Chapter 152: Endgame

Chapter 152: Endgame

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -

"Unlimited Blade Works."

When my incantations has been completed, the ground shattered below me and everything around suddenly burst into flames.

It was an illusionary flame that does not emit any heat that spread out to form a boundary and wall for the Bounded Field.


"What's happening?" Esdeath was alerted, watching was happening around us.

Suddenly, a bright light shrouded our vision then we appeared on a open, barren desert with clear sky and bathed in a high noon sun.

It is place filled with countless number of swords planted on the ground like grave markers in a wasteland but it looks new and well preserved.


Esdeath was surprised, looking around.


"Witness, Esdeath. You're the first one to see this ability of mine. This place is called Reality Marble. A reflection of my inner world."

Actually, most of the sword here are made by myself and sold it to my customers. But no matter how many sword I create and sell, my family's debt won't decrease.

The high noon sun symbolizes the source of my strength and this barren wasteland represents the challenges that happening in my lives that I have to overcome.

I'll end her with the this ability.

Raising my right hand, most the sword planted on the ground got uprooted, floating in the air.

"You're really very strong, Sun. Where does such strength derive?" she curiously asked.

"In order to protect my friends and love ones from harm."

I said something cringey but it's true.

Actually I'm already strong enough with just few cheats but that perverted Goddess just keep in increasing it, making me more overpowered.

"I cannot possibly understand..."

"It's love, Esdeath. That's driving me to become more strong unlike you who just loves to trample lives of others wouldn't possibly understand."

"That's the way this world works, Sun. Only the strongest will survive."


She really upholds her father's philosophy.

But, that's the only way for her to survive in this kind of cruel and world.

I can't really blame her that she turned out like this.

This made me hate this kind of worlds more.

"Then I'll change this world."

Esdeath frowned at me,

"Oh, Do you really think you can? Looks like you're overestimating yourself."

"Of course, I can!"

As I about to snap my fingers,

"Cause I am... inevitable."


All the swords floating above pointed at her then launched like an arrow, showering on her.

Esdeath immediately created a large and thick ice barrier to protect herself.

Her ice barrier was slowly getting destroyed by a large number of swords raining down on her but she able to maintain it.

"I'm not finish yet. There's more..."

"Gate of... Harukin!"

Several glowing void opened out of empty air instantly, facing towards her in all directions.

Different kinds of weapons was passing out through on each opened void.

I launched some weapons behind her,


She didn't notice it and hit her back several times.

She wasn't able to maintain her ice barrier anymore and the swords that rained upon her broke through, hitting her.

Several sword stabbed through her body and her left arm was cut down as it flew away from her.

"Arrrghh!" she screamed in pain.

I immediately halted all the swords.

Watching her condition right now, I felt really worse.

It's really felt painful deep inside me.

But I have to will myself.

I don't want her to suffer anymore.

But I noticed that my body was trembling.

I want to finish her already but my body won't move.

Esdeath was still standing but she was bleeding from grave injury.

She should died from that.

Suddenly, she rushed towards me with her sword pointing at me.

I want end this already.

But my body won't still budge as she get close to me.

The truth is... I don't want to hurt her anymore.

All I could do was to close my eyes.


The attack didn't come and I felt nothing.

Opening my eyes, I saw her sword halted close to my neck.

"Why are you crying?" she asked.


I noticed some tears falling from my eyes.

"I don't know..." I responded.

Pulling back her sword, letting go of it.


"You had a very cold expression just now but you're hesitating to finish me... You passed the chance and decided not to do it."

"And crying in front of your enemy? I don't know what is wrong with you."

"That might even kill you someday, Sun."

She was scolding me.

All I can do is look away.

I was ashamed of myself.

"But... I've kind of little understand now how you feel just now."


Hearing what she said, I glanced back at her is surprise.

"In the end, I hesitated and wasn't able to do it too."

"I wanted to be with you more, Sun but I guess..."


She coughed up a lot of blood.

"...It's already... too late... for me."

"Esdeath! Hmmp!"

She suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me, kissing my lips.

A crack appeared on my Reality Marble then it shattered returning back to the real world.

All the sword stabbed on Esdeath's body disappeared, dispersing into small light particles.


Letting go of my lips, she gave me her most beautiful smile with our forehead touching with each other.


"Sorry, Sun... but this will be the last..."


She fell down on my chest lifelessly as I immediately hold on her in my arms.


I tried to shake her,

"How warm..." she mumbled with a satisfied smile.

After that, there was no any response from her.

She's already dead.

I sat on the ground with her dead body in my arms.

Before I noticed, the sky started to dim with the clouds getting darker.


The sky rumbled with the sound of thunder.

Then it started to rain.

I was unnoticeably crying because my tears was getting swept by rain.

While getting showered by the rain, I realized just now that the "H" in Akame ga Kill stood for Happy Ending.

Reginleif was watching me in the distance, standing under the shade of this ruined palace.


Suddenly, I heard a familiar female voice in my head.

*Sun-sama! Can you hear me? Please respond!*

"What is it, Tenshi-san?" I responded.

She's the angel that replaces the goddess trio and I in the Heavenly Realm if we're not available or sick.

She's the one who's doing the work of those three goddess and currently guiding young deceased people from Japan to the afterlife.


*Sun-sama, please... help me!*

She sounds restless.

"What's wrong?"

*Aqua-sama and Eris-sama including Gaia-sama are not responding to me? I have a lot of things to do from the compiled work left by the goddesses to me. And I can't do the job of guiding souls to the afterlife right now.*

"You mean?"

*That's right, please come here in the Heavenly Realm and do the job for me. Please, I begging you!*


"What about my quest? Won't it be cancelled?" I asked.

*Don't worry. As long as your only soul come here, it won't be cancelled.*

"Okay, fine then..."

*Thank you, Sun-sama!*

I took a deep breath,

"Paimon!" I shouted loudly.


"Paimon reporting for duty!"

Paimon appeared out of nowhere near me.


When she saw Esdeath's dead body in my arms,

"What?! Harukin, why did you kill her? She was your potential lover. You're so cruel!"

"Shut up, Paimon! I don't have any other choice. She will hurt others if I don't do this."


Paimon suddenly hugged my head.

"Paimon... what are you doing?"

"Paimon can sense that you're in pain because we are one entity."


"Anyway, I called you here Paimon to bring my soul to the Heavenly Realm."

"Okay, Harukin... leave it to me!"

Paimon immediately touched my forehead and everything turned blank.


When my consciousness returned, I appeared in the paradise of Garden of the Gods.

It's still full of beautiful sceneries.

Beside me, I saw a beautiful angel with tired expression.

"Sun-sama, thank you for coming to my call." she slightly bowed to me.

"Tenshi-san, are you okay? You look very tired."

"I'm okay, I just have to rest a little bit." she said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll scold those three goddess for you."

"Hehe... Thank you, Sun-sama. You're really reliable."

"I'm going now. How many souls do I have to guide?"

"Only one..."


"I'm going back now..."

The angel stopped me,

"Wait, Sun-sama! I can't deal with someone like her. She's very scary! Aqua-sama and Eris-sama are the one who's usually dealing with someone like her. Right now, she's spacing out in reincarnating room and not responding to me."


I sighed,

"Okay then..."

"Good luck, Sun-sama! I wish for your safe return."

"What!?" I immediately glanced at her.

"Nothing!" she quickly looked away from me.

She sounds suspicious.

I teleported to the reincarnating room.

(To be continued.)

(Next Chapter<<<)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)