Chapter 159: Ah, My Mute Goddess

Chapter 159: Ah, My Mute Goddess

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Chelsea's POV)

- Akame ga Kill World -


Looking around,

"Where am I?"

I was confused.

I remembered that we're partying with Sun last night as celebration for the defeat of Empire. The Emperor and Prime Minister has been already captured and brought to the Revolutionary Army Headquarters.

The Prime Minister will be tortured more then he will be executed by the people who suffered from his reign. The emperor will turned into slave upon request of Sun and Najenda accepted it with no problem.

It seems Sun told something to the Emperor which made him really hate his Prime Minister.

I wonder where Sun getting his information? He's really strange as his appearance. I'm really curious.

What really his real identity?

When I asked his family and love ones about information about him, I didn't get anything. What they're telling me is he has few screw on his head, he's a scumbag, he's a pervert, he's an idiot, a womanizer and other negative comments about him. But the way they talk about him is completely different. They were blushing as they say bad things about him.

It's really strange.

Now, the Empire will be reformed and turned into a peaceful Kingdom.

Our job now is to hunt down the remaining scum who escaped from the Capital.


Walking around, I arrived on a plains with full of beautiful flowers.

'This is really nice." I smiled, watching the beautiful sceneries.

Now, the end of the battle that we're waiting for is near.

"Everything was thanks to Sun."

Suddenly, I heard something rustling on the bushes.

"What is that?" I turned towards the direction where the sound came from.


I heard someone running.

"What was that? What's happening over there?"

"Huh? That's..."

My eyes widened is surprise when I saw a person with the same appearance as mine.

"What's going on?"

She's exactly look like me!

I noticed two people chasing her very fast.

It's a man holding a long spear with large blade and woman holding a gun.

The girl with same appearance as mine was bleeding from her left hand. I noticed that all of her fingers on her left hand are severed.

She runs as very fast as her life depends on it.

When I saw her ran out of the forest, I saw the man jumped and landed in front of her.

The man swung his weapon and quickly cut her right arm.


The woman shoots her back, piercing her stomach.

She fell and laid down on the bed of flowers unable to escape her fate of death.

The man grabbed her neck as she watched the sky while crying.

The man pointed the blade on her neck.


He sliced her neck, decapitating her head.

When the man raised her decapitated head, my body trembled watching what just happening right now.

I felt terror seeing the copy of myself getting killed in front of me.

My knees fell on the ground as I trembled.

"What happening here? Why am I seeing myself getting killed? This must be a nightmare! Sun already ended the empire and it will be turned into new kingdom soon... Why am I dreaming this?"

I held my head with both of my hand, trying to wake myself from this nightmare.

Suddenly, everything around shrouded by light.


Covering my eyes,


Suddenly, I appeared in the town.

"Where is this place?"

I looked around,

My eyes widened in surprise as my face went paled in shock, seeing my head stacked on the pole.


"Wha-What is this? Why am I seeing this!? This isn't true? I am still alive!"

Suddenly, the severed head opened her eyes and glanced at me with conceited expression, smiling at me.


"This is true! And this is your real fate!" it yelled at me.

I got terrified.


Before I noticed,


I can't feel my body.

When I looked down, I saw myself as a severed head stacked on pole.

"No... No... No... This isn't true. Please! Someone wake me up from this nightmare! I can't take this anymore! Please... Anyone... I'm begging you. Please help me wake up from this nightmare!"


"Paimon heard your call! Paimon to the rescue!"

A floating child suddenly appeared in front me,



"Yes! Wait! What happened to you, Chelsea? You became a human lollipop."


"Hmm... Paimon guess what they say is true, Chelsea... You really what you eat."

"You ate too much Lollipop that you turned yourself into a lollipop. Wahahaha!"


This pipsqueak... she making fun of me!

"That is not funny!" I retorted.

"You told Paimon that you could be anything using your Imperial Arm... so you decided to become a lollipop yourself. Wahahaha!"


A vein popped on my forehead.

She's so annoying!

"I didn't! Stop messing around, Paimon! Come and help me here already."

"Okay! Okay! Paimon will help you but there's still a problem."

"What is it?" I asked.

"This will keep happening everytime you sleep and dream. This nightmare will keep haunting you for the rest of your life."

"What!? Why?"

"Actually, your future has changed."

"What do you mean?"

"The things happened to you in your nightmare was your real future." she explained.

"You mean?"

"You should become a lollipop for real."

"That's not a good joke."

"But because of Harukin's existence here in this world, it was changed and you're still alive here eating lollipop."

"Please stop with the lollipop thing!"

"Anyway, to end this nightmare of yours. You have to become Harukin's familiar and stay by his side."

"Why would I have to become his woman!?" I angrily asked.

"Paimon didn't tell you to become his lover. Being friends with him is enough. Aren't the two of you already living together in this base as comrades? Ever since he leaved and went somewhere, you started to have this nightmare, right?"


"That's because... Aside from Akame and Esdeath, you're the closest female to Harukin in this world. Akame survived in the future while Esdeath already became Harukin's familiar. You're the one who got inflicted by the nightmare."


"What is he really?"

"Sorry, Chelsea. Paimon can't tell you that because it's confidential unless you're his system friend or familiar. All I can tell you is the world is rejecting you who's close to the one who changed it. It was your fate to die but it was changed. That's why, the things that should happen to you became a nightmare on your sleep."

I was speechless by Paimon's explanation.

Who is Sun really?

I am really curious.

I guess it's not that bad to become his familiar.

I wanted to unveil all the things about him and know the truth about his mysterious existence.

"Fine then... I'll become his familiar."

"You've finally decided."

"What am I going to do?"

"First! Paimon will wake you up. Paimon will turned you first into his familiar then I can explain things to you. After that, give me some of your lollipops."


Suddenly, my vision darkened and everything turned blank.

It was pass midnight when I woke up.

Paimon fed me something and a screen appeared in front me, asking me to become Sun's mistress and take me home.

I accepted it according to Paimon's instruction and became his familiar.

It was easy.

Paimon explain things about Sun's identity and I was completely shock.

I never thought that he was actually a half god and he came from a different world.

I became more interested in him but not in romantic way, okay?

After that, I gave Paimon some of lollipops then went back to sleep.

It already a sweet and peaceful dream.


Back to the present.

(Harukin's POV)

Teleporting back to Night Raid base and meeting everyone one last time before we go back home in our home world,


Akame immediately noticed me in the hallway,

"Sun!" she quickly went towards me.

I smiled at her,

"Before we go back, do you want me to cook you some meat?"

Suddenly, she became sad.

"Is it the last one you do it for me?"


It can't be helped then...

Opening my friend system, I added her on my friend list.

"Akame, just touch the 'Yes' in the screen."

When a holographic screen appeared in front of her, I read it together with her.


Become my wife and I'll feed you a lot of delicious meat forever.

[Yes] [No]



"Akame, please don't listen--"


Akame immediately clicked 'Yes'.

A screen appeared in front of me,


Friend System

Friend List (9/9)

Hyakuya Akane (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Erza Scarlet (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Katsura Hinagiku (Resting) [Chat] [Move]

Honjou Kaede (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Megumin (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Komi Shouko (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Hitori Bocchi (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Tokisaki Kurumi (Bored) [Chat] [Move]

Akame (Hungry) [Chat] [Move]

[Add a friend]

[Create a Chat Group]

[Random Invite]

Summon Beings (8/10)



Mirajane Strauss(Busy)


Dustiness Ford Lalatina(M)


Esdeath Partas (Annoyed)




"With this, you can now travel to my home world whenever you wanted. I'll prepare a lot of delicious food for you."

"Is that true?"


She beautifully smiled then hugged me.


I noticed something on the list of my summoned beings,

"Huh? Chelsea? Since when?!"

I remember... the only one I can who can do this,

"Paimon!" I yelled.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

(Update: Just fixed some. My eyes are already close when I wrote this.)

Wa hahaha Was hahaha Was hahaha Was hahaha