Chapter 25 – Blood Sweat and Tears

Chapter 25 – Blood Sweat and Tears

Jimin awoke with a start.

"JUNGKOOK!" He looked around frantically hoping to see him. Jungkook was not there. Jimin ripped out his IV, his morphine drip, his finger monitor, and his blood-pressure cuff and began to crawl out of the bed. The dislodging of his morphine drip caused an alarm to go off at the main nurse's station. His tried to avoid putting weight on his heavily bandaged shoulder as he finagled his way out of the bed on his way to find Jungkook.

The head nurse, who was subbing for Soujin, came running into Jimin's room.

"NO, NO, NO, where do you think you're going? Get back in bed. You can't walk Sir," she said as she grabbed Jimin gingerly by the arm and pushed him back down into his bed.

"Where's Jungkookie, please, I have to see him. He's here, I know he's here," Jimin mumbled incoherently.

"Hey, calm down. We kind of figured you would want to see him. If you allow me to hook you back up to your monitors, I'll take you to see him. He should be out surgery now, ok?" The nurse smiled and placed Jimin's heart rate monitor back on his finger and reinserted his morphine drip.

She grabbed a wheel chair out of the corner and helped transition from his bed. She dislodged all of his medical equipment and placed it on the wheeled portable stand so he could take it with him as he went to visit Jungkook.

Jimin and the nurse traveled down the hallway covering the distance of four rooms before she came to the ICU. She stepped from behind Jimin's wheel chair, opened the wide door and then wheeled Jimin in. The room was dark and cold. There was a steady sound of the heart monitor as it churped along with Jungkook's heartbeat. The Nurse pushed Jimin further into the room. Jungkook had tubes hooked up to every part of his body. He was breathing on his own, but his breathing was labored and slow. He looked as if every ounce of blood had been drained from him. His left shoulder was heavily bandaged in layers and layers or gauze and compression sleeves.

The nurse wheeled Jimin to the edge of Jungkook's bed to get a closer look.

Jimin trembled. His mind raced to understand how someone so young, healthy and strong could be reduced to this weak helpless soul that lay before him. He lifted his right hand to touch Jungkook. He was shaking so badly that he vibrated the bed as he drew closer. Jungkook was cold to Jimin's touch. He was so pale that he almost had a blue hue to his skin.

Jimin, who was barely conscious himself and still heavily under the influence of morphine, spoke to his fiance, "You promised. You told me I had to be strong. I'm being strong. I'm doing it, now you have to keep your promise."

Jimin laid his head down on Jungkook's free arm. The nurse who had escorted Jimin to the room knew that he was in no condition to sit in a wheelchair to remain by Jungkook's bedside. She had broken quite a few rules by allowing Jimin out of the bed in the first place, given his poor condition. But she also knew that she would have one hell of a fight on her hands if she tried to make Jimin leave and go back to his room. In a moment of brilliance, she decided to transfer Jimin's bed to Jungkook's room so that Jimin could still be under her care while staying by Jungkook's side. Jimin was more than amicable to the idea.

"Listen, I don't want you walking. If you get out of this bed, you must use the wheelchair. Do you understand me? We just removed a bullet from you and you're very weak and just starting to heal. Stay in bed, do you understand me?" The nurse preached to Jimin.

Jimin smiled and nodded. He was so relieved to be next to Jungkook that he didn't care what sacrifices he needed to make in order to remain there.

"How is he? When is he going to wake up?" Jimin looked up at the nurse.

"He's not doing well. He lost a lot of blood. We gave him one transfusion, but it just wasn't enough. We're waiting for more blood to arrive. This time of year, we always run short on blood supply. It's coming, he just needs to hang on until it gets here." The nurse regretted being the one to deliver the news to Jimin, but someone had to set his expectations so he understood the seriousness of the situation.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, "Jungkookie, this wasn't our deal. You said," Jimin's voice was cloaked in tears, "you said, I just had to be strong and we would stay - together. You promised I could trust you with my heart. You promised. You promised," Jimin wept on Jungkook's arm.

A group of orderlies arrived with a spare bed for Jimin. They lifted him and placed him gently in the bed and reconnected all of his medical devices. The Nurse slid in between them and pushed Jimin's bed as close as possible to Jungkook's bed so that Jimin could hold Jungkook's hand. She left them to be alone. Even though she barely knew the two men, she could sense a special bond between them. She didn't know how much time Jungkook had left, but she knew instinctively that every moment of it needed to be spent with Jimin.

Jimin slowly dozed off into a morphine induced sleep. His dreams were anxious and confusing. He twitched in his sleep as his subconscious manipulated his thoughts. The memories replayed like a scripted movie. He saw Jungkook's face covered in blood. He saw Jungkook carrying the bag of money to Min. He saw Jungkook on one knee proposing. Then he saw blood pouring from Jungkook's chest. Jimin could feel Jungkook speaking to him within his dreams. His sleeping mind flashed back to a few days prior where he and Jungkook lay in bed talking. Jimin could hear the words echo from Jungkook's mouth as he spoke,

"..Jimin, you said something that is amazing to me. You said sometimes you feel like I'm bone of your bone…

bone of your bone…

Jimin we even have the same blood type…

Very rare AB negative…

Very rare AB negative…

Very rare AB negative…"

Jimin could hear that phrase repeated again and again. He could see Jungkook's mouth saying, very rare AB negative.

Jimin awoke screaming. His face was covered in sweat and he was shaking again.

"NURSE, NURSE, NURSE, NURSE!" He was screaming so loudly that his voice was straining under the volume. He hit every button on his medical panel trying to get the Nurse to respond. He tried to crawl out of the bed, but lost his balance and crashed to the floor on his injured shoulder. He screamed out.

"AHHHHHHHH SHIT! NURSE, NURSE, AHHHH." He writhed in pain all over the hospital floor.

The nurse came rushing through the door. She immediately ran to Jimin to help him get back into his bed.

"You're a really bad patient, you know that? What is it now?" She complained as she picked him up from the floor.

Jimin began wrestling with her and screaming, "AB negative, AB negative. I'm AB negative. I can give him the blood, please listen to me, listen to me. I'm AB negative too. We have the same blood type," Jimin screamed until he was out of breath.

Despite all of the noise and commotion that Jimin was making, Jungkook still did not move.

The nurse stared down at him in disbelief.

"What? You're AB negative? Are you sure? We tested all of your friends out there and none of them were a match. We were going to wait until his parents got here and test them. Do you really think you have the same blood type?"

"I know we do. I know we do. Test me please. I can save him," Jimin began pleading through tears. "We have to do it now. Please. We're losing him. I can feel it."

The nurse helped Jimin to his wheelchair. He wheeled himself over to Jungkook, "I'm coming baby. Now I know what you meant, I get it. I'll be back." He squeezed Jungkook's hand and pulled away as the nurse wheeled him toward the phlebotomist's testing station.


""It's a miracle!" The nurse exclaimed, "You're an exact match."

"Yes, I told you. It is kind of miracle-ly isn't it?" Jimin laughed at his use of the word as he recounted his conversation with Jungkook from so many days ago.

"We can only take so much blood from you at one time. You're still recovering too," The nurse warned.

"Can you take enough to save him?" Jimin asked hopefully.

"I don't know. He really needs a lot Sir," The nurse said soberly.

"Look at me," Jimin looked up at the nurse in somewhat of a threatening manner, "if you don't do this transfusion, he will die. You take as much of my blood as you need to save him. You don't want his death on your hands."

"Well first, I don't respond to threats sweetie. Secondly, we will allow you to give him as much blood as you can without risking your life. Because guess what? I don't want YOUR death on my hands either. Now let's get started. We can definitely get a couple of Liters going his way. Then, the Doctor will tell us how much more we can do." The Nurse had little patience for Jimin's empty threats.

The phlebotomist came to sit down and smiled sweetly and Jimin. She pulled out several viles and began hooking them up to Jimin's IV. She switched off the IV, which allowed blood to begin flowing through the port. Jimin relaxed as his blood was taken from him.

It took Jimin almost 20 minutes to drain enough blood for Jungkook. Jimin's condition was stable, so the Doctor gave the phlebotomist permission to take as much blood as she needed.

The nurse rolled Jimin back to Jungkook's room. Jungkook was still laying there peaceful, pale, and still. The Doctors had already started pumping Jimin's blood into him but it seemed that Jungkook wasn't responding. Jungkook's shoulder was very heavily bandaged. It was an eery feeling for Jimin to see Jungkook in this condition.

Jimin wheeled himself over to Jungkook's bed side. He reached out to hold Jungkook's hand and noticed that his beautiful fingers were still stained with blood. The nurses tried to clean up most of the blood from the shooting, but Jungkook's skin still had stains all over from where he lay in a pool of his own blood for countless minutes. Jimin was heartbreakingly aware that the blood on Jungkook's hands, belonged to him. Jungkook, forever selfless, had placed his hands up to Jimin's gushing wound to try to contain his bleeding, not realizing that his own wounds were much greater.

Jimin rolled himself over to the sink and drew a large bowl of soapy water. He wheeled himself back over to Jungkook. Holding the water bowl between his legs, he pulled out a towel from a stack of clean linens by the bedside and then soaked the towel in the soapy water and began washing Jungkook's fingers. Jimin carefully washed away his own blood. Next, he washed the blood out of his hair and off his neck. The bowl turned red and was no longer clear, so Jimin wheeled himself back over to the sink and made another bowl of clean water. He sang to Jungkook as he washed away more blood that had dried around his chest and arms. It took him over an hour, but he repeated the routine multiple times until all traces of blood had been removed from Jungkook's body.

The burn of fresh tears trailed down Jimin's cheeks. He lifted himself out of his wheelchair and reached over Jungkook's face to kiss his pale blue lips. Jimin wiped away his own tears and began to speak,

"Hi. I'm here. I know you can hear me. I gave you all of my blood, you know. The least you could do is acknowledge my presence. You're a brat you know that? If you hadn't jumped in front of that bullet, we wouldn't be in this situation." Jimin laughed as he held Jungkook's hand. "You saved my life. The Doctors say if that bullet had hit me first, it would have likely killed me. You, my Anpanman, took the full impact. You did that for me. Why do you love me so Jungkookie?

Well, anyway, we're even, because I saved your life. I gave you a blood transfusion. You should be up and back to normal soon. I'm being strong, like you asked." Jimin lost control of his emotions. He moved as close to Jungkook's face as he could. With his lips only centimeters away from Jungkook's ear, he whispered, "You promised we were going to stay together. You've never broken your promises to me. Don't break your promise." Jimin's lip began to quiver as he cried at Jungkook's side. His tears flowed from his eyes and dripped onto Jungkook's cheek. He lifted himself out of his wheelchair and surveyed Jungkook's entire body. Tubes were everywhere. Jimin felt overwhelmed and he had to hold his fiance in his arms. Sporadically, he decided to climb into bed with Jungkook, craft fully avoiding the tubes as he lifted himself into the bed. He settled into the small empty space between Jungkook and the railing of of his bed and then slid in as close to Jungkook as possible. Jimin laid his head on Jungkook's chest and whispered, "Keep your promise" before kissing Junkook lightly on the lips. He drifted off to sleep, listening to the steady comforting rhythm of Jungkook's heartbeat.

Jimin awoke after about two hours alone with his fiance. He decided it was time to go talk to the other members and let them know how he and Jungkook were doing.

"Jungkook-ah, I have to go now. I have to talk to Tae and the others and tell them what happened. Now would be a really good time to wake up so that I could give them good news." Jimin paused for a moment, hoping to see Jungkook react to his plea. But Jungkook lay there, still not moving, still pale and ghostly, still dying.

Jimin didn't want to leave him alone. But he knew he had to go and talk to his brothers. He wheeled himself out of Jungkook's room and down the hall towards the waiting room. Tae, Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin and Yoongi had been there overnight waiting to hear word of their recovery.

The members all ran towards Jimin when they saw him slowly navigating his wheelchair down the hallway. It was a challenge for him to wheel himself around because he had the use of only one arm. Tae was the first to touch him. He kissed Jimin on the top of the head and wrapped his arms around him gently, taking care not to touch his heavily bandaged shoulder. Yoongi and Namjoon both knelt on the floor in front of Jimin so they could get a good a look at him. Seokjin and Hoseok just stood back and wept.

"I'm ok. Jungkook is not good. He lost a lot of blood," Jimin held back his tears.

Tae held Jimin's hand and spoke quietly, "Yes, the Doctor told us everything. We all tested to try to donate blood but none of us were a match. Turns out he's got some crazy blood type that only 6% of people have. None of us could…"

"I have it," Jimin interrupted Tae while he was speaking.

"What?" Yoongi said.

"I have it. We have the exact same blood type. He found out a few years ago when I had the fainting spell. I gave him all the blood he needs but – he still isn't responding. I may have been too late." Jimin looked down.

Tae reached his arms around Jimin, carefully avoiding his injured shoulder, and provided a warm hug for Jimin to cry into.

"Do you guys know what happened? He saved my life. He jumped in front a bullet for me. What kind of love is that? Why would he do that? Jackson was pointing the gun at me, not at him," Jimin broke down fully for the first time since regaining consciousness. He continued to cry into Tae's arms. He felt safe there.

Hoseok and Seokjin stepped forward and put their arms around Tae. They all wept together. Namjoon stood up, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Look, I have to make some type of statement. I have no doubt that this has leaked to the press. We have to get in front of this and keep ARMY calm while we work on getting you and Jungkook well. Now that I know you're ok Mochi, I need to step out and get something written to release through our press core. I'll be back. Call me immediately if anything changes with JK." Namjoon left the hospital.

Tae spoke to Jimin very lovingly, "How are you? I know you're worried about Jungkook but he wouldn't want you not taking care of yourself."

"Yeah, he would kill me if I didn't take care of myself," Jimin smiled. "I've gotten enough lectures about that. He still doesn't trust me after that whole "dramatic nap" I took a few years ago. I'm doing well. Seems like I went through some scary experiences while I was unconscious, but I'm fine now. I promised Jungkook that I would be fine. I'll have to do a few weeks of physical therapy, but other than that, I should be able to dance and perform just as usual. I was able to give Jungkook the blood because I was healthy enough to do it. Yes, I'll be fine as long as Jungkookie is fine." Jimin squeezed Tae's hand.

"He's going to be ok, we have to believe that," Yoongi said. "Can we see him?"

"No. He's still fresh out of surgery in ICU, he's suspectible to infections, plus he just had a blood transfusion. The Doctors don't want anyone in there for another few hours until after they've had a chance to monitor his condition. But, don't worry, I'm with him 24 hours. The Nurse moved my hospital bed into his room. I'm keeping a close eye on him." Jimin smiled.

Jimin's Nurse came down the hallway.

"There you are. I was looking for you. I didn't give you permission to leave your room. You're still in recovery Sir. You were shot. Do you know what shot means? My goodness you're a horrible patient." The Nurse smiled as she pulled Jimin's wheelchair back out of the waiting room. "Now come on, let's get you back to your room. I have to get another morphine vile added to your IV otherwise you'll come out of your skin when that pain starts to hit." Jimin waived goodbye to his brothers.

The Nurse wheeled Jimin back into Jungkook' somber hospital room. There was no change in Jungkook's appearance.

"He should be better by now. It's been hours since I gave him the blood. Why isn't he getting better?" Jimin asked the question rhetorically.

"Let's get you into bed." The Nurse gave Jimin a set of antibotics and the rest of his pain killer medicine. "Before I go, I have something for you." She reached down into her pocket and pulled out a diamond engagement band. "I belive this is yours. We had to remove it during surgery, but I promised that I would log it and give it back to you personally. It's very pretty. What does it mean? Your ring?"

"It's my engagement ring. We just got engaged a few days ago." Jimin said proudly.

Jimin was beyond excited to get his ring back. He slipped it on his finger and took a deep purposeful breath. He felt exhilarated, strong, alive. The ring had given him the energy he needed to fight not only for himself, but for Jungkook too.

"Well it's very pretty. Congratulations," She closed the topic of conversation and excused herself from the room.

Jimin dozed off and remained asleep for most of the day and night. The next morning, he awoke to the sound of muffled voices standing over him. He opened his eyes to see his Mom and Dad.

"Hi Mommy!" He was so excited to see his mother. Despite their differences, he was equally as happy to see his Dad.

"Oh my precious Chim. My precious, precious boy. How are you? We've been worried sick. We ran into Namjoon in the waiting room. He told us everything that happened. We are so going to sue that police department," Jimin's mom started. "Who uses two pop stars as decoys in a sting with dangerous criminals. What a bunch of idiots!! How are you Chim? You look tired."

Jimin smiled as he lifted his head slightly to look past his mother to check on Jungkook. Jungkook wasn't there.

"Where is he? Where is he Mom? Where's Jungkook?" Jimin's voice rose as he looked around.

Calm down my sweet son. Calm down. He's in his room in ICU. Last night after you fell asleep, the Nurses moved you back down here to your room. Jungkook needs a little more privacy, especially considering all of the visitors you've had.

"I have to see him. Please mom, I have to see him. He needs me Mommy. I should have never left him." Jimin was frantic.

"It's ok, don't get upset Jimin, I'm sure the Nurse will help you get back to him." Jimin's mom tried to calm him.

"You don't understand Mommy, I have to be with him." Jimin began fighting to get out of the bed.

Jimin's parents were concerned by the frenzied look in his eyes.

Jimin's dad looked at his wife and spoke calmly, "You know what honey, why don't you let me handle this? Jimin," he continued, "let me help you get into the wheelchair. The Nurse says you shouldn't be walking just yet. Let's load you into your wheelchair and I'll take you down to see him."

Jimin was speechless. He didn't know why his father was being so kind and polite regarding Jungkook but now was not the time to question his motives. Jimin slid down into his wheelchair and his dad wheeled him towards Jungkook's room.

"Thank you Daddy." Jimin said quietly.

"Alright, here we are, this is it," Jimin's father turned the handle on the large door to ICU and opened it wide for Jimin to be pushed in.

Jimin looked at Jungkook. There seemed to be more color in his cheeks. He also seemed to have more of a "presence" than he had the previous 24 hours.

"We're getting married Daddy." Jimin blurted out his news without any warning. "I don't care if you don't approve. I love you and I don't want to lose you. But you're the one who's wrong here." Jimin's voice was strong. He never made eye contact with his father. Instead, he stared into Jungkook's face studying the changes that had occurred since the previous evening. "He looks better." Jimin said optimistically.

Jimin's father wasn't surprised by the news of his son's engagement. "I know about your engagement Jimin. I know about Paris. He's – he's a brave soul. He spoke to your mother and I before he proposed; when you were in Busan last week. He wanted our blessing. I, of course, told him hell NO. Your mother gushed and made him some more chocolate truffles. Her answer was a resounding, YES!" Jimin's father actually chuckled and smiled heartedly.

Jimin was awestruck. When had Jungkook found time to sneek behind his back to ask for their blessing to marry him? No wonder he was so insistent upon visiting Busan. Jimin punched the rosey cheeked Jungkook in his good arm, "You BRAT!" He laughed along with his father.

"YOU'RE AWFUL YOU KNOW THAT?" Jimin looked around to see his Nurse standing in the doorway with her arms crossed in agitation. "I finally get you back to your own room and you sneek right back here. And now it looks like you have an accomplice helping you. Sir, you're aiding and abedding a very bad patient."

Jimin's father looked confused, "uhh-well, I don't want to do that, do I?"

Jimin's Nurse laughed as she walked towards them. She turned and spoke to Jimin, "Sir, we have to take you to X-ray. The Doctor needs to check your shoulder to make sure that he removed all the bullet fragments. I'm afraid you have to come with me."

"No, I can't leave him. I already left him for too long. He needs me." Jimin begged the Nurse not to take him.

"Jimin, go," Jimin's dad looked Jimin in the eye and gave him a firm command, "I'll stay here with Jungkook. We just spoke with his parents. They should be here within the hour. In the meantime, I'll stay here until you return. Go take care of yourself."

Jimin asked again cautiously, "Daddy, are you sure?"

"I would not have offered otherwise," Jimin's dad kissed his son's muffled hair and patted him on the back. "Jiminie, one more thing - Congratulations."

Jimin exploded in tears. "Daddy, Daddy you mean it?" Jimin sniffled.

"Kekekekekeke, can we do this later? I really, REALLY need to get you to X-ray." Jimin's Nurse rudely interjected.

"I don't like you!" Jimin stopped crying momentarily to berate his annoying Nurse.

"I don't care sweetie. Let's go." She pushed Jimin through the large door and escorted him to X-ray.

Jimin's father fidgeted nervously. He saw a chair in the corner and walked over to sit. He didn't stay in the chair very long because it felt like he wasn't keeping proper vigile from such a distance. He stood again and walked over to Jungkook's bedside. That didn't feel proper either because he was just staring at him. Finally, he got the bright idea to pull the chair over to the bedside, sit at a respectable distance and read a magazine.

"Good," he spoke to himself, "good compromise. Nothing awkward here." He flipped through the magazine a bit before throwing it down in frustration. He looked at Jungkook as he lay there still and unmoving.

"Jeon Jungkook." He addressed the still unconscious Jungkook. "I know you can hear me. Jimin says you can hear us when we talk to you. I need to get something off of my chest."

"I think I want mustard, ketchup, relish and maybe BBQ sauce. No onions. Jiminie doesn't like it when I eat onions. Jungkook thought carefully about how he was going to craft his hot dog. I want three maybe four. Why does it feel like it's been days since I've eaten? I hope the buns are fresh this time. Stale hot dog buns piss me off. Jiminie calls me Bun. He's a pervert. Wait, is someone talking to me? Jungkook released his hot dog thoughts and decided to listen to the words that were being spoken. Someone just called my name.

Jimin's father continued, "I didn't approve of you at first. I- I still have my doubts. But I've always respected you. I hope you know that. It was never anything personal, it was just the circumstance."

Jungkook didn't recognize the voice. Who the hell is talking to me? I guess there's only one way to find out. Jungkook slowly, with the utmost care, opened his left eye just a sliver to take a peek at who was talking. His heart erupted with panic when he saw that it was Mr. Park, Jimin's father. He quickly slammed his left eye shut and pretended to be unconscious. He wasn't sure if Mr. Park had seen him move, so to really sell his unconscious act, he gaped his mouth open just slightly and let out a little drool.

What the hell? Jungkook thought to himself. Why would Jimin leave me alone here with his father? He's going to try to kill me. I'm sure of it. He's going to smother me with a pillow or something. OHHH THIS IS THE WORST. Jungkook remained perfectly still. He produced a little more drool to make sure he truly looked 'out of it���.

Jimin's dad never even noticed that Jungkook opened his eyes. He continued speaking to Jungkook with honest, loving words from his heart.

"When you told us you were going to marry Jimin, I was angry. I didn't respond well and I apologize for that. I never doubted that you loved him. It's just that two men – aren't supposed to feel that way."

Jimin's dad shook his head and tried a different approach.

"The night I got the call that you two had been shot was the worst night of my life. I realized at that moment, that all I wanted was for my son to be alive, to be healthy and to be happy. Jungkook, he's healthy because of you. He's happy because of you. He's alive – because of you. You risked your life to save his. I can never repay you for that. I almost lost my son. He's only here because of your sacrifice.

How could I ever stand between the two of you and still face myself in the mirror everyday? The truth is, I can't. I won't stand between you two. I'll give you all of the support that I can. But first, I need you to come back to him. Please. He won't survive this unless you do." Jimin's father began to tear up.

AWKWARD, is he crying? What am I supposed to do now? Why do I feel this is going to get in the way of my hot dogs? On the positive side, this is really good news. I was going to marry Jimin no matter what he said, but now that we have his blessing, this will make Jimin so happy. Where is JIMIN? I miss Jimin. I'm ready to see him. I also want Mr. Park to leave cause I don't really know what to do with this.Jungkook contained his smile. He knew that no matter how much he fake-drooled, smiling would be a dead giveaway that he was awake. Jungkook suddenly felt an incredible pain in his shoulder. Damnit! That hurts like FUCK! What happened? What happened? What's wrong with my arm? Jungkook thought for a minute. Oh yeah, I think I got shot.

Just then, the sound of the large ICU door swung open. Jungkook could hear Jimin's voice as he and his Nurse bickered. The Nurse pushed him into the room and left.

Jimin's father jumped up wiping the tears from his eyes. "What's the verdict? Good news I hope?"

"Very good news Daddy. No fragments, I'm healing well and I should be released within a day or two. They may even let me drop the wheelchair." Jimin was talking to his father, but staring directly at Jungkook. "Daddy, he looks very good doesn't he? His color is normal. His skin is warm. Daddy, why is he drooling?"

"I - dunno, isn't that what people do when they're unconscious?" Jimin's father said innocently.

"Daddy NO, that's not something that people typically do when they're unconscious, especially not him." Jimin placed his hand over Jungkook's hand. Jungkook softly met Jimin's grip.

"DADDY, get the Doctor, get the Nurse, get somebody, he's holding my hand. Daddy GO!" Jimin's father took off towards the Nurse's station.

Jungkook opened his eyes when he heard Jimin's father leave, "Why would you leave me alone with him? I swear, I thought he was going to kill me." Jungkook was relieved.

"Baby! Baby, you're awake. Oh my GOD, oh my GOD, you're awake. I can't believe this." Jimin threw his uninjured arm over Jungkook's lower body to avoid disturbing his tubes. He wept uncontrollably. "We almost lost you," Jimin cried tears of absolute joy.

Seconds later, Jimin's father came rushing back into the room with his Nurse in tow.

"Well hello there," she said to Jungkook, "nice of you to join us." The Nurse took out her pin light and began to check Jungkook's pupils. She also marked his blood pressure and the rest of his vitals. "How do you feel? Groggy? Nautious?"

Jungkook waived off her question and answered with, "HUNGRY - do they serve hot dogs here. I'm starving,"

"OH GOD he really is back!" Jimin continued to hug Jungkook's lower body as he cried.

"Hi Baby. I missed you." Jungkook turned his attention away from hot dogs to greet his fiancé.

"I missed you, you almost died, I thought I may never see you again." Jimin wiped his tears.

"That wasn't our deal." Jungkook smiled. Jungkook moved to try to give Jimin a hug and pain ripped through his arm again. "Ouch, damnit that hurts,"

"Sorry about that. Looks like you're running a little low on your morphine. I'll be right back," The Nurse said as she stepped out into the hallway to get into the drug locker. It took her less than three minutes and she was back into the room adding the morphine to Jungkook's IV.

"How long have you been awake?" Jimin asked.

"I didn't know I wasn't awake? I thought I was sleeping perhaps?" Jungkook said confused. "I just remember trying to decide if I should put ketchup and relish on my hot dot. I want three or four of them."

"Hot dog? What? Jungkookie, you've been unconscious for two days. You were shot trying to protect me during the drop off. Jackson shot both of us." Jimin quickly summarized.

"Really? Maybe that's why I'm so hungry." Jungkook's stomach growled.

"We have to tell the guys. They need to know that your're awake. But I don't want to leave you again." Jimin looked as his father.

"I'm on it." Jimin's dad said helpfully. "I'll call his parents too, they need to know he's awake. He moved towards the large ICU door and opened it. Jungkook's parents were standing there about to enter.

"He's awake, and asking for hot dogs! I was just about to call you. Go in!" Jimin's dad smiled as he scurried down the hallway to fetch the other members.

Jungkooks parents ran to his bedside.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. I'm ok. I promise. I'm ok." Jungkook spoke with a sparkling smile.

"Sweetheart, you're awake. They both embraced him from either side of his hospital bed. Jimin scooted his wheelchair over to try to get out of their way. "You're so pale. You look so thin. But you're awake. You're awake." Jungkook's mom cried full distraught tears.

"He just woke up about ten minutes ago. He didn't even realize he had been unconscious." Jimin smiled lovingly at Jungkook.

"JIMIN!" Both of Jungkook's parents yelled his name at the same time and reached over to hug him in his wheelchair. "We're so happy that you're ok," Jungkook's dad said.

Namjoon was the first to enter the hospital room. He bowed to Jungkook's mom and dad and asked permission to enter the room. They bowed back and gave him a hug, welcoming him in.

"I heard you were awake. You think it's funny to give us a scare like that?" Namjoon leaned over and hugged Jungkook and then put his arm around Jimin. "I've been at headquarters trying to get out some press statements and handle some performance cancellations. I'm sorry to just now be getting back to see you."

Jungkook touched Namjoon's hand, "It's ok, apparently I was unconscious, so I wouldn't have known you were here anyway." Everyone in the room laughed.

Tae, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Yoongi entered the room in a cluster. The guys had been there for over two days, refusing to go home. They were all motley, unshaven, exhausted and tense. Tae reached Jungkook first. He hugged Jungkook tightly and cried, "You're ok. We thought we lost you."

Namjoon noted the fear that flashed in the eyes of both Jimin and Jungkook's parents when Tae mentioned Jungkook almost dying. Tae gave Jungkook his camara. "You did it. The memory card is in there." The camara was covered in the blood of both Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook's mother looked away, she couldn't bare to be transported to that nightmarish scene that had almost taken her son's life.

"I'll take it." Jimin reached up and took the camara from Tae. He placed it in his lap, under his robe for safe keeping. He also hoped to hide the bloody thing from Jungkook's parents.

Tae stepped back so that the other members could see Jungkook. First, Yoongi, then Seokjin, then Hoseok; one by one, they stepped to his bedside and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm ok, there's no need to be worried." Jungkook tried to reassure everyone that he was just fine.

The members, along with Jungkook's parents gathered around Jimin and Jungkook as closely as possible. They all wanted to see him, talk to him, love on him.

"So we've turned this into a night club, just missing a little OT7 music aren't we?" The Nurse did a little shimmy dance as she spoke her way into the room.

Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, "Ugh, here we go again, she's the bain of my existence."

"I'm going to need all of you to leave please. I've got to change the dressing on his wound and get him moved to a regular room. His condition has been upgraded and he no longer needs to be in ICU. The Doctor will be coming to talk to the family shortly. But for right now, I need you out. I promise, it will be quick. Less that thirty minutes and you can join him again in his new room." The Nurse shooed them out of the door as she spoke to them.

Dissappointed, the group filed out of the room. Jungkook's mom and dad kissed him before leaving. Jimin was the last one remaining in the room. He touched Jungkook's hand and smiled. Jungkook held Jimin's hand tightly but refused to let it go. He looked at Jimin and pleaded, "Please don't leave me."

Jimin was pained to hear Jungkook begging him to stay, "But the Nurse, she says I have to go."

Jungkook looked at the Nurse hopefully, "Please, can he stay?"

The Nurse, busy removing Jungkook's old dressing, nodded with little interest.

Jimin sat quietly in his wheelchair. He watched the Nurse remove the old dressing revealing Jungkook's swollen, bruised scar where the Doctor had repaired the hole in his upper shoulder.

The hole had been stitched up completely and was no longer visible. The bruising around the bullet's entry point was devastating. His skin was deep purple with blue streaks fleeing the point of entry. The black stitches closing the wound were too numerous to count. The Nurse leaned Jungkook forward to clean his back. There was also a large wound there where the bullet exited.

Jimin watched without blinking. Tears began to roll down his face when he saw Jungkook grimacing from the pain.

"Please don't hurt him. He's in pain," Jimin cried.

"I'm ok, I can barely feel anything," Jungkook looked away so Jimin couldn't see the pain on his face.

I know you're in a little bit of pain, but you're healing very fast and very well. We've already lowered your pain med dose twice and your pain is still tolerable. That means you're doing well.

The Nurse kept her word. Within thirty minutes, Jungkook's dressing was cleaned and he was assigned to a new room; the room that coincidently was already occupied by Jimin.

The members all visited with Jungkook for about an hour before they decided to leave to allow Jungkook's parents to have some private time with him. The members, who were all exhausted, finally felt secure enough in Jungkook's condition, to leave and go home to rest.

Jimin left Jungkook also. He felt that it was time for Jungkook to be alone with his parents. Jimin's parents were still at the hospital, but they had transferred themselves to the waiting room to give the others more space to be with Jungkook. Jimin, who was now free from monitors and IV's, ditched his wheelchair and walked to the waiting room and sat between his Mother and Father.

"Chim. How are you feeling? Should you be walking? How's Jungkook? Is he going to be ok?" Jimin's mom was full of questions.

"He appears to be ok Mom. I'm fine. The Doctor says I'll be released tomorrow or the following day. It's ok for me to walk. Daddy, thank you for everything you did to help. Whatever you said to Jungkook, you woke him up," Jimin smiled and took a deep breath before addressing the elephant in the room.

"Daddy, are you really ok with us getting married?" Jimin looked directly at his father with hopeful eyes.

"I want your happiness. It is very clear that he makes you happy. Yes, Jimin. I'm ok with you marrying Jungkook." Jimin's dad reaffirmed.

"Your ring is beautiful." She touched Jimin's finger and spun the ring around to watch the diamonds as they reflected the light. "Jungkook showed it to us the day he asked for our blessing. We knew all about Paris. He's very special Jiminie. You two are very well matched." Jimin's mom said, tearing up lightly.

Jimin was only able to lift his right arm, but he placed it around his dad and then leaned into his mom in an effort to give both of them hugs.

"I am incredibly lucky to have a family like you. I love you so much," Jimin paused for a minute. "hey, where's Alex?"

"He's in America visiting colleges. He was on his way here, but when we found out that you were awake and improving, we told him not to come yet. We wanted to see how you were first. He was worried sick about Jungkook too, so he's probably on his way even though we told him to hold off," Jimin's dad explained.

Jimin took the next few hours to talk to his parents and explain the history of what led to the shooting. He gave them as much information as he could without making them uncomfortable. One thing that he carefully avoided was telling them anything about the missing memory card and what it contained. As accepting as his parents were, knowing that a gay sex tape of their son almost made it to the public airways, was not information they would easily absorb. Jimin was about to speak when he noticed Tae croutched down sliding awkwardly around the corner.

Jimin's dad squinted a bit, "Jiminie, what is Tae doing?" He said dryly.

"I'm really not sure Daddy. Tae. Tae." Jimin called out louder, "Tae-Tae!"

Tae jumped at the sound of his name being called and looked around wildly.

"Tae what are you doing?" Jimin said, slightly irritated.

"Shhh, I'm on a secret mission." Tae peeked around the corner checking to see if the coast was clear.

"He's a fool isn't he?" Jimin's mom said.

"Tae who are you looking for?" Jimin stood up and walked towards Tae.

"Nurse Killjoy. Where is she? Is she there? I need to get to Jungkook's room." Tae gestured at a large greasy bag he was holding in his hand. The bag said 'Naramato's Hot Dogs'. "I have to make a special delivery," Tae smiled at Jimin.

Jimin lifted his right palm to Tae's face. He bopped his nose and then said, "You are the best friend anyone could have in this world."

Jimin turned quickly to his mom and dad full of smiles, "Do you mind if I help him with his mission?"

"Go right ahead. We got a hotel room across the street, we will be back first thing tomorrow. We love you Jiminie." They kissed him and walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

"So here's the plan. I'll sit in the wheelchair. You give me the hot dogs and I will hide them under my robe. You push me in the wheelchair as if you're taking me back to my room for the night and VOILA – hot dog delivery!"

Jimin and Tae's plan worked perfectly. The Nurse suspected nothing as he and Jimin passed by the Nurse's station. When Jimin and Tae walked into the room, Jungkook's brother was there sitting beside his parents. Jimin stepped out of his wheelchair and walked over to give him a hug.

"Glad you're ok little brother. You scared us to death." Jimin was only younger by one month but he insisted on calling him "little brother". Jungkook's brother wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin. Jimin could hear Jungkook and Tae break into a gang of giggles as they opened their bag of about 20 hot dogs.

Jungkook's parents looked completely grossed out.

"Sweetie, you haven't eaten for two full days. Do you really think hot dogs are a good idea?" Jungkook's mom asked politely.

Jungkook answered with a mouth full of dog, "It's a great idea. I'm pretty sure it's the only reason I'm conscious right now." He and Tae both laughed.