Chapter 108: Esdeath Arrives

Chapter 108: Esdeath Arrives

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

Walking together along the street with six ladies army recruits, they are showing me around the fortress.

"That's right, we forgot to ask your name, boy. May I know your name?" the lady with black long hair asked.

"It's Haru--No! Just call me Sun." I answered while eating the grilled meat they treated me.

"So your real name is Haru-kun." the twin sister spoke.

"No! I said call me Sun. I'm more comfortable with that name." I said with annoyed tone.

"Eh! Why, Haru-kun? It sounds really cute for a boy like you."

"That's right."

"I agreed."

"Me too."

The four other girls said, agreeing.

"I'll agree with them. Haru-kun is better name to call you than Sun." The lady said.

I stopped my feet from walking, putting the meat that I'm eating back to the container.

Glancing at them with serious expression,

"Fine, call me whatever you girls want!" I said, walking ahead of them.

"Wait, Haru-kun! Won't you ask our names?" the lady followed after me together with her twin sister and other girls.

"Not interested."

"Eh, why so cold Haru-kun? You shouldn't ignored the beautiful ladies chasing after you." the lady said, trying to catch up with me from walking fast.

"Where? If those ladies really exist, I really want to meet them." I replied.

"Hey, Haru-kun! You're so cruel! But I don't hate it because you're just playing hard to get, right? *Feeeeew~~~* She whispered, blowing to my ears.

Feeling tickling on my ears, I gently flicked her forehead to stop her from teasing me.


"Bad Haru-kun. You should let your Onee-chan play with you a little." the lady said, persisting to get close to me.


I didn't say anything and just ignored her.

"How cold! Haru-kun... Anyway, my name Mina. You can call me Mina-Onee-chan, Haru-kun."

Her twin sister appeared right side,

"I'm her twin sister Rena, you can call Rena-Onee-chan too, Haru-kun."

"Then nice to meet the two of you, Mina, Rena--Huh?"

I felt a strange cold breeze on a certain direction.

She finally arrives.

Mina hugged me from behind behind,

"Eeehh. We're the older ones, Haru-kun. You should call with Onee-chan." she complained, pouting.

"Hey, Mina. Let go of me right now!"

"No! Call our name with Onee-chan!" she stubbornly said.


We noticed in the distance, a crowd of people are running on our direction in panic.

"What's going on?"

"Why are people running?"

"They're panicking!"

"Be careful. Something is happening!"

The four girls behind went close to us, confused of what's happening around.


A man bumped on Rena, making the two of them fall into the ground.

"Hey! Look out where are running! That's dangerous!" Mina angrily yelled at the man.

She let me go and went to help her twin sister,

"Rena, Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Onee-chan." Rena took Mina's hand, helping her to stand up.

"That's hurt..." the man said, standing up.

When the man glanced to us,

"You guys are the one who's fault for standing around and not running away."

"Why? What happened?" Mina asked.

"I don't have time to explain everything. Prince Numa Seika has already been defeated and captured by the enemy's General and the Empire's army has been ordered to slaughter all of us here. All of you should run away quickly." the flustered man explained quickly and ran away.

Mina slightly panic, hearing what happened.

"Rena... Haru-kun... I think we should ran away too."

I noticed a wave of ice approaching very fast towards us, freezing all the people on it's path.

"Onee-chan, watch out!" Rena pushed her twin sister towards me.

I caught Mina safely.

But, Rena's body was frozen and her face was slowly covering by ice.

The wave of ice stopped on my feet, slowly melting.

"Rena!" Mina yelled worriedly.

"I'm glad... Onee-chan and... Haru-kun are safe." Rena spoke weakly while smiling with tears.

"Rena, don't lose hope! I'm going to save you." Mina said desperately, trying to break the ice around her body but it was futile.

Everyone tried to help Mina to save her twin sister.

"It's alright, Onee-chan."

"No no no! Rena, please... don't leave me!" Mina cried.

"Onee-chan, I'm sorry..."

"No!!! Rena!!!" Mina burst into tears.

"All of you. Move!" I said, imbuing my hands with sunshine magic.

"Huh? Haru-kun?"

I went towards the frozen Rena, gently punching the ice that covered her body.

A crack appeared then the ice shattered in very small pieces, disappearing out of thin air.

The ice path around was also destroyed and disappeared, saving also the frozen people around.


Mina caught her unconscious twin sister.

Looking at the two of them, I really miss Nee-san and I want to hug her now.

"You girls, go and hide to a safe place."

"What about you, Haru-kun?"

"My target has already arrived so it's time to face her. Don't worry, I'm going to be fine. Let's continue our date after I finished this." I answered.

"Okay then... Please be safe, Haru-kun." Mina spoke.

I just nodded at them with smile.

They went away, carrying the unconscious Rena with them.

The people that I saved around also ran away with them.

Wanting to see the reward Axe I got from the Gamer System, I took it out from my dimensional storage.

While holding it in one hand, I looked at its design.


"Just like Divine Axe Rhitta, this Sun God's Smite Axe looks cool too."

I can feel that this axe is absorbing my sunshine magic and storing it.

"Okay then... let's go and take out the Ice Queen." I said, dashing towards where ice wave came from and melting ice around my path.


(3rd Person's POV)

Meanwhile, a very beautiful woman grabbing the injured young man's head, lifting up his face to how she killed his people in front of him.

She was a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest.


"Watch everything as I buried your people alive, Numa Seika." she said, grinning.

Numa Seika was a young man with long black hair and blue eyes. He wore a grey suit of armor on top of a purple high-collared shirt. He also wore a metal headpiece with a symbol of his tribe which matched the ones on his chest plate and shoulder guards, as well as a purple cape.


"I wont never forgive you, Esdeath! Just kill me already." Seika spoke in anger.

"I was amazed by your skill and I'm really looking forward in fighting you. But after defeating you, I disappointed with your latter's skills. How Boring..." Esdeath said with disappointed tone.

"All of you! Kill everyone and never leave a single al--"

Suddenly, she stopped when she sensed something, looking at a certain direction.

She smiled in excitement,

"I can feel it! To think someone this monstrously strong is hiding in this place. This is the first time I sense someone like this. Ara~ looks like quite the monster is on the move, towards here. I can't wait to face him."

"What are you talking about, Esdeath-sama?"



An explosion sounded on a distance where Esdeath is facing.

"He's here." Esdeath mumbled.

A wounded soldier ran towards Esdeath, bowing to her.

"Esdeath-sama! There's a monster in a form of a child, approaching here. That child is defeating everyone in his path without seeing him move. He's so terrifying that we can't go near him!" he explained.

"Interesting... Let's see what he can do." Esdeath didn't glanced at him and just continued looking at the distance.

She noticed a flying golden axe on the sky, going towards them.

"That's!" the soldiers was surprised.

Esdeath just stood there, not moving from her place.


The golden axe landed near in front of her, crashing on the marble ground. It was planted while slightly tilted.

Suddenly, a boy with platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes appeared standing on top of the handle of the golden axe. He was wearing a white Yukata with pink border on the neck part.


"Finally, you have come..." Esdeath said.


"Looks like you already know me."

"I do... You're not the only one cursed with godlike power." the boy replied.

"Then don't disappoint me. Let's get started." Esdeath evilly smiled in excitement.


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)