Chapter 9

Kiara name kept playing on my mind like a record . Bria was sitting around a small white puff in the living room as I sat on the sofa with Sylva beside me. How unbelievable I thought her resemblance to me was uncanny and I could not help but shake the intense feeling that Michael had indeed built a shrine for me, his once dead wife.

"What are you thinking about?" Syliva asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I still did not know if Sylva was happy about my return but she never showed any disdain to me ever since I was back so maybe it was okay that I asked her about Kiara.

"I just met Kiara," I said trying to play it off as if it was funny but knowing that Kiara exists would hinder my plans to make Michael fall in love with me again. Maybe Sylva can give me some insight into how strong their relationship is.

She furrowed her brows on the topic her soft eyes had now a hint of disgust on the matter.

"I'm not too keen on her." She replied much to my relief.

"She is a gold digger. I think she is only with Michael for his money." She continued as her eyes shifted to Bria who was watching paw patrol on the 30 inch flat screen on the wall.

"Oh, then why is Michael with her?"I asked her and she turned back to me with a smile.

"Isn't it obvious she reminds him of you. Only in looks I must say not in temperament." So I was right Michael was still somewhat in love with me but granted I was his dead wife when he created these shrines. Our room upstairs which looked the same as and left it and now Kiara. He didn't know that I had betrayed him and faked my death so even though he loved me in death I couldn't place his true feeling for me yet.

He however, has only shown me hated me and wanted me gone once he got Bria unattracted from me.

I was beginning to feel flustered and decided to get some fresh air outside in the garden. Michael hadn't restricted my movement. I wasn't allowed outside the compound but I could still freely roam around the estate. I got up from the sofa catching Bria's attention.

"Where are you going Mommy?" She asked as she perked her head up at me.

"For some fresh air." I replied

"Do you wanna come with me?" She shook her head and stated she wanted to continue watching Paw Patrol.

The garden was something I always love. Michael made it specifically for me. It was filled with the most exotic flowers and bright red roses and a special black color breed. There was a huge mermaid fountain in the middle and water sprouted from her mouth making the most magical setting when it is night and her color comes on. Michael and I would often sneak out here at midnight to make love under the mermaid's glow when he wasn't busy running his money laundering empire. I remember it so well and a feeling of dread also came across my mind. This is also the place I confided in Nate that I was pregnant.

Five Years Ago.

As Nate had his back to me admiring my Roses. If Michael was dark and mysterious Nate was the opposite. His dark blonde hair was curling and reckless strands dangle across his forehead highlighting his ice blue eyes. He looked like the perfect boy next door type. I quietly came up behind him and wrapped my hand around his eyes.

"Guess who?" I whispered in his eyes causing him to let out a laugh. Pulling me in front of his he held me in his arms.

"Valentina, you should really stop trying to scare me." He said with a smile on his full lips.

"Why it's so much fun." I teased

"What if I accidentally hurt you." He held his hand still on my shoulder as he looked at me lovely.

"You wouldn't because you always know it's me." His eyes always looked at me with such admiration he didn't accept my choice to choose Michael over him and deep down I know it still hurt him.

"Guess what!" I said trying to conceal my excitement

"What?" He asked and he perks his brow up at me.

"You're going to be an uncle." I shrieked as he pulled me into his embrace hugging me tightly.


I pulled away to look at his face and his eyes were getting misty.

"Congratulations, Val. I am going to be an uncle. I can't believe it." He said to me as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

The chest felt so tight as I started hyperventilating. A pain was shooting up my arms as I remember one of the last good moments I had with Nate before everything happened. I fell to my knees and grabbed on my chest as my wild curls fell across my face blocking my view. The garden was spinning as my stomach churn and my head felt light. I can't breathe I mutter to myself I can't breathe.

A hand grabbed me by the shoulders pulling me up to stand. I back laid flat against his chest and my chest heaved in and out I felt Michael as he put his hand over my chest trying to calm my breathing down. I was having a panic attack my mouth felt like someone had through the most bitter tasting poison. I gagged and the more I tried getting rid of the taste the more I panicked.

Michael turned to face him, his eyes watching me intently as I tried catching my breath. He pressed both of his hands against my heated cheeks. I kept trying to catch my breath as his puzzled eyes tried to steady me. It was too much as my eyes rolled in itself and I succumbed to the heated darkness.

I woke up in my bed again under the soft white sheets. Michael sat on the end of it behind me only turning around to face me when he heard me shifting in the bed.

"Sylva told me you only had black coffee for the whole day. He scolded.

"I'm not very hungry." I replied my mind was still very fuzzy why did he care anyway. Shouldn't he worry about Kiara.

"You should eat something." I shook my head and he furrowed his brows

"I'm not hungry. I protested

"I'm not asking Valentina!" His voice was low but strict.

"I told Benicio to make you a lite dinner." I shook my head again as I felt tears rolled down my checks

"I can't eat not after what happened. I need some time." Michael eyes shot up to mines

"Why are you so remorseful for that traitor? You are lucky you didn't join him." He sneered his voice like venom.

"He was like a brother to you. How can you not feel no remorse."

"I buried those feelings of remorse when I learnt what he did. He took you and Bria away from me."

"No, It was my fault I chose to run away. Not Nate!" I started crying all over again.

"He influenced you, he was fucking working for the cops."

"Please, Michael, spear me my head is spinning. I don't want to talk about Nate anymore." I said Micheal was hovering over me now he let his fingers gently wipe away my tears as it flowed down my cheeks. I got up turning his back to me again.

"Just eat something." He said before walking out of the room closing the door behind him.