Chapter 65: Checking on Akane

Chapter 65: Checking on Akane

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

After dealing with Natsu and Gray, I went straight to the kitchen and started to bake strawberry shortcakes. I took my ingredients from my dimensional storage and started to prepare it.


I didn't made it too sweet because Erza's and Akane's health conditions.

After I finished baking the cakes, I placed each cake inside the boxes.

I put all of it inside the Dimensional Storage then teleported back to Porlyusica-san house to see Erza's condition right now.

Arriving in front of Porlyusica-san house, I knocked at her door.

*Knock!* *Knock!* Knock!*


Someone opened the door and it was Porlyusica-san.

"Who's the--- It's just you, Harukin. What did you come back here?" she said with cold tone.

"How's Erza doing?" I asked.

"Hm... Erza? I already made her drink medicines so she's sleeping right now. If you come back here to visit her then come back later. It's better for her rest for now."

I felt relief, hearing that she's fine.

I took a boxes of strawberry shortcake from my dimensional storage and give it to Porlyusica-san.

"Here... This is for Erza to eat when she woke up later and then this is gift for you as my thanks for helping Erza. Also can I have some medicine that you given Erza? I have another friend that suffering from that condition, the same as her."

"Okay, thank you..."

She took something from her pocket and threw it to me.

"Here, take this..."

I looked at the small container of medicine in hands then glanced at her.

"Thank you very much, Porlyusica-san."

I said with gratitude, bowing slightly.

She turned around then mumbled something.

"Thank you for saving our friend Rob."

"Huh?" I didn't hear it clearly but I understand what she means.

"I said go home now! This is why you humans are so annoying." she shouted, shutting the door in front of me.

"Hehe... To think there's still Tsundere's at this kind of old age."

"I heard you!" I heard Porlyusica-san voice from inside.

"Haha... Run!" I ran away.

After that, I opened the world gate and went to visit Akane's world.

- Owari no Seraph World -

In Akane's world, I was always reminiscing my past life as I arrived here. Looking around the deserted city with destroyed house and buildings, everything inside and outside was already looted.

To think... this is Japan. It was really devastated because of those people who experimented on Seraph of the end.

Well, I don't have time to sightseeing around. I have to go and check on Akane's health right now.

Arriving at base of Japanese Imperial Demon Army, I used one of magic staves to turn my body into mist, making my body invisible to infiltrate inside their base. I entered through to their front gate smoothly, melting it with my sunshine magic without being notice.


"Huh? This... Someone melted the gate again. Everyone, be alert! There might be enemies around!" One of the guards spoke, scanning around.

"But, this has been happening for some times now since it started to happen last year." one of his fellow guard said.

"That's right, we didn't even felt or heard anything entering inside here when we noticed that it melted." another guard agreed.

I ignored their conversation and directly went to the place where the citizens are living.

Walking around their base, I just went pass the soldiers who's guarding and patrolling the place.

Arriving at the place that looks like a small city, I cancelled my Mist body and blended through the crowd of people walking around.

I went to the building that looks like a apartment where Akane and her family are staying.

Using the world gate will transport me at a random place on a certain world. It's really a pain to come here because Guren keep switching the place where they live. He noticed the strange things happening inside their base so he must be really careful of me. But, I can just ask Akane where's the new place they're staying.

I arrived at the room where they staying right now.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

"Who's there? Yu-chan, you don't need to knock, you know." I heard a cheerful voice of a little girl from inside.

She slowly opened the door, peeking at me.

It was Ako.

"You thought I'm Salty boy? No, it's not. It's was me, Harukin da!" I said it in arrogant way.

"Ah! It's Onii-chan!" she went out and jumped at me, hugging me from my waist.

I patted her head.


"Ako, where's your Big Sister Akane?"

"She's inside her room."

"Is she doing well?"

Ako became a little sad then answered,

"Well... she's don't feel good right now... More like, she's suffering and really restless... Onii-chan, please help her!"


I just smiled at her then responded,

"Don't worry, Ako. That's why I'm here right now. She's an important friend of mine."

She also smiled then nodded at me.

"I baked some strawberry shortcake, do you want some, Ako?"

"Yes! Come inside."

Ako pulled me inside their home.

"Where's the salty boy and Mika? Also the others?"

"Yu-chan and Mika are attending school right now while the others are playing outside. I'm in charge of taking care of Nee-chan today."

"Okay, you're a good girl. Here... Eat some."

I took a box of strawberry shortcake from my dimensional storage and placed it on top of the table.

I opened the box in front of her.

"Wow!" she looked at it with delightful expression.

"Eat all of it. I still have some for others."

"Yay!" she said in joy.

"Stay here. I'll just gonna check Akane on her room."

"Yes! Thank you, Onii-chan." she started to eat happily.

"Hmmm... Yummy." she said, giving me a thumbs up.

I just smiled at her then went towards Akane's room.

In front of the door of her bedroom,

"Are you awake, Akane?"


"...Harukin, is that you?"

"Yes, how's your health Akane?"

"I'm fine... Please, leave me alone for now."

"I have to check your condition right now, Akane. Please let me get inside your room and I'll give you a some medicines."

"No, you can't right now!"

"No! I worried about you. Also your family too. You're important to me, Akane. So just let me see you right now."


"No response? Then I'll be counting that as a 'yes' answer."

"Harukin, wait!"

I opened the door of her room.

I saw her sitting on her bed, wearing only a white long sleeve shirt. She looked very tired and saw signs of sleep deprivation on her face. There's several acne on her face.

"Don't look at me, Harukin! I'm ugly right now."

I can see that she's wearing a pink underwear.

When she noticed that I'm looking at her underwear, she immediately covered her legs with blanket and threw a pillow on my face.

"I said stop looking, you pervert!"

But, I caught it with my hand easily.

Looking around, her room was totally messed up with her dirty clothes scattered around.

I noticed that her body started to change in physical aspects.

With this, I concluded that she's in her puberty too.


I sighed then went towards her.

"Harukin, what are you going to do?"

"Don't move."

I placed my palm on her forehead, feeling her temperature.

"You have a cold, Akane. Lie down on the bed and I'll take care of you." I said, pushing her gently to lay her down on the bed then covering her with a blanket.

I cleaned up her scattered clothes, going to wash them.

"Harukin! Those are dirty because of my..." she shouted then she suddenly stopped and blushed.

"Akane, I know your condition so don't worry about those things. I'm going to use magic wash these anyway."

"...I'm sorry for troubling you, Harukin." she apologized while being embarrassed.

"It's no problem for me. I wanted you and Erza to get well soon."

"Yes..." She said, nodding at me.



"Hm? What is it, Akane?"

"Actually, I don't to talk about this with my family or to anyone but, if it's you then I can..."

I went towards her and sat on the side of her bed.

She immediately held my hand with both of her hands then willed herself to say something.

I felt that she was trembling and I can see on her that she's really frightened of something.

"Harukin... Actually, I have... a nightmare. It keeps happening everytime I tried to sleep."

"What kind of dream is it?"

"A dream of me... dying and decapitated in the hands of vampires... Everyone was being slaughter as we tried to escape. It keeps showing in my dream. I can't take it anymore..." she spoke, becoming teary-eyed.


"Wait here. I going to take some water in the kitchen. I'll be back."

I went to the kitchen to take some pitcher with water and a water glass then returned back to Akane's room.

"Here... drink your medicine before you sleep and rest."

I poured her some water in glass then gave it her to drink.

After taking her medicine, she went back and laid down on her bed.

She still has a worried expression on her face.

"Don't worry, Akane. I'll be staying beside you as you sleep. As long as your with me, those bloodsucker can't even do anything against me. I'm a great mosquito repellent after all." I said with proud tone.

"Pffffft... Hehehe~ Harukin, what's with that?" she laughed then calmed down.

I laid down beside her.

"Akane, rest now. I'll watch over you."

Suddenly, she went closer to me, laying down her head on my shoulders and hugging my body.

"Huh?" I was surprised by what she did.

"Harukin... I want really wanted apologize about slapping you at that time. After knowing it's not your fault, I felt guilty of not apologizing to you early after you save us at that time." she said while gazing at me while blushing.

"No, Akane. It's okay. I already know who's the perpetrator is and I already punish her a lot."

"But, still I'm the one who slapped you so, as my apology you can touch my thighs all you want. You like my thighs right?"

She cradled my left leg between her legs with the combination of her, not wearing pants.

I can feel the soft skin of her legs.

Akane... not you too.

Looking down in this position, I can see her budding chest on her shirt.

"Akane... I think we shouldn't--- Huh?"


She was already sleeping peacefully.

Looks like, there's a sleeping drug mixed in her medicine.

Seeing her sleep well with happy expression, I just smiled at her.

"Rest well, Akane." I kissed her forehead.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes or edit any nonsense that I've been writing here later after my work)