Chapter 126: Konosuba Side Part 1004 (R-18)

Chapter 126: The Goddesses are coming too

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

- Heavenly Realm -

At the tree house in the Heavenly Realm where the Goddesses are currently resting from their cold, the perverted earth goddess Gaia finally got over of her sickness and now looking after Goddess Eris who's still sleeping soundly on her futon, resting.

She's currently using the appearance of Rem but the hair length is different which has a more longer.


Resting on her futon, Eris was still wearing a purple coif on her head. Her attire was a fairly revealing sleeping white dress which makes her alluring and seductive slender legs with fair skin tone completely exposed. She was covered with a white blanket but only on the upper body down to her thighs.


The earth goddess decided to touch the forehead of goddess Eris and checked her temperature.

She smiled,

"Hmmm... It's already back to normal. She'll be fine later with a little bit more rest."

Looking around her body, the eyes of the earth goddess landed on goddess Eris's attractive thighs.

In curiosity, she decided to touch the thighs of Eris, feeling her beautiful skin.

'Its soft and smooth... Sun-kun will really love this.'

While earth goddess continued to stroke her thighs,


Goddess Eris made a long, soft seductive moan.

The earth goddess made a mischievous smile,

"So... you're also capable of making that lewd sound. Aren't you a little bit of a pervert, Eris? Hehehe..."

All of sudden,

"Mhmmm... Sun-kun... I think... we shouldn't do this. It's not the right time yet. Mhmmmm... Stop it, Sun-kun! Please... stop touching me there... That's my... m-my... most sensitive part... Mhmm... mmm... Stop... Sun-kun, my body... my body is getting weird..."

Her face was flushing, breathing heavily while talking on her sleep.

"N-No! Sun-kun... Please! Stop it... If Gaia-sama found out about this--Ah... Mmmfffp! Unnf. Mmm-aahhh. Sun-kun! I... I... Mngh-ph! Uhmn. Ah. Nnnf. A-a-ahhmmn. Sun-ku--Nnhg Uh-uhhnnn. Haahhh. Mmmmh-mmh. Nnmm... Sun-kun! Sun-kun! Sun-kun! Something strange... is happening to my body! It's..."

Earth goddess can't believe what she's hearing from Goddess Eris in her sleep while caressing her thighs.

A vein popped up from her temple then she smiled evilly, planning to do something mischievous on the sleeping Goddess Eris.

She lifted up the white blanket that's covering her thighs together with the skirt of her dress.

"You're not even wearing any underwear right now, Eris. Just as I thought, you're also a perverted girl just like me but difference is you're a closet one."

"I bet you're luring Sun-kun with those beautiful thicc thighs of yours to get his heart even though your breast are very small."

The earth goddess slowly moved her hand while caressing Goddess Eris thighs, going to her lady parts.


"To think a kind and gentle girl like you can have a wet dream and become this sexually excited down here. Hehehe... How about I help you relief yourself."

Looking around,

"Since Sun-kun or Aqua are not here, we can do this here with no one seeing us."

The earth goddess gently touched the part below her slit.

"Uh... Mmm... Sun-kun, not there...Huh?"

"It will only sting a little bit at first but, don't worry, pleasure will come later."

The earth goddess slowly inserted her index finger.


Goddess Eris screamed loudly, grabbing the hand of the earth goddess to stop her.

"What are you doing, Gaia-sama!?"

She pulled away the earth goddess's hand from her private part, sitting up then moved away from her.

She covered her body with the white blanket.

"I'm just trying to help you to relief yourself. You seems sexually aroused while having a wet dream of Sun-kun."

Goddess Eris blushed hard,

"...What wet dream are you talking about, Gaia-sama?! Sun-kun was just massaging my stiff shoulders in my dream."

She keeps stuttering while speaking with her eyes looking away from the earth goddess.

She was sweating profusely.

"Trying to lie to me, Eris? I heard everything while you're moaning in your sleep. What's the thing that I shouldn't found out that you two are doing in your dream?"

"Gaia-sama, it's just a dream and it's not even really real. There's no way for Sun-kun to become that very assertive to me."

The earth goddess grabbed her shoulders,

"Then care to tell me what happened in your dream. I wanted to know what kind of person is Sun-kun over there. It's for research purposes."


The earth goddess became frustrated, pouting while teary-eyed.



"Sun-kun not only avoid me here but also in my dreams. Does Sun-kun really hate me? He never even once invited me personally to go on a date with him in his home world. I was the one who's doing the effort to become closer to him." she complained.


She shook Eris.

"Tell me, Eris! Tell me! What did I do to him that he treated me like this."

Goddess Eris grabbed her arms to stop her.

"Calm down, Gaia-sama! Please calm down! Sun-kun is still a 12 years old boy right now and he sees you just like the other women who chases and stalk him in his village. In his eyes, you're just perverted Shotacon woman that's why he always avoid you."

'Ugh! Sun-kun, why!?"

Goddess Eris let go of her,

"I also tried to asked him why he thinks of you, Gaia-sama."

The earth goddess's eyes twinkled, wanting to hear it from Goddess Eris.

"Tell me, Eris. What Sun-kun think of me."

She recovers quickly.

"His response to me is..."


"Perverted Goddess."

"Eh?! What's wrong for being a pervert."


"He's actually older than his body because he's a reincarnated soul."


"Hey! What is suspicious about me?" she complained.

"She must be disguising a cute appearance of someone to hide her unattractiveness."


The earth goddess suddenly became silent.

"Umm... Gaia-sama? Are you okay?"

She trembled,

"So... Sun-kun think that I'm not cute enough that's why I disguised myself as someone. Hehehe..."

A menacing aura emitted around her body.

"Hehehe. Hehehehe..."

She laughed creepily.

The earth goddess stood up.


"Hehehe... Sun-kun... I'm not disguising because I wanted to be look more cuter for you. That's because..."

She raised high her right arm,

"Earth Goddess Power, Make up!"

[Play: Sailor Moon Transformation music]

Her whole body lit up, transforming to new appearance together with her clothes while floating midair.

Landing smoothly on the floor, she turned into a beautiful and cute young girl with skin as unblemished and clear as porcelain, green eyes, straight long sky blue hair. She might have smaller height than before but her chest was now well-endowed.

Around her head, she's wearing some sort of green headband, decorated as green vines with leaves. She also wears a long white frilly dress, blue ribbon with green vines with leaves on the waist. In her arms and legs, there were green vines wrapped around her wrist and feet.


Doing a pose with her adorable new appearance,

"I am the Pretty Mother Earth Goddess who fights for love and peace! I am the Primordial Goddess Gaia! And now for calling me flat and not cute, I shall punish you!"


"Gaia-sama, if you just showed this appearance to him and not some disguise appearance, he might treated you differently and became less suspicious of you."


The earth goddess became silent.

"Sorry, but I just can't do it."

"Eh? Why?"

The earth goddess looked away and sweat appeared on her forehead.

"It's actually a very long story in the past."

"No! You should show your real appearance to Sun-kun whatever reason you might have. He'll not like you if you keep disguising yourself."

"Wait, Eris! There's a big reason that I don't want to show my real form to him."

"No, let's go and show this to Sun-kun now. Let's just say that this is a punishment for messing with me# while I'm sleeping."


"Oh, that's right, Gaia-sama! I just wanted to ask, what is actually the deity name of Sun-kun?"

"...Aelius, The God of the Sun. But he's a half-god right now."

"Then let's go to Sun-kun!"

"Eris, you seem really want to pay back at me."


Goddess Eris smiled mischievously.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I was resting while gathering some new resources this past few days. I fix my mistakes later.)