Chapter 20 – Unknown Sender

Chapter 20 – Unknown Sender

The following day, Jimin and Jungkook flew back to South Korea. It was a brief three-day trip, but they enjoyed themselves and celebrated Jimin's birthday to the fullest.

"Come to me later?" Jungkook said as he kissed Jimin goodbye in the hallway.

"Can I come and sleep on your chest?" Jimin asked coyly.

"You can come and do whatever you want," Jungkook smiled. They gave each other one last peck and parted ways. They both headed off to their individual rooms.

Jungkook tried to unpack all of his clothes, but he was tired. He and Jimin had been up the entire night making love. He threw his clothes back into his suitcase and decided to go and take a nap. He slept for about an hour until he was awakened by the text alert on his phone.

"Ah Jiminie, just come, don't text." He picked up the phone fully expecting to see a text from Jimin. However, the text was not from Jimin. It was from some strange international number that Jungkook didn't recognize. Jungkook opened the text. He saw an image that was, at first, indistinguishable. It was an image – a screenshot? Yes, it was a screenshot of himself standing in the hotel in Tokyo wearing nothing but his underwear. Below the screenshot was a message.

Unknown to Jungkook: Would you like to see more? It's gets much more interesting from here.

Further down below the message was a short clip of video. In the video Jungkook can be seen leaning down to remove his underwear. Jimin's voice can be heard in the background seductively begging him to take off his underwear. The video mercifully stopped just before Jungkook pushed his underwear down to the grown. Another message followed the video clip:

Unknown to Jungkook: Unless you want the world to see what comes afer this, I suggest you do exactly as I say. I will be in touch with more instructions later.

To make an already nightmarish situation even worse, there was one final screenshot of a naked Jimin and Jungkook with Jimin giving Jungkook a blow job directly in front of the camara.

Jungkook was incredibly calm. For some reason, he felt that maybe, this was a joke that Jimin was playing. He pulled out his camara and opened the sd compartment. The sd card was still in the camara. Jungkook let out a huge sigh of relief. The relief, however, was short lived. When Jungkook removed the disc to examine it, he noticed that it said Cannon. This was Jungkook's backup disc. The original memory card, the sd card with over a year's worth of video and photos, the sd card with he and Jimin's most intimate moments from that night was a NOKIA disc. Jungkook tore through his bag looking for the NOKIA memory card. It wasn't there. He searched again and again and again, and each time, he came up empty. The memory card was missing.

Too many catastrophic events were unfolding in his head at once. The immediate and most terrifying concern however was how to tell Jimin what was happening. He knew that he couldn't keep this from him. Jimin needed to know now. They had to figure out how to deal with this together.

Anxiety overcame Jungkook as he looked to the ceiling and swore loudly, "This can't be happening. This can't be fucking happening!" His mind raced. How was this going to affect Jimin, his family, the other members, his career? He leaned over, almost unable to stand and rested his palms on his knees. He needed to pull himself together quickly. The blackmailers could text back at any moment.

He burst out of his room and bypassed the elevator. He ran straight to the steps skipping two at a time. He didn't knock when he got to Jimin's apartment. He just opened the door and rushed in. His sudden appearance frightened Hoseok so severely that he let out a loud scream and partially began to run. Hoseok was not in the least bit relieved when he realized it was just Jungkook. On the contrary, he was even more irritated.

Hoseok swore violently, "What the hell are you doing barging into my apartment?"

Jungkook never acknowledged Hoseok. In the midst of Hoseok's rant he began yelling, "Jimin, JIMIN, JIMIN!!" Jungkook ran past the still cursing Hoseok and headed for Jimin's room. He came to Jimin's door and opened it with such force that he almost tore it off of the hinges. Jimin was wet from a fresh shower. He sat there with his legs crossed reading an article in a magazine. Jimin jumped three feet when Jungkook came bursting through the door.

"Jungkook, what's wrong with you?" Jimin said still startled.

Hoseok followed Jungkook down to Jimin's room. His cursing had stopped because now his interest was focused on why mild-mannered Jungkook was suddently acting like a wild man.

"Jimin, baby. Jimin. Oh God, how do I say this?" Jungkook put his phone in Jimin's face with the text message up for Jimin to read. Hoseok walked over and stood behind Jimin's shoulder so he could also read the text.

Jungkook watched Jimin's eyes scan over the text. The further down he read, the more expressionless his eyes became.

"Oh my God." Jimin finally uttered.

"What the fuck am I seeing? Please tell me those are photo shopped pictures? Please tell me you two weren't fucking stupid enough to to take fucking video of yourself fucking!" Hoseok's voice grew louder and louder with each word.

"How did they get these? These were on your camara? How did this happen? Jungkook do you have your camara?" Jimin began interrogating Jungkook.

"My camara is fine but there's a memory card missing." Jungkook looked down in shame.

"What? How could it be missing? How could you lose THAT memory card? What have you done? What the fuck Jungkook?" Jimin railed against Jungkook in anger.

Jungkook couldn't believe that Jimin was blaming this on him. He looked at Jimin from behind hurt eyes. Jimin's reaction was much angrier that he anticipated. He expected Jimin to be remorseful and apologetic but instead he was angry and accusatory. Jungkook remained calm in his response.

"I didn't lose anything Jimin. My main memory card, the same memory card that I kept for over a year was removed and replaced with my back up. It was stolen." Jungkook explained.

"How long has it been missing?" Hosoek was pacing the floor. He was so angry that he punched Jimin's perfume bottles off of his dresser as he walked by. Thankfully, they fell unharmed onto the carpet.

"Not long. I mean, I never take it out. But this card, my back up, was in my side pocket up until the day before we left. I use it for my smaller camara. I took it to the botanical gardens so I know that the main card was in the big camara. Jungkook gave a full account of his careful tracking.

"How bad is this? Guys, what's on that card? Does it get worse?" Hoseok probed carefully.

Both Jimin and Jungkook were red faced. Both refused to answer and neither could look Hoseok in the eye.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Hoseok was incredulous. He had never been so disappointed in his two friends. Never would he have ever thought they could be this reckless, this stupid, this foolish.

Jungkook stared at the floor.

"What are we going to do? I still don't understand how this happened?" Jimin looked around puzzled.

Jungkook sat on the bed next to Jimin and dropped his head. He had no answers.

"So the plan is to blackmail us? Who would want to do this? Who could be behind this?" Jimin paused for a moment then spoke excitedly, "Jungkook! You say the memory card was there the day before we left?"

"Definitely, we used the main card to record – you know – and this back up disc was in my other camara. The switch could have only been made the night we came back from …" Jungkook paused and looked knowlingly at Jimin.

Jimin jumped up from the bed almost knocking his towel off. "I told you! I told you I didn't trust that bitch. There was something off about her, about the entire situation." Jimin yelled.

"She switched cards while she was in our room. I'm sure of it. I can prove it. Jiminie, remember we," Jungkook hesitated and turned away from Hoseok's death gaze. He cleared his throat and continued, "remember we filmed again after she left that same night. If I'm correct, then that means the footage from that night is on the Cannon card.

"Let's go and check." Jimin said. He ripped off his towel, revealing his entire naked body to Jungkook in front of Hoseok. Jungkook was uncomfortable with this and he stood in front of Jimin blocking his body so Hoseok couldn't see him.

"Really dumb ass? Really? You're bashful now? You're worried about his exposure now? Where was all this concern when he was sucking your dick on camara?" Hoseok quipped in anger.

Jimin, was now swimming in anger. He didn't like the tone of Hoseok's attack on Jungkook. As he pulled on his shorts and t-shirt, he glared at Hoseok, "Leave him alone. He's not the problem here. None of this was his idea. It was all mine. He begged me not to do it. He didn't want to go along with it – and – I made him." Jimin looked at Jungkook with deep apologetic eyes. "But I swear to you, if you say another word to him, I'm going to punch you through this fucking wall." Jimin made eye contact with Hoseok so that his message was clear.

Hoseok didn't appreciate Jimin speaking to him in that manner. However, getting punched through a wall was not on his agenda for the day, so he decided to back down and let Jimin win this round.

"Baby, calm down. Hoseok didn't mean what he said. And I'm sure you didn't either. We need each other guys. Jimin didn't respond to a single thing Jungkook said. He was already on his way out the door to go look and Jungkook's video tape.

"You coming Hoseok?" Jungkook asked as he stepped through the apartment door.

"NO, I've seen enough already. Let me know what you find." Hoseok walked back towards his bedroom.

After Jimin and Jungkook left, Hoseok quickly dialed Seokjin, "Hyung, we have a problem. This is a 9-1-1, I need you to come to my apartment immediately."

Jimin and Jungkook reached Jungkook's apartment. It took less that two minutes for Jungkook to cue up the footage that proved the timeline for when the disk was stolen.

Jimin stared down at the floor. Jungkook stopped the video and walked over to him.

"What have I done?" Jimin was beside himself with agony. "This is all my fault. You begged me not to do this. I was behaving recklessly that entire weekend. What have I done? I'm so sorry for blaming you. Of course this wasn't your fault. God, I'm so stupid. I can't imagine how this is going to hurt our families when this comes out." Jimin leaned over and began to sob.

Jungkook knelt down and kissed Jimin on the forehead. He wiped away his tears even though tears of his own had begun to fall. Jungkook spoke with a sense of courage that amazed Jimin.

"First of all, this isn't going to get out. We won't let it. Second, this was on both of us. Sometimes love can make people act crazy. I could have refused to do it, but the truth is that I wanted to do it just as much as you. Thirdly, and this is important Jiminie, we are victims here. We were violated. We did nothing wrong. Someone illegally broke into our room and stole our personal property. It is no different than if someone had placed a camara in the room and recorded us without our knowledge. It's all the same vile disguisting behavior and we're going to fight it. We're going to direct our anger toward the person who did this, not towards each other. We got into this mess together and we're going to get out of this mess TOGETHER."

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand. Jimin managed a smile, "I love you Jungkookie, you know that?"

"Yes, I know, I'm rather fond of you too, now LISTEN!" Jungkook quickly moved to a new subject.

Jimin looked at Jungkook giving him his full attention.

"I know who she is." Jungkook smiled.

"WHO? The maid? You know who she is? Who's the theiving bitch that got to watch MY sex tape before I did?" Jimin said with venom.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. His boyfriend was a pervert, even in the worse of situations.

"The thieving bitch is Jackson's aunt. Rememeber, I told you she looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I knew her from? Well it hit me while we were looking at the other memory card. I hadn't seen her since I was a child, but I know her well. She would always be at Jackson's house whenever I went over to play. She's only a few years older than Jackson and I, so sometimes we would all play together. Her name is Min-Seo."

"Jackson's family is behind this? But I can't imagine Soujin being involved in this type of scheme," Jimin said worried.

"I would highly doubt that Soujin is involved. I mean it's possible, but I just don't think so. She seems to really like us – particularly you – and I don't think she would hurt us. Jackson on the other hand. Well, he's furious with me and he hates you. I also hear he's a druggy with a lot of debt and some "not so nice" gang members after him. Min, I would imagine, is just along for the money." Jungkook took a deep breath. He had tired himself going through his theories with Jimin.

Seokjin fell to his seat stunned. He couldn't believe the news that Hoseok was giving him.

"How could they be so stupid. This could ruin all of us. This isn't about just two dumb kids anymore. This is about our lives. We have political aspirations, we're spokesmen for the UN and South Korea, we're business owners, mentors, investors. This could topple our entire empire that we've worked so hard for." Seokjin put his face in his hands and shook his head.

"I agree, it was stupid. But in their defense, someone invaded their privacy and stole from them. It really is horrible and no one is going to suffer more than the two of them. Hosoek said defensively. He had time to calm down and rethink the situation after Jimin and Jungkook left. He was more convinced than ever that this was an inside job.

"So what do we do Seokjin? Do we tell Joon? Do we tell HB? The police?" Hoseok shook his head in wonder.

"So basically, they want money? How much?" Seokjin asked.

"No idea. They're supposed to tell us soon." Hoseok sat down next to Seokjin.

"We pay it. No matter what the cost, we pay it, make it go away. We tell no one and we keep Joon out of this for now. He's got enough stress. And we own controlling interest in HB agency, so consider us told." Seokjin seemed fully committed to his idea.

Hoseok seemed relieved that decisions were being made, "What if we can't pay what they want?"

"We can. Hell, Jimin and Jungkook can probably pay it just off the dividends from their merchandising. Their the top sellers across the board and the highest grossing. They can afford it. And if for some reason they can't, we will pitch in and help and they will Baepsae their little asses on the corner until they fully pay us back." Seokjin laughed at his dad joke.

"I hear you Seokjin, but should we pay it? I mean this is blackmail. It sets a really bad precedent." Hoseok respectfully expressed his concern.

"Look, we've been at this for over 10 years. This isn't our first scandal and it won't be our last. Paying off these idiots is typically the best way to make them go away. But the biggest lesson here is that we can't do dumb shit that leaves us vulnerable to these type of attacks. If Jimin and Jungkook had just been more careful, we could have avoided this entire mess.

Jimin and Jungkook entered the apartment. They were surprised to see Seokjin in the room.

"You told him?" Jimin asked of Hoseok.

"Yes, we need help," Hoseok responded,

"This is our mess, we don't want you involved." Jungkook said confidently.

"We're already involved kiddo. This is our livelihood we're talking about there. This could destroy all of us." Seokjin reminded them.

"Sorry about this." Jungkook instantly wished he could take back the apology. It did nothing but trigger anger.

"SORRY! You made a sex tape and didn't have the common sense to know how to protect it." Seokjin was speaking from frustration.

"This was on me, don't be mad at Jungkook," Jimin said

"This was on both of us, we should have known better." Jungkook interceded.

"Where was this martyrdom when the two of you were making this idiotic decision?" Seokjin asked. He was growing more and more irritated by their insistence on protecting each other.

"My fucking point exactly," Hoseok harkened back to his earlier argument about their lack of judgement.

"We've apologized guys. I don't know what else to say. We're going to figure this out. But, It would be really nice if you would save the lectures for later and help us through this. Jungkook has already figured out who's behind this. When we were in Tokyo, we came back early to the room one night and found the maid sneaking out. Jungkook knew she looked familiar and just now realized that she is Jackson's aunt. She's been our maid for the last three years, every time we have visited. She has never stolen anything from us until now. We believe that Jackson is behind this. We made a few calls and found out that he, coincidently, is living in Tokyo now with her. This is where we should start." Jimin finished. He looked at Jungkook with a great deal of pride. His boyfriend was brilliant to have figured this all out.

All three of them, Hoseok, Jimin and Seokjin, began talking at once. Bantering about different ideas on what they should do next.

Jungkook felt the text notification buzz on his phone. He looked down and there was a fresh new message from the blackmailers.

Unknown to Jungkook: The price is $2million dollars.

Jungkook yelled frantically over the loud voices.

"Guys, shut up! I got another text. He wants $2million dollars." Jungkook screamed.

Jimin ran over and gently absconded Jungkook's phone. He read the text aloud. Everyone huddled around Jimin to see the screen. Text back quickly Jungkook. Ask them how can we be sure there aren't any copies.

Jungkook to unknown: We agree to the price. But how do we know there are no copies?

Unknown to Jungkook: Right now, there are no copies. Make this a nice clean transaction and there will be no copies. But for every stall, every delay, I will make a copy. Disobey me, I will make a copy. Go to the police, I will make a copy. NO POLICE. DO NOT INVOLVE POLICE.

Another still shot of Jungkook and Jimin having sex was attached to the end of the text. Seokjin and Hoseok both looked away when they got to the graphic photo. Jungkook and Jimin both turned red with embarrassment.

The boys pulled back for a moment to think of their next response.

"I have an idea," said Seokjin, "tell them we need time. We are touring and we have to be out of the Country, so we will need time."

Jungkook began texting.

Jungkook to Unknown: We need time. We have a heavy travel schedule and will not be available for a few days. If we give you the money, you'll give us the memory card with a guarantee there are no copies. Can we agree to those terms?

Unknown to Jungkook: Agreed. You have ten days.

Jungkook to Unknown: Where? What time?

Unknown to Jungkook: Those details will come later. Remember NO POLICE or I start leaking copies to K-media. I'm watching you. I will know if police are involved.

"OK, the good news, we're dealing with novices. They have never done this before. They have no idea of the time, location. Plus they gave us ten days. If these were real experienced criminals, they would have wanted their money today and the location and drop off would have been explicit." Seokjin said confidently.

"So what do we do now?" Jungkook asked innocently.

"We call the police." Hoseok said.

"What? NO. They explicitly said no police." Jimin rushed to Hoseok to rationalize with him.

"Calm down. We're not exactly calling the police as much as we're calling on an old friend who happens to be ex-police." Seokjin reaffirmed.

Sergeant Kwang is an old friend of ours. He's a cybersecurity expert and a facial recognition SME. He currently works as a private investigator. He can help us. We can trust him and he 's really good at what he does." Hoseok said.

Sergeant Kwang arrived at Hoseok and Jimin's apartment within thirty minutes of receiving the call. He gave both Seokjin and Hoseok deep hugs when he saw them. It was a great mystery how Seokjin, Kwang and Hoesek all knew each other. But that wasn't important for now. Kwang was a young handsome man with slight streaks of grey running through his black hair. He had large dimples on either side of his cheeks that reminded them of Namjoon. He was over six feet tall with long legs and a long torso. He had a semi automatic 9mm attached to his hip when he came through the door. He looked around and surveyed the room as he entered.

"Let me see the texts," Kwang demanded. Jungkook quickly handed over his phone. "He's using a burner. I can trace the location where it was purchased and ping the tower to see where the latest call came from. He's giving you ten days? That's a long time. Definitely a novice. Probably someone who doesn't live in the area. Looks like he needs to buy himself time. So you say this is Min and Jackson? Aunt and nephew teaming up?" Kwang looked at Jimin and Jungkook waiting for one of them to answer.

"Yes, I believe so. She was the last person in our room right before the memory card disappeared." Jungkook acknowledged.

"Great, this gives me a lot to go on. Let me track down these two idiots. I'm going to need about three of four days. But I promise, I'll get back to you. Don't worry. I think we're going to be able to take these two down pretty easily. If they contact you again, I need you to call me immediately. No reponses unless we've discussed them first. Is that clear?" Jimin and Jungkook nodded in agreement. And with those last comforting words, Kwang exited the apartment.

"Well, I guess now we wait." Jungkook said unsteadily.

"What about the money," Seokjin asked.

"We've got it in our brokerage account," Jimin stated.

"I'll get it out as soon as we get direction from Sgt. Kwang on what to do." Jungkook said.

"Well, the good news is that we're on hiatus for the next month, so if we're going to be blackmailed, this really is the best time to do it." Hoseok made a joke. A good indication that he was feeling very confident in Sergeant Kwang.

"Good, so yes. Now we wait." Seokjin agreed.


"Min, Jackson slurred. We're about to be fucking rich! They agreed to all of our terms. Now, the only thing left to do is to tell them where we need to meet. This is like stealing candy from a baby. We should have done this sooner!" Jackson was estatic.

"I can't believe it. $2million dollars! We're cutting it right down the middle right? $1 million each?" Min glared at Jackson to make sure he was planning to keep his promise.

"$1 Mill each. I couldn't have done this without you after all Auntie." Jackson laughed much too hard for what the situation demanded.

"Look Jackson, I'm not sure what kind of drugs you're on, but I trust that you can keep it under control. We are too close for you to mess this up. Maybe you should go back to rehab for a few days until it's closer to the pick up time?" Min tried.

"I'm good. You don't have to worry about me. Just worry about how you can pack up and leave this dump without taking the rats with you." Jackson laughed mercilessly and Min.


Two days passed with no word from Sergeant Kwang. It was 2am KST and Jungkook lie awake staring at the ceiling. His mind was racing, and he couldn't shut it down. He thought about how he would explain the video to his mom and dad. He thought about the embarrassment that it would cause his brother and his family and poor little Ki. He thought about the indignity of the world seeing Jimin exposed as only he, Jungkook, is supposed to see him. In all these years, they still hadn't found a way to openly, successfully attack the gay issue. It was an open unspoken secret amongst most of the K-pop community and the OT7 fans. But without open acknowledgement from Jimin and Jungkook themselves, it was just a speculative mess in which fans engaged for their own edification. Now add a gay sex tape on top of it…Jungkook just shook his head in disbelief. What a fucking nightmare.

"I'm cold." Jimin's voice startled Jungkook and made him jump.

"What are you doing awake? You scared me." The sound of Jimin's voice seemed to calm Jungkook instantly. He turned to him and spooned him, wrapping is arms around him to warm him up.

"If this doesn't work, I can get another blanket," Jungkook said softly as he held on to Jimin.

"Now are you going to answer me? Why are you awake? You know you need rest. Especially during times of stress." Jungkook went into Daddy mode on Jimin.

���I could ask you the same thing. You're not exactly snoring yourself." Jimin giggled quietly.

"Let me guess, you're going through all of the shitty things that will happen if this plan doesn't work?" Jungkook said.

"Nailed it." Jimin giggled softly again.

"Jungkook, this is bad." Jimin sighed heavily.

"It is. But there is something that I need you to know. If this video comes out, I will be very embarrassed that people saw us in our most intimate and private moments. But I will still be very PROUD of you. I will never apologize for making love to the man I love."

"Oh, I feel the same way exactly. You will not get apologies from me. Not for that. Now there's something that I need to say to you. Jungkook, it's been a lot of years and yet, I still feel something deep deep deep within that I can't explain. It's like you pull at my soul. Like you're bone of my bone. Your arms were made to only hold me. I can say that I love you, but that doesn't even begin to describe what I feel for you." Jimin turned to face Jungkook for this part, "Jungkook, from the moment I first saw you, I knew. I just knew. When Namjoon and I were writing Serendipity about you, I had to take so many breaks because I would just burst into tears with every lyric. Every line was so meaningful. All I want is to be safe within your arms. If you still love me, then nothing else matters. Jungkookie, we are tied together in a way that I just can't explain. I don't know how this is going to end, but there is one thing that I do know and that is, I'll be with you. That gives me all the hope I need." Jimin laughed at himself. "And this is the most random conversation and I am rambling like a lunatic"

"No, Jimin, you said something that is amazing to me. You said sometimes you feel like I'm bone of your bone. That is exactly how I feel. It's like there's something much greater than us that pulled us together. Jimin we even have the same blood type. Very rare AB negative. Did you know that?" Jungkook said confidently.

"No, I didn't, how did you find that out?" Jimin said curiously.

"I'm your POA remember, I know everything." Jungkook laughed. "But, think about it. We work together, we spend hours practicing together, touring together, eating together, sleeping together, bathing together, performing together and then we make love and actually go inside of each other. That's a lot of together. But we never tire of each other. That's like a miracle right?" Jungkook spoke as if he were trying to convince Jimin to believe in miracles.

"Well wait, I do get tired of you." Jimin laughed. "But as soon as you're away, I want you back again. So I guess that is a little miracle-ly. I guess you're my forever."

"I guess you're my forever." Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin. "Still cold?"

"Yeah, actually I am." Jimin shivered slightly and moved closer to Jungkook.

"I think I can warm you up - from the inside out," Jungkook lifted an eyebrow and pulled Jimin on top of him."

Four days passed before Jimin and Jungkook heard anything from Sergeant Kwang. He called and asked them to meet at Jimin's apartment. Hoseok and Seokjin arrived as soon as they could. Jimin wanted to make sure they were there to hear Kwang's information.

"Alright, let's get started. First, your friend Jackson is on drugs. Heavy drugs. This could make his behavior a bit unsteady so we will need to be careful with him. You were right Jungkook when you said that Min was the one who stole your sd card. I was able to lift her prints from the inside of your camara bag. Her prints were also on the back up Cannon card that was inserted in the slot. Jackson is only supposed to be in Tokyo to attend rehab. His sister, Soujin, apparently doesn't know that he's been kicked out. From what I can tell, she has no involvement in this. She doesn't even know her brother is no longer in treatment. Jackson is indigent and has a nasty drug habit, which explains why he's so desperate for money and willing to do anything to get it. He has no belongings, no computer, no access to a computer, which leads me to believe that Soujin is the one pulling the strings here. She's the one who has physical possession of the sd card. I embedded a virus within one of her emails. She clicked it and unleashed a scouring software that looked for duplicated files. You're not going to believe this, but she never backed up the sd card. The original disc is still the only copy. Now that doesn't mean that she wont' back it up later, but I think it is a pretty safe bet that if she hasn't done it by now, she's not going to do it. If she does try to back it up, the virus will automatically scrub and delete and she will never know about it. I also had the virus scrub her computer to see if there were any screen shots or traces of the files. I remotely deleted everything that I was able to find, which isn't much. She duplicated just the items that she sent to your phone. I tracked Jackson's burner phone back to Min's place. She lives in a shitty old apartment complex on the west side of Tokyo. Jackson purchased the burner phone with a stolen credit card. I've been in Tokyo surveling them for the last three days which is why you haven't heard much from me. I placed a camara and a bug in Min's apartment so that I could keep an eye on things. The most interesting thing I discovered is that they really truly have no plan. That's good and it's bad. It's bad because it means we have to be more flexible and less prepared. It's good because they are novices and we will be able to easily take down whatever shenanighans they come up with. One of the reasons they agreed to a ten day turn around is because they are working to come up with the money to fly to South Korean from Japan. Right now, that is their major hold up. So here is how I think this is going to play out. I believe they will likely give us a location the day of the drop. We will meet them there, do a simple exchange and then bring down the full force of the South Korean police force after you have the memory card safely in your hands. I worked with the cell phone company to run a virus into Min's phone. The virus has a timed self destruct mode. When it's time, the phone will shut itself down deleting all pictures, videos and files on the phone. Since Jackson's phone is a burner, I wasn't able to install the virus on his phone, but I was able to hack into his burner phone. I can pull the pictures and video manually and delete all copies when it's time.

The ball is back in their court. They will need to give us the time and the location. And then we wait. I know this next few days is going to be super difficult, but just remember this, they aren't prepared. This is going to make it much easier for us to out-maneuver them. I need you two to get some rest and relaxation. Do whatever it takes to make sure you are calm, rested, relaxed and focused, because it will be the two of you who will have to make the exchange. Alright guys, this will be over in six days. I just need you to hang in there. Get rest. Remember, if they contact you, please call me immediately. I'm outta here." Sergeant Kwang gave a high five to Soekjin as he left. Hoseok gave him a hug and thanked him for the help.

The next morning, Jimin and Jungkook were restless so they decided to take a quick trip to Busan. It had been 24 hours since their visit from Kwang. They figured that traveling back home briefly would do them both some good. They both felt an overwhelming need to see their parents. Jungkook went with Jimin to visit his parents. When Jungkook and Jimin walked in, Jimin's father left the room without even acknowledging them.

"I'm so sorry son. You know your dad is pretty stubborn these days." Jimin's mom kissed him. She leaned over and kissed Jungkook too.

"Jungkook, I've got chocolate truffles for you." Jimin's mom disappeared into the kitchen.

"Why does he hate me so, Jimin?" Jungkook said with extreme sadness.

"Oh he doesn't hate you, he hates gay. All of it, no matter what form it comes in. If it's gay, he's not a fan." Jimin laughed.

"I feel like we need to work on that," Jungkook said.

"So, I'm going to suggest that you leave that alone. Especially right now. He'll come around Jungkook. It's just going to take time. He and I have an understanding. That's all I can say for now. Let's just focus on my mom, brother and then going to see your lovely parents. Sound fair?" Jimin negotiated.

"Sure. I guess that's really all I can do." Jungkook said sadly again.

Jimin and Jungkook spent the entire day in Busan visiting each other's families. It was a beautiful time. Jimin was very happy to have Jungkook by his side.

The trip to Busan was abbreviated. They wanted to get back home. As the train pulled into the station in Seoul, Jimin and Jungkook could feel the weight of their reality come rushing back. Before they exited the train, Jungkook spoke to Jimin,

"Listen, this entire situation has been stressful for both us. You remember what Kwang said, it's important that we be at our best when it's time to make the drop in a few days. We have to manage our stress. It's almost over Jimin. We have a plan, we have the police, we have everything in place to put this behind us. In five days, this will be over. So, I would like you to do me a favor."

Jimin looked very confused, "What kind of favor baby?"

"Will you check your calendar and let me know if you're free for a date tomorrow?" Jungkook gave a silly smile.

"A date?" Jimin repeated.

"A date," Jungkook repeated. "Dinner and a movie. You know that movie you keep talking about 'Beautiful Stars'.

"Oh, Jungkookie." Jimin laughed. "We're in the midst of the biggest scandal the K-Pop industry has ever seen and you want to go to the movies?"

"Yes, and dinner. I want to eat before we watch the movie." Jungkook smiled silly again.

"Well it just so happens that I'm free tomorrow. Besides, I really really want to see that movie." Jimin covered his mouth and laughed.

"So it's a date?" Jungkook giggled.

"It's a date." Jimin giggled back.

They gave each other high five as they picked up to exit the train.