Chapter 118: Meeting The Night Raid 3

Chapter 118: Meeting The Night Raid 3

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

Several hours later, Aqua was already sleeping soundly on the bed with a empty bottle of wine on her embrace. She seems really look satisfied.


I already cleaned up her mess on the bed, putting all it of back to my dimensional storage.

After that, I laid down beside her, taking a nap for the time being.

Few minutes later, the door of our room slowly opened and I noticed that it was Tatsumi who just came from the bath.

"Sun, you're still awake?" he asked me with surprised tone.


I expected that they didn't try to drug him to sleep when he joined them for dinner because Aqua and I will be alerted if something happened to him. I guess they delay it until morning when I said that we'll join them for breakfast tomorrow which will never happen.

While Tatsumi is changing into his new clothes,

"It's really tiring dealing with Aria-sama just now. She's always asking things about you. But the problem is that I don't know much anything about you because I only known you for a week. Also for me, you're full of mysteries." he spoke.

"Well, I have to thank you for dealing with her."


He sighed then asked,

"Aren't you going to sleep? You looked like you've been preparing for something with your attire."

"The people I'm talking about are going to arrive here in this mansion tonight."

"Eh? And what kind of people are they?"

With excited smile,

"They hunt rotten people in the darkness." I answered.

"Aren't they just murderers? Why will they come here?"

"You'll see later. We'll take a nap for the time being."


Currently, there's only two bed in the room. One for Aqua and I then the other is solo for Tatsumi.

After finishing changing his clothes, Tatsumi went straight to his bed then lay down to take a nap.

"Goodnight, you two."

"Yeah, goodnight too."


Few hours later,


I woke up suddenly when I felt something.

There's no mistakes, they already here and made their move.

I noticed Tatsumi also woke up, sitting when he's alerted by them.

"What's going on?"

Then he frowned,

"Murderous intent?"

"They're finally here." I said, jumping out of the bed.

"You mean..."

"That's right, they are the people I'm talking about."

I went to other side of the bed,

"I'll carry Aqua with me then let's go and meet them."


I carried Aqua on my back then Tatsumi and I went out of the room, running along the corridor.

Looking above at one of large windows on our way, we stopped running when we noticed the five people standing on several shiny treads in the middle of the red moon.


It's them...

The Night Raid.

"Aren't those people from Night Raid, Sun? They're bunch assassins and some of them are in wanted posters."

"Yes, they're are the people I'm talking about."

"But, why did they come here? Is it because they're wealthy, they'll target this place, too?"

We noticed when we looked below from window, we saw three guards coming out with a weapon in their hands.

The girl with long black hair jumped down together with a large person wearing an armor.


Just like Aqua, I can also see pretty well in the darkness as well as I can in the daylight. That's why, I'm pretty good at hunting monsters for food at night when I was a small child.

Those two who just jumped down must Akame and Bulat.

Akame is a young girl with long black hair that reaches down to her knees and red eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless tank top with a white collar and a red tie; she wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover over a black, pleated skirt. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves and a long dark coat in battle. In her hand is imperial arm called Murasame; a cursed blade that could kill a person with a single cut.


The other one must be Bulat. He was a tall, muscular young man with blue eyes and black hair that he usually wore in a combed up, heart-shaped pompadour. Tonight, he wearing he's wearing his full body armor imperial arm called Incursio. It's special ability is to turn invisible.


The three remaining above, standing on the wire are Mine, Lubbock and Leone.

Mine is a young girl of below-average height. She has very long pink hair tied in twin-tails on the right and left sides of her head, although on occasion it is free-flowing. She has big pink eyes. She wears a pink outfit, consisting of a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink long sleeve shirt, a gown, and black stockings with pink shoes.


Her imperial arm name is Pumpkin. It uses spirit energy as ammunition and fires it in a concentrated shockwave. One of its main properties is that its power and range increased in proportion to the level of danger its user was in. No ammunition was needed to load Pumpkin. It was capable of rapid-fire burst shots of spirit energy and had a detachable, high-tech scouter in a compartment that fits around the user's eye. It also had a scope for sniping.

The guy beside Mine is Lubbock. He's a young man with shoulder-length green hair that covers his left eye, green eyes and red goggles on top of his head. He wore a long green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood over a white and red ringer shirt and blue jeans with brown shoes. He's also wearing a long black coat.


He's imperial arm is Crosstail. It can be used both offensively and defensively. It takes the form of gloves and metallic fingertips with wire threads running through them, and it can be used in various ways to attack, defend against, or immobilize opponents. The majority of the wire is held in a larger than normal spool at the back of the waist.

And the last one is Leone, the one who scammed Tatsumi using her big breast. She is a young, curvaceous woman. She has short blonde hair with two long tufts that frame the sides of her head and golden eyes. She wears a revealing outfit with a black tube top, detachable sleeves, pants, boots and a scarf around her neck.

Right now, she already transformed. Her hair becomes longer and she gains lion ears, tail and claws.


That was her imperial arm, Lionel. It fused with her, her hair becomes longer, and ears a bit bigger, she also sports out lionlike feet and many areas of her body are covered with fur, overall having a more beast-like appearance. It can instantly increases her physical strength and abilities. It also amplified her sense of smell to enable scouting and give her regeneration abilities same as my Titan regeneration.

The three guards stopped, preparing themselves to fight.

"Sun, what are we going to do?" Tatsumi asked me.

Suddenly, one of the guards charged towards Akame and Bulat with his sword.

But... he was cut on the neck by Akame with quick speed.

Bulat who's wearing an armor already prepared his spear then threw it on one of guards, piercing his abdomen.

I don't need see what happening on the guard that has been cut by Akame on the neck because I already knew that the cursed mark are already scattering from his neck and going around his body then he dies from the cursed poison.

After the two guards died, the remaining one got frightened and tried to ran away.

That's not right way to flee, you should ran away without fear and don't let your guard down from any attacks that your enemies will throw at you.

That's the right way to ran away using the Joestar secret technique.


Someone shot the head of the guard from above who tried ran away in a wrong way and I knew that it was Mine using her imperial arm Pumpkin.

The three guards got defeated in a short time.

"Completely annihilated in an instant..."

Tatsumi was completely shock as he stepped backwards.

He immediately glanced at me,

"Sun! We have to protect Aria-sama! Her life is in danger right now!"


I sighed then turned around,

"Let's go, Tatsumi. I have something to show you."

"Huh? What is it? We're in hurry right now."

"Just follow me! I sure that Aria is already going over there."


We ran outside the mansion.

While running through the forest, I saw a storehouse in the distance.

"It's the storehouse over there!"

Ahead of us, we saw Aria being pulled by her guard, running towards the storehouse.

"It's Aria!" Tatsumi yelled, running more faster.

Arriving at the storehouse, we finally catched up with Aria and his guard.

"Found you!" Tatsumi yelled, breathing heavily from running.

The guard and Aria stopped running and glanced at us.

"Tatsumi? Sun!" Aria called us.

"You two came at a good time..." The guard spoke.

"We're going into the storehouse, and wait for the authorities. In the meantime, you guys fend them off." he followed.

Huh? Why would I do that?

"That's impossible---"

Suddenly, a girl with black long hair with a sword in her hand appeared behind us.

She was staring at us with full of killing intent.

It was Akame.

"I guess we have no choice. Let's take her together, Sun!" Tatsumi said, pulling out his sword then took a battle stance towards Akame.

"Umm... Sorry, Tatsumi, but I can't. I carrying Aqua on my back right now."

"Eh?! I can't defeat that girl by myself."

Suddenly, Akame charged towards us.

Tatsumi focused, preparing to fight her with his sword.

"Not a target." Akame spoke while dashing.

Tatsumi eyes widened, being surprised from she said just now.


Akame used this chance and jumped on Tatsumi, stepping on his head then jumped towards Aria and her guard.


Tatsumi jaw dropped from what Akame did to him, being amazed of her.


"It's white." I said, seeing clearly something under her skirt.

When Akame passed after Tatsumi,

"Damn!" The guard protecting Aria aimed his gun towards Akame then shot her with rapid fire of bullets.

I was amazed when Akame moved at a highspeed side by side to dodge every bullets that has been fired at her.


Akame charged towards the guard while dodging the bullets.

It seems like she's faster than the bullet.

When Akame arrived in front of the guard,


She swing her sword, cutting the guard from his abdomen.


The guard fell on the ground and died.

"H-Huh? Kyaah?!"

Aria get frightened then she fell on the ground.

Akame walked towards her, ready to swing her sword.



"Hold it!"

Tatsumi charged towards Akame, swinging his sword to attack her and saving Aria.

Akame quickly noticed it and jumped away, evading his attack.

She just looked at him with stoic expression,

"You aren't a target. There's no need to kill you."

"But you planned to kill this girl, don't you?" Tatsumi replied, asking while pointing his sword on her.

"Yep." Akame answered, nodding.


"If you get in my way, I'll kill you." Akame warned him.

"That doesn't mean I can just run!" Tatsumi retorted.

"It that so? ...Then I shall eliminate you." Akame said, pointing the blade of her sword towards him.

"Eh!" Tatsumi got frightened of her.

Preparing himself to fight, the two of them stared at each other as the wind blows around here in the forest.

I aware that Tatsumi here is in total disadvantage because he still lacks training and experience.

I guess I have to intervene here now.

Placing Aqua under one of the trees near me.


I noticed Tatsumi and Akame charged at each other, clashing with their swords.

I noticed also that Leone in her beast form was standing near us, watching Akame and Tatsumi fighting each other.

I don't want depend on the wooden thing that given to him by the people in his village to save his life. I was being cautious and doesn't want to depend to much on the future I know because something might already changed on the current events because of my existence here in this world.

"Dark Berserker... Partial Requip!"

Both of my arms are covered by a black aura then it turned into a dark gauntlet with spikes.

I immediately rushed towards the two of them.

When Akame dodged the swing of Tatsumi, she flipped on the midair then gave him a flying kick, pushing him from his back.

"Oh, crap!"

Just Akame was about stab the chest of Tatsumi, I quickly grabbed the blade of Akame's sword, stopping her sword.

"What?!" Akame was surprised.

"Sun!" Tatsumi fell on the ground.

"Sorry, but I just can't let you kill him." I spoke.

Akame frowned at me,

"Then I guess I have to eliminate you too." she said with cold tone.

"Let's see if you can do that." I replied, smiling at her confidently.

"Trace... on!"

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Sorry, I have to go to sleep already. I'll fix my mistakes later.)