Protecting Earth-1

Jay Garrick, aka Hunter Zoloman also know as Zoom. When he walked into Star Labs I just wanted to rip his head off, but I can't just commit murder, sadly. Also Zoom is important in Cicso figuring out interdimensional travel.

Ugh, I'm bored, cause anything I do want to do would change the fate off this universe, well fuck it then, I don't care.

Well, the first thing is dealing with Zoom. What about an interdimensional barrier, that could stop Zoom, and anyone else, from coming to this earth.

I'll have to use a combination of space time control and energy manipulation, inorder to manipulate the interdimensional energy around this earth's timeline to create a shielding effect that can prevent breaches from opening here.

It's possible that this might temporarily separate us from the universe, meaning it might be felt across the earth. An interdimensional wave, you could call it.

"Barry, I'm gotta warn you first, but I know a way to stop Zoom from sending anyone to our earth."

"Really? How?", Barry ask enthusiastically.

"I'm gonna shield our earth from interdimensional breaches."

At this time even Cisco seems interested, and Jay aka Zoom isn't showing any emotion, but he is probably worried whether I can actually do what I say.

"So my meta power is something like energy manipulation, that's how I regenerated, but I can also manipulate the energy outside my body aswell", that's basically a lie, and the only way I could manipulate enough energy to shield the entire earth is through cooperation with my space time control, but they don't need to know that.

"So what if I control the interdimensional energy, the so called exotic matter, to form a bubble like shield around the earth, preventing breaches from opening to our earth", this is very theoretical but if it works then I'll have taken the next step in my powers, manipulation on a global scale, then after that on the cosmic scale.

"Theoretical that could work, but how are you gonna manipulate energy that we know almost nothing about, let alone the ammount of energy needed to cover the earth and be strong enough to work?", Cisco asks.

"Well I'll just search for any energy that can exist across multi dimensions, or specifically between the dimensions, as for how I can control all that energy, I'm just confident I can", that's another lie, I'm not sure if I can control that much.

So I start using my space time control along with energy manipulation to look for interdimensional energy, and I found it all right, it's covering Central City. I feel to where the energy leads, and it's like a hallway between this earth and another, so I manipulate the energy to seal off the hallways and put up a bubble of the energy around the earth. This bubble of energy will stop all attempts at interdimensional travel to or from this earth, hopefully at least.

I was also right about my earlier concern, in the process of setting up the bubble shield it caused a backlash to the already active breaches, causing them to collapse and the resulting energy wave spread throughout the earth, causing the whole thing to shake a bit. Thankfully nothing bad happened because of the wave.


Now that Earth-1 is protected from breaches I gotta get rid of Zoom.

Turning to look at Zoom, I smile and say, "So mister Zoloman, what will you do now."

Some color drained from his face and he nervously said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Everyone in the cortex looks at Zoom then to me, and Barry ask, "What are talking about?"

I continue smiling and answer, "Well he can't get back to his earth now, so what's he gonna do", that's not what I was actually referring to, but I'll just deal with him later.

Some of the color returned to Zoom's face, then he tried to look sad, he is so great at lying that I almost believe him.

No one brought up the fact that I called him Zoloman, come on the people in this room are supposed to be geniuses. I really dont care though, cause he can't really do anything now. The only thing he could try would be to kill me and hope the shield dissipates when I die. I want him to try and kill me, cause it'll just be easier to capture him.

Oh crap I forgot, the Zoom that's here at Star Labs is just a time remnant and the real Zoom is on Earth-2, well then I guess I could just get rid of this time remnant.


Never underestimate the fate of a universe, that's something I need to remember. Because I stopped Zoom from causing anymore trouble here, but fate found a way to screw us over and this time its after me too not just Barry.

Atleast when Zoom was the problem he was smart and stayed hidden, but this new enemy just goes about making trouble like it Halloween and he's giving out candy.

The new enemy is a meta with the power to stop people's hearts with one touch. This asshole just goes around into a public area and starts touching everybody. Barry couldn't touch him and Barry was also distracted trying to restart the hearts of everyone affected by the meta.

In the end Barry had to learn to throw lightning bolts as a method to neutralize the meta's heart stopping power. Something Cisco figured out was that the meta's power was some kind of isolated electrical charge and that Barry's lightning could cancel out the charge which temporarily neutralizes the meta's power.

So fate found a way to get Barry to learn lightning throwing, and along the way stop one of my hearts. Seriously the bastard stopped on of my hearts, thankfully my second heart could sustain me long enough to restart the first, but it still hurt.


Author Note: I don't need people telling me I'm bad at writing, I already know, and the reason I am writing is because I want to get better. And yes the plot is gonna closely follow the original of the story I insert the MC into, that's cause I have a problem with creativity and I over think things, but hopefully the more a write the more I'll get comfortable to changing and adding new things.