So while Barry runs around and starts his first week of heroics, I though of trying to get in the spotlight. Gotta be careful though, cause Iris still needs to focus on "the streak".
It would probably be dangerous to show the fact that I can manipulate and shape everything around me, borderline reality manipulation. It's probably cause I can alter or change any matter or energy within my zone, and the ability to control space and time. The only reason, I suspect, that is hasn't evolved into reality manipulation is cause I have yet to try altering the laws that govern the universe, yes I can change anything under the laws but the laws remain untouched. I also haven't looked into spiritual or mental powers yet.
I haven't used really any of the system's services, other than inventory, I hope the system won't get offended I haven't used it. Since all the fun is starting up, maybe the system can help me.
'Hey system, do I have any quests'
[You currently have no active quests]
'What do you mean by active quests?'
[Untill you have accepted a quest or denied it, it stays inactive. Would you like me to name your current inactive quests?]
'yes please', *sigh*, I really need to ask more questions, who know how many things I'm missing out on.
[Current inactive quests:
• Become a hero
• Capture and/or defeat the Reverse Flash
• Save the Speed-Force
• Find love
• Keep your family/friends safe while in this universe
• Learn to create/destroy
• Learn temporal change immunity(however this may present itself, as a new skill or an application of current skills)
Any of these quest can be accepted at anytime, however some quest are advised to be completed before certain events]
Keeping my family and friends safe, that seems like a continuous quest, like it'll only end when I leave this universe. Those top two quest I can definitely agree with, becoming a hero is any child's dream, and beating up the man who killed my mother would probably feel great. I just uncertain whether I can actually win against him or not, cause I only just got my speed and even with my durability that means nothing in front of his creepy ass vibrating hand. While I cannot actually die, feeling my heart shredded doesn't sound fun.
I got it! I need to find a way to negate energy, maybe I could use elemental manipulation to make an energy field around me that neutralizes the effects of Wells negative Speed-Force. Though that would require figuring out the difference between the Speed-Force and Wells' negative version, I already know that it feeds on emotions, and emotions are chemicals and electric signals in the brain. Idk, I'll bullshit something and hope it works, for now then I'll just try and keep him at a distance.
So today Barry took down his childhood bully, using a supersonic punch. Joe requested Wells help on finding the man who murdered me and Barry's mother. But then Wells showed himself to Joe, similarly to what happened the night of mom's murder, by running around the room and making the lights go out and showing a ghost like image. Oh hell no, he threatened to kill Iris, I'm gonna make him regret it.
After the Reverse Flash left the West house, I started trailing him with my space viewing, and when he was a few blocks away I opened the portal and traped him with layers of elements. I covered his body with ice, then added a vacuum outside the ice, and then a box of earth, made of Nth metal, the strongest metal in the Arrowverse.
Watch Wells try to keep warm surrounded by ice was fantastic, he barely even had enough speed to run, so watching him struggle to escape was amazing, and since this Nth metal vibrates at a completely different frequency than any of the earths in this universe, he couldn't phase out of it. But all good things come to an end, and I'm already pleased with what happened, so I reversed time, and left.
After everything I did was reversed back to when it didnt happen, Wells just stood there. That's something difficult about reversing time, Speedsters can retain their memories, since they are connected to something outside time, very trouble some, but things need to stay on course.
'System, I accept the quests, become a hero, as well as, learn temporal change immunity'
[Become a hero and learn temporal change immunity, are now active quest]
I'll focus on learning temporal change immunity for now, I think I'll be able to use space and time control to separate me from the time stream, allowing me to also exist in case the timeline is destroyed. So I did just that, but I don't really know how to test whether it worked or not. I guess the only way to know if it worked is to wait till the timeline changes, but Barry won't change the timeline for several more months. Yes, I got it, I'll travel back in time to just after the particle accelerator explosion. Then I can complete my other mission of becoming a hero.
Since I'm gonna travel back in time, and most likely have this timeline erased, it'll be fine if I cause a stir, right? So to go back in time, I'm gonna use only my control over space and time, to break out of the flow on entropy(the flow of time), and re enter the flow during the past, but instead of just doing that like I could, I'll do it more forcefully. Instead of opening a small portal to leave the flow, I'm going to rough house it, punching a hole.
As I started to punch a hole to leave the flow, a massive storm started brewing in the skies above Central City, crackling with unknown energy like dark matter. Soon the Flash appeard, I guess they tracked the origin of the storm fairly quickly. When he appeared, the confusion on his face has hilarious.
"Cisco, are you sure this is the center of the disturbance? There is only a person here" Barry asked into his suit radio
"Yes I'm positive, the origin of the storm is right in front of you", I could hear Cisco say through Barry's suit
Barry looked at me, still slightly confused.
"Hey, Flash, don't worry about me, I'm just leaving, but I wanted to cause a stir first" I say with a sly grin. Oh I wish he could see my face, but my mask is hiding it.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, I'm currently wearing a black trenchcoat, with blue jeans, and a deadpool mask, though no one in this universe knows who deadpool is, I also have a black fedora on.
"Who are you?", Barry ask
"Oh, no on in particular, just someone testing a theory", I reply
"What theory are you testing?", he ask, probably trying to figure out whether I'm a threat or not
"Whether I succeed in gaining immunity to changes in the timeline", there is no point lying, he isn't fast enough to follow me to the past and if I'm correct Wells of this timeline will he erased.
"What does that mean, and how exactly are you testing it?", Barry is definitely confused, but he'll understand later, well in another timelines' future atleast.
"Oh, that's a simple question, I'm going to the past to change past", I wonder if Wells is gonna show himself.
The storm in the sky, thickened blocking out the sun entirely. The hole opened up beside me, leading to a space full of a multitude of color.
"Well look at that, it's time for me to leave. I hope to see you soon, in the past", after saying that I walk into the hole. Barry tried to speed into the hole as well, but it snapped shut behind me, stopping him from entering.
"Cisco he is gone, can we track him?", Barry asked into the suit radio
"I'm sorry Barry, but he is gone, there is no trace of him" Cisco responds
Barry sighs and speeds back to Star Labs
"Good news, the storm is dispersing, it should be gone within the hour, and there were no casualties with only minor damages to infrastructures", Cisco reports to the Star Labs team.
Wow, this space is beautiful, it is something existing outside the flow of entropy, outside of time, though it's different from the Arrowverse's vanishing point or temporal zone, because even the Speed-Force cannot reach here. Alright back on track, I have to focus on the exact point in time and place I want to show up. Thinking about the day of the particle accelerator explosion, images started appearing around me, I focused one showing Barry getting struck by lightning.
Then another hole appeared in the space, leading to right outside Star Labs.
So now I'm back in time, now something interesting occurred, my past self is here but when I asked the system, it said that it wasn't really me, but more of an echo. Like it was only a shell, without my soul. I asked the system what would happen if I killed it, and the response was that nothing would happen, my past/future doesn't exist anymore, only the present matters. So I guess that means I was successful is becoming immune to temporal change. My though was confirmed when I heard the system.
[Quest completed, learn temporal change immunity. Would you like to collect your reward?]