Chapter 81: Nee-san and mine's 12th birthday

Chapter 81: Nee-san and mine's 12th Birthday

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Konosuba World -

More than one year has passed and it was Nee-san's and mine's 12th birthday. With this, I'll be graduating from being a little young boy or something called "Shota". Even though I'm still twelve years old, my age is totally different from my appearance, making me look older because of my height. Right now, I'm only taller than Erza and Akane by a small inch.

For our birthday celebration, I'm baking a big strawberry cake for this year.

Remembering the our birthday party last year, it was totally a disaster. Paimon planned a surprise present for me and it was Erza and Akane including Yunyun hiding together inside the huge gift box.

When I opened the huge gift box during the celebration, they surprised me while wearing only swimsuit and apron,

'Happy Birthday, Harukin! Your present is us.' they yelled.

Yunyun's father, Uncle Hiropon who's present at that time, known that I'm not only dating his daughter Yunyun but also Erza and Akane, having a lot of girlfriends. He became really angry and I was chased by him around my home. But, thanks to Mom's support on me with my relationships, she put Uncle Hiropon in a long sleep with her magic. After that, he still against my relationship with Yunyun, wanting us broke up immediately but Yunyun strongly refused, saying that her fellow girlfriends are friends.

So in this passed year, Uncle Hiropon has been glaring at me everytime he meets me anywhere and it's getting worse when I'm with Yunyun, playing board games with her.


I sighed.

"Harukin, I finished preparing the whipped cream." Yunyun gave me the bowl that contains whipped cream.

"Thank you, Yunyun."

"No problem, Harukin. I'm glad that I can be helpful to you like this." she said, smiling while slightly blushing.


"Then, Yunyun. Can you please cut the vegetables over there." I asked her

"Sure... These cabbages and lettuces, right?" she responded happily.

"Yes. I leave it to you."

While putting a whipped cream on the huge cake, designing it. I glanced at Erza who's only wearing a black swimsuit and orange cooking apron while preparing the strawberries for the cake.



This girl.

"Erza, what's with your attire? We're not going to beach, you know?"

Erza glanced at me,

"Harukin, is it not your liking?" she asked.

"No, I like it and it really looks good on you, but it just that..."

"Then, there's no problem... I wore this just for you so gaze at me to your hearts content. It not like I'm the only one who's wearing like this. Look at yourself."

I looked at myself,


"Since, when?!"

I was surprised when I saw myself shirtless, wearing only blue apron on top and black shorts on bottom.

"Hey, Harukin! You can flirt with her later. We have a lot of dishes to cook. I even took off a day at my school just to prepare and celebrate your birthday today so you should be glad to me." Akane spoke while frying the chicken meat.

She was wearing a sailor uniform which consists of a grey blouse with black cuffs that have teal trim in the middle. Attached to it is a black sailor-style collar with has teal trim and a single five teal petal design in the middle. The ribbon of her uniform is also teal and tied in the front and laced through a loop attached to the blouse. Her bottom is a black skirt.


She was also wearing a cooking apron with pink color.

"From your attire, you don't look like a student who took an absence more like a student who escaped from her class." I said, explaining.

"Well... Actually, I have something to submit on my class in the first period before I sneaked out of the school. So you should be happy that I prioritized you, my weird boyfriend more than my school responsibilities."

"Akane, there's nothing to study there but only subjects on how to kill vampires. Just master the art of Hamon with me." I replied.

"You're right, I still can't still fully utilize my hamon." she said, making her index flicker with small electricity-like sparks.

I've been teaching her to master Hamon when we're together. Just a little more, she can already learn the overdrives.

As she grew up, she's becoming more attractively beautiful. Her looks are really blooming that I want to hug her behind while she's cooking.

"Ha-ru-kin! What are you staring up there, grinning while having a perverted look on your eyes?"

I glanced Nee-san who's grumpy sitting on the table, staring at with angry expression.

"Nee-san, I'm not. I'm just stunned on how beautiful Akane while she's in her school uniform." I replied.

"Harukin... Stop it. I can't focus on my cooking when you're staring at me like that." Akane said, becoming embarrassed.

"Hmph! You're praising her like that but your eyes are looking at her thighs from behind. Your thigh fetish is showing up, Harukin." Nee-san hmphed at me and said.

"Nee-san, I can't deny that I'm looking at her thighs but that's the part of her charm that's why my eyes are being led to it."

"Harukin!" Akane called me with angry tone.

I glanced at her then I saw her glaring at me with her face reddened in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Akane. I won't do it anymore." I apologized.

"I don't really mind if we're not this busy so you can do that later after the celebration ended."

"Haha... Okay."

"If you just said to me that earlier, I should focus more on that part instead of my chest." Nee-san mumbled while pouting.

"Hm? Nee-san, what do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"Nothing!" Nee-san responded with angry tone.

Is she still angry at me?

"Nee-san, why do you look so grumpy today even though it's our birthday? You should smile more." I spoke, sitting beside her.

"Hmph!" She just hmphed at me and didn't say anything.


It's really my fault.

She's cold to me like this whenever I'm together with Yunyun, Erza, Akane and other girls.

Nee-san started to become like this when I started dating them.

I wanted to soothe Nee-san for her to smile but I'm busy with the preparation of our birthday party.


Now that I remembered the members of Kazuma party... The crazy explosion girl Megumin, the masochistic crusader Darkness, the true gender equality Kazuma and that blue thing.

I stood up from the chair quietly.

"Huh? Harukin?" Nee-san glanced at me and reacted.

Kazuma will appear on Axel next year together with that blue thing. It's best for her to get used here as early as possible.

I pointed my palm in front of me,

"Summon pet... Aqua!"

A blue magic circle covered in runes appeared on the floor, spinning then it lit up, creating a beam going towards only to ceiling

When the beam disappeared, a blinding light appeared in the ceiling with feathers falling from it.

The blue thing slowly descended from the light on the ceiling like an beautiful angel, landing the floor gorgeously.

Everyone was stunned by her beauty as they watched her descend.

I just look at her with disappointed expression.


When I summoned her, she scanned around the kitchen, looking at the unfamiliar room she appeared in.

"Huh? Where am I?" she was confused.

When she glanced behind and looked at me.


We stared at each other for few seconds.

A vein popped on her temple and became angry.

"It's you again, You sh*ty sun! Just because your a half god that you can treat me a respectable goddess like that! How dare you to do that to me!" she charged, grappling with me.

"Shut up, Useless Goddess! You're just a pet. You should follow what your owner said."

"Waaah! How dare you call a goddess a pet!"

We struggled at each other but I took it a little serious so she started to lose.

"Aw! aw! aw! It hurts! Let go of my hands!" she spoke, feeling the pain.

I noticed Yunyun going towards us,

"Harukin, who's this?" she asked.

"She's my summoned pet named Aqua!" I answered, letting go of Aqua's hands.

"You!" Aqua grabbed my shoulders, shaking me.

"Is she also one of your lovers?" Yunyun asked me again.

"Absolutely not! She's just a pet." I immediately answered.

Aqua pouted in anger.

Yunyun became a little sad,

"Then how can I be friends with her, Harukin?"

"Yunyun, why do I have to become her lover first before you can become her friends? Just talk to them normally." I said with my cheek twitching.


"That's because I can't think of another topic to talk about with them other than about you, Harukin." she responded shyly.


Aqua and I became silent.

"Don't worry, Yunyun. This blue thing is just a pet. She just a delusional girl that calling herself a goddess. Don't think to much about it."

"Hey!" Aqua tried to pounce me but I blocked it easily with my wrist.

I remembered and glanced at her,

"Aqua, today is Nee-san and mine's birthday. Can you help us design this huge cake? I'll give a lot of good wines and food later."

"Oh, sure. I'm doing this because I have nothing to do, okay? Also let me have some of slice of cake later."

"Okay. Eat all you can later." I said,. nodding at her.

"Yay! I'll show you how amazing goddess I am." She wore an a white apron then started to design the cake with the whipped creams.

As I expected, she really very good when it comes to art.

Few minutes later.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

I heard heavy steps or more like a angry one.

Suddenly, someone entered the kitchen.

"Yunyun, break up with this guy immediately! He's just a womanizer who's been tricking a innocent girl like you."

It was Uncle Hiropon, Yunyun's dad.

Yunyun looked at her with angry expression.

"Dad, I already told you many times that I refuse. I already knew Harukin for a long time so I know he's not like that. Also I love him a lot after all." Yunyun said to her father.

You're making me blush, Yunyun.

It makes me in love with you even more.

I glanced at Uncle Hiropon.

"Father, I know you really love your daughter. But Yunyun and I are already dating for more than one year and nothing bad happened. So please... can you just give us your blessings." I said with a gentle smile.

Uncle Hiropon stopped then he started to tremble,

"You... You insolent brat! Don't call me your father because I'm not agreed yet to your relationship with my daughter. I will try everything I can do to make you two break up!"

He was about to grab me but Yunyun went in front of him, stopped him.

"Yunyun, don't protect him! I'm going to teach that kid a lesson for laying his hands on you."

"Dad, stop it! I'm the one who confessed to him and decided to be in this kind of relationship with him and with the other girls. Also, you'll never win against him anyway and just injured yourself... If you attack him now, I'm going to ran away from home and live with him."

Ouch! That hurts, Yunyun. For your father.

"Yunyun! Please don't do that! Father is going to be lonely. I just wanted you to break up with that womanizer kid.

"Father! If continued being like that. I'll also cut my ties with you and never ever talk with you."

The finisher... A critical hit.


Uncle Hiropon despaired down on the floor.

"What a doting father." I said.

"You kid! You'll never understand my feelings." he glared at me, gritting his teeth.

"Okay, Okay... You're right. I don't really understand." I just brushed it off like nothing.

This is really tiring.

Suddenly, Mom entered the kitchen.

"Harukin, Harukin! Good news!" she spoke happily.

"Yes, I'm Harukin. What is it, Mom?" I replied.

"Just now while playing outside, some boy approached Nana and confessed his love for her. Finally, somebody realized how cute she is. I heard she's popular with the boys in Axel. Kyaah! How cute. I wonder what would happen if those two became a little couple." Mom said with excitement.


"Yunyun, give me a knife. I'm going to castrate that boy." I said with menacing tone.

"Eh?!" Yunyun reacted.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)