The Babies Available + freebie from the heavens

A pretty tiny Jack-o-lantern and an angry ax-wielding sheep in the creepy graveyard which was west, an angel jellyfish floating above the water biome and a black tortoise, swimming on its surface in the south, only the baby queen bee roamed the burnt forest.

After looking through their skills, there wasn't anything really wowing, they were basic monsters with basic skills, but they are from the beginner set so it's to be expected.

Still, I don't know how they expect me to ward off 100,000 + lvl adventurers with lvl 1 type monsters.

As I was thinking about how unfair it was, an envelope icon appeared on the screen.

I clicked on it and an e-mail, titled "Compensation notice" popped up. It was sent from the head administrator of the Labyrinth huh.

Thank god. I was beginning to feel the situation was pretty hopeless. Due to the Forbidden floor being raided in my absence, it looks like they were giving me a bunch of goodies.

My mood improved seeing the number of monster eggs, monster food, biome seeds, plant seeds,exp stones, and wait? What's this? Free repair ticket? I clicked use.

Three angels appeared on my screen, swooping down they raised their staffs over the damaged buildings and grasslands restoring it all back to normal.

"You can enhance buildings with materials, enhance your buildings to have your monsters gain more exp." Said one of the angels staring right at the screen. I got goosebumps. How could she see me?

". . .Okay, thanks."

The angels smiled at me and did a little spinning curtsy before ascending up into the air. So graceful, I couldn't help admiring them. Blinking. I shook my head and patted my cheeks. Focus. Focus.

The first thing I did was read up the uses of the new things I had been given.

Monster eggs, in order to hatch them they needed to be raised in the right biome and condition.

Which means these eggs were useless without the biome huh? Luckily I was given a bunch of biome seeds. Biome seeds were magic items that converted the terrain. Ex. Golden beach desert- it's a biome where the sand is made from fine golden dust, it generates oases of gold liquid that can be used to make exp potions that can raise lvls over 1,000,000.


At that moment all I could see were the numbers, raising these kids to be strong might be easier than I thought- but at the same time I can't let any adventurers get their hands on these!

Also the gem land biome, a forest of rainbow crystals that generate crystal fruit which can be eaten by monsters and humans alike for exp and also used to make potions and magic tools. But also of course some are just regular gems that can be sold for money.

Then there's the bloodlands, a cursed land of red dirt and a red sea that wears down the health and stamina of living things. However for the undead/ cursed monsters it does the opposite.

"Hmmm?!" After reading this a huge grin stretched across my face. Raising these monster was one thing but protecting them was an entirely different thing it looks like I finally found my saving grace.

"Thank you so muuuuhuhuhuch"

Since the adventurers are so strong i can just wear them down by placing harmful biomes before the entrance of the map. No matter how strong they are they'd be weak to curses and poison.


Soon those soul points would be mine! All mine baby! Ufuhuhu!

I laughed so hard I broke out into coughing fits. Alright, let's get down to business.

The FS(forbidden section) map was shaped like a giant square. But the sections were like a giant spiders web…. Let's see. Let's split the square into four smaller sections and divide those four sections into four more sections…


Suddenly an idea just occurred to me. An idea that me feel terribly stupid for not thinking of it before. Even without these biomes I could have just done it like this! Like a muscle head I only thought about wearing them down physically but there was also a way of mentally dealing with them as well!

I zoomed out of the map and began to draw out my plans. A labyrinth isn't a labyrinth without a labyrinth. The forbidden section was to begin with just a room full of space.

When I was a kid, my Grandfather and I loved reading the newspaper to solve maze puzzles, sometimes we'd make up our own and have the other try to find a way to the exit.

But this place would be different ufuhuehe! This would probably be my best one yet! One not even Grandpa might be able to solve.

Seraphia said I could customize the land using currency. So I did just that.


The proportions weren't so great but eh whatever. The cube will be sectioned into four rectangles connected together by a winding maze, yet at the same time those rectangles will be dissected into eight sections.

North, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest. The entrance to FS is far south. In total i've got 24 slots of land excluding the eight in the center pentagon.

The monster village and the first five monsters are all gathered in 3 spots, since everywhere else is empty. . .

I added the gem land and gold beach to the center spots leaving me with 2 empty spots, alright let's save them for later.

As for the entrance to the gate, the outermost half of the first ring, using up four sections.

Hmmm… I made a mental note not to use up too many slots on the same biomes and began, I have a lot of biome seeds I want to use.

Let's use up all these seeds. Organizing them all was simple really.

Center sections and inhabitants:

1. The monster village- biome of marble and stones (northwest)

2. Holy forest-where the giant bee resides (north)

3. Sapphire sea- angel jelly and black tortoise(north east)

4. Gemland-east

5. Gold beach (southeast)

6. Haunted valley- jackal and angry sheep wander around here(south)

7. Empty(southwest)

8. Empty(west)

Alright let's check out the monster egg conditions. I just dragged and dropped them in the recommended biome after I finished the maze, I did the same with plant seeds.

After planting them in their respective biomes I figured it was about time I level up my monsters. There was no one for them to fight and gain exp from so I just fed them exp stones.

All the stones given to me were prism stones, its a series of rainbow colored quartz. I could only feed them ones they had attributes for ex:

giant bee: she had affinities with both lightning, wind and poison(dark+earth).

Jackolantern: fire, dark and earth

Angrysheep: earth, light, dark

Angel jelly: water, lightening and light

Black tortoise: water, earth, ???