Chapter 169: Konosuba Side Part 1007

Chapter 169: Konosuba Side Part 1007

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -


In the guild, sitting on the dining table.

"Sun-kun is taking his time... Everyone what are we going to do?" Maple asked, leaning her upper body on the table.

She's bored and nothing to do because the quest is locked without Haru bringing Sally in their party.

Esdeath was sitting beside her, leaning on the table while drinking her juice.

She can't drink alcohol because of her younger appearance. Even though she wanted but the bartender won't give her a booze.

It seems she doesn't care about any conversation if it's not Haru talking to her.

Right now, she sitting on a blonde crusader who's name is Lalatina and she's breathing heavily while being turned on.

Komi Shouko sitting in front them was watching over the three children playing together with Astolfo.

Nana and Kurē are riding on the back of Astolfo while he walks on all fours.

Diona pouted because there's no space on his back for her to ride.

She ran towards Komi her mother,

"Mom, I want to ride too." she pointed at them while tugging her mother's uniform.


Komi didn't say anything and went out of her seat.

She leaned down, walking on all fours.

Glancing on her daughter, she nodded.

"Yay!" Diona happily ride on her back.

All the guys around the guild are looking at them.

She noticed some men are trying to peek on her mother's skirt.

She glared at the them menacingly,

"Stop peeking at my mom or else I pluck out your eyes!" she spoke at them with sharp tongue.

All of them looked away from her, whistling.

Some of them are captivated by Esdeath beauty but when they tried to approach her, they felt a very dangerous aura that just getting close her will kill them. But when they noticed that there's a blonde, young woman crusader she's sitting on, they realized she's a sadist, making their face paler and stayed away from her.

Not far from their dining table, Kazuma and his friend which is a young man with a slender body, blonde hair, and a black mole under his left eye. His usual outfit consists of a neck choker, a red track jacket with cuffed sleeves, bandaged forearms, brown pants with tucked socks, and black shoes.


The two of them drinking, looking at the new beauties that arrived in the guild.

"Dust! Do you know these new people?" Kazuma asked, sipping his beer.

"Nope. This is the first time I saw them... But not bad... Those girls are high level beauties. Especially that tall girl with long dark purple hair. She looked like a goddess... Bad thing is... she seems to be already married and had one daughter who's riding on her back. Giiii~ her husband must be a lucky bastard having such a beautiful wife! I'm jealous!" Dust said then drink all his booze on his cup.

"One more!" he ordered another cup.

Kazuma drink also all the remaining beer on his cup.

"Me too!"

When they've been served another cup,

"That one with light blue hair seems to beautiful too but looking at your companion that she's sitting on, I better stay away from her or I'll suffer."

"Yeah! Those three companion of mine are doing anything they wanted and they're giving me a lot of problem, especially that Useless Goddess and right now... that masochist crusader is giving me headache. I don't want to meet another one of them."

'What kind of Isekai Life is this?!' he thought, being frustrated them.

"That girl wearing an black armor with short black hair. She's very cute and very approachable... But she's still a brat and not in my strike zone. I don't mind having her if she grew up few more years."

"Well... same to me."

Both of drink their cup,


They slam the cup on the table,

"Another please!" they yelled, raising their cup.

"Anyway... How about that chick with pink hair, Kazuma? Aren't she adorable? She really looks like a princess. She must be some kind of knight as her job class. What do you think?" Dust together with Kazuma glanced at Astolfo who's playing with the children.

"Hmmm... you're right. She's cute. I wonder where she's from..."

Astolfo noticed the glance of the two,

"Huh?... Hehe..." she just beautifully smiled at them, waving her hand.

The two of them was surprised,

"Did you see that, Kazuma? She waved at us! And she looks really cute!"

"Yeah... She looks cute. I wonder what's her name." Kazuma slightly blushed, being captivated by Astolfo.

"Come with me. Let's ask!" Dust stood up, going towards Astolfo.

"Yeah " Kazuma followed after him.


- Promised Neverland World -

Looking at the Statue created by Haru using his cursed version of magic.


[Play: SCP-173 Song "Waiting"]

"This is my statue golem is Mr. Peanut... named by my daughter Kurē because it shape like a peanut. Amazing, right?"

"Paimon read from your mind that this golem is not just scary, but also very dangerous." Paimon hid behind Haru's back.

"Of course... it attacc, it protecc, but most importantly, it crack your neck if you blink your eyes."


"Don't worry, it's made from my magic so it will only attack those I considered enemy like demons here and the goblins. It may also attack a human if it's someone hostile."


Thee statue disappeared all of sudden,

"Where did it go?"

"Suddenly, something grabbed Paimon's head from behind.

"Eh?" Her face went paled.

It was the statue appeared behind her, holding her head.


Paimon moved away quickly and grabbed Haru from his collar, shaking him.

"What is that for, Harukin?! That scared Paimon!"

Haru looked away, grinning.


"Ehe te Nandayo!"

"Now, I will leave this statue golem here to protect this place while we go to the another world."

"Will this really enough, Adam? What if this place was raided by army of demons" Reginleif asked.

"About that. This golem statue multiply if overwhelmed by numbers."

"Scary... Imagine alarge number of this attacking you." Haru tapped the statue.

"Anyway, let's go to another world."

When he turned around,


He saw the perverted Goddess in her Fake Rem form, smiling at him,


"Huh? Why are you--"

"Reginleif! This is really unfair! I'm working my butt off in the Heavenly Realm while you're enjoying yourself being with Sun-kun! I want to be with Sun-kun too!" Gaia complained.

"Tch!" Reginleif got annoyed, looking away from her.


Haru sighed,

"Earth, what about your piled jobs?" he asked with tired tone.

"I already finished mine, but Aqua and Eris has still a lot of work to finish."

"Wow! That was fast."

"Gaia-sama, did her work overnight without resting." Reginleif revealed.

"Go back home and sleep." Haru scolded Earth.

"Wait!" the perverted Goddess jumped, hugging Haru on his neck.

"Earth cannot live without Sun. That's why, I should be always by your side to stay alive, Sun-kun."

Haru looked at her with tired expression.

"Fine... do what you want! But don't cling to me to much, I still have something to do to start our quest." he just gave up.

"Quest? Isn't it on your home world? All the possible quest that will be given to you should be completed already when you arrived."

"Nope, it's in the parallel world to mine . More like, it's the real and original world where I shouldn't exist. Look!"

Haru opened his system and showed it to her,

"Huh?" he was surprised when he saw his quest progress.


Gamer System Quest (2/3)

Quest Requirements: Must have Maple's best friend 'Sally' in the party to unlock the quest.

(1,183,946/30,000) Defeat 30,000 Goblins (Locked).

(1/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Veldia (Locked).

(1/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Wiz (Locked).

(1/1) Defeat the Demon King's General Vanir in Keele's Dungeon (Locked).

(1/1) Save Alcanretia and defeat the Demon King's General Hans (Locked).

(1/1) Defend the Crimson Demon Village and defeat the general of the Demon King's army named 'Sylvia'.(Locked).

Failure: Can't redo the quest.


Excalibur Sword

3 Random Friend Invitation

Elixir of Life

God's Tongue

Disguising Glasses

Large Jingle Bell Hair Tie

Note: Quest will be completed and rewards will be given after unlocking System Quest.



"What happening?"

"I already told you. Those system quest should be completed already when you arrived."

"What do you mean?"

"Those events in that quest won't never happen because of your existence."

Earth pointed at the part of screen where the number goblins are already defeated.

"Look at this large number defeated goblins. This is the number of goblins you killed on your entire life."

"Wow... I didn't know that I already killed that many. That's a lot of dead goblins." Haru was amazed of himself.

"And the Demon King's Generals are too afraid of you so they tried their best to avoid going against you. That should be counted that you defeated them."

"Wiz already became your lover so that should count also."


"Now, we just have to unlock the quest and get the rewards. But Quest Requirements? You don't need to do that."

Earth grabbed his head,

"What are you trying to do again?" Haru asked.

"Don't move, Sun-kun. I going to kiss you. Chuuuu~"

She kissed him on his lips.


Haru just let her do it.

'Well... taste same as ever. It's salt water.' he thought.

When Earth let go of his lips,

Several holographic screen bar appeared in front of Haru,

[Defeating 30,000 Goblins has been completed.]

[Your reward ''Excalibur Sword" will be automatically placed to your Dimensional storage.]

[Defeating the Demon King's General Veldia has been completed.]

[Your reward ''3 Random Friend Invitation" will be automatically added to your Friend List.]

[Defeating the Demon King's General Wiz has been completed.]

[Your reward ''Elixir of Life" will be automatically placed to your Dimensional storage.]

[Defeating Demon King's General Vanir in Keele's Dungeon has been completed.]

[Your reward ''God's Tongue" will be automatically added to your special abilities.]

[Saving Alcanretia and defeating the Demon King's General Hans has been completed.]

[Your reward ''Disguising Glasses" will be automatically placed to your Dimensional storage.]

[Defending the Crimson Demon Village and defeating the general of the Demon King's army named 'Sylvia'. has been completed.]

[Your reward ''Large Jingle Bell Hair Tie" will be automatically placed to your Dimensional storage.]

[Gamer System Quest 2/3 has now been completed.]

[Reward 'Random Mystery Box' has been automatically placed on your dimensional storage.]

[Initializing Next World...]

[Initializing Completed.]

[Gamer System Quest 3/3 will be in 'One Piece World']

[Quest Conditions will appear upon arrival.]

[You may now advance to the next world.]

Haru glanced at Earth,

"Did you just tampered my system again?"

"Only a little. I did it to help you. At least be grateful to me. Now, we can go back."

"What about the quest on Maple?"

"Oh, that? Sorry, but it won't be counted on her since she wasn't there when you did it. She has to do the quest alone." Earth explained.


"Don't worry, she'll be fine. It's Konosuba World after all."


"Now, let's go back home and have a date. I have to charge my Sun-kun energy."

"Sorry, but I still can't."

"Eh, why?!"

"I promised Maple to bring her best friend to her. I can't go back empty-handed."

"Wow! You're so sweet, Sun-kun. How about to me too."

"Maybe next time."

"How horrible..."

"How about I take you on a date just the two of us if we arrived on Maple's world then."

"I absolutely accept! Yehey!" She rejoiced.

"Okay, let's go!"

Haru opened the gate and they entered together at the portal, leaving the statue golem alone.


It disappeared suddenly.

(<<==To be continued==)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)