Chapter 38 - Rose Gold

7 months

"Rose." Jungkook smiled fantastically as he said her name.

Jimin looked up from his baby name book, Rose? As in Titanic? That Rose?"

"Yes, that Rose." Jungkook still smiling innocently seemed to grow happier each time he said it.

"Ohh Jungkookie," Jimin began laughing heartedly, "we can't name our baby Rose."

Jimin's laughter was met with silence, after a brief pause Jungkook repeated, "Rose, Jiminie."

"Jungkook, sweetie, you can't be serious. We can't….we can't name our baby after a character from a movie." Jimin tried to explain.

"Rose." Jungkook repeated again as if in a trance, not listening to a single word Jimin was saying.

Jimin held his book down and said, "Don't you think we need a good sturdy Korean name? Maybe Woon-Lin or Kata, or, or, or I mean there are literally thousands of names in this book. Let's just take our time, there's no rush here. Let's just take our time and find something we can both agree on."

"Rose. I won't change my mind." Jungkook stood steadfast.

"JUNGKOOK, YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS!" Jimin was beyond aggravated. "You're being stubborn. You can't just decide on a whim to call a baby a movie character's name. Especially with no discussion or negotiation. Besides, do you really think our mothers are going to allow us to name our baby ROSE?" Jimin was sure he had finally made a sticking point.

"We are two married gay men from Busan who met in a boy band and are now having a baby using a former groupie with neon green hair as our surrogate. If our moms were able to muddle through all of that, I think they'll be able to handle Rose." Jungkook reached out a closed fist at Jimin and then opened it quickly to mimic the motion of dropping a mic. "Mic drop damn," he sang.

"We are not settling on Rose, Jungkook. We're going to remain open minded and continue to consider other names and that's final." Jimin tried to exhort a bit of authority to protect his ego, but he knew that it was going to be a tough battle against Jungkook's stubbornness.

Soujin rang the doorbell.

"Are you expecting someone?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"It's Soujin, she said she needed to talk to us about some stuff, so I told her to drop by," Jungkook said.

Jimin opened the door without first checking to see who was there. Taehyung came rushing in.

"Uncle Tae-Tae is here! I come bearing gifts for our little girl," Tae yelled as he obnoxiously barged into Jimin and Jungkook's penthouse.

"Tae, she's not even born yet. You're already spoiling her?" Jimin pulled Tae into a hug.

"Oh, it gets worse, this bag is mine, but THIS ONE," Tae wrestled in a huge box full of exquisitely wrapped gifts across the front door of the penthouse, "this one's from Uncle Hoseok. Can you imagine the joy when he found out there would be a little girl with whom he could share his purse collection?" Tae joked.

"Oh, this is ridiculous," Jimin shouted, "you guys can't be serious. We're only seven months along," Jimin fussed as he dragged Hoseok's heavy ass box into the family room.

"I can't get over how excited everyone is," Jungkook said as he walked up behind Tae giving him a sweet back hug.

"So, what brings you here unannounced?" Jungkook asked sternly.

"I'm getting married. At least I think I am. If she says yes, then definitely, if she says no, then maybe not." Tae rambled.

"What?" Jimin and Jungkook both gleefully exclaimed.

Jungkook stepped forward and locked Tae into a tight headlock, kissing the top of his head. "Congratulations you dork. Why didn't you give us a heads up this was happening?"

Tae wrestled back against Jungkook and freed himself, "Well I tried, but with the marriage and then the hiatus and now the baby, you two haven't been exactly easy to nail down."

Jimin waited patiently for his turn to assault Tae. Immediately upon being released by Jungkook, Jimin reengaged Tae in a similar headlock and was also kissing the top of his head, "YOU JERK, we have phones. You never even told us that you and KJ had gotten that close. I mean I knew we were close, but I didn't know we were THAT CLOSE!"

"I love her. Period. This hiatus is going to go by quickly. If we don't achieve some of these things now, it may never happen. You know?" Tae explained. Jimin and Jungkook walked up to Tae and engaged him in an interrogation battle which Tae was ill prepared to defend. They worked in tandem peppering Tae with questions in an attempt to extrapolate the truth.

"Date?" Jimin asked quickly.

"December next year," Tae responded

"Where?" Jungkook asked quickly, staring at Tae.

"Seoul?" Tae responded

"How many people?" Jimin asked quickly

"About 300?" Tae responded.

"Color scheme?" Jimin asked quickly.

"I don't know she has to pick but definitely purple,�� Tae responded.

"Honeymoon?" Jungkook asked quickly.

"Malta," Tae responded.

"Is she pregnant?" Jungkook asked quickly.

"NO!" Tae turned red at the mere suggestion of KJ being pregnant.

"Just checking. This marriage proposal is a little sudden." Jungkook gave Jimin a high five.

"I love her. We've been talking marriage for a long time. And if we were pregnant, that would be our business and nothing to be ashamed of. Tae defended himself against the judging eyes of Jimin and Jungkook. "Look, you two fucked like RABBITS before you were married, Jimin can't even get pregnant and I am pretty sure he was at least twice. Besides, she is NOT pregnant. I love her. I love her more than anything in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. That is why we are getting married…if she says yes." Tae made himself comfortable on the couch.

"She'll say yes. If she doesn't, we'll throw Jimin at her. He'll definitely talk her into it." Jungkook said, as he blew a kiss at Jimin across the room.

Jimin sat down next to him and continued to speak, "No one is judging you, by the way. We only want your happiness. I just want a promise from you that you're happy and this is what you want. That's what I need to hear from you right now," Jimin placed his hand on top of Tae's.

"It's what I want guys." Tae looked at both Jimin and Jungkook. "I don't have to tell you two about how torturous it can be to keep something like this secret. I'm just ready. Let the chips fall where they may. Whatever the repercussions are going to be, I'll deal with it. If the fans get upset, then who cares." Tae continued

"We lost a lot of fans when Jimin and I got married. Things got really bad, do you remember? We were lucky that we had the label sticking behind us, but we survived Tae. We were able to keep going. She's going to get threats. Especially from your crazy ass shipper fans, but as long as she knows what to expect and there are no surprises, she'll be ok." Jimin said as he rubbed the top of Tae's hand.

Soujin appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi Soujin!" Jimin smiled as she walked in.

"Hi Daddy, the door was unlocked so I let myself in, hope its ok. I'm starving, is there any pizza? What about Kimchi?" Soujin locked eyes on Tae, "Hey the hot Brazilian guy for OT7. What's up?" She only partially greeted Jungkook because her focus now was on securing food.

Tae sighed, "Soujin, you know my name is Tae and you know I'm not Brazilian. But the hot part is correct. How are you?"

Jimin giggled, "Help yourself to whatever is in the refrigerator Soujin. It's all yours. If you don't see what you like, I can cook you something. In fact, Tae is here, so we're probably going to order take-out. So, stay. Ok?"

Jungkook seemed a bit alarmed with Jimin's decision to allow Soujin free reign of their refrigerator. He thought it best to keep an eye on the situation, so he followed her and chatted her up while she rummaged.

Soujin had gained at least ten pounds since her last Doctor's appointment. She was seven months pregnant now with a February due date. She was much happier these days since her morning sickness was gone. Once again, she looked stunning. The ensemble she was wearing today was another Jimin maternity special. He'd designed it himself and had it custom fit for her exact body specs to make sure she had plenty of room for her growing belly. Her hair was flowing in long black waves down her back. Her grey eyes seemed to cut through the darkness of the room.

Tae met her in the kitchen and gave her a big hug and kiss. Then he immediately crouched down and put his lips on Soujin's stomach. "Hello Baby Rose," he said in a deep Uncle style voice, "it's Uncle Tae-Tae."

"What did you call her?" Jimin looked stunned.

"What do you mean?" Tae grinned

"Jungkook! I thought we agreed to discuss this first!" Jimin was angry that Jungkook had already finalized the name Rose without further discussion.

"I've been calling her Rose for weeks now. As soon as we found out she was a girl, Kookles asked me to call her Rose instead of demon. So, I went with it." Soujin chimed in.

"So, you've been planning a coo behind my back." Jimin was angry, but he couldn't allow Jungkook and the rest of guests to see it.

Tae spoke up again, "Jiminie-hyung, I mean, it's always been Rose right. Did you ever have any doubt? As soon as he found out the little booger was a she, it was automatic."

"For your information," Jimin stood up as if he were making a formal announcement, "no names have been decided for our little bundle of joy. We are still in the discovery phase and once we have decided on a name, we will share the information AS A COUPLE with all of you. In the meantime, please refrain from referring to Rose…I mean please don't call our baby Rose." Jimin was a party of one. Seems like everyone had already decided that Rose was indeed perfect.

Tae, Soujin, Jungkook and Jimin sat down for dinner. They laughed and reminisced. Soujin told very embarrassing stories about Jungkook when he was a young boy. Yoongi's name came up more than once. Soujin shifted uncomfortably each time but it never seemed to dampen her spirits.

Jungkook sparked an idea, "While everyone's here, what do you say we put up the Christmas tree?" They all loved the idea. Jimin and Jungkook were planning on putting it up anyway. They had three stockings to hang from their fireplace.

Jimin, as to be expected, had already gone overboard with gifts for Jungkook and the baby. They were starting to pile up in every spare room. The payload that Tae brought with him from Uncle Hoseok needed a permanent home until Christmas. It was the perfect time to assemble the Christmas tree so that all of the gifts could live under it.

Soujin had very little family. Her brother Jackson was dead by her own hand. Her Aunt Min was dead. Her mother and father were barely speaking to her because of the painful circumstances that led to her taking her brother's life. Anderson, her little brother, was the only family she had who was still on speaking terms. He lived with her full-time when he wasn't traveling. For now, he was on the road touring. But he was due to be home by February, so he could be there for Soujin after the baby was born. Jimin and Jungkook were really the only family she had. Rose was a miracle for Jimin and Jungkook. But she was also a miracle for Soujin because she allowed her to have a loving family for the first time in a long time.

They four of them sang to loud Christmas music while they danced and decorated the tree. Jimin lifted Soujin up so she could add the star to the top of the tree. Jungkook took out his cell phone and snapped a photo of them just as she placed the star. Soujin and Tae got along fabulously. The two danced together all evening. Tae showed Soujin how to perform a proper Tango and Soujin displayed for Tae how to slut drop to Frosty the Snowman.

Jimin and Jungkook watched as Soujin and Tae clowned around the Christmas tree.

"Should she be "slut dropping" while she's pregnant? It seems like she could hurt something." Jimin looked on with great concern.

"I don't know how those lady parts work, but I bet Rose LOVES it. It's like being on a roller coaster. It looks fun. I think I want to learn how to do it too." Jungkook joined Tae and Soujin in their "slut dropping" lessons.

"I don't know what I've gotten myself into, but this appears to be my family," Jimin said to himself as he watched them bop up and down one by one to see who was the most efficient slut dropper.

The dancing went on forever. It was a great time for everyone. Tae looked at his watch and realized how late it was.

"Oh wow, it's late. I'm proposing tomorrow so I need to get home and get plenty of rest. I'm going to head out. Soujin, do you need me to walk you home?" Tae asked politely

"Uh, no thank you Taehyung, I still need to handle something here." Soujin responded.

Tae grabbed his coat and hat and scarf and headed for the front door. He stopped on his way out to give little Rose another kiss, "Good bye-wye, my little Ro - err uh, my little fetus, I shall talk to you soon. Uncle Tae-Tae loves you." He kissed Soujin goodbye as well.

Jungkook grabbed his coat and yelled, "Hold on, I'll walk you out. " He followed Tae out of the door.

A gust of wind rushed in and settled over Soujin. She shivered violently and rushed away from the door. She headed back to the freezer and grabbed a carton of chocolate ice cream that was sitting in the freezer door. She immediately addressed Jimin.

"I'm glad it's just me and you Daddy. I need to talk to you alone for a minute." Soujin shoveled ice cream in her face as she stared at Jimin.

"Sure, what's up? Is everything ok, is it – the baby? Jungkook said you needed to talk." Jimin was worried. Soujin's tone was very serious.

"Ohh goodness NO. Rose - I mean the demon is fine. This is about Jungkook." Soujin paused uncomfortably for a second. "I had to fill out some paperwork today. Nothing major, just a few things to help get ready for the delivery. Blood type, stuff like that. But they also asked a lot of questions about the baby's father. Jimin. You never told me which one of you is the Biological Father. I – I need to know." Soujin said this very solemnly as if it was the most heartbreaking topic she could ever bring up.

"Hm. You're right. We never told you which one of us was the Father. So why is it that I am conveniently the one who you've cornered in the kitchen?" Jimin smirked lightly, impressed with Soujin's intuition.

"She acts just like you Daddy. I don't call her demon for nothing." Soujin whispered.

"Are you saying I'm a moody bitch who stays up all times of the night and loves to dance and only responds to the sound of a sexy voice?" Jimin laughed

Soujin took her left hand and pointed to the tip of her nose then used her right index finger to point at Jimin. "Hit it right on the nose Daddy."

"Look, this is not something we really wanted to discuss with you. But we knew it was bound to come up. Jungkook and I never even thought about which of us would actually be the bio dad of until you raised the topic. We just never thought through the fact that it could only be one of us." Jimin gave Soujin these details without the slightest hesitation.

He looked down with a little bit of sadness in his face, "Of course, Jungkook wanted it to be him. I wanted it to be him. But after a lot of thought and difficult back and forth, we finally decided with the advice of our Doctor, that I should be the one. We decided to move forward with me being the Bio for the first baby. Now when we do it next time…"

"NEXT FUCKING TIME!!!!" Soujin was NOT prepared for that. "You mean you want me to do this twice?"

Soujin plopped down on the couch. The idea of being pregnant a second time was too much for her swollen pregnancy ankles to handle.

"Calm down, we may go a different route or find another surrogate, don't freak out on me here." Jimin flashed a bright smile at Soujin as she lightly hyperventilated on the couch. He passed her a glass of sparkling grape juice. Jimin continued. "We decided that this one would be mine and the next one would be Jungkook's. We really didn't want to know whose sperm was used, but we were told that due to legal requirements, we had to list one of us as a paternal father. So, to answer the 100 questions that you haven't asked me yet; YES, Jungkook knows. NO, it doesn't matter. He loves her because she's part of me. Yes, I will be listed on the birth certificate. Yes, he gets full custody of her should anything happen to me. Yes, he is her father in every way that counts. Yes, he will be formally adopting her. Yes, she's probably already the best dancer that South Korea has ever seen." Jimin finished with a large smile on his face.

"What's going on?" Jungkook was back. He watched their eyes in search of the truth about what he had just walked in on.

"I should be going. It's cold outside and only going to get colder as the night goes on" Soujin grunted as she pulled herself up from her seat.

"Wait, I thought you had some paperwork or something?" Jungkook said.

"Yep, Jimin has agreed to fill it out all out. I will leave it with both of you to complete." Soujin gulped down the last of her sparkling grape juice and headed for the door.

"Well hold on Beautiful, we're not going to let you walk home alone." Jungkook said irritantly.

"It's a couple blocks Kookles," Soujin protested. She didn't like being treated as if she were helpless.

"Let's all go." Jimin grabbed his coat and helped Soujin into hers. They walked together on the six-minute journey to Soujin's apartment. Jimin escorted her on the right and Jungkook escorted her on the left. They sang Silent Night as they walked along the sidewalk. Jimin and Jungkook escorted her all the way to her bedroom and wished her a goodnight.

Jimin chased Jungkook the full distance back to their apartment. It was cold. They wanted to get back inside as quickly as possible. As soon as they entered the apartment, Jungkook picked up his questioning where he left off before they walked Soujin home.

"So, what were you two talking about when I walked in?" Jungkook said seriously.

"She knows Kookie. Somehow, she was able to figure out that I'm the baby's Biological father. She didn't know how sensitive of a topic it was, so she wanted to talk to me alone first. That's all Kookie. I promise. We're not hiding anything from you and the baby is fine." Jimin looked at Jungkook. He wanted to be angry with him over the baby naming issue, but all he could see was the sweet, loving, generous, selfless spirit that was the love of his life.

"Did you know she knew I was gay? Like way back. She knew." Jungkook said, staring off into space.

"She did?" This was an interesting tidbit that Jimin never knew about Soujin and Jungkook.

Yes. So, I'm not so surprised that she knows about the paternity. After all, the baby already acts just like you." Jungkook snickered.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Jimin laughed and punched Jungkook.**

The next morning, Jimin sat on the floor wrapping all of the baby's gifts to put them under the tree.

"Jiminie, who's going to unwrap all of these? Doesn't it make more sense to just hang them in her room in her closet?" Jungkook said as he washed the dishes after breakfast.

"We're going to let Soujin open some, then I'll open a few then you can open some. Everyone will have lots of gifts to open." Jimin laughed

"But they all belong to Rose. Besides, you're spoiling her already. All she needs is a white T and some pink baby Timberlands. Her life will be complete." Jungkook had already managed to find some infant size pink Timberlands for Rose. They were going to be his first gift to her.

Jimin sat on the couch wearing his black round frame Harry Potter glasses. He was barefoot sitting crossed legged while thumbing through the baby name book again. To his left lay twenty delicate infant dresses all custom designed by Channel. To his right sat four cashmere blankets with the words "Baby Park Jeon" embroidered on each. He was wearing a thin white t-shirt that had the words "Baby Daddy" splashed across the front. He was wearing thick sweatpants and a beanie sat comfortably over his natural jet-black hair. Jimin had a glass of red wine sitting on the table next to him. He sipped casually as he continued to ponder Korean names from his book.

"You know when the baby…," Jimin started.

"ROSE!" Jungkook interrupted.

Jimin rolled his eyes and began again, "JUNGKOOK! I thought we agreed last night that we aren't going to call this baby Rose! We're going to keep looking for names and keeping discussing it. Why are you being like this?" Jimin's temper was starting to bubble.

"WE never agreed to anything. YOU decided on your own that you would keep looking. I don't need to keep looking. I know. My heart tells me it's right. She's Rose Jimin." Jungkook wouldn't consider Jimin's feelings at all on the matter.

"Damnit Jungkook! Naming our child is the biggest responsibility we have as new parents. ROSE has no depth, no meaning, no character. FUCK, it's not even Korean. I hate when you get like this. You're being stubborn and selfish and not even considering what I want." Jimin yelled. His temper was a few degrees warmer.

Jungkook remained incredibly calm as he spoke, "It has depth because it speaks to the love and romance shared between two people. Two people who made such an impact on each other that they couldn't even be separated by death. And it has plenty of character because Roses are her daddy's favorite flower. It has meaning because it was a name selected by her other daddy who doesn't share her blood but loves her just the same." Jungkook paused for a moment before smiling to add, "Oh yeah and it's totally not Korean - you're right about that part."

Jimin was still angry. He still wasn't sold on calling his daughter Rose. But his real irritant right now, was Jungkook's refusal to budge on an issue that required the utmost calibration between the two.

"Why can't you hear me Jungkook? I mean is this what it's going to be like? Are we constantly going to be pitted against each other and stuck in stalemates when we can't agree on what's best for our daughter? FUCK!" Jimin swore loudly as he knocked over his glass of red wine into his lap covering his white t-shirt with a stain.

"This is my favorite shirt! FUCK!" Jimin's anger was percolating again.

However, Jungkook knew that Jimin's anger was aimed more at him than at the wine on his shirt. Jimin hopped up from the couch, still swearing, making himself angrier by the minute with absolutely no provocation.

He threw off his glasses and his beanie and pulled his shirt over his head revealing his naked upper body. Jungkook watched as he stormed off into the laundry room still muttering profanities. He could hear Jimin down the hall throwing things around. He took a few moments to asses Jimin's anger level. On a scale from one to ten, was it a one, which was equivalent to the time that Jungkook wiped frosting in Jimin's hair? Or was it a ten, equivalent to the time when Jimin got so angry that he destroyed a $40,000 brand new BMW motorcycle with his bare hands and a bat? Jungkook listened closely to the sounds coming from Jimin's location. He put his index finger to his chin and thought some more.

"I think, it's a level - six." Jungkook spoke to himself. Jungkook knew how to handle level six. He could handle all of the levels, but level six was his specialty. He got up from the floor and followed Jimin into the laundry room.

When he arrived, Jimin was scrubbing his shirt much to violently, trying to pre-wash the stain. The shirt was taking the brunt of Jimin's anger. Jungkook didn't speak. He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame blocking Jimin's exit.

Jimin started the washer and threw in his shirt. He also removed his shorts and threw them in as well. He stood there naked, still angry. His chest, cheeks and nose were all red from irritation. Jungkook drank in his naked body.

"I know you're upset about Rose being Rose. But let's talk about it later. Can I eat your ass? Like right now?" Jungkook said in Satoori . He moistened his lips as his big expressive eyes licked Jimin's body from head to toe.

Jimin was taken aback. Jungkook had a seductive side to him that was irresistible. Jimin considered it a super power that Jungkook didn't even realize he had. He suddenly felt very vulnerable and uncomfortable as he stood there naked, completely exposed with no place to hide as his predatory husband approached.

Jimin protested immediately, "This isn't a game Jungkook. This is critically important. We can't just fuck to see who wins."

"Well can we fuck to see who loses?" Jungkook took a step forward still eyeing his prey.

"You're not taking this as seriously as you should," Jimin felt cornered as Jungkook continued to approach him, backing him against the laundry room wall.

"Maybe we can fuck to see if there's a tie?" Jungkook moved closer again still speaking in Satoori.

Jimin felt chills on his skin and his body became flushed with heat all at the same time. He shook his head in protest but his dick rose in agreement.

Jungkook pushed him further into the laundry room. Jimin was now trapped between the violent vibration of the washing machine and the heavenly body of his ill-intentioned husband. He found it hard to breath.

"Still no?" Jungkook slid seductively against Jimin's groin forcing his legs apart. "Well how about we just fuck? Then we'll both be winners."

Jungkook lifted Jimin on to the vibrating washing machine and stood between his legs. Jimin wrapped his legs around Jungkook's neck. Jungkook began licking Jimin's balls as the washing machine slowly crept back to life after a slight pause to switch cycles. Jungkook used his tongue to spell out the words I love you between Jimin's thighs. He moved to Jimin's dick and began to suck. He followed Jimin's desire and worked the tip of his dick exclusively. He sucked hard, pulling the shaft backwards into his mouth. His tongue flickered on the mushroom cap of Jimin's hard cock. He threw Jimin's legs over each of his shoulders to get better leverage to reach his ass. He licked up and down the middle of his groin, teasing him. He found Jimin's entrance. First, he sucked the area directly around his anus. Then he pressed his two lips firmly against Jimin's anus and sucked gently. Jimin let out a moan and pushed his ass further into Jungkook's mouth.

Jungkook inserted one finger into Jimin. It was just enough to widen the space so Junkook could insert his warm wet tongue. He licked Jimin's insides. He fucked him with his tongue. Moving it in and out of Jimin's ass and sucking the hole each time he worked his way out. Jungkook could feel Jimin's familiar quiver. He grabbed the back of Jungkook's head and tried to push his tongue deeper inside of him. Jungkook pushed his tongue in as far as it could go. It wasn't enough for Jimin. He needed to feel full. Jimin began to grind against Jungkook's tongue. He desperately wanted it deeper.

The washing machine was now in full cycle, vibrating violently again and shaking as the drum whirled around. Jimin was being shaken rhythmically by the power of the washing machine while Jungkook assaulted his ass with every inch of his tongue. He grabbed a patch of Jungkook's hair and wrapped it around his hand then pulled roughly to get Jungkook away from his ass.

"Stop. I want to cum together." Jimin demanded. Jungkook pulled Jimin down from the washing machine. He climbed up onto the washer himself and dropped his pants to his ankles, then invited Jimin to come sit in his lap.

"Now we can both feel it," Jungkook said as Jimin straddled him. He found Jimin's hole and inserted himself gently. Jimin was still wet from Jungkook eating him, but his ass was so tender and soft that Jungkook encountered little resistance sliding in. He pumped his dick into the familiar space that he found so comforting. Jimin was kissing him softly on the lips and licking Jungkook's tongue. Jungkook could hold it. Jimin could not.

"I'm there baby," Jimin moaned quietly.

"Not yet, wait for me." Jungkook moaned back.

"It's so good – I," Jimin stopped short of a completed sentence.

"Wait for me, shit, ohh shit," Jungkook begged.

"Hurry," Jimin panted more frantically now. He grabbed the base of his dick and squeezed it tight to try hold his orgasm back as he waited for Jungkook.

"Oooo GOD – baby, let's go," Jungkook.

"Let's go?" Jimin.

"Let go," Jungkook.

"I'm letting go," Jimin.

They both moaned in ecstasy together. Jimin began to bounce hard against Jungkook's dick. Jungkook pushed deep and fast into Jimin as their bodies raced to collide with each other. The washing machine roared on the spin cycle as it once again shook them aggressively ushering in their climax.

The power of their joint orgasm caused both of their bodies to seize. For a few seconds, they both stopped breathing. Neither could talk. They could only pulse with mouths gaped open as the pleasure grew from their groins and flowed through their collective bodies. Jimin dug his fingers into Jungkook's back. Jungkook rested his forehead on Jimin's chest. They peaked without a sound. They couldn't find their voices. They opened their eyes and watched each other tremble as both their dicks exploded warm cum; Jungkook inside Jimin, Jimin on Jungkook's stomach.

Jungkook took a breath. Jimin took a breath. They stared at each other, trying to grasp the intensity of their love. They both shared uncertainty in understanding how their physical bond could be so strong. How could two people be made perfectly for each other? How could two people's bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. After all these years, how could their physical love and emotional love still be this powerful? They sat. Amazed. Amused. Confused. In love.