Chapter 164: Esdeath Vs Lalatina

Chapter 164: Esdeath Vs Lalatina

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

After taking care of the damages did by my daughters, I walked back with the two of them while holding their hands.

"Now Paimon, what are they doing here? Shouldn't they with there mothers?"

"Sorry, Harukin. Paimon will explain everything later if it just us with Maple and that green cabbage."

"I can't use any of my special abilities last night."

"Paimon will tell that later too."


"What kind of recipe do you want me to cook you?"

"I want meat--Wait! Paimon told you that I'll explain everything later!" Paimon retorted.

"I thought it was something nonsense."

"Nonsense? Paimon was just helping you because you've been depressed when the magic item didn't work with Hinagiku."


"It seems like the compatible mother changed to Komi-san."

"So everything what happened last night was your fault?" I concluded.

"It's Paimon's brilliant plan to help you with Komi-san and summon your daughter with her."

"Now, everything works fine and it's up to you what will happen from here on with the two of you."

"Now, praise me and treat me a lot of delicious food."

"Aren't you the food here?"

"Hey! Stop treating as a emergency food!"

"Hahaha... Well, thank you for helping me summon Diona. Order what you want on the guild later."

"Yay!" Paimon flew around me in joy.

"Oh, that's right! Gaia-sama told Paimon to give this to you."

Paimon took something from her sleeve and gave it to me,

"What's this?"

It was a small green obsidian and I can feel a very strong energy inside it.


"She told Paimon that this is called Gaia Stone and it carries inside the power of Earth itself."

"Then what I'm going to do with this? Throw away?"

"Don't! She said you have to swallow it."

"I refuse!"


"This thing is so suspicious as long as that perverted Goddess is the one who gave it? Maybe it's something that make you magically fall in love with her."

"What's the point of that if you two are already dating?"

"Oh, I forgot!"

"You're horrible..."

"Fine! I just have to swallow this, right?" I threw it very high.

"What are you trying to do?"


I lifted my head, opening my mouth.

When the stone dropped, I caught it with my mouth and swallowed it.



Suddenly, I felt something surging magical power inside me.

"Wow, Daddy. That's was amazing!" Kurē yelled.

A holographic screen bar appeared in front me,

[Initializing Upgrade... 1%... 36%... 69%... 99%... 100%]

"What? Upgrade!? Don't tell me she..."

[Upgrade Complete.]

[System detected a new ability from the user]

[Devil Fruit: Quake-Quake Fruit Ability has been detected from users body]

[Curse has been detected from the new ability]

[Removing unwanted curse... 1%... 45%... 67%... 100%]

[Remove Complete]

[Devil Fruit's weakness has been completely removed from the user's new ability]

[You can now destroy the world without permanently losing your ability to swim and getting weakened by sea stones]

"Destroy... the world?"

[You've gained a new ability called 'Haki', you have now the ability to use Observation Haki, Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki]


[You've gained a new ability called 'Pleasure Magic', you have now the ability to cast both 'pleasure and pain' on targets, only affecting those who have experienced the forbidden pleasures of life, and it can't be avoided]

"Pleasure Magic!? That Perverted Goddess! Isn't that Larcade's magic? She really done it!"

"Waaahhh! Gaia-sama didn't tell Paimon about this." Paimon spoke, looking at my screen.

"Umm... Daddy? What's wrong?" Kurē called, asking me.

"Huh?" I glanced down towards my daughter Kurē.

I stared at her.



"Hehe..." She adorably smiled on me.


I also smiled at her, patting her head.

Closing the holographic screen,

"That new magic ability will be sealed for now."

"Let's go."

We went together to the guild.


Arriving, we enter together inside the guild building,

"Dad!" Diona ran towards me.

"Mom and I already ordered a lot. We're just waiting for you."

"Okay okay, We're going now."

"Huh?" Diona glanced at Kurē and Nana.

She gave them a smile,

"Hello! Nana and Kurē. My name is Diona." she introduced herself.

"Dio?" Kurē misheard her name.

"Not Dio, it's Diona nyah!" Diona retorted.

"Anyway, come and join us eat since we're going to be siblings from now on."

"Yay!" Kurē rejoiced.

Nana just raised her hands with stoic expression.


The three of them ran then sit together on the dining table with Komi-san.

When Komi-san glanced at me,

I smiled, waving my hand at her.

She blushed then looked away from me in embarrassment.

That was so cute...

"Now, you have two more daughters left to summon."

"Yeah, good luck to me."

When I turned around, ordering more food from the counter,



Suddenly, someone bumped on me.


When I looked at the person, my eyes widened in surprise.

I saw Maple who just fell on the floor.

"Ouch... Wait! Why does it feel hurt?" she said, touching her head.


"Huh? That voice!"

When she glanced at me, she looked at me in surprise.


She became teary-eyed,


She immediately stood up and hugged me on my waist.

"Huh? What happened to you?" I asked.

"Sun-kun! Everyone disappeared suddenly when I followed them here from the portal!"


"Now, I don't know where I am and I got lost on the woods! I was really hungry!"

"What!? Where's your cabbage guide?"

"Sun! I finally found you!"

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice, shouting furiously at me.

When I glanced at source of that voice, I saw Esdeath glaring at me while covered and dripping in a slime at the entrance of the guild building.

"Esdeath, what happened--No! Nevermind. I understand now."

She tried to fight those giant toads in that condition without any weapons.

Of course, she'll lose just like Krul.

"Sun... tell me! What have you really done to me!?" she walked towards me while getting angry.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I was confused by her.

"I can't use my ice abilities properly!" she responded.

"Your body is still not in condition to fight, Esdeath. You should rest for several days."

"I can't wait that long!"

"Sun-kun, this is bad! I can't find Ai-chan around." Maple shook me.

"Ai-chan? Oh, that green cabbage... You might unnoticeably eaten her because you're hungry when you got lost."

"Sun-kun, I didn't! She just disappeared out of nowhere."

"We'll look for her later, okay? Join us for breakfast for now."

Maple calmed down,

"Sun-kun, thank you very much..." she said, being teary-eyed.


I sighed,

"Ummm... Excuse me?"


It was the waitress,

"That girl covered in slime..." she pointed at Esdeath.

"Is she your friend?"

"Yes!" I responded.

"No! He's her girlfriend." Paimon followed.

"Eh? Then who's this girl beside you?" the waitress pointed at Maple who's very close to me.

"She's my--"

"Girlfriend!" Paimon interrupted me.


"Eh?" she glanced at Esdeath.

Then she glanced at Maple,


Maple blushed, being surprised.

The waitress turned towards the dining table where Komi-san and my three daughters are sitting,

"Eehhhh!!!?" she completely shock.

"Did you just hear that?"

"Huh?" I looked around.

Before I noticed, everyone around inside the guild was whispering with each other as they looked at me with contempt.

"That guy... isn't he already have a very beautiful wife and cute daughters? Yet, he has another two girls with him. What a scumbag!"

"He look so young but he has family already? Look! He had another girl hugging him and the other one was bathed in something slimy. Is this his play? Poor girl..."

"This guy getting it on... Having a harem. I'm jealous--No! He's a trash!"

I'm hearing a lot of jealous and bad things from the people inside the guild.


"It's better to tell them quickly and get used to it."


"So that they won't hit on them because they're already yours."


I glanced towards the waitress,

"This girlfriend of yours..."

We glanced at Esdeath,

"Can you take her to the bath first?"

"She really stinks." she covered her nose.


Poor Esdeath...

I guess we have to take a bath first.

We just decided to order a take out and place all the food on my dimensional storage for the being.

I apologize to Komi-san and my daughters.

It's seems they really don't mind and just decided to take a bath with us.

After we walked out from the guild building, we directly went together to the bathhouse to relax.

I wanted to the women's bath but this is a different world. No one recognized me here as a 12 years old child because of my teenage appearance.

While soaking in a hot bath in men's bath, I'm still wearing my eye patch.

I don't want to reveal for now that I'm a Crimson Demon.

"The heat is not enough." I complained as I didn't feel the heat of the bath.


"Paimon! Please wash my daughters for now!" I yelled to the other side.

"Yes!" she responded.

"Daddy! Why won't you come here? You always wash our hair in here."

"Sorry, Kurē. This is not our home world right now. I can 't go to that side."


"Nana! Kurē! Where are going?"

"Dat Da-da!"

"You! I won't get defeated by you!" I heard Lalatina's voice, being turned on.

Well, it's a different Lalatina and not my fiancee.


I sighed,

"I wanted to bath on the lava."

I should taken Bol's Imperial Arm and bath myself in its flames.

"Nana! Kurē! Wait! Don't run!"

Standing up,

"I'm out of here."

I teleported, arriving in the male dressing room in a flash.

Taking a throwing knife inside the basket where I put clothes.

"Gyaaaah!" someone screamed beside me and stumbled on the floor in surprise.


When I glanced at him, my eyes widened in surprise.

A naked young man covered with a white towel below. He has a slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes.


"You scared me! Why did just appeared out of nowhere!?" he pointed at me, complaining.


This guy...

She's Nee-san future boyfriend and also the leader of their party.





I glanced at the entrance, I saw my daughter Nana and Kurē entered the dressing room.

They're only covered in bath towels.

"I want Daddy to wash Kurē's hair."

"Nana too."


'Wait! Huh?"

I remembered that there's another guy with me in this dressing room.

I stiffly glanced at him with darkened expression,

"Satou Kazuma..." I mumbled with menacing tone.

"Eh? Have we met somewhere?"

"Not yet... You saw it did you?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" he responded, sweating profusely.

"Wah!" He suddenly reddened, glancing to my daughters.

"Ah! My towel fell." Kurē spoke.

I conjured a large claymore in my hands, lifting it up.

"I'll castrate you!"

His face went paled,

"Gyaaaaaah!!!" he screamed.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma Rip Kazuma