomfortable. As Jimin spoke, another of the elderly women, with large pink glasses, black dyed hair and piercing green eyes yelled, "Which one of you fellas is Bunny?"

Jungkook smiled and raised his hand. Jimin grabbed his hand and pushed it back down, "Put your hand down Kookie."

"Why, I think it's kinda hot they heard you fuck your bunny." Jungkook was taking this much to lightly for Jimin's comfort.

"Oh. MY. GOD, I'm in love with an exhibitionist! Do you not realize how embarrassing this is? I don't know why I let you talk me into that." Jimin had his mouth slightly covered and was going on a mini rant against Jungkook.

Another member of the group of ladies, by far the absolute oldest yelled, "Oh I'm cumming bunny!"

Again, the entire train of old women broke into laughter. Jungkook laughed with them, "Yeah, you did scream that." He laughed hysterically while looking at Jimin.

"JUNGKOOK-AH, this isn't funny, what if they tell someone that two members of OT7 were fucking on a train…." Jimin was smiling, but still trying to make Jungkook acknowledge the problem with their situation.

"Lighten up. I love you and I don't care who knows." Jungkook reasoned.

A soft gentle voice came from the seat in front of them. The woman was small and hunched over. Neither Jungkook or Jimin even realized she was there until they heard her voice say, "Want a piece of candy?"

"Yes, please," Jungkook didn't hesitate. Jimin gave him a pained look. "What! I'm hungry, we've been out all day with nothing to eat."

The sweet old lady sat up higher in her seat, straining herself so that she could look at the two handsome boys. She handed Jungkook two pieces of chocolate. She motioned at Jimin to take some too, but he refused. "You probably need to refuel after all that exercise," she giggled. Jimin hid his face in his hands. He was turning beet red.

"Oh don't be embarrassed boys, we were just having a little fun at your expense. Your secret is safe with us. This is the most excitement many of us old broads have seen in years. Ah, to be young again. You only live once, and you have to make every moment count. You have to create happy memories wherever you can." Wizened knowledge from their elderly troll. The old lady laughed sweetly and turned back around in her seat.

Jungkook was smiling from ear to ear. He really did like this group of old ladies.

"Oh boys," the old lady in front of them turned back around again, "one small word of advice, you really should be more careful though. Fucking within ear shot of a group of elderlies from a Church group is never a good idea." She laughed hard to herself and turned her tiny body back around in her seat.

Jimin was mortified. Jungkook was pleased. Jimin was happy to finally be getting off of the train. As they stepped out onto the platform, the older lady with the black hair and pink glasses yelled out, "Bye Bunny!" Jungkook turned and politely bowed. Jimin grabbed his hand and pulled him.

"You're a dork, you know that?" Jimin laughed

"The great Park Jimin has fallen in love with an exhibitionist dork? Huh, I would have expected more from the Prince of Busan." Jungkook teased Jimin. They shared a quick kiss and held hands. They called an uber to take them from the train station back to their apartment.

They were on the elevator when Jimin announced, "I'm going to see Yoongi."

"What? He just got back, don't you think it's kinda soon? Shouldn't we let that situation breathe a little?" Jungkook spoke to Jimin humbly.

"He's been breathing for almost 5 fucking weeks without the courtesy of speaking to anyone. He should be out of breath by now." Jimin said sarcastically. Besides, he needs to know there is no baby. I think he should hear it from someone who actually cares about him," Jimin explained further. This was a clear shot at Soujin.

The elevator door opened. Jimin grabbed the side of the elevator wall to secure himself. He suddenly went pale and was unsteady on his feet. Jimin saw pitch black around him with bright white flashes before his eyes. He could hear Jungkook speaking to him in the distance, but he couldn't make out anything that Jungkook was saying. He felt Jungkook holding on to his arm. It was Jungkook's voice that brought him back.

"Baby! Are you ok? What's wrong?" Jungkook embraced Jimin's entire body in his.

As quickly as Jimin's symptoms began, they disappeared. Jimin was feeling totally fine now. "I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy. It happens sometimes on that elevator." Jimin acted as if there was no need to worry. He didn't want to make a big deal out of this. Jungkook had a tendency to over react to even the most minor things.

"Jimin." Jungkook was very serious. "Jimin, this is the third or fourth time that you've been "dizzy" over these last few weeks. What's really goin' on? Do we need to go to a Doctor? Don't lie to me."

"I'm fine. People get dizzy all the time," Jimin excused.

"Not you," Jungkook countered resolutely. "This thing with Yoongi and Joon is taking a toll on you. You aren't sleeping well, you never eat any more, and you just seem unwell sometimes."

"Kookie, you know I'm eating," Jimin said. "and I would probably sleep much more if you didn't want to fuck all the time." Jimin's statement was meant to be a joke but it landed harshly on Jungkook's feelings. Jimin laughed, but Jungkook didn't.

"OK, fine, I'll take it easy on you. We can cut back on the sex. Whatever it takes to get you some rest. I'm worried about you." Jungkook held Jimin's face within his hands.

" Besides, I just gave you the best sex of your life. Do you really think I could do that if I was unwell?" Jimin knew he had scored a goal with this little analogy. Jungkook really had very little retort.

Jungkook let the subject go. He didn't want to upset Jimin any further. He decided that he would just watch Jimin a little more carefully over the next few weeks.

Jimin continued, "Now let me get to Yoongi before it's too late."

"You sure you want to do this now?" Jungkook made one last attempt to change Jimin's mind.

"Absolutely. Jungkook-ah, think of what he must be going through. He thinks he's having a baby for God sake. This has huge implications on him, on us, on his career. I have to let him know that Soujin was lying."

Jungkook raised his hands in defeat, "I get it. I understand. Come to me later?"

"Oh baby, this may take a while," Jimin said. "Don't wait up for me, ok?"

There was a twinge of jealousy in Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook nick named his jealous streak "The Dragon" because when it awoke, it felt like it was setting Jungkook's insides ablaze by spitting streams of fire at them. Jungkook tried to tell himself that he had no reason to be jealous of Yoongi. He tried earnestly to explain to himself why it had to be this way. Yoongi needed Jimin's time tonight. Jungkook could not be selfish, despite his pet dragon urging him to be so.

"OK, text me. I love you." Jimin turned and within 5 seconds of his walking away, Jungkook received a text from him that said, "I love you."

With that brief goodbye, Jungkook headed back to his apartment. He was tired and he was achy. As soon as he reached his room, he drew himself a hot bath. It was Jungkook's routine to take a long hot bath after his more "aggressive interactions" with Jimin. The soaking always helped keep swelling down and lessen the aches.

Jungkook put on some relaxing music and climbed into the tub. The smell of lavender filled the room. He had a vast list of songs on his play list. Every song took him to a special place and provided a different memory of he and Jimin. As silly as it sounded, he already missed Jimin. Surely, you can get through one night without him, he thought to himself. "You are totally whipped," he said out loud as he smiled. Jungkook closed his eyes and sank deeply into the tub.

The music was loud. Jimin realized that Jungkook hadn't even heard him come in. Jungkook was lost in his thoughts and completely unaware of Jimin's presence. He looked so peaceful laying there in the bath tub surrounded by bubbles and lavender. Jimin kneeled down on the floor next to the tub and just stared at his boyfriend. He had loved him forever.

Jimin watched Jungkook's lean muscular rippled chest rise and fall with each controlled breath. He followed the outline of his abs until they disappeared below the water line. He watched his face. His eyes were closed. But he imagined drowning within the pool of his big brown eyes. The perfect symmetry in his face was impeccable. Jimin's eyes locked on Jungkook's lips. It was always Jungkook's lips. They were a light shade of pink with the same flawless symmetry that afflicted the rest of his face. This man was so beautiful. Jimin stretched out his own arm and rested upon it, so he could stare longer. Park Jimin, he thought to himself, you are totally whipped. Jimin laughed somewhat loudly.

Jungkook was so startled by Jimin's presence that he jumped sitting straight up in the bath. He splashed water all over Jimin, completely soaking him.

"You scared me! What are you doing here?" Jungkook's heart was pounding.

Jimin's hair and face were completely wet with Jungkook's bath water. He laughed at Jungkook so hard that it caused his body to double over.

"Sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you," Jimin was truly apologetic. Jimin's laugh was growing louder as he continued to watch the startled expression on Jungkook's face. After the initial shock, Jungkook was able to smile too. Jungkook was happy to see him.

"You keep this up boy and I'm taking my key back. Jungkook glared seriously at Jimin. "Wait, what happened with Yoongi?" Why are you back so soon?" Jungkook was truly curious.

"I was…" Jimin paused looking for the right word, "dismissed. After I told him about Soujin and the non-baby, he was very upset. Understandably upset. But I thought that he would have at least felt some sense of relief. He didn't. In fact, he was angry with me for telling him. He said that he needed to talk to her. He asked me to leave. I did. And now I'm here soaking wet on your bathroom floor." Jimin summarized quite nicely and tied the entire story up into a neat little bow.

"Poor Yoongi. Something just doesn't seem right about this. Yoongi is the most "seasoned" amongst us. Why would he fall for this? I guess we may never know. Anyway, that means that he can settle things with Joon and we can put this all behind us.

"Nope," Jimin said as he used a towel to dry off his face. He says this was the ultimate betrayal and that he can never forgive Namjoon for this. I find this incredible to believe, but…he loves her. The feelings are one-sided however because she jumped in the sack with his best friend at the very first opportunity," Jimin concluded.

"Are we dealing with children? I mean why can't they settle this? They have been brothers and best friends forever. Now they are willing to throw away everything over a chick who isn't loyal to either of them? I don't understand it," Jungkook laid his head back in reflective thought.

"Honestly Kookie, I don't know how much more of this I can handle. The tour starts in two days. We've got performances, fan signings, and promo appearances. We can't have the two of them acting like buffoons. It could really hurt our performance as well as our image. We already had to bury the very public fight between the two. Jimin sighed heavily. Jungkook noticed heavy bags starting to form under Jimin's eyes. He seemed so tired and slightly frail. Jungkook decided to change the subject. He didn't like seeing Jimin get upset over this.

"You know what?" Jungkook said, sounding completely puzzled.

"What?" Jimin gave him the full attention he was seeking.

"I'm sitting here in this huge, relaxing, hot bath all alone with no companionship." Jungkook flipped his wet hair to get it away from his eyes.

Jimin sarcastically responded, "Companionship huh? I can help with that. I'll call Seokjin and see if he wants to come down and join you in your bath."

"Ha-Ha," Jungkook quipped, "let me start over; I would really enjoy it if the love of my life, my dream, my forever boyfriend joined me in the tub."

"Now that's more like it," Jimin did somewhat of a strip tease for Jungkook as he undressed. He lowered himself into the tub straddling Jungkook as he dropped down. Their cocks started to grow and casually bobbed upon each other under water. They opened mouths and began to kiss. Jungkook licked Jimin's neck, circling his adam's apple with his tongue.

"I thought we were going to take it easy, so we could both get some rest?" Jimin reminded Jungkook of their earlier conversation.

"You taste good, like sugar cookies," Jungkook said as he licked Jimin's sugar cookie neck.

"You're a dork. That is the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me. Are you horny or hungry?" Jimin was tickled.

"I think…maybe…both. Yeah, both," Jungkook laughed while moving his lips back up to Jimin's lips.

"It's your lucky day," Jimin responded, "because I can help you with both."

"Really?" Jungkook was absolutely giddy. Food and sex were his two favorite things.

"I think you need to rest though Jiminie," Jungkook came to his senses and remembered their earlier conversation about helping Jimin to rest.

Jimin tried to speak but Jungkook was unleashing a full assault on his lips. He could only speak between kisses.

"And (kiss) I'll (kiss) Get (kiss) Rest (kiss) Later (kiss) I'm sure (kiss) You'll (kiss) Make (kiss) Me," Jimin managed to get out a few short words in between Jungkook's kissing attack.

"Got it. Fuck now, ramen after, then sleep?" Jungkook had worked it all out in his head.

"Sounds like a great plan," Jimin agreed. Jimin continued to straddle Jungkook. He moved in closer so both of their dick were touching each other. He began to ride Jungkook, rubbing their dicks against each other in the water. He bit his neck savagely leaving a large distinguishable bruise. He loved leaving bruises on Jungkook. Jimin rocked slowly back and forth grinding on top of Jungkook like he was giving him a lap dance. There was something very intimate in this type of exchange. It was far more sensual than standard sex.

"Careful, tomorrow," Jungkook reminded Jimin. They had a fan meet and multiple promo appearances to promote the new tour. Jungkook often had to remind Jimin to be careful. ARMY had started to notice the various bruises on his body. They were starting to worry why Jungkook was so "clumsy" and always "injuring" himself. Management noticed it too. Jungkook just played it off as silly little accidents.

"Shit, sorry," Jimin turned his bites into kisses. They weren't nearly as satisfying, but Jimin still loved it. He had an obsessive passion for Jungkook's neck.

"You feel so good my precious bun, I love you," Jimin moaned.

Both men laughed simultaneously as they thought back to the teasing they received from the elderly women on the train.

As was his usual desire, Jimin wanted to Jungkook to cum first. Jungkook did not disappoint. He took one long breath and grabbed Jimin's hips. Jungkook's eyes closed, he clenched his teeth, arched his back and moaned loudly, "ohhhh, uhhh, I'm cumming baby." He shot a full load into the warm water.

Jimin reciprocated by stroking himself and unloading on Jungkook's abs. Their stomachs made a wet slapping noise as their warm fluids mixed between them. Jungkook kissed the top of Jimin's head and rubbed his fingers through his hair.

"There's a surprise for you in your refrigerator," Jimin said listlessly.

"Woot-woot, the food part! Best boyfriend ever."

Jimin didn't respond. He climbed out of the tub, dried off and headed straight for Jungkook's bed. He was unusually tired. Jungkook dried and followed behind him. He put a couple of pillows under Jimin's head and made sure he was tucked in the bed and completely covered.

Jungkook looked in the refrigerator. Jimin had prepared a full pot of ramen and left it in Jungkook's refrigerator with a note that said,

"In case you get hungry. What am I saying, you're always hungry. – Love YOU, J."

Jungkook was absolutely gleeful. Jungkook took the pot out and popped the noodles in the microwave. He ate the entire pot of noodles within about eight minutes. He took extra care to be as quiet as possible. He didn't want to wake Jimin. Jungkook's apartment was smaller than the other members'. Jungkook had a large loft style space with a kitchen, living area and sleeping area all in one big room. It worked perfectly for him since he lived alone. And since his apartment was so small, none of the other members objected to him having the space to himself. Although lately, it seemd as if Jimin was his constant roommate. Jimin would come and go as he pleased. Jungkook would come home and find Jimin had cleaned the entire place. Or he would come home to a wonderfully cooked meal. On a couple of occasions, he came home to a naked Jimin lying in his bed atop a bed of rose petals.

But as with all couples, there were times when the two would take small "breaks" from each other. The breaks were never out of anger or exhaustion, they just liked to do things differently from time to time. The nights that Jimin and Jungkook spent apart were becoming fewer and fewer. When they were together, the rest of the world didn't exist.

Jungkook walked over to his bed and laid down next to Jimin. He pulled out his phone to play a video game. The phone buzzed with a text. It was from Tae:

Tae to JK: You up?

JK to Tae: Yeah

Tae to JK: I'm coming down

JK to Tae: Jimin is here. If you come you MUST be quiet. I don't want to wake him

Tae to JK: Cool

In a flash, Tae was at Jungkook's front door. He was knocking softly and whispering, Jungkook-ahh!"

Somehow Tae's whisper seemed much louder than his regular soft voice. Jungkook looked over at Jimin again to make sure he was fully covered. Jungkook stopped on his way to the door to pull on some pajama pants. It had become common for Jungkook and Jimin to sleep naked whenever they were together. Tae, however, wouldn't appreciate learning that little secret.

Jungkook answered the door and greeted Tae with a , "Shhhhhhhhhhh, please, you're too loud."

Tae blew past Jungkook and entered the room. Jungkook expected Tae to take a seat on the couch or one of the chairs in the common area. Instead Tae went straight to the bed and plopped himself down next to Jimin. He laid in the bed sitting up with his back against the headboard. He looked quite comfortable. Jungkook didn't like that. He was highly bothered by Tae claiming a spot, his spot to be exact, next to sleeping Jimin. The situation was made more uncomfortable by the fact that Jimin was naked under the sheets. He wanted Tae to sit someplace else. Jungkook decided to make sure Tae moved, but before he got a single word out, Tae spoke,

"We've got to do something about Joon and Yoongi, Jungkook. This can't go on. They still aren't speaking," Tae said desperately. "Yoongi won't talk to anyone. Do you think Jimin could get through to him? "

Jungkook was leaning against his dresser with his arms crossed. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He spoke in a whisper," Jimin already tried reaching him, it didn't end well."

"Tae squinted his eyes and rubbed his temples. We go on tour in two days Jungkook. We have to fix this." Tae seemed upset. "Besides, I don't want to see two of my best friends fighting."

"We can't do anything more than we already have. Yoongi is the one being unreasonable. No one can get through to him when he's like this. Well, almost no one," Jungkook qualified as he motioned to Jimin.

Tears began to stream down Tae's face. Jungkook walked over to the bed and motioned for Tae to scoot over. He parked himself next to Tae and sat up with his back against the headboard. Tae was now pushed in the middle between sleeping Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook patted Tae on the back, in an effort to comfort him. All of this time with Jimin, Jungkook really should have been better at this, but he did what he could to ease Tae's sadness.

"We'll get through this Tae. Yoongi will come around." Jungkook lowered his voice another decibel and continued speaking, "Right now, I'm mostly concerned about Jimin. He's not taking this well. He's so sensitive and this is affecting him more than the rest of us."

"Yeah, I noticed," Tae agreed. He glanced over and Jimin and then back and Jungkook.

"Are we having a threesome?" Jimin stirred out of his sleep and turned to face both Jungkook and Tae. "I approve. However, please can you wait until I'm awake?"

"Eww," Tae said curtly. He mostly ignored Jimin and continued his conversation about Yoongi's stubbornness. Jimin rolled back over and seemed to fall back into sleep just as quickly as he came out of it. Tae continued, "Maybe we can get the Hyungs to talk to him...."

Jungkook couldn't pay attention to a single word Tae was saying. He was too busy fuming within his own thoughts. He didn't like Jimin's joke at all. In fact, was it a joke? Jungkook ran through a muriad of thoughts that he yelled within his own head: Why the hell does Jimin say these things? Fucking THREESOME? He always talks about how handsome Tae is. Does he secretly want to fuck Tae. Does Tae want Jimin? Am I not enough for him?

Tae was still speaking. Jungkook felt as if his insecurities were giving birth to a new fire breathing dragon.

"Jungkook! Are you even listening to me? Tae raised his voice much louder than the allotted whisper that Jungkook had insisted he maintin. Tae was annoyed.

"I heard you." Jungkook was annoyed too, but not with Tae. "Look Tae-Tae, it's very late. Why don't we discuss this in the morning. We all have a full 10 hour rehearsal tomorrow plus a fan meeting. We need as much rest as we can get. Jungkook stood up and grabbed Tae's hand to help him up from the bed.

"The bitch isn't even pregnant." Jimin offered the answer to a question that no one asked of him.

"WHAT!!" Tae's eyes were enlarged and his expression was stunned. How do you know?"

Jungkook decided to intervene at this point to give his perspective,

"She told us, she actually admitted it. But we can talk about it tomorrow. We need to rest Tae" Jungkook repeated himself.

Tae rubbed his temples again as he walked to the door. "What type of crazy ass K-drama are we living in right now?"

This response actually made Jungkook laugh. Jungkook gave Tae a hug as he ushered him out of his room.

Jungkook went back and laid down next to Jimin. He didn't bother taking his pants back off.

"Did Tea leave?" Jimin asked sleepily.

"Yes, much to your displeasure, it is just the TWO of us now. Jungkook made sure to emphasize the word TWO. Then he turned his back to Jimin and fell asleep.

Jungkook's alarm went off and 5am. To his surprise, Jimin was already gone by the time he awoke. It was just as well, Jungkook was still feeling upset about Jimin's "THREESOME" comment that he made to Tae. It was best that they give each other some space. Jungkook didn't want to fight. One thing did bother him though, he couldn't help but think that Jimin didn't get enough rest. Tae hadn't left until after 2am. It was 5am and Jimin had already gotten up and left. That meant that Jimin stayed up virtually all night.

Jungkook had exactly one hour to dress, eat breakfast and get to the practice studio. It was going to be a long day. They had rehearsal from 6am to 4pm, followed by a fan meet from 6pm to 8pm. The first show on the first wing of their tour started tomorrow. They had been practicing in sub-units in an attempt to keep Yoongi and Joon apart. It was only over the last week that they had started practicing as a full group. Yoongi and Joon remained civil, but the tension was still pretty high between them. And, of course, Jimin felt it was his responsibility to constantly adopt the role as peace keeper.

Jungkook was thinking about his boyfriend. He picked up the phone to text him, but had a flashback of Tae laying next to Jimin's naked body last night. He got pissed all over again and threw his phone back on the bed without sending anything.

Jimin had been up since about 2am when Tae finally left Jungkook's place. He waited for Jungkook to fall asleep and then he snuck out of his bed and returned to his own room. He didn't want to wake Jungkook with his tossing and turning. Besides, he could tell that Jungkook was having one of his irrational jealous spells. Jimin was not in the mood to deal with it. He was exhausted and weak. His head was pounding and his vision seemed blurry. He had no idea how he was going to get through a 10 hour dance practice on no sleep. He popped a couple of Tylenol for his headache and drank an entire pot of coffee. Hoseok was up. He was moving about slowly but somehow he was still full of sunshine.

"Morning!" Hoseok gestured to Jimin "Dude, did you really drink that entire pot of coffee?"

"I'm a little tired these days." Jimin smiled

"Well maybe you should roll off of each other, then you could get some sleep." Hoseok laughed at his thinly veiled Jikook sex reference.

"You may have a point," Jimin smiled. Even he had to admit that they were fucking like rabbits. It was a good thing that Jungkook couldn't get pregnant. He'd be a baby daddy about 233 times over by now. Jimin believed that may be a small part of his exhaustion. He knew, of course, that his anxiety over Namjoon and Yoongi was the other 99.9% of it.

"It's 5:10am. I better text Kookie to make sure he's awake."

Mochi to Bunny: Morning Sexy! You up?

Jimin stared at his phone for a moment waiting for a response. No response.

Mochi to Bunny: HELLO? Don't make me come down there.

No response. Jimin thought for a minute and remembered more about the previous evening when Tae came to visit. He remembered Jungkook being very distant towards him after Tae left. His head was pounding so hard that he really couldn't remember much else. He surmised that maybe this was why Jungkook was not responding.

"Fucking baby," Jimin sneered under his breath.

Jungkook saw Jimin's text. He chose to ignore him. Instead, he sent a text to Hoseok.

JK to Hobi: Morning

JK to Hobi: Can you please make sure that Jiminie-hyung eats before he leaves? He needs his energy.

Hoseok saw Jungkook's text. He blurted out something unintelligible and turned quickly on Jimin.

"Jimin, why is your boyfriend texting me?" Hoseok yelled in full incredulation.

"Oh, that brat won't answer my texts, but he's texting you? What a fucking child." For Hoseok's sake, Jimin pretended to be irritated, but his reality was that he was greatly moved by Jungkook's attempts to take care of him, even though he was still angry with him.

Hobi to JK: Dafuq? Text him yourself.

JK to Hobi: Please? Hobi, this is important. He hasn't been feeling well and he needs to eat. I trust you to take of it.

Jungkook ended the text with the authority typically reserved for the elder in the conversation. Hoseok took it seriously.

"Jimin, get your man please. He's begging me to make sure that you eat? I swear you two live in a K-drama. What's he so angry about that he refuses to talk to you? Or should I say, what's he jealous of now? You know what, forget it, I don't want to know. Just fucking eat. I have a feeling he'll kick my ass if you leave here without food." Hoseok was through with both of them. He didn't bother to respond to Jungkook's last text.

Hoseok walked away. As he headed to his bedroom, he had a moment to reflect on Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok had been against their relationship from the start. He never thought it was a good idea for them to be together. But over time, his heart had softened to the idea of "Jikook" as a couple. But there was a greater awareness that Hoseok was facing; Jungkook and Jimin had something special. They both had unique challenges that made life tough for them. They were drawn to each other as if were their destiny to work through their challenges together. Hoseok really wondered if they could ever survive without each other. He still worried where this relationship would eventually lead, but for right now, it was good. Very good.

Jungkook didn't ride in the car with Jimin when they left for practice. Their usual routine, when angry, was to ignore each other and avoid the other for as long as possible until one of them got horny enough to relent and apologize.

They arrived at the practice studio. Jimin and Hoseok were immediately pulled into a subunit in another room to practice their solo performance. Jungkook and the remainder of the group practiced together. Practice was arduous; steps were being missed, members were tired, the mood was tense and Jungkook was hungry. He had eaten all of the surprise treats that Jimin left in his apartment, but he was already starving again.

With only one hour left in practice, the group was given a break. Jungkook decided to sneak down to the next practice room to peek at Jimin. He wasn't going to say anything. He just felt deep in his soul that he needed to see him. Jungkook stood outside of the door where Jimin and Hoseok were dancing. He stood just to the side of the door out of view of the mirror. He didn't want Jimin to see him.

Jimin knew Jungkook was there. He couldn't see him, but he could feel his presence.

Jungkook watched him and Hoseok dance. Jimin danced like an Angel. His foot placement – was impecible. His lines- were flawless. Every move was perfectly executed as if Jimin were making them up as he danced. There was nothing that appeared choreographed, everything looked as if it were an extension of his body. Jungkook's mouth dropped open just slightly as he stared at his Jiminie.

There was something else that Jungkook noticed that wasn't so beautiful. Jimin didn't look well today. His face was white with absolutely no color. He was sweating profusely, so there should have been some color to his cheeks, but there was none. His eyes were red, puffy and unfocused. And why, Jungkook thought to himself, did he look so thin?

It was Jungkook's opinion that Jimin's increasingly frail condition aligned perfectly with the timeline of Yoongi and Joon's fight. The last couple of months had been much harder on Jimin than the other members. Jimin had been affected by it so much, that it was fundamentally undermining his health. Jungkook saw the situation escalating, but Jimin refused to acknowledge it. Jungkook was so in love with Jimin, that it was hard for him to see any flaws. He should have noticed this sooner, but he only saw perfection when he looked at him.

But today…today everything was magnified under the bright lights of the studio practice room. Today it seemed like all of those weeks of anxiety, pressure, fatigue, worry and nervousness had rallied to emaciate Jimin. He was weak, unsteady and tired. Always so stubborn, he continued to push himself and never allowed his performance to suffer.

Jungkook had no right to intervene in Jimin and Hoseok's practice but he felt he needed to say something. Jimin had been at it for hours in this condition. He clearly wasn't well.

"Jungkook, we're ready to start again," Jungkook turned to see Seokjin gesturing him back to their practice room.

"One sec Hyung, please, I just need to speak to Jimin," Jungkook had a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Man we don't have time. We only have about an hour left, let's get through this so we can get home and rest before the fan meet." Seokjin insisted. He walked forward and grabbed Jungkook's arm to pull him back with him.

Jungkook ripped his arm away from Seokjin's grip. "Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook called to Jimin. Jimin turned and looked toward Jungkook with a bit of confusion. "Take a break, NOW, please. You need a break Hyung."

HB Agency had a group of potential investors on sight visting for the day. There were at least six people in the room who none of the members had ever met before. Jungkook knew he had to be careful with how he addressed Jimin in front of the strangers.

"Hyung, please, stop, take a break." Jungkook was begging.

Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes. All at once, as if in slow motion, Jimin's eyes rolled to the back of his head. Jungkook launched into a full sprint from the doorway to the back of the practice room where Jimin was standing. Jimin's body went stiff and his eyes closed. His body entered into a free fall backwards toward the floor.

Jungkook ran as fast as he could to get to Jimin. His heart raced in his chest as he watched Jimin's freefall towards the ground. Jungkook couldn't let him hit the ground. He couldn't let him the ground. HE COULDN'T LET HIM HIT THE GROUND. He took three giant leaps and then slid on his knees into position underneath the spot where Jimin was falling. He stretched out his long muscular arms and caught Jimin's entire upper body just inches from where his head was about to hit the ground.

He rolled Jimin into his arms and cradled him tightly. Jimin was completely unconscious. Jungkook wasn't even sure if Jimin was still breathing.

"Call an ambulance," Jungkook screamed. He was cradling Jimin against his chest. The events unfolded so quickly that no one in the room even realized what was happening. Two of the visiting business partners slowly processed the scene and let out panicked screams. Seokjin stood frozen in the spot where Jungkook had left him. No one moved.

Hoseok had the unique ability to handle crisis situations. He immediately jumped into action to attempt to organize the chaos that was unfolding. Hoseok was calm, methodical and decisive. Within a millisecond of Jimin falling, he was already giving everyone instructions on what to do.

"We need an ambulance. Seokjin, did you already call?

"I'm calling now." Seokjin dialed. They could hear him giving directions to the emergency operator.

"Justin, get the medical team here now. I can't tell if he's breathing." Hoseok said to their choreographer.

Jungkook was cradling Jimin. He was rocking back and forth and begging Jimin to wake up. Jimin didn't move.

Hoseok looked at Jungkook, "JK, we need to put him down. He needs to lie flat." Hoseok said as tenderly as he could.

Jungkook held Jimin tight and continued pleading, "Baby wake up, please wake up."

Hoseok spoke again, this time more sternly, "Jungkook, we have to lay him flat. You're not helping him. The medical staff is on the way and they need to be able to treat him. Put him down."

"NO!" Jungkook snapped at Hoseok, "I can't. Please baby, come back to me, pleeeeeeease" Jungkook was screaming at Jimin while still cradling him in his arms.

"Kookie," Hoseok knelt down next to Jungkook to make eye contact, "you're not helping him. If we don't lay him flat, we can't save him."

Hoseok's last words connected. "Save him?" Jungkook whispered.

Jungkook released Jimin and laid his head down on the ground as gently as possible.

Karen, the lead Doctor from the U.S. had arrived with her team. They were part of a visiting medical team who had been assigned to work with athletes and entertainers in Koreas as part of an experimental program on conditioning. She had worked with OT7 for years and was quite familiar with their medical histories. Within seconds, she had Jimin hooked up to a blood pressure cuff and was checking his vitals. She was accustomed to mending aches and scratches for the members but this was the first time any of them had experienced an emergency of this magnitude.

"Is an ambulance on the way? We need an ambulance right away. He's breathing but his blood pressure is dropping, his pulse is shit and I think he's going into shock. I don't have an IV on hand, we need the EMT," Karen was cryptic in her announcement.

This was not the news that Jungkook needed to hear. He literally stopped breathing. Tears were flowing so heavily from his eyes, that he couldn't see. He slid back a few feet but held on to Jimin's outstretched hand. Through his tears, he could see something sparkling on Jimin's finger. It was the ring that Jungkook had given him. Jungkook, not caring who saw him, grabbed Jimin's hand and pressed the ring to his lips. He held the ring there while he continued to plead for Jimin to wake up. Jungkook's Tears ran down his face onto Jimin's hand and disappeared down Jimin's arm.

"Yes, we called the ambulance, they're on the way. No sooner than Seokjin said the words, EMT's burst through the door of the practice room. Jimin was still completely unconscious and not moving.

The other members had been summoned and were gathered behind Hoseok and Seokjin. Tae was crying.

EMT's hooked Jimin up to an IV as quickly as they could.

"What happened? Did anybody see what happened? How long has he been unconscious?" The lead technician looked up at Jungkook since he was the closest in proximity. Jungkook was not able to speak. His face held a look of shock and terror that no one should ever endure.

Hoseok stepped forward and answered, "Uhh, he looked pale. I was just about to stop practice when he just collapsed. He's been out for about eight minutes now."

"Did he hit his head?" The technician continued.

"No. Somehow Jungkook caught him before he hit the ground." Hoseok recounted the scene with a tone of astonishment in his voice.

There were a few ohhhs and aahhhs from the group of strangers that were standing nearby. No one fully understood how Jungkook was able to fly from clear across the room to catch Jimin before he hit the ground. It was a miraculous feat that left everyone who witnessed it, speechless.

There were three technicians. Two working on Jimin and one operating the gurney.

"Start an oxygen flow please, his blood pressure still isn't stabilizing, but he's got a good pulse now. Ready... ROLL".

The lead technician barked demands as they rolled Jimin to one side to slide the flat board under his body.

"Two, Three, lift," The technician barked again. They lifted Jimin up onto the gurney. His hand pulled away from Jungkook's as they settled him on the bed. Jimin was still not moving. He had an oxygen mask over his mouth. There was a long IV tube attached to a needle stuck in his arm. The clear package of IV fluid was resting on his chest. As a precaution, the EMT's placed a bright orange stabilizer around Jimin's neck to prevent any further damage in case of injury to his spine. The sight was too much for Jungkook. He let out a large wale as they began to roll Jimin away.

Tae's cry grew louder and Yoongi and Seokjin both began to weep. Hoseok, always the voice of calm, stepped up to Jungkook. There was no pity, or frailty or tenderness in his voice at all. He gave Jungkook a firm demand,

"You have to be strong for him. He needs you. He's breathing, they're getting him to the hospital, he's going to be ok. But he needs you to be strong to help him through this. Can you do that for him?" Hoseok didn't know what to expect from the distraught Jungkook. He had hoped that taking this firm tone with him would snap him out of his despair and give him the strength he needed to be by Jimin's side.

Jungkook doubled over and rested his hands upon his knees. He released one last cry, wiped his tears, stood tall and gave Hoseok a nod. He walked quickly to catch up with the gurney.

Namjoon and Yoongi embraced and cryed on each other's shoulders. The other members watched in shock and disbelief from beyond their own tears.

"Come on, let's go, we have to meet them at the hospital. We can all fit in the van and I'll drive," Hoseok offered.

As Jimin was being lifted into the back of the ambulance, the lead technician looked around for direction on who was considered Jimin's next of kin. She needed someone to ride with Jimin to the hospital to provide medical information.

Manager PD spoke his first words since the ordeal began.

"He's of age and he has his mother listed as his emergency contact. But they are in Busan and I will have to call them." Manager PD paused awkwardly for a moment and continued speaking, "Jungkook is listed as his…." PD Bang looked down. He had never said this out loud and he was quite uncomfortable revealing this type of information in front of so many strangers. He started again, "He has Jungkook listed as his significant other. Jungkook has POA in the absence of his parents."

Jungkook was stunned. He didn't know about this. Jimin had never told him.

"Which one is Jungkook?" The lead technician asked while looking directly at Jungkook.

Jungkook raised his hand.

"Climb in, let's go." The technician motioned for Jungkook to jump in.

Jungkook climbed into the back of the ambulance and sat next to Jimin. Jimin knew what he was doing when he made Jungkook his POA. Jungkook knew all of Jimin's vital information. He even had a copy of Jimin's insurance card. He thought Jimin's picture on the card was cute, so he always kept a copy in his wallet. He explained all of this to the technician.

"Now that's love," the technician teased Jungkook to try to relieve some of his tension. "Ah good, his BP has stabilized, his pulse is normal. I think I even see some color coming back to his cheeks. The IV does it every time," The technician gave an optimistic update to Jungkook.

"He's going to be ok. I think he's suffering from some extreme exhaustion and dehydration. I think our biggest concern right now is why he's still unconscious. Not sure if there are some underlying factors involved, but the Doctors will give him a good once over and you should know more. Don't be surprised if they sedate him for while though. They may need to force his body to rest while they run some tests. He's lucky to have you." The technician smiled at Jungkook.

The ambulance came to a stop and Jungkook followed them as they rolled Jimin into the emergency room. Jungkook ran along beside the gurney as they took Jimin to the examining room. He held Jimin's hand and whispered, "I love you" as they navigated through the hallway.

The rest of the members arrived shortly after the ambulance. Jimin was still unconscious. No one knew his status. The members could do nothing but wait.