Chapter 163: It was Paimon All Along

Chapter 163: It was Paimon All Along

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

In a beautiful plains inside my dream, I was sitting under the shade of the tree.

"Nee~ Nee~ Father, please do the quest and summon me now.I want to play outside too." my daughter Yaoyao pestered me behind as she plays with my platinum blonde hair.

"Sorry, my little princess.. but you have to wait here for now. My quest hasn't showed up yet and I can't do the quest without the event happening yet."

She just pouted at me.


"Don't worry, I'll do the quest quickly and summon you when the event happened. Just have a little patience, okay?"


Sayu yawned who's sitting on my lap,

"Papi is right. You should patiently wait here and rest for now." she stretched her arms.


"All you do is to sleep all day, Sayu."

"That's because Sayu wants to grow up quickly and become an adult."


I sighed,

"Enjoy being a child, Sayu. Being an adult is quite hard and you'll have a lot of responsibilities."

"How do you know that Father even though you're also a child just like us." Yaoyao asked me curious.


Okay, I'll try to explain to them.

With serious expression,

"Yaoyao... Sayu... Listen to me. Becoming an adult is different for everyone. For some young people, it means living on your own or going away for something. For others, it means starting your first real job and becoming financially independent. No matter what the circumstances are, becoming an adult means taking responsibility for your life." I explained to them.


They were silent as they stared blankly at me.

"I don't understand." the two of them responded at the same time.

"Ugh!" I fell down.

After those explanation I gave them...


I hugged both of them.



That just means they're still to young to understand.

And I want it to stay the way they are now until they grew up.

Becoming an adult sucks, you know?

Responsibilities will chase you down whenever you are.

I'm still a child but I'm already paying all the bills and dealing with troubles made by my parents.

I'm in another world already but problem are still coming to me.

And those things, I don't want my children to experience it.

The parents should be troubled by their children and not the other way around.

I tickled both on their side,

"Tickle Tickle Tickle."

"Hehehe~ Father, stop it! Hahahaha!"

"Papi! Hehehehe~"

After coddling with my daughters, morning already arrived and I woke up.

The first thing I see Komi-san's beautiful face sleeping closely to me.


"Huh?" I slightly blushed.

I remember that our daughter Diona was sleeping between us.

Glancing below when I felt something heavy on top my legs,


I saw my daughter Diona sleeping on top of my legs.

I guess she moved around a lot when she sleeps.

Sitting up, I carried her back to our side between me and Komi-san then covered her with a blanket.

I glad she didn't wake up from that--


I noticed Komi-san moved, sitting up.

She really is beautiful like a goddess even though she just woke up in the morning.

She rubbed her left eye as she glanced at me.

Being amaze by her beauty, my eyes widened when I saw her cleavage.

Her flawless alluring thighs, I can't stop myself from gazing at them.

They're too irresistible.




Diona woke up, rubbing her eyes.

I was interrupted as I glanced at our cute daughter.


I sighed then smiled at them,

"Good morning, Komi-san. Good morning, my little princess."

Noticing me,

"Good morning too, Dad." Diona responded as she yawned.

Komi-san quickly panic as she can't find her notes.

She became embarrassed,

"... Good... Morning." she tried her best to respond for me.

"Hehehe..." I giggled.

But deep inside me,

Waaaahh!!! She's so adorable!

I want to hug her right now.

"Okay, you two go ahead and wash your faces. I'll wait here while checking on something." I said, I jumping out of the bed.

"Yes, Dad!"

Komi-san just nodded at me, going together with our daughter Diona outside the room.

Grabbing my Adventurer's card on top of the side table, I checked my morning stats.




Gender: Male

Age: 12

Race: Demi-God

Lv 311

Job Class: Arch Wizard


Strength <72431>

Vitality <72431>

Magic Power <72431>

Dexterity <23426>

Agility. <31738>

Luck <15>

Intelligence <160>

Active Skills

Passive Skills

Skill Points <420>

Experience Points <77.77%>



It still rising in every seconds and I can see that it was glitching same as Eris's Adventurer's card.

My sunshine ability is still active.

I still don't know what is going on but I'll try again,

Opening my dimensional storage,

"It's..." A void opened in an empty space.

"It's working now!" I took out a small bag of money.

I raised my left arm sideward,

"Partial Requip... Left Arm!

My left arm covered by black aura and it turned into a black spiky gauntlet.

Looking at my left arm and moving it around,


The black gauntlet disappeared, turning back into black aura and dispersed.

"Next is..."

I conjured the sword Murasame in my hand and it appeared with green lightning flickering around it.

Swinging it around,

"It's also working now." I made the sword disappeared as I threw it upwards and it dispersed into small light particles.

"I guess I don't need test the others."


The door opened and I saw Komi-san and Diona entered together.

Diona ran towards me,

"Dad! What are we going to today?" she excitedly asked me.

Glancing at Komi-san, she was already in her summer uniform.

Right now, she was stretching her arms and body.

"Komi-san, do you have something you want to eat?" I asked her as I patted the head of our daughter Diona.


When Komi-san glanced at me, she slightly blushed.


Being embarrassed, she took out her notes from her bag then wrote something.

She showed me,

[Anything is fine.]

She wrote another,

[I can't be picky.]

"Don't worry, Komi-san. I can now access my dimensional storage. You can now order whatever you wanted."

[I can't indulge myself in that.]

She wrote on another page,

[You've been paying for everything.]


She's really such a good girl.

I'm liking her even more.

"Komi-san... It's fine to rely on me at a time like this. You're in another world right now and you don't have anything brought with you here aside from your clothes."

I became embarrassed,

"Also... this might too sudden but you've became the real mother of this child. That's why as a father of this child, I have to take responsibility of properly taking care of you as my... as my..."

I looked at Komi-san with serious expression,

"As my wife!"



I noticed that Komi-san froze while blushing hard.

"Komi-san, are you okay?" I went close to her.

"Sorry, Komi-san... I know this is too sudden. We can take our time together."

What have I done!?

This really shocked her.

She looked down in embarrassment then write something on her notes.

I felt nervous.

"Mom..." Diona looked at her with teary-eyes.


She shoved her notes near to my face,


Reading it,


I became really happy from her response.

She wrote another then showed me,

[But let's take our time.]

I just smiled at her,

"Yeah, I'm really fine with that."

"Mom!" Diona jumped, hugging her.

Komi-san hugged her back.

I want to join them but I guess it's not the right time yet.

"Yosh! We're having a grand feast today."

"It's all on me!" I said with a proud tone, pointing at myself.

"Yay!" Diona jumped in joy.

[Is it really okay?] Komi-san asked worriedly.

"It's fine! This is not my home world anyway."

"Without my debt collecting parents, I'm the riches person in this world."

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

I heard several powerful explosion from outside the window.

Oh, that must be the Megumin from Kazuma's Party.

Well, she's not my twin sister anyway.

Because, there's only one Nee-san for me and she has better thighs than the Megumin here.

"Wait! That's a lot of explosion! Is that really her?" I looked outside the window.


Paimon appeared out of nowhere,

"Where did you just go? I've been looking for you!"

"We talk about that later! This is bad, Harukin! Nana and Kurē just destroyed a property with bombs and it looks very expensive!"

"Eh? Nana? Kurē? What are they doing here?"

"Paimon will explain later. Let go quickly to them or else they'll destroy another properties."


Paimon noticed Komi-san with our daughter Diona,

"Eh... You're good, Harukin."

"Congratulations, Komi-san... You're now Harukin's 18th girlfriend."

Komi-san blushed, looking away from me.

So adorable!!!

"Anyway, Harukin... Let's go now or else you've get bankrupted!"


Glancing at Komi-san,

"Komi-san, you two go ahead in the guild and order anything you want. I'll go there after dealing with the problem caused by Nana and Kurē."


"See you two later!" I said, jumping out from the window.

I rushed towards the direction of explosions.

"Nana! Kurē!" I yelled.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)