Ch 4: Forever child

All those years, I grew up as a man I always admire of and it was changed since my father revealed to me that I was just a kid who was still learning to grow up. I never imagined the fact that my father could be the strongest vampire who was known to be a count dracul and I would be his only child. It was sounding cool in a sense of human environment. I still couldn't believe any word of him. It was like a horror story in a rainy day to control my love life as every parents love to do, treat their child like an infant or tot but I didn't expect from my father though. No, it was a true story of our traditions or else he would not be so serious. He never smiled a bit till grand aunt Agatha's time, I couldn't think of what could be so pleasurable about her that amuse him that much. I was curiously checking out the book which was given generation to generation in our family line. What would be hidden in here that every new dracul needs to read of it? Written in Latin, every here and there small notes in Hebrews, some kind of researches or inventions, couldn't resolved those to paraphrase. Few hours of needless stitches over the past incidents, I fell on sleep again.

My father's outrageous laughter woke me up. He was having a tea party with his clients. It was looking like a celebration to me, on the day of my neighbour's family members death, oh God, father why did you do that? They would be upset. I dressed myself before I had joined the party with him. When he saw me, he was immediately ready to introduce me with the guests. They were very pleased and delighted to know, he had a son like me. I was feeling awkward at the party really and guilty too. I borrowed my father from the guests for a while and asked him about the occasion of the sudden tea party arrangement, my father told me that they came to visit him, the news of the funeral of our neighbour made them worried for him. I was feeling very grateful to my guests for being such nice people because my father needed that. Me and parents tried our best to make the evening interestingly amusing enough for our kind hearted guests. They just didn't came to visit us, they were also took the liberty to came up with a present for my father. My father was more than happier as it seemed. He wasn't used to of such luxurious rich feelings from his clients but he was thankful to them for such a surprisingly lovely evening. After the party, my mother Samantha went to her bed early, she could not take more of us. I was watching her awhile till she left then asked my father, when did you met her and where? Before or after my biological mother Lilith death? My father just looked at my eyes and said, don't tell me that you are now going to act like a child? I thought you are a grown up man, the man that we all proud of but what is this? I have shared a family secret with you, told you about your family legacy that you need to care and you are the only one to carry on but you are pointing out my character, my dear lad, I didn't wished or dreamed of this very moment a bit, do you know that young man? I was completely unaware of my father's reaction to such a simple question, I didn't thought actually like that. I asked for an apology to him and said it wasn't like that father, I just wanted to know from when? Then he said, Samantha was a very poor girl after her father's death. Her family and friends took all of her father's belongings from her. I knew her from a niche party gatherings. She and her father was my one of the close acquaintance and client. They wanted her to sell herself in the market for money when I took her as my companion for blood. I didn't married to Samantha, I hypnotized her to think like that though she knows about your mother and you but she doesn't know that I drink her blood and use her as a living blood bank. I love to drink fresh blood more than stored blood from blood donors. It gives me strength, energy, youth and happiness. You will understand the difference later. We blood thirsty dracul can't drink any human directly more than three times, they will turn to a beast, that's why, I only drink any human two times then move to another. I never share my blood with anyone. I don't like it, it's disgusting to even think about it. I hypnotized her to think me as her first legitimate husband and because I have no time for her to have an affair with a very attractive, highly talented and scholar person which I am not. I met him in his seminar of gathering donations for his team, he is a good and very obedient man, I must say, I never met such a domestic social pet in my life, I admire him a lot that's why I made him the husband of Samantha but she thinks that it was an illegal marriage with him in secret then my father started to laugh, that laughter was with dominance and power of his kind, the laugh of satisfaction and acceptance of his reality. He continued his talking with me, she has a daughter and a son, they stays with him, every weekend she goes to meet them in her secret way as she thinks. She had no idea that I was not her husband and I did the hypnotism between them to fall in love, lost their control and end up with marriage to have a family.

The whole time I was gawking at him with surprise and astonishment. I never could've imagined such an absurdity with cruelty of amusement. My father noticed my shocking experience, to ease my understanding, he said to me, you will do better than me, I am sure of it but for now you have to be careful about yourself, if they ever find you out in anyway, they would not deny to kill you instantly. Learn your skills, know your ancestors and with pleasurable smile added, read that book then left me in his study's. All his words seemed to me an espionage strategic stories that's going to be out in low budget film. Who could have thought such an outcome from every normal situation. My mother was not my real mother, my biological mother was someone else, my father and I was not normal human ,we were hybrid cross of dracul and human. Everything seemed like a story, I was feeling tired of all those unrealistic stories, so I gave myself a night off and end that night there.

Suddenly, I woke up at middle of the night with thirst, I had no idea what was this thirst of, I drank water didn't work, tried milk didn't work, soda, cold drinks, coffee, nope what kind of thirst it could be then I saw my father sitting in the dark with my mother Samantha on his lap, I was going to leave him but then I saw he was drinking her blood from the blood bag, needle of the blood bag was in her arms, and from other side of the bag he was drinking blood with pipe. I hadn't noticed when I walked to him but I found out myself sitting near him waiting to drink blood from her, it might lower my thirst. I could not remember what I was doing in my drawing room, I could remember I was in my kitchen but couldn't recall the memory of being to the drawing room. I found myself in the sofa, sleeping but alone why I was here? I couldn't remember why I was there on the first place and why no one awakened me. What was the time I went to my kitchen? 3.30 a.m. or 4? Now what ? 12.00 p.m. noon? Where was everyone? So, silent, calm why? I was feeling nostalgic then, hurriedly, I went to second floor, no one was there, went to my parents bedroom, it was wide open from the first place, I saw struggling in their bedroom, some kind of fights happened there, bloodstained all over the place, walls, floor, bedsheet, everything was red, my head was started to spin, I sat down in the floor, who knows for how long? I wasn't expected to saw what I saw later in their bathroom, a man where torn out, every part where mostly in pieces, I couldn't figure out the face, it was wide open from the jaw to neck but I didn't fainted or vomited moreover, I was searching for my parents or any part of them. I couldn't breath well, my heart stopped biting for the worst. I couldn't even interpret the stupidity in me, father said me to be careful but I was feeling like a young teenage kid now this happened. Where was I going to find them now?