Chapter 37: Paimon Returns(Sorry, Simp is a meme)

Chapter 37: Paimon Returns

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

Wealth, fame, power.

Gold Roger the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.

'You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it!'

These words lured men to the grand line, pursuing dreams greater than they ever dared to imagine. This is the time known as the great pirate era!

"♫Arittake no yume wo kakiatsume.

Sagashimono wo sagashi ni yuku no sa,♫"

"One Pie----"

"Harukin! What are you singing there? It's really hot that I felt like I'm being evaporated here." Krul interrupted me, complaining while sitting behind me on the other side.

She's using a umbrella that I gave her to protect herself from sunlight.

"Krul, bear with it until we find our way to Magnolia. We can't just fly and depend on my bad luck to guess the direction." I replied.

"Ahhh! This is your fault for taking me here in this world. Return me back to my world now!" Krul keep complaining.

"At least this world is better than your shitty dark world you came from."

Krul pointed at the platform that we're resting upon and said,

"Then why are we in this raft in the middle of the sea?"

"We're lost, alright. We can't just fly anywhere we don't know. We might get lost even more and never return back home. For now, we have catch some fish that we can eat while until we find a clue about our location right now." I responded.

"Geez... Since you said that half of my humanity was restored then, can I now eat and taste human food?" she asked.

"Of course you can, I'm going to cook you something special as your first meal after your thousand years of living as a vampire."

She felt excited and said,

"Then I looked forward on it... A human's food, it's been a very very long time since I ate one. I wonder how it taste again."


She acting strange.

"Krul?" I called her.

"What?" she responded.

"You seems obedient right now. Did something happened?"

"Nothing, I just miss how to be a human again, but don't worry, I still hate you and I will kill you if I found a chance."

"Okay then, good luck about that." I said then concentrated on fishing.

A minute later, I felt something bit my bait. I immediately pulled my fishing pole and spinned the reel.

After few seconds of tag of war, I pulled the fish out of the water. It was fish that looks like a red snapper because of its color. This was already my fifth catch, I wonder what kind of fish that I will caught next.

I put the fish I caught on the big pail beside me then I threw back the bait on sea, waiting for another catch.

While fishing, I glanced at Erza who's sleeping inside tent. She was very tired after a long battle on Tower of Heaven. Tears are still falling from her eyes, crying after what happened at the tower of heaven before we escaped.

After Jellal was possessed by Ultear's magic, he ruthlessly killed the cultist guards in front of us then he tried to attack me and Erza using Magic.

After saving Erza from his attack of magic, Jellal and I fought each other. And the result is... Of course, I easily won. It was a one sided beaten that I don't even want to remember it.

(Sample Pic<<<)

- Flash back -

Before I throw my last punch on his face to make him unconscious, Erza suddenly hold me from behind and stopped me from beating Jellal even more.

"Please, stop it! Harukin, I don't want to see him being hurt anymore." she said while crying.

Jellal weakly stood up and said,

"Ugh... Harukin, to think that you're this strong..."

I frowned at him then replied while cracking my fist,

"You just chose the wrong opponent to mess around."

Suddenly, there was a wide grin on his face then said,

"But... I already watching you since you arrived here in this island."

So... Ultear was already aware of me.

"I placed a magic bombs on all the ship around this island. I going to blow them up all if you make another move on me."

"Why did you do that? They're our friends." Erza spoke, shocked from what he's done.

Ultear really prepared for me. I guess, I don't have any other choices.

"Summon, Krul."

Krul appeared and fell on the ground beside me.

"Ouch! That hurts... Why did I appeared here?"

I glanced at her and said,

"Krul, we're going to run away from this place."

"Huh?" she reacted.

"Harukin. Erza, I think you two should understand that what happened here is not to be spoken of to anyone. If the government gets wind of the tower of paradise, this rare opportunity will be ruined... When we are found out, I will have to destroy this evidence by destroying this tower and everyone in it... Also, I forbid you two to come this place. If even one of the two of you are seen here, I will start killing them immediately. And I'll start with Shou and the others." Jellal spoke with conceited expression.

"Hiks... Jel...lal." Erza cried.

"Erza, let's go."

I carried Erza in my arms, turning around and ran away with Krul.

Since there's nothing here anyway, I'm getting out of here with Erza and everyone. I already said to them to go ahead of us.

"That's your precious 'freedom'! Go on and live while carrying the lives of your friends upon your back Erza! Harukin! Ahahahaha!" Jellal shouted and laughed, watching us running away.

Hahaha... Anyway, nice try deceiving us. It's was very effective to others but not to me. If I returned back here with Erza in the future, watch me demolish this place with my explosion magic. That's why, I'll be saving this place for the future explosion spot.

I want to see their reaction, after I blown up their years of hard work of building this tower. I can't wait that happen. Hahaha~

- Flash back ends -

After that, I used my levitation magic to flew away together with Krul and Erza out of the island.

Since, I don't know which direction should I go, we're stranded here in the middle of the sea, drifted by sea current.


I sighed.

After I caught enough fish for us, I started to prepare the fish and cook it by grilling it on a roasting tray, I placed a ember inside the tray and blowing it with a fan.

(Image here <<<)

After I finished grilling the fishes and preparing the food on the table, I went inside tent and woke Erza up,

"Erza, It's time to eat now. Wake up."

I gently shook her.


Her eyes slowly opened then she sat up.

"Erza, let go while our meal is still hot."

I said with a smile, lifting my right hand towards her.

She nodded then she took my hands, standing up.

We're eating on top of a wooden plank covered by leaves.

I placed a grilled fish in each one of them on their plate made of a big leaf.

"Harukin, it looks delicious. Where's Paimon share?" Paimon spoke while sitting beside me.

"Here... Be careful. It's hot."

I said, placing a grilled fish on top of her leaf plate.

"Thanks for the food!"

Paimon and I said at the same time then we started eating.

"Hmmm..." Krul moaned with pleasured expression then she swallowed it, "A human's food, it's been a while. It's really delicious Harukin."

Erza silently glanced at her then she looked at her food and started to eat.

When she took a small meat from the fish and put it on his mouth,


She also moaned on deliciousness.

"It's really good, Harukin."

She smiled and cheered up a little.

I also smiled at her and replied,

"I'm glad you like it."

After we finished eating, I cleaned up the table.

"That was really delicious, Harukin. Paimon want a meal like this for lunch again." Paimon spoke.

"Tomorrow." I responded.


"Paimon, since when you've been here." I asked her.

"When you finished preparing the dinner." She answered.


"Paimon, you have many explaining to do." I spoke with menacing aura.

Paimon sweat profusely,

"Nigerundayo!" she shouted.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix later.)