Chapter 116: Meeting The Night Raid

Chapter 116: Meeting The Night Raid

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

After eating breakfast on a expensive restaurant, we went shopping for clothes, food ingredients and other basic needs which I placed it all to my dimensional storage.

While walking along the streets together, strolling around the Capital,

"You sure bought a lot, Sun. And your dimensional storage is really convenient." Tatsumi spoke.

"Well, I sold all of my magic item products so I got a lot of money today." I replied, taking a large bag of money from dimensional storage then throwing it towards him.

"Eh?!" He was caught surprised, catching it.

"Sun, this is quite a lot money. Why are you giving me this?" he asked while checking inside the large bag.

"That's your pay for helping us hunt Danger Beasts. I already add some bonuses for you. I'll give Ieyasu's and Sayo's pay after we meet with them." I responded.

"Hey! Where's mine, Sun? I've been working hard, helping you on hunting." Aqua complained.

"I already bought a lot booze for you but I'll give it you little by little so you won't get drunk." I replied to her.

"Yay! Give me some for tonight, Sun." she rejoiced.

"Just before we sleep, okay?"

"Yes!" she happily agreed.

"Ah! It's you two from last night!" I just heard a female voice, speaking to us.

In front of us, I saw a cute young girl pointing at Tatsumi. She had blonde, shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy light blue accessory and blue eyes. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt, with a light blue ribbon on her neck. Above her shirt, she wore a sleeveless light blue dress, with a black bodice, and white frills. Aria also wore a pair of white boots.


She had several bodyguards behind her carrying several large box of gift.

It looks like they're having a hard time carrying those heavy looking things.

"Oh, you're the Ojou-sama last night. I really sorry for my companions rudeness even though you're just offering us a shelter." Tatsumi apologized to her.

I noticed that Aqua was looking at her with unpleasant face.

It seems like she doesn't really like her.

Well, me too.

"I don't really like this girl. She might look really kind right now but I can sense a wicked aura on her." Aqua whispered on me.

The young girl glanced at me then she smiled,

"You two have a new companion. Let me introduce myself again, my name Aria. Nice to meet you." she lifted her right hand towards me, wanting to shake my hand.

I was hesitating but I just took it and shake hands with her.

"Mine is Sun. Nice to meet you too, Aria-san."

I was about to pull my hand back but she wouldn't let go of it.


I noticed that she gazing at me while slightly blushing.

I just had a really bad feeling about this.

She was now caressing my hand gently,

"Are you free right now, Sun? How about we go somewhere just the two of us. I just wanted to know more about you." she spoke.

Hearing this, I sweated profusely.

Thinking a way out of this while panicking.

I didn't have any of my girlfriends with me to show her that I already have someone I love and refuse her.

I'm really in trouble right now.

From the way Aria look and acted towards me just now, she's really interested on me.

Glancing at Tatsumi,

"Is something wrong? Ah, don't mind about us, Sun. You may go and take her on a date. We'll just wait for you around here later."

Tatsumi, you're not helping me right now. You're just making things worst for me. Did you forget that I'm already dating Erza. You should get a hint that I'm not interested in going in a date with this wicked young lady right now.

Looking for a way out of this, my eyes landed on Aqua.


"Huh?" Aqua noticed my glance.

I have no choice but... I rather date Aqua than this wicked young lady Aria.

I forcedly pulled my hand out of Aria grasp then I wrapped my right arm around Aqua's waist, pulling her close towards me.

"Sorry, Aria-san. But I can't go on a date with you because I already had someone I love and it's this cute and beautiful girl beside me right now." I said, embracing Aqua more closer to me.

"Eh?!" Aqua and Aria are completely shock including Tatsumi.

"Is that so..." Aria became disappointed, looking down sad.

"Aren't you already dating Erza?" Tatsumi spoke with surprised tone.

If you already know that, Tatsumi. Don't support and encouragement me to go on a date with another girl.

Didn't you know that this wicked young lady is the one who tortured and killed Ieyasu and Sayo if I didn't interfered with the events happening on this world.

"After turning the Goddesses Gaia-sama and Eris into your lovers. You're also going for me?!" Aqua spoke.

While I'm being close to her, treating her like a lover, I tried my hardest best to see her as a love interest.

"You're really such a greedy half-god, Sun. Well... you can't help it right? I'm such a irresistibly beautiful Goddess that you really want me to become your lover." she said with proud tone.

Suddenly, I smelled something very unpleasant.

"But unlike Gaia-sama and Eris, I'm not that easy to get, Sun. You have to work more harder you can think just to get an affection from me." Aqua followed with smug face.


Closing my nose with disappointed expression,

This stinky smell... it's coming directly from Aqua. She smelled very sour combined with the smell of rotten egg. While she's talking arrogantly close to me while I'm embracing her, I can totally smell her breathe stinks with alcohol and vomit smell.

In other words, she stinks like hell that I wanted to vomit right now.

How will more Aqua disappoint me.

Here, I already trying my very best to see her as my love interest but she always make my efforts useless.

The perverted Goddess Gaia or Earth-chan who always takes an appearance of Rem when she visit me.


The Useless Goddess Aqua that always disappoints me.


My beautiful image of Goddess is crumbling down because of those two.

Now, I really miss Goddess Eris.

She's the only one who's makes me believe that still a decent goddess existing in the Heavenly Realm.

The two of us are not dating yet but we're really getting along well and we go out on date sometimes when she go down from Heavenly Realm as Chris.

"Is something wrong, Sun? You look daze." Tatsumi asked me.

"For the starter, Sun. You have to praise a beautiful and high-level goddess like me. I might consider to accepting on inviting me on a date and treat me a lot of booze and delicious food. You should be glad and take it for granted." Aqua said to me proudly.

I looked at Aqua with full of disappointment, letting go of her and move away with a distance.


"What? Call me Aqua-sama and praise me on how amazing and beautiful I am." Aqua said, looking at me with full of expectations.

"You stink."

She grabbed the collar of my Yukata then angrily said,

"What did you just say? How could you tell that to a goddess like me!"

"It's true... You can confirm it by smelling yourself."

"That ain't true. I'm the Goddess of water, you know?"

She smelled both of her armpits then her body,

"I don't smell that bad. It might just something wrong with your nose."

That means, she already used to her bad smell that she doesn't notice it anymore.

I'm still very young that my nose is very sensitive to unpleasant smell.

It's just that something wrong with her.

As I expected from Useless Goddess.

No matter how hard I try to see her as an opposite sex, she still end up as pet in my heart.

"Hey, Sun! I don't really stink that much! Take back what you said to me!" Aqua complained, shaking me.

Grabbing both of her wrist, getting away from her grasp as I let go of my nose.

She really stinks bad that I can't take it anymore.

I wanted to switch her with Goddess Eris right now.

Letting go of her,

"Goddess Change!" I yelled loudly.

"What?! Sure then, you sh*tty half-god! How about I forcedly send to Heavenly Realm right now and take Gaia-sama's and Eris's cold." Aqua got mad, taking a boxing stance then she throws a punch towards me.

But, I just easily caught her fist.

"Did you forget how strong really I am, Aqua?"

"Let's go of my hand, you demi sun god! You are just very strong because you have a lot of cheats. Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!"

She was trying to mock me like a child.

I grabbed both of her cheeks, pinching and stretching it.

"Tell that to the perverted Goddess, not to me!"

"Aw! Aw! Aw! It hurts, Sun! Stop pulling my cheeks!" she became teary-eyed in pain.

Letting go of her cheeks, she calmed down a little.


I sighed then I suddenly noticed something,

I saw Aria staring fiercely at Aqua with full of killing intent which I didn't really like.

It seems like, she was not paying attention to the deity conversation between me and Aqua.

Tatsumi was listening to us but his face has a look of someone who's doesn't believing on what we're just talking about and think of it as a joke, having only a nonsense banter with each other.

Frowning at Aria,

"Aria-sama, is something wrong?" Tatsumi called, asking her.

Aria stopped and returned back to her kind expression.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered something at home."she responded with a smile.

"Ah, That's right! Do you guys have a place to stay tonight?" she asked.

"Well... we currently don't have a place right now but we're thinking of staying on a Inn tonight." Tatsumi answered.

"Wait! How about you guys stay at my home tonight? I wanted to know more about you guys and hear the stories about your adventures." Aria offered.

Aqua got annoyed with her,

"Huh? No, thank y--"

I immediately covered Aqua's mouth, stopping her from talking.

Tatsumi glanced at me, confirming for my agreement.

I nodded at him with a smile.

Smiling back, he happily glanced at Aria then responded,

"Sure, we'll gladly take your offer then, Aria-sama. Please take care of us."

"Yeah, with great pleasure." Aria said with a kind smile.

But when she turned her back on us, I don't really need to look on her face with evil smile just to know that she had bad intention towards us because I can totally feel her intense murderous aura right now, emitting around her body.

"Wait here, I'll just talk to my bodyguards about you guys."

She went to talk to her bodyguards.

Letting go Aqua's mouth,

"Sun, why did you accept her offer? Did you know that lady is wicked?" Aqua angrily scolded me.

"I know, just leave everything to me. I accepted it because we need to go to her place tonight to meet some people." I replied confident.

Aqua angrily pouted at me,


"I don't know what you're thinking or planning, Sun. But don't blame me if something bad happened later."

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. She a wealthy girl so let's just enjoy her hospitality."

If they tried to do something awful to us, I will personally send them to their own demise. But I'm sure they will really do it so I wonder who's gonna kill them first tonight, me or the Night Raid.

"Also Aqua, take a bath and wash away those stinky smell of yours. Also brush your teeth and use some mouth wash to clean up your bad breathe." I reminded her.

"Hey! Do I really smell bad that much?" Aqua complained.


"You!" Aqua pointed at me while teary-eyed, trembling.

"You guys, let's go! I'll introduce the three of you to my parents." Aria waved at us, shouting.

"Tatsumi! Aqua! Let's go." I walked ahead of them.

"Yeah." Tatsumi responded, following after me.

Aqua silently followed after us.


(3rd Person's POV)

Just as humans eventually rot away, countries collapse, as well.

Even the Imperial Capital, which has prospered for a thousand years, is now a living hell of corruption.

Evil spirits take human form and ran amok, claiming everything as their own.

Those evils which heaven cannot judge...

They will be dealt with in the darkness.

By these assassins.

But the other two is Terrorist and Useless Goddess

(Play: Akame ga Kill - Full Opening [Skyreach])


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)