Chapter 105: Komi Shouko and Hitori Bocchi

Chapter 105: Komi Shouko and Hitori Bocchi

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Yunyun's POV)

- Konosuba World -

After Paimon and I summoned two girls from another world, the three of us just stared at each other, not saying anything.

Because of this summoning, Paimon was really frightened, panicking because she doesn't know what to do.

"What Paimon's gonna do with this?! Paimon accidentally used Harukin's two Random friend Invitations, summoning the two of them. Waaaaah~~" Paimon was trembling in fear.

Glancing at Paimon,

"Paimon, what are we going do now?" I asked.

"This is not good place to talk. First... we have to go Harukin's home then we'll explain to them what really happened. Paimon gonna go and get Akane to help on this problem before Harukin returned." Paimon said,

"Okay then..."

I glanced at the two girls I summoned,


"...Is it okay for the two of you to come with us in Harukin's house. We can talk over there while having some tea..." I shyly spoke at them, trying my best to talk with them.

The beautiful tall girl's face became dark, making her look very angry while looking at me. She's also emitting menacing aura that made her look scary.

I immediately bowed at her out of fear,

"I'm really sorry! It was my fault that you arrived here! I really very sorry!" I apologized.

What a scary woman!

Her cold gaze is really scary.

"Umm..." the short girl tried to speak beside her.

I switched my glance towards her.

"I...I-I-I-I-I-I..." she started to speak but she was stuttering.


All of us was silently looking at her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, being worried of her.

Her face went paled covering her mouth with both of her hands immediately.

"Blegh!" she barfed.

"Eh?!" We're surprised what she did just now.

"We won't make any progress with this. You two... just come and follow us." Paimon spoke, looking at us with tired expression.

More than 30 minutes later, we finally arrived on Harukin's house.

"Come inside." Paimon opened the entrance door and went inside while floating.

"Sorry everyone, Paimon brought some guest with me together with Yunyun."

The three of us also went inside, following after Paimon.

Arriving inside the living room, I saw a beautiful girl with long pink with a yellow hair clip, and yellow eyes. She was wearing a pink uniform but design is completely different, making it look unique.


I was amazed by her beauty that made her look like a princess.

She was reading a book while having some tea.

On the tatami floor, Megumin was with her daughter Klee, sleeping soundly together. Both of them are covered with a white blanket.

"Hinagiku-san, where's Komekko and Nana?" Paimon asked.

The pink haired girl glanced at Paimon,

"Oh, the two of them are playing outside together. They'll be back before lunch later." she responded.

Noticing, she switched her glance towards us.

"Excuse me, Paimon... May I know who are your guests?" she asked.

"Ah, sorry. Paimon forgot to introduce them... Actually, this Crimson Demon girl is Harukin's childhood friend named Yunyun." Paimon introduced me to her.

I have to introduced myself properly to her so that I can have a good impression from her.

I willed myself, stepping forward while looking at her with serious expression.

I know this is embarrassing to do in front of new people, but...

"Ahem!" Clearing my throat, "I am called Yunyun! An Arch Wizard, and she who will one day lead the Crimson Demons!"


Everyone was silent, staring at me with surprised expression.

"Paimon... Are all Crimson Demon like this?" the pink haired girl spoke.

"Yes, you're right." Paimon responded.

"What about Haru?"

"He only do this kind of introduction to his fellow Crimson Demons, but to the outsiders, he's not doing it."

The pink haired girl held her head in headache,

"So this village is just full of people with Chuunibyou condition. What a strange place to stuck upon."

She suddenly became angry,

"This is that pervert's fault!"

"Hinagiku-san, why are you still angry at him? This is your fault too."

"Fine! Hmph!"

"Paimon think that you and Harukin should get along since you two already kiss--"

The pink haired girl immediately covered Paimon mouth, becoming flustered.

"Huh!? What are you talking about, Paimon?! That wasn't count as a kiss! It was a CPR!"

"Eh?" I reacted, can't believe what just I heard.

When the pink haired girl let go of her.

Paimon floated away from her, grinning.


"It's true! I just thought if something happened to him, I won't able to get back home anymore." the pink haired girl said, looking away while blushing.


Paimon smiled at her,

"Well... you're right about that. If Harukin died, Paimon will die too. And the gate going to your home world will never be opened anymore, making you stuck here in this world forever. But don't worry, he's just transported to another world by that Gamer System--No! It was that Green Cabbage fault for tempting him with good rewards. That's why, he disappeared out of nowhere and didn't returned back for the time being after you kiss him." she explained.

"I already told you Paimon that it's not a kiss! That was a CPR!" The pink haired girl retorted while being embarrassed.

Paimon just continued to grinned, teasing her.

"What's more amazing is that you just came out from bath and only wearing bath towel. It was a amazing view for Harukin but he was unconscious at that time."

The pink haired girl covered his face in embarrassment,

"Paimon, please don't say anything anymore. The others are hearing what happened at that time. It's making me more embarrass that I wanted to die already."


"Umm... Excuse me..." I tried to talk to them.

The pink haired girl and Paimon noticed, looking at me,

"Ah! I'm sorry about that. Your name is Yunyun, right? My name is Katsura Hinagiku. My first name Hinagiku and my last name Katsura. You can call me by my nickname 'Hina'. Nice to meet you the three of you." Hina introduced herself, bowing slightly at us.

"Yes, me too!" I also bowed at her.

I was happy because I felt like I just made a new friend.

Paimon glanced at the two girls behind me,

"You two, why are you girls still standing there? Come and sit here beside us." she called them.

The two of them walked towards us but I noticed that the two of them are trembling.


Hina was confused of them,

"Eh? What is wrong with those two? One of them is giving me a intimidating aura while the other is scared."

"Well... Paimon think that the two of them are just too anxious."

The two girls behind sat beside me.


After sitting, all remains was awkward silence.

None of the two of them spoke.


"Umm... Sorry, but can someone from the two of you speak and introduce yourself so we can know your names?" Hina spoke, requesting them.


The two of them still silent.

Hina furrowed her eyebrows while looking at them.

"Look here, I won't be able to know your names if you don't introduce yourself to us--"

"Wait, Hinagiku-san! It's troublesome to deal with them so just leave this to Paimon." Paimon interrupted her.

"How will you do that, Paimon?" Hina asked.

"Watch me, Hinagiku-san. Paimon gonna use the technique used by Harukin to his deaf patients."

Paimon floated towards the cabinet near us,

"Found it!" she took out several notes and pens from the drawer.

She floated back towards us, giving the two girls beside me a pen and notes each of them.

Paimon wrote something in her notes then she shown what she wrote towards us.

Reading it,

[Hello! My name is Paimon! I'm the cutest fairy sprite in the whole different worlds.]


Harukin thought of you as the best to be served as emergency food in the whole universe.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Sorry, I have to cut it in here. I'll fix my mistakes later.)