Chapter 28 – Generation Next

Chapter 28 – Generation Next

Jungkook lectured Jimin, "You know technically the Doctor never cleared us to begin having sex. No wonder he was pissed when he saw that I burst two of my stitches. And why the hell did you tell him the truth about how it happened? Couldn't you have just said, we don't remember or better yet, said nothing?"

"A. That would be lying and B. He's a homophobic bastard and I loved making him squirm. 'Yeah, he did burst his stitches didn't he Doctor? It's because he was fucking me so hard and it was so good that he had to use his injured arm to grab more of my ass and push himself deeper.' Jimin boastfully recounted his filthy conversation with Jungkook's Doctor.

"Lalalalalala. Hello, I'm in the room. My ears shouldn't be hearing this. Really you guys treat me as if I don't exist. I really don't want to hear all of this- HELLO!" Karen, the Sports Medicine specialist assigned to OT7 was in the room with Jimin and Jungkook taking them through their physical therapy exercises. She pushed Jungkook forward on the floor and pulled his injured arm gently behind him. She placed her knee lightly in his back and forced him to hold the position for several seconds. He grimaced in pain but persevered.

"Oh Karen, stop being dramatic. You're family. You've heard much worse from Yoongi and Namjoon I'm sure." Jimin giggled while teasing Karen.

"Oh that's absolutely true. Those guys are filthy." They all laughed as Karen pulled Jungkook out of his pose. "Do 100 push ups for me? You're doing so well Kookie. We have about two more weeks before the tour starts and you're gonna' be in great shape. We still can make some improvements with your range of motion, but you're doing good babe. How's the choreo? Are you able to keep up?"

"I'm doing ok. Hoseok has changed a few of the moves on my behalf. I'm getting stronger everyday. I do get fatigued in my back right below the exit wound, but the push ups and isometrics are helping. I've been swimming as you suggested and that has been amazing for my stamina. Jimin and I are going swimming after this. Fighting!" Jungkook smiled and began his 100 pushups.

Karen turned to Jimin, "Alright Mr. McNaughty, it's your turn."

"Mr. McNaughty? Karen what does that even mean?" Jimin laughed as he took his place on the floor waiting for her to come and abuse him under the guise of physical therarpy.

"It means, did you really say that to the Doctor?" Karen was genuinely intrigued.

"Yes, I did. And I thought he was going to throw up right there in the office."

Karen giggled and gave Jimin a high five, "Way to go"

"Oh Karen don't encourage that behavior," Jungkook said from within his push up assignment.

"Just so you and I are clear, I won't be doing 100 push ups," Jimin confirmed.

"Don't worry, I would never expect such acts of heroism from you, now let's go," Karen pulled both Jimin's arms above his head to begin his exercises.**

Jimin and Jungkook headed for the indoor pool in their apartment building to go for a swim. The pool was heated which meant it was a great spot to hang out even in the fall and winter. On this day, however, Jimin and Jungkook had the entire pool to themselves. Seemed like no one wanted to swim when it 40 degrees outside.

"Jungkookie do we have to do laps? Can't we just go lay in the bed and cuddle?" Jimin shuffled behind Jungkook complaining about doing more exercise even though they already had PT.

"I'll cuddle you right now," Jungkook looked mischievously at Jimin.

"For some reason when you say "cuddle" I think you mean throw me in the pool." Jimin took a step back from Jungkook.

"You know me so well Jimin-ah," Jungkook lept towards Jimin but Jimin was too quick. He took off running around the width of the pool. Jungkook gave chase. Of course, he caught Jimin at the far side. He scooped him up and jumped into the swimming pool, plunging them both into the deep water. Jimin screamed the entire time. He swam back behind Jungkook and climbed on his back. Jungkook began swimming laps with Jimin attached like a koala bear to his backside.

"Oh, I like this. I like this very much," Jimin said as he relaxed and enjoyed the ride.

Jungkook completed two full laps the length of the pool before he finally tired and shook Jimin loose. "Ok, baby, it's your turn."

"Surely you don't expect me to carry you for two laps," Jimin said incredulously.

Jungkook burst into laughter, "It would serve you right! But no, I don't expect that. I do, however, expect you to get some exercise on that arm. Karen says your range of motion is even worse than mine. Now get going. I'll be waiting right here with a surprise for you when you finish."

Jimin was fascinated by the idea of getting a surprise just for doing his work out. He pushed through his two laps quickly and then swam directly up to Jungkook who was now standing in the middle of the pool with the water up to his chest.

Jimin was panting and out of breath and rubbing at his sore shoulder, "Well at least the water is nice and warm. OK, I'm done, what's my surprise?" Jimin said as he wiped the water from his eyes and pushed his wet hair back off of his face.

Jungkook swam over to him and planted a kiss on his wet lips. He walked him backwards towards the swimming pool wall. "I'm so proud of you. You're getting stronger and stronger. That was your fastest time yet." Jungkook continued to kiss Jimin. He made a move towards his neck and kissed his chest. Jungkook's hand moved busily under the surface of the water. He pulled at the waist band of Jimin's shorts and found his warm cock. He rubbed it with his palm as the warm water swirled around creating a sensual sensation that made Jimin moan. Jungkook abruptly stopped kissing him. He took three deep heavy breaths and disappeared beneath the surface of the water.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD," Jimin swore as he looked around quickly to make sure no one else was at the pool. He could feel his dick sliding into Jungkook's mouth as he began to suck him from beneath the water's surface. Jimin's eyes tore around the pool terrace. He was terrified of someone coming in and seeing them. However, he wasn't terrified enough to actually stop Jungkook from sucking his dick. He looked down, the water was so deep that he could barely see Jungkook at all but he could definitely feel him. The sensation of the warm water surrounding his body and the public nature of their display was driving Jimin crazy. He slowly began to move his hips to push in and out of Jungkook's mouth. Orgasm was eminent. He felt his dick begin to swell. He reached both of his hands deep into the water and found Jungkook's head. He began pushing in unison with the rotation of hips.

Hoseok entered the pool area carrying a pile of books. "JIMINIE, there you guys are. Karen told me I would find you up here. Oh no, where's Jungkook? I need both of you." Hoseok said a little disappointed.

Why me? Why does this always happen to me? Jimin thought to himself as Hoseok pulled up one of the reclining deck chairs and had a seat. "I hope you can hold your breath Jungkookie," Jimin whispered as he looked down at Jungkook under water.

OK, less than two months before the big day. We still haven't picked table linens. I really think we can do this without Jungkook don't you? I mean, he only cares about the food. Let's be honest. Are you going to come sit next to me so you can see the options?" Hoseok stopped talking, curious as to why Jimin hadn't emerged from the pool.

"Uh, Hobi can we do this later? Karen wants me in here for a while…for my arm," Jimin made up a believable story.

"Jimin, are you ok? You're acting kind of weird," Hoseok stood up and walked towards the edge of the pool.

"No, I'm fine, I mean don't come any closer, I misplaced my swimming trunks and I need to find them," Jimin stumbled.

"We were roomates, I've seen you naked 100 times, not impressed. What's really going on?" Hoseok said as he moved even closer to Jimin standing in the swimming pool.

He looked down into the water and saw the shadow of Jungkook floating below. He frowed immediately and began screaming, "Oh my eyes, my eyes! You should warn people when you're doing this kind of shit! OH GROSS. MY EYES!" Hoseok ran from the pool screaming about the perceived assault on his eyes. Once again Jimin and Jungkook were alone.

Jungkook popped up immediately gasping for air, "Is he gone?"

"You knew he was here?" Jimin was surprised.

"Yes, I could hear your voices," Jungkook said.

Jimin laughed hysterically, "Yes, he's gone. He wasn't happy when he realized what you were dong. Expect to get a lecture later. He also left us some wedding homework. We have to pick table linens."

"Sounds like oodles of fun," Jungkook said sarcastically. He moved towards the edge of the pool to lift himself out.

"Uhh, wait. Where are you going? We're not done here," Jimin gestured towards his still swollen unsatisfied dick.

Jungkook swam back towards Jimin, "I like the way you think Mr. McNaughty. But this time, do a better job at giving me some warning if someone comes in." He took three more deep breaths and disappeared beneath the water's surface again.**

"Before I come in, I need assurances that you are fully clothed and not engaged in any sexual activity of any kind at all!" Hoseok yelled through the door of Jungkook's apartment.

"We assure you," Jimin laughed.

Jungkook went to the door and grabbed Hosoek's wrist and pulled him inside. "Stop being a diva. You act like you've never met two people in love before."

"I've never met two people who fuck all the time no matter who's around or where they are…before." Hoseok snapped back at Jungkook.

Hoseok timidly entered the room, careful to look straight ahead, "Guys we have a problem. I know your hearts were set on getting married in Japan, but I just read about this new law this morning. I think we may need to rethink our location for this."

Jimin scanned the newspaper article. It was disappointing news. Japan, although willing to provide a certificate of union to gay couples, recently amended the law to clarify that the union would not be recognized for legal purposes and would not apply outside of Japan.

"Let's be honest, no matter where you get married, as long as you live here in South Korea, it won't be recognized. You two have to make a decision about what matters to you. What do you hope to achieve with your marriage? Do you want legal protection, or do you want a big fancy show with no substance behind it?"

Jungkook looked at Jimin, "We could go to America? Remember when we were in Vegas for our Grammy last year, we found out that they recognize same sex marriages."

"But it still won't be recognized in Korea baby. Hoseok is right, we have to make a decision about what we really want." Jimin looked down at his engagement ring. "This is something I've never really considered. As long as we are under contract with OT7, we're going to live in Korea. We can't move someplace just because they acknowledge our union. But you're right Hoseok, we will never get the respect and legal protection we deserve here in Korea. What a sad realization. I don't know the right answer." Jimin looked reflectively at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and gently stroked his right cheek, "When I proposed to you, it was for you to understand my commitment of forever. We don't need the government to validate our feelings. We really don't need the government's legal protection because Jimin, we have money. That affords us certain luxuries that the average person doesn't have. Things are much easier for us than they are for the average gay couple out there because we are independent. We are a bit sheltered from the day to day discrimination against homosexuality because we live in our own little bubble. We don't have to fear the government's power to take our jobs or our homes. If anything, the government of South Korea needs US right now just because of the circumstances of our popularity and what we bring to the economy. We have a voice. If we don't take this opportunity to use our voice, then we aren't contributing to a solution, we're just ignoring the problem, like everyone before us." Jungkook concluded his passionate speech.

"You're saying get married here in Seoul?" Jimin grabbed Jungkook's palm and kissed the inside of it.

"Yep. And it will be a very publicized GAY wedding. We can provide an example, maybe even hope, for all of the gay couples out there who are living in the shadows. If the government ever decides to come for us, we have the means to move, to protect our families. We aren't even going into the military because our injuries. There is very little they can do to us. We have all the power here. Let's take a stand and try to change this thinking. " Jungkook adamantly spoke.

"Wow, when you decided to embrace your inner gay, you really meant it. You never looked back," Hoseok teased. He put his arm around Jungkook and hugged him. "Jungkook, you are an amazing person." He looked at both Jimin and Jungkook and took a seat on the couch. "Do you two know why Kwang and I broke up ten years ago? It's not because we ever stopped loving each other. It's because we couldn't deal with the pressures of being gay and living in this homophobic society. I wanted to live publicly as a gay couple. He refused. Kwang and I were dating secretly. He was in the closet for years. He had a very public image to protect as a Lieutenant in the military and then a Captain on the police force. It was not acceptable for a man of his class, stature, intelligence, and appeal to be gay. In fact, he had a girlfriend that he put on display very publicly. You can't imagine how it hurt me to see him take her to all of his public parties, awards ceremonies, everything. He had to regularly pay her just to force her to keep his secret. He was, sometimes I think he still is, the love of my life. We didn't have half the courage that you two have. If you do this, you will be taking a stand. Understand, there may be backlash, but you will help so many people. Things are changing here, especially in Seoul, and gays are being more accepted. But if you two do this, you will propel this movement forward like a rocket." Hoseok looked sad for a moment and then continued, "Maybe if Kwang and I had been brave enough to do this back then, things would be different for the two of you and you wouldn't be in this position. I will support you whatever you decide to do. I am proud of you, whatever you decide to do."

"Korea," Jimin said immediately.

"We can invite so many more people, the entire HB staff could come." Jungkook was excited.

Jimin jumped up excitedly, "Yes, and we can get married in one of the beautiful museums downtown and have the reception on the roof of the Intercontinental Hotel or Four Seasons."

"YES, we can turn it into a club atmosphere, you know how my mom loves to dance," Jungkook laughed.

"AOKI!" All three of them yelled at once.

"Let's make this the biggest celebration Seoul has ever seen," Jimin said.

"Wow, ok, this fundamentally changes things, we're starting from scratch here," Hoseok looked worried. He opened the big binder that he had been carrying around with all the wedding plans. He ripped out all of the pages and threw them in the trash. "Don't need the Japanese version anymore. Let's get started, how many people?"

There was a knock at the door. Jimin ran over to answer.

"Hey Joonie, come in," Jimin left the door open for Namjoon to come through and went back to his spirited conversation with Jungkook and Hoseok.

"I just got a copy of the full track from our recording, I thought I would bring it over for you two to have a listen, since you're featured. What's all the excitement about?" Namjoon eased his way into the middle of where everyone was gathered.

"We have decided to get married right here in Korea," Jungkook said proudly.

"Really? What happened to Japan, I thought things were a bit more liberal there?" Namjoon said.

"People are pissy towards gays pretty much everywhere when it comes to marriage. So why not stay here in the Country we love where our family and friends are?" Jimim said.

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck, "I think you're making things more difficult on yourselves. I really do. No place in Korea is set up to handle such a thing. What about the legal aspects of it? I mean, nothing legally is going to be any different from the way it is now. You will not be able to make medical decisions for him or inherit each other's estates."

"Joonie, it's not just about that. You're right, things won't be much different from a legal perspective, but we know how to get around that. We've been listed as each other's legal POA's for some time now. We had a lawyer draw up the papers to make that happen. It has nothing to do with our relationship, it is a right granted to all citizens to select who you want to make medical decisions. And regarding our estates, that's why we have iron clad wills. All of the terms of what each of us will get and how things will be handled is carefully carved out there. Our whishes will be satisfied. So let's not worry about that. What is most important to us is taking a stand. We want to set an example for all of those gay couples who are struggling for recognition. Please understand." Jimin looked at Namjoon with sparkling eyes.

Namjoon looked at Jungkook and Jimin and Hoseok. He wanted nothing more than to protect them and help facilitate their dreams. He had a deep love for his brothers and it was unconditional. He could see how much this meant to them – all three of them. He could see the bravery, uncertainty and resolve between them.

Namjoon smiled at all three of them, "Well ok, Korea it is!"

"Namjoon we need a favor. We know Steve Aoki books out early and we may be too late, but we need you to call him to see if he'll DJ our wedding. We're hoping because we're friends, he'll squeeze us in." Jungkook asked. "I think my mom has a crush on him," He added.

Namjoon sat with them as they continued to discuss the details of their plans. It wasn't long before Yoongi, Tae and Seokjin joined them. They were all crammed into Jungkook's apartment laughing, getting drunk and talking wedding plans.

Namjoon slipped unnoticed into the hallway as the others continued talking, he quickly made a phone call.

"Hello Sir, Good Evening, it's Kim Namjoon," He introduced himself.

"I hope I'm not calling too late in the evening Sir. Yes, it's very good to hear your voice as well. Sir, I'm wondering if you have a few moments where I may ask you for some - advice."
