Chapter 17: The Village without Harukin 2

Chapter 17: The Village without Harukin 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic. Thanks.)


(Megumin's POV)

After my twin brother Harukin left the village, me and this loner help on tending our family magic item shop.

When the young woman with annoying big boobs leave the shop after she claimed what she ordered, another customers consist of four female adventures.

All of them are well-endowed woman and has a curvaceous figure especially the female elf archer, she has the biggest breast on four of them. The other three are female thief with a cat features, a female knight with long blonde hair and a female archpriest with green ponytailed hair.

"Is Harukin here? We came here to claim the weapons we ordered to him."

Said by the blond female knight.

"Ummm... do you have a claim receipt?" Yunyun besides me asked.

"Oh... I have it here." said by the female elf archer as she took out something inside between her huge breast.

Are those huge breast really that convenient to use them as a place to hide your things?

"Here's our claiming receipt..." the female elf archer gave the receipt to father.

Father found what they ordered from the cabinet and gave it to them.

They ordered four different weapons, one for each other. They took off the cover and check the quality of weapons.

"This sword is better than those on the other shop, it's not that heavy or too light and the design looks great. It felt like this sword was made according to my strength and very compatible to my body and skills." she described with satisfaction.

The female elf archer noticed me glaring at her huge breast while she was checking the bow and quiver filled with arrows.

She glanced at me then she shifted down her sight to my chest,

"Pfffft..." she snickered with smug expression.

This woman just made fun of my chest...

A vein popped on my temple and became very furious, I tried to jumped at her,

"I'm gonna pluck those breast out!" I angrily shouted.

But, Yunyun stopped me from rampaging by hugging me behind my waist and pulling me back.

"Stop it! Megumin... Don't attack the customers." Yunyun yelled at me.

The female elf ignored me, she glanced at my father and asked,

"I want to talk to Harukin, Is he there?"

"Sorry, he's on a business trip in Axel town right now." Father answered.

"Oh... What a unfortunate timing... but anyway here's our payment." the female elf said as she putted the big sack of coins on the table.

"Keep the change..." she followed while smiling.

Before, they went out, The female elf turned around and said to us,

"That's right, please pass this word to Harukin when he comes back 'Next time, we come back here, we're the one who's gonna give him a good service' Fufufu..."

I became more angry and shouted,

"Don't come back here! Grrr..."


Everyone was silent except me as they went out of our shop.

Many customers came inside our shop and claim their orders.

A little boy went inside,

"I came here to take the medicine that I ordered for my parents."

Next was a little girl,

"Where's the bear plushy that I ordered two days ago from Harukin."

Then, an old man with white beard came inside,

"I came back to get the alcohol drink that I ordered from Harukin Hahaha..."

An old couple came after that,

"We came here to get a massage on our back."


All of us was silent.

After them, Bukkororii was slowly went inside our store.

I went towards him and asked,

"NEET... Do you need something?"

He became startled and answered,

"No no no... I just came here to get the thing that Harukin said to me."

I became curious and asked,

"Oh? What did you ordered to him?"

Bukkororii became restless and said,

"No, it's nothing special... Here's my claiming receipt."

I took the receipt and looked at the designated cabinet, I saw a rectangular box then took it outside.

After that, I went in front of him and curiously asked him,

"What's inside of this box?"

"No! I already said it's nothing." he responded.

"Megumin, you give that to him already..." Yunyun spoke.

"I really hate when something is being hidden in front of me, especially when my twin brother is involved." I explained.

"Here my payment." Bukkororii place the sack of coins on the table.

He was about take the box from my hands when my curiousity got better me,

"Oh! My hands slipped." I said as I forcefully opened the box in my hands.


Everyone was surprised when we saw a figurine of Soketto wearing only a erotic black underwear while doing a sexy pose.

"Gaaaaah!!! Megumin!" Bukkororii screamed in panic.

I took it out from inside the box and looked at it in different angles. It was beautifully crafted and painted with colors accurately and skillfully.

"What is this, you perverted NEET trash." I said to him.

"Noooooo!!!" he screamed as he snatched it from my hands then he immediately ran fast outside our shop.


"I'm gonna make Harukin explain this to me." I said.

"The thing you did to him just now was not good, but I think, I agree with you with that." Yunyun spoke.

Suddenly, a bunch of male customers with bulky muscles came inside our shop wearing a yellow helmet while carrying construction tools,

"We came here to take the lunch that we ordered from Harukin... Here's the claiming receipt."

They queued up in front of the counter and took the lunch they ordered one by one then paid.

After an hour, we finished serving the long line of customers and we are all very tired.


"Since when the shop turned into lunch store." Father sighed then said with tired expression.

Another customer entered inside, he was an old man that trembling and having a hard time walking,

"I came here to get the firewood that I ordered from Harukin, is he here?" the old man spoke.

"I'm sorry but, he's not here right now." Father answered.

"Then since your his father, please deliver it to my house... Here's my claiming receipt and my payment." the old man said as he putted the receipt and a bag of gold coins on the table.

Father glanced at mother and asked,

"Dear, do you know where Harukin putted those?"

Mother shook her head.

"Harukin always put them on that room." the old man answered while pointing at a room which is used as our shop storage room.

Father went towards the storage room and slowly opened the door. We looked inside the room and saw a large pile of bundled firewoods, piled like a mountain.

Father stiffly turned around to the old man and spoke while sweating profusely,

"Do you want me carry those?" Father said while pointing at the large mountain of bundled firewoods.

The old man gave him very kind smile and said,

"Of course... I'll give you a large amount of tip later."

Father glanced at Mother, but she looked away from him, then he switched his glanced at me and Yunyun, but we also looked away from him,

"Harukin! What happened here on the shop when you're in charge!" he yelled.

"Hohoho... what a energetic man just like his little son." the old man commented.

Father has no choice but to deliver all the firewoods by himself.

"Be careful Honey..." Mother said while watching father carry a large pile of wood on his back.

"What's Harukin real job on this shop?" Yunyun asked.

"I don't know... I very rarely come here." I answered.

"Sincere the shop bloomed because of Harukin, we always left him alone here in the shop that we don't even what he's doing inside the shop." Mother responded.

Suddenly another person went inside the shop while panicking. She was a woman with same age as mother.

Mother recognized her and asked,

"Doc, is something wrong?"

It was our only foremost and greatest doctor in the village. She was panting heavily from running around.

"*pant* *pant*... is my little assistant here? I need his help right now." she spoke.

"ummm... Who are you talking about, Doc?" Mother asked.

"It's Harukin, I have a lot of patients today and some of them are about to give birth. He's the only one here in the village who has the knowledge to help me on my job and also my daughter who should be helping me got a cold so I really need his help right now." Doc explained to them.


All of us was stunned from what we heard from her.

(To be continued)

(A/N: ...I'll fix my mistakes later.)