Chapter 144: Picnic Part 5

Chapter 144: Picnic Part 5(with Fan Services)

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

While roasting a whole wild boar that I prepared from my home world, spinning it around with bamboo on a scattered smoldering charcoals while using my sunshine magic to cook it faster.

While I'm cooking, I started to sing,

[Play: Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Ashley]

"♫We're no strangers to love.♫"

"♫You know the rules and so do I♫"

"♫A full commitment's what I'm thinking of,♫"

"♫ You wouldn't get this from any other guy♫"

"♫I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling♫"

"♫Gotta make you understand♫"

"♫Never gonna give you up♫"

"♫Never gonna let you down♫"

"♫Never gonna run around and desert you♫"

"♫ Never gonna make you cry♫"

"♫Never gonna say goodbye♫"

"♫Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you♫"

The others got distracted, glancing at me.

"♫We've known each other for so long.♫"

"♫Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it.♫"

"♫Inside we both know what's been going on♫"

"♫We know the game and we're gonna play it♫"

"♫And if you ask me how I'm feeling.♫"

"♫Don't tell me you're too blind to see.♫"

"♫Never gonna give you up♫"

"♫Never gonna let you down♫"

"♫Never gonna run around and desert--♫"


Suddenly, I saw my daughter Kurē running near in front me while embracing multiple ball of bomb plushies.

My face went paled, realizing what she's trying to do.

Those are the bombs she use for fish blasting.

She's running towards the part of river with no people.

"Kurē, Noooooo!!" I yelled.

She threw all the bombs, scattering it to the river.

"Doukan Hanabi!"

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


The splashes around.

I left my Stand Dark Berserker to cook in my place and went towards Kurē who has satisfied expression.

"Kurē, no fish blasting. It's dangerous and there's a lot of people around here."

"But, Daddy forgot and didn't come to play with Kurē and went somewhere very far away. Kurē really miss Daddy." she said with sad tone.


It's totally my fault!

I have to make up for her today.

I squatted down then I patted her head,

"Let's play later after I finished cooking, okay? Let's do some fish blasting together with your mommy later."

"Eh, Is that true!? Yay!" she rejoiced.

I stood up,

"Stay with your Mommy for now, I'll join you later."

"Yes, Daddy!" she happily ran towards Nee-san.


I sighed then returned back to cook.


Few minutes later,

"Ummm... Harukin?" I heard Wiz calling me.

Glancing behind,

I saw Nana sleeping peacefully in her arms.

"Harukin, I know your busy but Nana--"

I placed my index finger on her lips, making her stop and become silent then I moves my other index finger close to my lips,

"Ssssh... Leave Nana to me." I whispered then smiled at her.

Wiz eyes widened then she smiled back to me,


I took out a purple cushion from my dimensional storage then cast a spell to make it float in the air.

"Air Magic... Levitation!"

When the cushion floated, I took Nana from Wiz then placed her on top of the cushion.

I kissed Nana's forehead then leave her floating near me.

Wiz waved her hands at me, walking back to the river.

I waved back at her then returned back to continue cooking while watching over my sleeping daughter.

"Sun! I just wanted to ask you--"

Lubbock was about to ask me something when I quickly glared at him, making him stop talking.

"Hie~!!" he got frightened.

"Ssssh." I pointed at my sleeping daughter.

"Sorry..." he whispered, apologizing.

"What do you want to ask me?" I asked with very soft voice.

"Actually Sun, Aren't you still 12 years old child? How did you have a children that big?" he asked, whispering.

"It's magic, Lubbock."


"Magic? That's ridiculous."

"Then, just think it like this. I found and pick them up from a cabbage patch."

"You're definitely weird. What kind of explanation is that?"

"You've got to believe it's magic or else you're stuck with that kind of explanation from me."



Suddenly, I felt someone leaning on my back.

When I glanced on my back, it was Reginleif and she's not in her swimwear.

She's still reading a book about Imperial Arms.

"Reginleif, aren't you going to swim?" It's good to relax sometimes in the water, you know."


She was not responding and continued reading the book.

"Who's this little girl behind you, Sun? Is she one of your girlfriends too?" Lubbock asked me.

Reginleif closed her book then glared at Lubbock,

"Don't call me little girl, you peeping Tom! I'm Adam's partner and my name is Reginleif."


"Pffffft!" I snickered then said, "Looks like she already found out from the book she's reading. Now, I shall call you 'Voyeur' from now on."

"You're the one who gave me that Imperial Arm in exchange of mine."

"Hahaha. But how was it?"

"Hehehe. Definitely worth the deal." Lubbock gave me a thumbs up.

"What about Najenda? Did you see it?" I asked, grinning.

Lubbock had a perverted grin on his face,

"Of course, everything."

"What did you saw in me, Lubbock?" Najenda suddenly walked by chance behind Lubbock and asked him.

She's wearing a black undershirt and blue jeans.


While Najenda was drying her hair with a towel, she sat down on a chair beside the table.

When Lubbock was about to scream, I immediately close his mouth to stop him from waking up my daughter Nana.

I need think of something to cover for him.

Looking around, I saw Yunyun together with Megumin, Komi, Bocchi, Maple, Sayo and Kurē playing in the water.

I have to evacuate everyone before the Empire's army attack again.

After this picnic, I have to teleport everyone to Soviet Yunyun for their own safety.

Glancing back to Najenda,

"Nothing really... Lubbock said that you look cool and beautiful."

Lubbock became embarrass and grabbed my collar, shaking me.

"Hmmmp! Hmmmp!" he got angry at me.


Najenda sighed,

"Well... I heard that a lot from girls in the Headquarters." she said, lighting up a cigarette then smoked.

"Ah, that's right! Do you guys want to see my new country?"

"You mean, The Soviet Yunyun?" Najenda asked.

"Yes. We're all going there after this picnic."


"Okay then, I'll teleport everyone there later."


"Sun, I heard from your girlfriends that you're real name is Harukin. It sounds really strange."

"Pffffft!" All the guys snickered at me except Susanno who's focusing himself on cooking.

"Do you want me to call you by your real name?"

"No, please don't."

"Adam, I want to sleep for now. Wake me up later before we have a meal." Reginleif spoke, tugging my shirt.


I pointed my left index finger towards her.

"There's no need to do that anymore."

She suddenly hugged me on my waist,

"Divine Treasure Forge... Völundr!"

She disappeared, turning into a knuckleduster on my right hand.

"Is she an Imperial Arm?" Najenda asked curiously.

"No, it's not. I think it's a little different." Susanoo suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Susanoo forrowed his eyebrows while staring in the weapon in my hand,

"I can sense a terrifying power on that weapon."

I took off the knuckleduster in my hand and put it in my pocket.

"This is actually a divine weapon. A single punch with this can destroy my enemies into pieces if they're not strong to take the blow."


Susanoo glanced at everyone in the river.

"Not just that, some of your girlfriends are very strong just seeing their aura especially those two girls sitting together on a big rock." he pointed at Erza and Mirajane.


"Also that little girl with black bob hair and another little girl with long braided pink hair." he pointed at Maple and Krul.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise when he felt something.

Everyone was also got alerted.


They all jumped away, looking behind them.


They saw no one.

"What's was that!? I just felt someone behind us." Tatsumi was looking around.

"There's no mistake, it's a bloodlust from someone." Bulat said, scanning around.

Najenda stood up and became alerted.

"The enemy is just around us and he can blend with the surroundings. Everyone, be careful!" Susanoo spoke.

I can feel it too. The strange was it is not a bloodlust but a perverted gaze.

"Behind us!"

Susanoo and Bulat suddenly felt something again and quickly turned around and threw a punch together.



They were shock when their fist stopped only by a index finger.

The one who appeared before them was the Perverted Goddess in her fake Rem form.

There's a blood on her face and hands while giving them a menacing smile.


She pushed away the two of them, making them stumbled on the ground.


"Who are you!?" Tatsumi asked, feeling terrified of her because of a tremendous pressure that she's emitting.

I immediately went towards the Perverted Goddess and hit her with a karate chop,


"Why can't you just show yourself normally!?" I scolded her, hitting more her head several times.

"Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw!"

After that, she squatted down, holding her head in pain.

"Sun-kun! It hurts." she glanced at me with tears in her eyes.

"You disappeared just now. Where did you go,?" I asked.

"Sun-kun, it looks like you need more meat for everyone so I decided to hunt some delicious looking danger beast just for you."

"Thank you, Earth-chan. Where is it?"

"It's piled on the camp."

"I'll clean it up then cook it later." I walked towards the Perverted Goddess, taking out a towel from my dimensional storage.

"Earth-chan, you should wash your face first before you come here." I wiped her face to clean up the blood in her skin.


(To be continued.)

(A/N: 3 Million more before the Rick roll song gets 1 Billion views. I'll fix my mistakes later.)