Chapter 128: Harukin, You Idiot!

Chapter 128: Harukin, You Idiot!

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

I'm writing a new Fanfic because I'm having a mental block on Mustache Fanfic. I have no fanfic to chill around so I made another.

The title of the new Fanfic is "UNTITLED KONOSUBA FANFIC".

Very plain right? It's a Konosuba Fanfic with Dimensional Chat Group.

The members are:

Certified Rapist(Mc)

Slime of Culture

Strongest Man on Earth

Shotacon Ex-Goddess

The Worst Spirit

The Ice Queen

Guess them.

You can read it if you want.


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

Waking up,


I see a clear blue sky.

"Where am I?"

Looking around, I saw myself lying down on grassy plain.

If I remember, I slept on our room last night together with Aqua and Tatsumi.


"I finally connected with you successfully."

A little girl appeared beside me, looking down on me while I'm lying down on the ground.

She's a small young girl with fair skin and short pink hair. Part of her hair is pulled into a stiff pigtail at the front of her head. She also has pink, black, and white cat ears and tail, teal green eyes, and round eyebrows. Her cat traits are those of a calico cat's.

She wears a large dark indigo cap, along with shorts of the same color with gold paw-print decorations. She also wears a dark indigo midriff-baring sleeveless shirt with an orange-yellow scarf, pale pink sleeves, a vest of the same color, and white gloves with light pink paw-like patterns on the undersides. She also wears navy blue boots, that are shaped with raised heels, with gold cat-shaped decorations.


"What?" I was surprised by sudden appearance.

"You sure are having fun, playing around instead of finishing the quest quickly."

She seems mad at me.



I sighed then said,

"I'm not playing around little girl. I'm taking things as planned to avoid casualties from innocent people. This is a war and shouldn't take it lightly."

She glared at me while teary-eyed with her tail pointing upwards.


"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Grrrrr... Unyaa!" she screamed in anger.

"It's really unfair that Nana and Kurē was already able to ran around while I'm stuck here in nothingness, Dad!" she complained.

"Dad? What do you mean?"

"Are you an idiot, Dad? I'm also your daughter! Just like Nana and Kurē, I'm also something you called a magical daughter."

"If you're my magical daughter, then who's your mother?"

"Mom? Her name is Hinagiku."

Hearing her answer, I sweated profusely.

"Can you choose someone else? She'll be really furious at me if she learned about this."

"I can't really do that since I can't choose who'll become my mother. It's up to the compatibility of the couple who touched the magic item." she explained.

"Compatibility? Wait! Hinagiku and I haven't touch any magic item together. Why would we become your parents?"

She became a little bit sad then shyly said,

"Yeah, you're right, Dad. And the truth is... I'm not your child yet. But, you and Hinagiku are the only the pair who's compatible with me. That's why, the two of you are the only couple who can become my parents."

"...I think that's going to be impossible."


"Hinagiku is really angry at me and she doesn't even like me because of what happened between us. She might even chase after me, trying to beat me up with her wooden sword if we meet right now. So me and her becoming your parent is not possible." I explained to her.


She became silent.

"Get out."

She was trembling.

"Get out of here, you stupid!" she screamed.

She looked at me with full of tears.

At this moment, I realized that I made a mistake.

"Wait! Let's talk--"

"No! You don't want me, right? You think, I'm just going to be a bother for you, right? Then just give my magic item to someone else or just throw it away. It's not like I really wanted you to become my parent anyway."

She quickly turned around and ran away from me while crying.

"Hey, wait! Listen to me first!"

She won't listen to me.

"Like hell I leave things to be turned out just like this."

I was about to ran after her,


Suddenly, my vision gets blurry and I wasn't able to move.

"What's going on?"

Things turned black.

When my consciousness returned, I immediately woke up, sitting up.


I saw myself waking up on the bed.

Beside me is Aqua who is still sleeping while on another bed is Tatsumi sleeping soundly.

Touching my forehead with my palm,

"Is that really a dream? It feels real to me."

"I haven't even ask her name."

"Why did she ran away from me without hearing what I'm going to say? She should at least hear me out."

I felt really bad on what happened in that dream.

Now, I remember that she said she's a magical daughter just like Nana and Kurē.

If she's asking me to become a parent with Hinagiku, it means that she still a magic item. But, what kind of magic item?

"That's right!"

I remembered that she seems to be making me hurry to finish the quest.

Opening my system, I checked my quest progression.


Gamer System Quest (1/3)

(545/300) Defeat 300 Danger Beast(Completed).

(0/1) Defeat Grand General Budo(On progress).

(0/1) Defeat Prime Minister Honest(On progress).

(0/1) Defeat the Emperor and destroy the Imperial Guardian(On progress).

(1/1) Defeat General Esdeath(Completed).

Failure: Can't redo the quest.


Sun God' Smite Axe(Claimed)

2 Random Friend Invitation.

Servant Summoning Catalyst (Rider Class)

Cat's Ears Hairband


Warning: Going to another world will automatically cancel the quest and cannot take it again.



Looking around the holographic screen,

"Found it! This must be the magic item."

It's the Cat's Ears hairband.

This must be the magic item that will summon her.

It order to get the item, I must defeat the emperor and destroy his Imperial Guardian.

Closing the holographic screen,

"Just wait there. I'll try to make things more quicker and finish this quest so that I can get your magic item and summon you. Then we can continue our talk later and hear what I'm going to say."

This made me more motivated to end this quest.

I jumped out of the bed and prepared myself for warm up.

After that, I woke Tatsumi then dragged him out for training.



(Megumin's POV)

- Konosuba World -

After our class ended, I decided to go to Soketto's house to ask for divination from her.

While walking, I felt someone following me from behind.

Without needing to guess, I already known who's that person is.

"Yunyun, stop hiding over there. Why are you keep following me around?"

Yunyun shyly showed up behind the tree,

"Megumin, you said that the two of us will go home together."

I got annoyed by her,

"That doesn't mean we have to do it everyday. I have something to do today so go home by yourself." I said with cold tone.

"Eh!? Where are going?"

"I'm going to Soketto's house to ask for divination."

"Can I come with you? I want also ask something to Soketto-san about Harukin."

"I'm going to ask her the same thing. Fine, you can come with me."

"You're still grumpy, Megumin. Are you still angry at Harukin?"

"No! It's nothing." I blushed in embarrassment.

Harukin told me how much he love and need me but he said it on that thing called chat group and a lot of them saw it.

I was really embarrassed from he did.

That's why, I wanted to ask Soketto about what's Harukin doing in another world.

Arriving, we saw Soketto cleaning her backyard with a stick broom.

"Soketto!" I called her.

"Oh, you two. What brings you here?"

"Can we ask for divination?"

"Sure, come inside." she said with a smile.

We went inside her house.

Sitting together on a square table with crystal ball in front of Soketto.

"What do you want to ask me? Is it about Harukin?"

"I'm going first, Yunyun."

"Soketto, what's Harukin doing right now?"

"That's... Let me try."

Soketto focused to see something on the crystal ball.

"Something is showing up!"

"He's somewhere I don't know but he's doing something."

"What is it, Soketto?"

"He's holding something very large while falling from the sky."

"What?!" We were shock.

Suddenly, the crystal ball lit up.

"What's happening, Soketto?" Yunyun panicked.

"I don't know either! I got this crystal ball from Harukin as a gift. He said that this crystal ball is a magic item that can improve my divinations."

"Huh? Another Harukin's weird magic items again!"

"Wait! Something is showing up!" Soketto focused back on crystal ball.

In the crystal ball shows a blonde boy with conceited expression holding something big made of metal while falling from the sky.

"Five seconds have passed."

"Six seconds have passed."

His voice is echoing from the crystal ball.

"Seven seconds have passed."

He was counting reversely.



He crashed it towards the giant black armor that I recognize.

"Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!"

"Wait! Isn't that Harukin's Giant Black armor!" Yunyun pointed.

"Yeah, you're right." I responded, watching.

The giant black armor threw punches from below the large metal thing.

"It's too late! You cannot escape!"

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!"

He punches several times from the top of road roller

"Eight seconds have passed! WRYYYYY!"

"Be flat as Nee-san's chest!"

"Huh?" I was surprised from what he said just now.

It's clearly Harukin and his talking about my small chest.

At the last punch of the blonde boy, the large metal thing crushed on the giant black armor.


The giant black armor disappeared from below before it was crushed.

The crystal ball dims and it ended.


"That was Harukin, right? He looks really different." Yunyun spoke, can't believe what she seeing.

"That's Harukin, there's no mistake. He may change his appearance. I won't mistake him as someone else because he's my twin brother."

*Be flat as Nee-san chest!*

I clearly heard and remembered what he yelled just now and it's even echoing in my head.

He really fuels up my anger towards him.

"I going to beat him really bad for that. Hehehehe..." I laughed with menacing tone

"Megumin, your face is scary."

"Next, Yunyun. What do you want to know?" Soketto asked me.

"I just wanted to ask what is Harukin planning to do in that place."

"Okay..." Soketto focused on the crystal ball.

The crystal ball lit up again, showing up something again.

Yunyun and I watched what's happening on the crystal ball.

What we see a very large beautiful castle.

"Where is that place?" Yunyun asked in amazement.

Suddenly, we saw a guy a standing on top of the magic staff while floating in the mid-air.

We saw a lot of people watching him not far the castle.

"Goodbye, Empire! Implooosion!!"

Several crimson magic circle appeared around the surface of the large beautiful castle then it exploded,

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The large castle collapse, crumbling down as it gets destroyed.

After that, the guy flew towards the crowd of people, watching the castle as it turns to ruin.

Pointing his hand towards them,

"Attention, entire world!"

"Hear my proclamation!"

"I am Sun, Supreme Leader of the Soviet Yunyun and now your new ruler!"

"The Emperor and Prime Minister Honest has surrendered and captured by me."

"As a result of this, I already destroyed the Imperial Guardian and took all of the remaining Imperial arms."

"And not even the remaining Jaegers have the strength to oppose me now."

"If anyone dares to resist my supreme authority, they shall know the devastating power of my Implosion!"

"Those who could challenge my military rule no longer exist."

"Yes, from this day, from this moment forward, the World belongs to me!"

"I, Supreme Leader Sun commands you..."

"Obey me, subjects! "

"Obey me, world!"



"We refuse!" All the people shouted together loudly.

Then it ended.

That guy was Harukin.


Looking at Yunyun reaction, her face went paled.

She became teary-eyed then,

"Harukin, you idiot!"


She ran away outside.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: See ya in my another fanfic. I'll fix my mistakes later.)