Chapter 4

Mommy!" Bria said, running from the seat next to Michael.  I felt a great sense of relief  as her little feet rushed to me. Michael had his eyes trained on me with his brooding glare. The notorious glare that makes big men cower in fear. I gulped as I bent down to scoop up Bria in my arms. Her small hand encompassed me as I inhaled her scent. Thankful she was in my arms. While hugging her my eyes were looking straight ahead at Micheal. His face stoic yet intrigued by our little interaction. He must know she is my whole world. He followed us for quite some time judging from the pics in the box. 

"Mommy, the man with the tattoos said he is my daddy. Is that really the truth?" Bria asked as she pulled aways from me her green eyes filled with curiosity.  

"Um," I stammered as I lifted Bria in my arms as I stood up.

"Answer her!" Micheal said from behind us his voice booming.

"Yes!" I nodded.

"He's scary," Bria replied into my ears.  Blondie nudge behind me indicated for me to sit in one of the seats.

I sat in the seat adjacent to Michael hugging on to Bria as she sat on my lap.  While Blondie sat on the seat next to Michael they exchanged a few words which I tried my hardest to make out without looking inquisitive.

After a few minutes the plane started to take off  ascending  into the sky. Bria held on to me tightly. This was her first time on a plane. Her first time traveling away from Los Angeles. I gave her a  peck on the forehead.

"Mummy, can I use my tablet? I wanna watch Ladybug."  she asked

"Sure, baby." I replied looking around for her backpack completely forgetting that it was over by Micheal. 

Obviously, I thought he kidnapped her from school. The only thing I couldn't understand is why the teacher gave Bria to him so easily? Did he threaten her? I thought as my eyes met Micheal's he heard our conversation and was already digging in her backpack for the pink fluffy case tablet. He pulled it out much to Bria delight. 

"Yay!" She squealed and jumped out of my lap and joyfully hopped to Michael. He handed it to her Bria took it, still hesitant of the new tattooed man with  eyes that matched hers. She said thank you shyly to him and walked back to me.

I pulled her unto my lap and found Ladybug on the tablet for her to watch. Michael continued observing us. I knew this because I was watching him with the corner of my eyes. He looked different than I remember he certainly had more tattoos his neck had black rose on it and his hair was grown out now to his shoulders it was wavy just like Bria's.  Other than that he has certainly buffed up even more  his white button up was so smug on him. He looked great I must admit if I wasn't scared witless I would have been blushing.  I also noticed he didn't have his gun sling on him and I guessed it because Bria was with us. Knowing Micheal he would never let a child near his guns much less his own.  It comforts me a bit but what will happen when we reach his estate in New Jersey?  When Bria leaves my side I shudder to think.

Ring!!!!! My phone buzzed as it jolted me out of thoughts.  I put my hand in my purse as fast as I could and looked at the screen. It was Lorenzo, Micheal and Blondie got up from their seats. 

Before I knew it Michael grabbed the phone from my hands.

"Mommy," Bria cried as she clung on to me tightly the sudden movement from Micheal and Blondie certainly terrified her.

"It's Lorenzo!" Michael said as he stared at the ringing phone.

"That's her co-worker," Blondie replied.

"Let me answer it!" I pleaded as I stretched my hands to Michael.  Lorenzo is probably worried if I don't answer the phone now he would certainly call the police.

"Why didn't you take care of him?" Micheal asked Blondie his brows furrowed. 

"No, I will talk to him, let me answer the phone. Please, I will take care of it." I begged

"Okay," Michael handed me the phone 

"Don't say anything stupid!" He said coldly and I knew what he meant if I did. 

"And put it on loudspeaker!" I nodded in agreement.

I swiped on the screen.

"Hello!" Lorenzo said his voice sounded frantic

"Hello, Lorenzo."

"Where the fuck are you? I'm worried you haven't returned from Bria's school. Did anything happen where Bria is she safe?" He asked and I really wished he didn't curse because Bria heard him.

"Lorenzo, calm down Bria is with me!" I said calmly.

"Listen to me Lorenzo, Bria and I are going away for a while."

"What do you mean going away?" He interrupted.

"Listen! We are going away for a while, we are safe everything is going to be alright. This is for your own safety, Lorenzo.  Do not go to the police, you hear me. Don't do anything stupid."

The other side of the phone was silent. 

"Do you hear me?" I asked again Michael was watching keenly  I know if Lorenzo said something stupid there will be a hitman ready to take him out as soon as he left work.

"Okay, understood!" He replied and I sighed a sigh of relief. 

"You and Bria take care, Goodbye!"

"Goodbye, Lorenzo," I replied as he hung up. 

I was about to put my phone in my bag when Blondie shook his head and took it from me, handing Michael it when he reached the other side. Michael tucked it into his pants pocket.



"Where are we going?"  Bria asked looking up at me.

"Home!" Micheal said from the side of us.