
December 2012

Louis' POV

The concert just ended Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and I are on the tour bus talking and laughing about the show. Harry and I were cuddling on the couch when all a sudden he is up with his hand covering his mouth and running into the bathroom. I quickly got up and run after my sick boyfriend, I opened the door to see him sitting on the floor holding his stomach. "Baby are you ok?"

"Yeah but um I uh need to talk to you" Harry stuttered.

"Yeah, of course, you can talk to me about anything you know that," I said closing the door, sitting on the ground, and pulling him into my arms.

"So I have been getting sick a lot for the past two months, so I went to the doctor a few weeks ago. I just haven't been able to tell you I am so scared, I am really sorry. "

"Hey, it's ok. What did the doctor say?" I asked nervously. I can't lose my baby.

"Well he did an ultrasound and... And um... I'm two months pregnant" he slowly forced out.

"That's possible?"

" I didn't think it was but here we are," he says nervously.

I sat there in shock for what felt like years, just thinking "I am going to be a dad" over and over.

What pulled me out of my daze was Harry whispering "I want to give it up for adoption, I know I am not ready to be a dad and even if we both were his or her life would be crazy with the life we live" .

I turned Harry a bit so I could look at his face, "as much as I want to be a dad I know I am not ready to be a dad either, I know it is going to hurt both of us when we do give him or her away but I do think it is going to be for the best".

"Please don't leave me" Harry pleaded.

"Hey, Harry I could never ever leave you, even if I wanted to, which I never would. I love you harry, you are the love of my life, I will never leave you."

"I love you too, what are we going to tell the boys? And I don't want the fans to find out, what are we going to do? "

"Well I have feeling management won't want people to find out so we can let them figure it out and the boys will support us no matter what so how about we go tell them now. Once they know I am sure they will help us tell management, yeah? "

"Yeah" he responded and we got up and headed back into the main area.

"Harry are you ok?" Liam asks worried-ly from Zayn's lap where he was sitting.

"Um yeah," my poor baby said.

"Um boys we need to tell you something" I started.

"I'm pregnant" Harry blurted.

"I knew it" Niall blurted jumping up.

"You knew Harry was pregnant?" I asked.

"No I knew you topped" he responded holding out his hand to Liam and Zayn who were pulling money out to give to Niall.

"Actually we switch" Harry stopped them.

" I told you," Liam said talking the money from Niall's hand.

"So you're pregnant? How is that even possible?" Zayn asked.

"We don't really know but we have decided to give him or her up for adoption and we really don't want any of the fans or public to find out" I explained sitting back on the couch and pulling Harry on my lap.

"Yeah we can talk to the gods above next week when the tour is over, I am sure they will feel the same. So how far along are you?"

"Two months" Harry answered.

A week later - in Simon's office

"So why on earth did you call this meeting?" Simon asked bitterly.

"We have some news," Zayn said awkwardly.

"Ok out with it already," Simon said frustrated.

"I got Harry pregnant" I finally announced.

Simon burst out laughing, "guys really that's not even a good prank, men can't get pregnant". Harry pulled out the ultrasound picture and a letter from the doctor he saw that had the doctor's number and handed it all to Simon. "Stay here while I call him". After a few minutes of asking the doctor questions Simon finally hung up the phone, "what the hell guys, Louis have you ever heard of a condom".

"How the hell was I supposed to know he would get pregnant and it's none of your business anyway." Harry squeezes my hand to calm me down, which actually helps a lot, so I continue " we decided to give it up for adoption. All we need from you is to give the band a 7-month break so nobody finds out, Harry and I will stay out of the public's eye until the baby is born then we will come back like nothing happened, thanks for the help, boys shall we". I stand up and pull Harry up with me before we made our way back to the car.

"Louis, how am I going to not be seen for 7 months? I would rather not stay in our house for that long."

"You won't have to, there is this island that not many people go on it is basically for celebrities who want to stay out of the public eye, and I rented us a cabin up that for the next seven months, we leave tomorrow".