Chapter 173: Highschool DxD Side Part 4

Chapter 173: Highschool Dxd Side Part 4

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

*Sun-kun? Sun-kun, wake up!*

Someone was tapping me.

*Wake up! The ride has already finished*


When I opened my eyes, I saw Earth's face close to me while she's shaking me.

"What are you doing, Sun-kun? Sleeping during the ride on roller coaster."

"Ah, sorry. I dozed off."


I yawned, stretching my arms.

Before I noticed, everyone around us are looking at me with weird expressions.

I just gave them a wry smile, scratching the back of my head.


Getting out of the carriage with Earth,

"Where will we go next?" she asked.

"How about the haunted house?" I answered.

"Oh, you wanted me to be scared and cling into you. Nice idea, Sun-kun!" she gave me a thumbs up.

- Haunted House -

When entered the Haunted house of the amusement park,


A ghost looking man tried to give us a jump scare.


We just walk passed him with no reaction.

"Huh?" he was confused.

Then he became depressed and walked away dejected, losing his confidence.

"Sun-kun, we work as a guide in the afterlife. We seen far more worse state and scarier appearance of people who died that we're already used it."

"Yeah, I remember..."


"Rawr!" a monster appeared behind, trying to scare us.

We just ignored him and walked ahead.

"Sun-kun, this is not scary at all. More like, it's awkward." Earth complained.

"Let's just go to another attraction."

While walking, I saw a well on our path.

"Now, I remember... there should someone inside this. During our cultural festival in my past life, we decided to do a haunted house. This really brings back memories..." I became excited, remembering things.

"There should be a ghost woman named Sadako inside this well, waiting to give a big scare." I peeked inside the well.

Earth just gave me smile.


Those no one inside l.

"What a let down..."

"Sun-kun, watch out!"


When I turned around,


I bumped on someone.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" I heard a female voice.

When I looked at her, my eyes widened in surprise.

I saw a tall woman with a long black hair, covering her face. She has a voluptuous body and wearing a long white dress.

"Sugoi Dekai!"


"Ara Ara. What's wrong? Sorry, if I scared you but I haven't start working yet because I have to go to the comfort room in hurry."

My face went paled.

"Sun-kun!" Earth pulled me all of sudden then clung to me.

"You're on a date with me, Sun-kun! Please don't look on other woman!" she scolded me.

She looks jealous right now.

"Sorry, Earth..."

After that, he quickly took me to the exit.

Riding together on a Ferris Wheel, Earth was pouting at me.

"I'm sorry already... It was an accident."

"What accident are talking about, Sun-kun? What I mean was you were ogling at that Sadako woman."


"You were looking at that woman's big boobs and thicc thighs. If you wanted them, you can grab mine and squish them hard!" she angrily said.


I looked at her with squinted eyes.

"Hmph!" she hmphed at me and looked away then she pouted again.


She sighed then she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"As punishment, Sun-kun. Stay still and don't move. I wanted to enjoy this moment with you." she smiled, being comfortable.

"Okay... Are you fine with only that?"

"Even though it's a boring date... it's fine as long I'm with you."


I slightly blushed from what she said then I just smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Hehe..." she happily laughed.

"Are you falling to me even more now?" she asked.

"Yeah... but I still wanted to hit you. Please try transforming again into Malty."

"You're horrible... I won't do that again."

After riding the ferris wheel, we bought souvenirs and snacks for others then I placed it all to my dimensional storage.

Leaving the amusement park, we straight to the shopping district.

While holding each other's hand,

I've been feeling that someone was watching us from far away ever since we left the amusement park.

I frowned looking around,


"Yeah, Sun-kun. I can feel them too. I don't like it when someone unknown watching us during our date unless it is Reginleif watching us in jealousy."

"You're terrible..."

"Anyway, let's go to a place without people." I said, pulling Earth with me.

"Sun-kun, don't tell me! We're doing it now? Please wait! I'll just change to my favorite 'lucky' underwear."

"No! We're not doing it!" I retorted.

"Hehehe... I'm just joking."

"If a perverted Goddess like you is saying it, it's becomes real."

We walked hurriedly and we arrived on a playground park.

"Let's rest for a while here."

Earth sat on a swing,

"Huh? Sun-kun?"

"Wait! Let me just send them some warning."

Electricity-like sparks started to flicker around my body,

"It's already high noon." I pointed at the sun in the sky.

"Sun-kun! Don't strip here!"

Before I noticed, I'm already in my underwear shorts.

Earth was picking up my clothes.

"Fine! If Sun-kun wants to do it here--"

Earth suddenly started to strip her clothes.

"I already told you that we're not doing it!" I yelled at her.

"Hehehe..." she gave me a mischievous smile, teasing me.

Concentrating the power of the sun in my body,

"Za Wan, Ultimate!"

I released a powerful magical pressure in my surroundings.

If someone mess with us, I'll send them to their demise.

Earth was just watching me with a smile.


"Sun-kun, stop it immediately! The swings are melting!"

"What?!" I immediately stopped.

"Waaahh... what are you going to do?" Earth panicked.

"Can you do something about with your power?" I asked.

"I can't right now... There's a lot of people now looking at us."


I noticed some children with their parents watching us.

"Mama! Why is he naked?" a little boy pointed at me, asking her Mom.

His mom closed his eyes,

"Don't look!"

"Geez~ Young these days..." An old woman with her dog frowned at me.


"Put your clothes quickly, Sun-kun!" Earth shoved to me my clothes.


"Over here! There is deviant couple stripping in the park!"

A young man pointed at us.

Suddenly, two cops appeared with him.

We sweated profusely,

"This is bad, Sun-kun." Earth started to panic.

"Nigerundayo!" I immediately ran away.

"Ah! Wait for me, Sun-kun!" Earth followed after me.


"Stop right there!"

The two cops chased after us.

"Stop! This is police!" One of the cops yelled.

"Entschuldigung, ich kann es nicht verstehen!" I responded to them in German language.

It mean, 'Sorry, I can't understand.'

Earth catching up beside me,

"Sun-kun, what are we going to do?" she asked.

"Just run as fast as we can, Earth. We don't have any identification in this world. If we got caught, it's our end."

"But we are already running faster than any car here."


When I glanced behind,

"I see, we already lost them."

We slowed down together then we stopped.

Wearing my clothes in the alleyway.

"I wonder where we, right now?" I asked.

Earth was staring at me, enjoying herself.

"I don't know. I was having fun running with you that I didn't notice where we going."


After wearing my clothes, we walked out of the alley way.


I noticed some students walking along the path.

Their uniform looks familiar to me.

The boys' uniforms consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes while the girls' uniform consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape and matching button-down corset, and a magenta skirt with white accents.


"Those are students from the academy here."

"Yeah, they're from Kuoh Academy." I replied.

Earth glanced at me with mischievous smile,

"Do you want to visit that place?"

"I'm curious. Let's go, Earth."

We decided to pick Kuoh Academy as our new dating destination.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)