Chapter 177: Highschool DxD Side Part 8

Chapter 177: Highschool Dxd Side Part 8

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

(A/N: Gaia is too horny and Harukin is like a child due to excitement right now so writing in 3rd person might be better.)

- Highschool DxD World -

--- With Sun and Earth going out of the student council office together with Sona and Tsubaki,

The four of them walked along the hallway, showing the couple around the Academy.

With Sun defeating Sona in a game of chess, the loser will have to accept the request of the victor.

And show them around the Academy is one of the part of the bet.

While walking together,

"That was out of your character, Sona. I was quite surprised when you reacted out nowhere like that to him. You're acting strange... Did something happened that I hadn't notice?" Tsubaki spoke to Sona, asking her.

"Nothing, it just that... I can't deal with someone like him." Sona touched her forehead in headache.



"He... He reminded of my big sister who's also quite childish." Sona answered.



"Also, when he ate the cake I baked myself... he was enjoying eating it like it's the most the delicious cake ever even though he honestly told me that it was bland and awful." she followed, slightly blushing as she looks away.

But she still able to maintain her strict expression,


She sighed,

"Him and my big sister has some kind of similarities which is very troublesome for me."

"You have it hard, Sona." Tsubaki said, fixing the position of her glasses.

Few minutes later, Sun and Earth stopped in front of a certain room.

"Is something wrong?"

The four of them glanced at door of the room.

It was a girl's changing room written on the top of the door.

They can hear several female voices inside.

It just means that it is currently being used.

Sun suddenly frowned,

"Sun-kun, are you curious what's behind this door? Do you want to peek on the girls changing inside?" Earth said, teasing him with perverted expression.

Sun-kun looked at her girlfriend with disgusted expression, becoming disappointed of her.

"Hey, Sun-kun! What's with that look?"


Sun just opened the door and went inside normally,

Sona and Tsubaki was very surprised from what he did,

"Hey! that's--"

He already entered inside.

Several girls in their underwear can be seen inside changing their clothes.


"Huh?" they were surprised when they saw him just entered the room like nothing.

"A middle schooler? What is that boy doing here?" one of them said, covering themselves.

"Anyway, he looks cute! Kyaah..."

"I want to hug him!"

"But, he's still a boy!"

"I don't mind because he's a cute little boy."

"Should we scream? It seems like he's not even looking at us."

The girls inside are in dilemma, deciding what should they do with the middle schooler boy.

"Wait! He's looking at something." one of them pointed.

Sun stopped on a certain locker, staring at it.

"They're inside this locker." he smirked.

He immediately opened the locker with force.



All the girls around in their underwear was completely shock.


They saw three young man hiding inside the locker.

One of them is a guy with black hair, wearing a glasses while the other is a man with semi bald haircut.

The last one has a short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes.


They are the perverted trio Matsuda, Motohama and the Oppai Dragon, Hyoudou Issei.

Sun smugly smiled at them,


"Wait! Wait! Wait! We're not!"

"I finally found you, Oppai Dra---Huh?"

Suddenly, someone grabbed Sun, hugging him from behind his back and got interrupted.

"Well... We thank you for showing us where these peeping Tom are hiding without us noticing... But I think you shouldn't be here." one of the girls wearing already her gym clothes dragged him outside the room

"Just leave them to us. If you do that again and entered this room, we, you're Onee-sans will punish a bad boy like you next time, okay? But I don't mind if just the two of us." she gently pushed him outside the room.

"I understand..." Sun just agreed to her

"Okay then, see ya next time, bou~ya." the girl winked at him with a smile then she closed the door.


"Now perverts! Prepare yourself for the beating!"

"Gyaaaaaah! Please spare us!"



"You are the worst."


*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*~~~

They heard several scream and sound of beating someone inside the room.

"Ouch! Dámn that kid! This is his fault--Gyaaah!"

"Shut up, perverts!"


Sun glanced at Earth,

"Do I really looked like a middle schooler?" he asked her.

"Yeah, slightly because of your height. But you look more like a sophomore or senior middle schooler."

"Why didn't they beat me also?"

"It's written on your uniform right now that you're a junior middle schooler."

Sun looked around his white blazer,

"Oh, I see..." he found the logo.

"You should be wearing a uniform which is for elementary pupils and a bag pack." Earth said teasing him.

"Then... should I change?"

"Seriously? I'm just joking you know?"

"Will it suit me?"

"Yeah, it suits you well that it's very deadly. If some older women found you, they immediately kidnap and take you to their home, Sun-kun."

"Sounds scary..."

Sona and Tsubaki are both looking at him with dark expression.

"Just because your still a child doesn't mean you're exempted from going inside the girl's changing room." Sona said, moving closer to him.

"Can you give me a pardon, Sona-nee? I just went inside to catch the peeping Toms."

She raised her hand towards him.

"No! You saw them naked didn't you?"

"Yes..." Sun answered, looking away.

Sona was about to smack him,

"Wait! Sona-nee, you shouldn't--"


She hit his head,

"Ouch!" she hurt her hand.

"Sona!" Tsubaki was worried.

"What just happened? Ouch, it hurts..."

"Are you okay?" Sun immediately grabbed Sona's hand and massaged it.

"What was that?!" Sona was confused.

"You shouldn't hit me during day time, Sona-nee."


"I'm invincible during day time as a Sun God."

"Invincible? Ouch!"

Sun used his skill "Drain Touch" to heal her hand.

Sona became conscious of her hand being touch by him so immediately pulled from him.


She noticed that it doesn't hurt anymore.

"What did you do?" she asked, being surprised.

"It's just a simple magic from me." Sun responded.

Sona looked at him strangely.


Sun moved his index finger in front of his lips,

"Since I'm a god and you're a devil, let's keep this little secret just between the two of us, Sona-nee." he said with a mischievous smile.




Sona froze when her heart skipped a beat.

But she was able to maintain her calm demeanor after she recovered from being surprised.

She tilted her head, moving to Sun's face.

"Is this how you've been charming the girls around you? No wonder they fell for it easily..."



Sun was silent but he was confused by what she said,

"Ah!" he suddenly remembered.

"I'm sorry, if you misunderstood my intentions. I actually don't know the current state of the three faction if it still in state of occasional conflicts or they already formed a peace treaty since we're not part of neither faction. A demigod like me being friendly with a devil like you might cause a big trouble for you because of the difference on our races." he explained.


Sona felt awkward,


"The three faction are actually on stalemate. Neither of the three sides wanted to continue battling." she answered.

With Sun combining the information he gathered around, he finally know what timeline in this world they arrived at.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Sorry, I'm already sleepy now. I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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