Chapter 142: Picnic Part 3

Chapter 142: Picnic Part 3(with Fan Services)

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)

Update: I fix a lot on the part 1. You may read it again if you want.


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

Near the river, having a picnic.

"Noooooo! Harukin, please forgive Paimon! Paimon was asked by them to bring them here because they've been looking for you!" Paimon begged me.

I placed her inside the black pot filled with water then placed some sliced vegetables and other ingredients.


Using a stones as a stove, I burned the wood using my sunshine magic then threw it under the pot.

"Waaahh! The fire is starting. Please spare me. Paimon already repented."

I burned another wood using my wood in my hand then throw it under the pot.

Paimon panicking,

"Waaaahh! It's starting up. No! It's already flaring up!" she screamed.

"Paimon... I'm not really that angry with you when you brought my family, lovers and others here. I'm really happy seeing them especially my daughters but..."

I pointed at Komi and Bocchi who's looks very worried, watching us.

"How did they arrive here without me knowing!?"

Paimon started to cry,

"It was an accident, Harukin! I was just helping Yunyun to summon a devil as a friend but something happened and we accidentally summoned the two of them from another world using the two Random Friend Invitations on the system." she explained.

No wonder my friend list limit decreased by two.

It was her fault all along.

"You just did something bad and gave them a big trouble, Paimon."

Once again, I burned another wood and threw it under the pot, making the fire bigger."

"Waaaahh! Somebody help me! Paimon is going to be cooked!" she screamed in panic.


I sighed then I was about to kill the flame below the pot using my water element magic spell, Komi suddenly ran towards pot and pulled Paimon out, hugging her.

She writing something on a notebook then showed it to me with serious expression.

[Please don't be cruel! It's was an accident.]

She doesn't really have to do that because I was about to let her go.

But, well...

"Komi-san, did you know that when Yunyun and Paimon summoned you and Bocchi in our home world, there's a chance that you won't be able to go back to your home worlds."

Komi-san's and Bocchi's eyes widened in surprise, hearing what I said.

"I just checked my world gates and your home world's was not on the list. It means you won't be able to back home until I luckily opened the path to your home world."

Komi-san and Bocchi trembled.

"Is that mean, there's a chance that I can't see Mom and Dad anymore?" Bocchi became teary-eyed.

"It's saddening but yes, you're right." I responded.

"...Uuuuuuuu~" Bocchi started to cry.

Tear started to fall also from Komi-san's eyes.

Yunyun ran towards them and bowed in front of them.

"Komi! Bocchi! I'm sorry! This is my fault! If I didn't try summon you guys, this wouldn't happened." she sincerely said.

She also started to cry.


The three of them hugged each other while crying.

I didn't want to see her being like this.

She just wanted to have friends but she didn't want things to be ended like this.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Why do I feel like I want to cry too." Maple spoke with sad tone while holding a big green cabbage in her arms.

"Don't worry, you two. If you can't go back home anymore, just let this harem guy take responsibility and make you two his wives."

Hearing that, I immediately took out a big knife from dimensional storage then glared at Paimon.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! That wasn't me!" Paimon said in panic, strongly shaking her head.

Then who said that?

"Ai-chan, what are you saying?" Maple spoke, talking to someone.

"It's the emergency food's fault for messing around to much, the system owner shall take responsibility whatever his guide did."

I immediately noticed that voice are coming from the cabbage in Maple's hand.

I got furious and snatched the cabbage from Maple,

"Wait, Sun-kun! That's!"

I slammed the cabbage inside pot.

"Gyaaaah! It's hot!" the cabbage screamed.

"I can guess that just like Paimon, you're Maple's guide, right?"

"Waaaahh! Help me!"

I pulled out the cabbage from the pot.

"You reap what you sow, green cabbage." Paimon said, giving her a smug smile.

"What wrong with your master, emergency food? He's too horrible to do this to me." The cabbage complained.

"It's your fault for mocking him. Boiling cabbage suits you well."

"You, emergency food!"

"Shut up, green cabbage!"

Pointing the knife at the cabbage,

"Hie~!" it freaked out.

"Any last word?"

"Waaah! I'm going to be sliced off! Somebody, help me!"

"Noooo! Sun-kun, please don't!"

Maple snatched back the cabbage from my hand.

"She looks pitiful! We can't eat her."

"I'm not a food either, Master!" the cabbage complained.



I sighed then I just patted Maple head.

"Huh? Sun-kun?"

Looking at Yunyun's crying face,

"Komi-san! Bocchi! I'll try my best to bring the two of you back into your home world. Please don't lose hope and believe in me."

The three of them calmed down and stopped crying, glancing at me.

"It might take a long time but I will surely find a way. Until then, you two will stay at our home world for the time being."

The three of them just stared at me.

I went towards Erza who's sitting with Mirajane on the rock while soaking their feet in the river.

"Erza, I'm just going back to our hideout to get Aqua! I might bring some of my friends here, is that okay with you!?" I yelled, asking her.

"Sure, it's fine! The more the merrier!" she responded with a smile.

"Okay. Thanks, Erza. I'm going now. And I'll be back in a minute."

Several days has already been passed since they went on a mission so everyone should returned by now.

I teleported in Night Raid's hideout.


Arriving in our base,


I saw everyone around the conference room.

Everyone got alerted when I appeared out of nowhere.


"You surprised me. It's just you, Sun." Leone said, sighing.

"Sun! Where did you just go? We're been looking for you." Tatsumi scolded me.

"Sorry, something important came up and I need to check on them."

"Them? You mean?"

"It's Erza and others."

"Sun! How's Sayo and Ieyasu?

"They're fine and doing great right now."

"That gives me a peace of mind."

Looking at Tatsumi's head,

"What happened to your hair, Tatsumi? It looks burned."

Tatsumi became angry and pointed at Mine,

"It's because of this girl who's calling herself a master sniper even though she's not."

"What did you just say!?" Mine responded.

I ignored the two of them who's quarreling with each other.

Looking around, I saw Lubbock lying on the floor, bleeding.


I immediately went towards him, checking on his condition.

I saw the Imperial Arm Spectator activated on his forehead.

The blood coming out from his nose.


Lubbock slowly opened his eyes then glanced at me weakly.


"Stay conscious! I going to save you!"

"Sorry, I'll be going on ahead..."

"Lubbock, get yourself together."

"I tried to see what's far beyond..."


"I saw everything and it's something far more forbidden."

"What do you mean?"

"Leone... Leone was also blonde... below... Ugh~"

Lubbock lost his consciousness with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Lubbock, this can't be true!"


Lubbock left this world and passed away.

And I'll never forget him from what he did.

Sacrifice, Victory, Determination, Honor and Pride.

That was a kind of man he is.


Looking at his peaceful expression, I trembled.

"SHIZAAAAAA!!!" I screamed in deep sorrow.

"Woaaaaaaaah!" I followed, grieving his death.

Everyone was looking at me with squinted eyes,

"What is this two idiots doing?" Leone asked.

"Ignore them. Sometimes, Sun really has some few screw loose on his head that he acted like that." Aqua answered.


I stopped then said,

"Oh, that's right! I came here to invite everyone in a picnic."


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)